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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 300x245, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7188142 No.7188142 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/, can you recommend me some cheeses?

I'm preferential toward bolder flavors, and I'd especially like to start trying cheeses that are acquired tastes. Also, any serving suggestions and pairings would be appreciated.

God bless you, anons.

>> No.7188147

cheddar, the sharpest

>> No.7188150

Do you eat it on crackers or toast? What kind?

>> No.7188152
File: 74 KB, 300x228, detail_102_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Felicien

>> No.7188174


>> No.7188189
File: 65 KB, 600x400, NettleMeadowKunikPackaging900_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related with cherries

>> No.7188192


>> No.7188952

i would say some really funky brie or other, similar soft cheese is a pretty damn bold flavor.

>> No.7189601

Get an aged or XO gouda. It's got a bit of an edge to it but it's not funky enough to be considered an acquired taste. And no, the packed "gouda" at Walmart doesn't count. Alternatively, try getting cheese made from unpasteurized milk if it's legal where you live.

>> No.7189620

what's the best place to buy cheese online?

>> No.7189628
File: 16 KB, 450x450, american traditional cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related with fresh funyuns.

>> No.7189991

I'm normally not a fan of bluecheese, but Danablu has a taste not far from feta.

>> No.7190081


>> No.7190144
File: 36 KB, 595x380, cranberry white stilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190214

>In cheese

Completely unacceptable

>> No.7190246

smoked cheese, oak pref

>> No.7190262
File: 154 KB, 1600x1191, 1a Mimolette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jarlsberg and aged Mimolette are a couple of incredible kinds.
This too.
Also, an aged white cheddar is quite choice of a cheese, or Gruyère even. There's too many good ones to list.

>> No.7190282

>cheese made from unpasteurized milk if it's legal where you live.
What the fuck? Where is it illegal to do this? America? Australia?

>> No.7190300


All over the place. It's mainly a side-effect of laws governing what can or cannot be imported in to the country for worry of spreading disease, etc.

In the US, for example, it's legal to make cheese from unpasteurized milk. However, it is illegal to import a like cheese, unless it's sufficiently old. But a young unpasteurized cheese wouldn't make it past customs.

There was a similar problem with importing Mimolette about a year or two ago. Mimolette naturally has tiny mites in the rind. They're harmless, but that technically counts as an "insect infestation" in the product and thus imports were banned.

>> No.7190305

Here in Hamerica all the milk is pasteurised.
Fuck the FDA.

>> No.7190333

Damn, is it illegal to not only sell the cheese but the unpasteurized milk as well? What aboit permeat free?

>> No.7190358
File: 100 KB, 342x245, le ebin bugs faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God bless

>> No.7190378

Seconded on Stilton.
Also Roquefort and Gorgonzola for stinky, moldy, and crumbly. (All good traits for blue cheese)

>> No.7190383


It depends highly on the state/region. Some places raw milk is allowed. Other places it is not.

>> No.7190390

Blue cheeses barely smell anything.

>> No.7190431

Well, they don't have noses, do they? ;)

I didn't mean stinky as in a pervasive smell, I meant stinky in that many people find the smell unpalatable (like dirty socks). I was referring to OPs "acquired taste" comment.

>> No.7190659

you are the biggest pleb on this board

>> No.7190673

No, that's clearly you.

>> No.7190674



ive tried so many cheeses and i keep coming back to stilton.........unpasturised if you can get it.....but almost any uk supermarket will do a good version

>> No.7190999

Frenchfag here. Im not that found of cheese even if french (means I didnt develop a sharp taste for cheese even if I like it) but if you like sweet soft cheeses I recommand you fresh goat milk cheese with some bread. It's like my favorite one for you can have different tastes depending on the time you let it brew.

>> No.7192176

There are a lot of good recommendations here, but I highly encourage you to try any kind of goat cheese. I'm no connoisseur but it is fantastic with crackers, if slightly messy because of its somewhat crumbly consistency, and a great addition (in moderation) to sandwiches and pizza and whatever else you would use cheese for

>> No.7192242

Ferme ta grande gueule de pute espèce d'infâme tarlouze. Quel genre de pédale sans goût n'aime pas le fromage?

French master race reporting in. If you want to get used to real cheeses, you should try camembert, roquefort (apple and nuts), gruyère, brie, goat's cheese (Honey)... Anything from my glorious home country is going to be delicious.

Also to all Amerifags: kill yourself and take your fake cheeses to hell.

>> No.7192269


>> No.7192448

this is the french race I know and love