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File: 107 KB, 960x1280, wild turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173342 No.7173342 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/,

I want to try wiskey/bourbon/scotch. What are the differences between them? favorite one? I just want a good one to start off.

Also general alcohol thread

>> No.7173349

The flavor differences are subtle, and range from company to company. If you want to experience the actual difference between all three you need to find a distillery who makes all 3 to prevent taste variation.

>> No.7173546

I dont really know about the technical differences. As for the flavour differences, you could find a scotch and a bourbon that taste a lot more similar than two different types of scotch. It depends on the style and how they were aged.

Everyone has different preferences though. I dont personally like peated or smoky scotch, so I avoid Islay. However, a lot of people love Islay whisky. What I do like is sherried whisky, such as Glendronach 15.

I find that bourbon doesnt have the variety that scotch has (but perhaps Im uneducated). However, there are some really quality bourbons available for a very reasonable price. Personally I like Buffalo Trace. Its good enough to drink alone (although if I want to do that I normally go for scotch) and cheap enough that I dont feel bad putting it in a Manhattan.

>> No.7173563

So basically it can be pretty much the same (as a matter of taste)? going from that, what are you guys personnal favorites? As for the price, I don't mind going for 30 to 40$ (canadian) for a 750mL bottle (although that might seem too expensive or cheap depending on where you live)

>> No.7173565

Bourbon must be made in the US, using at least 51% corn. Other adjuncts include barley and/or rye. Bourbon must be aged in newly made American White Oak barrels, and aged 3 years.

Scotch as the name suggests, must be made in Scotland, using malted barley which has been smoked with peat. There are different regions within scotland which peat their malts differently, and as a result are quite distinct from one another. Blended Scotches are scotch whiskeys which are "blended" from different regions (ex. Lowlands, Highlands, Islay, etc.) to yield a more consistent product. Single Malts indicate that the malt originated in one specific Appellation (think like how wine laws in the Old World work.)

>> No.7173614

ok from where I live, here's what I can buy, would you take any of those?

>Bulleit Frontier Bourbon 36.25$
>Canadian Club Premium 35.75$
>Fighting Cock 6 years 34.75$
>Jameson 34.00$
>Jim Beam Devil's Cut 33.75$
>Jack Daniel's 32.25$ (although I don't really want to look like an edgy 14 year old teen)
>Wild Turkey 81 30.25$

Prices are there (canadian dollar) so you can tell me if some are overpriced

>> No.7173619

Have you ever tried any kind of whiskey before?

Id say choose something such as

>Buffalo Trace
>Makers Mark
>Four Roses
>Woodford Reserve

Id say any of those is a reasonable intro to bourbon for a first timer. The bottom two are probably more expensive than the first three. I dont know how much they cost though. In UK they are £25-£30.

>> No.7173660

I tried Jack Daniel's (regular, honey and Gentlemant Jack) because of friends. I liked the canadian maple wiskey "Sortilège". but I want to try bourbon as well. also do you have recommendations for scotch?

>> No.7173706

Glenlivet is a good all around everyday scotch.

>> No.7173711

>everday scotch

I think you might be an alcohol

>> No.7173713

If you want to get seriously fucked up buy a bottle of Southern Comfort whiskey. It's not a hard hit, it creeps up on you very slowly and then all of a sudden you're drunk for 15 hours straight. Something in that whiskey just makes it stay in you for all damn day.

>> No.7173721

Wild turkey 81 is trash, get the 101 or rare breed versions.

>> No.7173724

OP here

thanks for all the recommendations, unfortunatly most of your suggestions aren't available where I live. Here's what I can buy:


>> No.7173726

Having a few drinks a day doesn't make you an alcoholic.

Some people are able to control themselves and not drink an entire bottle of liquor every day.

>> No.7173727

yeah its a great choice for a female college freshman's first "whiskey"

>> No.7173730

>Something in that whiskey just makes it stay in you for all damn day
Sugar. That stuff is sweet as fuck.

Good stuff. Have you tried Glenmorangie?

If you're not afraid to try something new, Teacher's is a nice budget whiskey that has a "peaty" taste. You'll either love it or hate it. If you like it you can move onto more expensive brands. If you don't, at least you can say you've tried it.

>> No.7173732

Ayy m8 that's fireball

>> No.7173745

just for the sake of naming popular brands that I never tasted:

>Johnnie Walker (Red Label)
>Canadian Club
>Crown Royal
>Jim Beam

Are these any good?

>> No.7173752

Jim is meh

Jameson is good. It's Irish so it's a little dfferent

Crown Royal is solid and not too expensive.

Canadian Club is also meh. Had it at the beach one time.

Johnnie Walker is probably the best out of all of them although I've never even tried it. Heard good things though.

>> No.7173764

If you're a complete novice to whiskey, start with the basic ones first. The complexity of the more expensive ones will be lost on you if you don't have some experience with whiskeys in general.

For scotch, a good basic starter one is Johnny Walker black label (not red, but dont worry about the more expensive labels). It is a blend, which can be heresy to more experienced scotch snobs, but it has a few benefits. It will give you a good idea of the smokey taste of scotches, and it is available literally everywhere in the world. Try asking for your fancy 20 year old single batch scotch at any random bar and they're likely to look at you funny, but I guarantee they stock Johnny Walker.

My favorite "mainstream" Bourbon is wild turkey 101, but its not on your list. 81 tastes like trash though, so don't get that thinking its representative. Get something standard like Maker's Mark. Its fancier than well bourbon, but no so much that its crazy expensive. If you like it, go from there. Stay away from Jack Daniels and most of the cheaper Jim Beam line until you've got a better idea of what decent whiskey tastes like. Once you taste something decent, you'll have a better idea why those brands aren't great.

And yes, I'm suggesting normie-tier shit, but considering OP's minimal experience, I feel that these would be good starting points.

>> No.7173766

i drink wild turkey 101 and its gotta be my favorite

>> No.7173772

I suggest Maker's Mark or Bulleit OP. They are both delicious and are fairly different, so after you decide whether you like one or the other, you can see the contrast between the two.

My personal favourite is Woodford Reserve. I recommend you buy it, even if the bottle is smaller. It's a very easy drink, super smooth and tasty with a slice of pecan pie.

>> No.7173773

thanks, I think I know what to go for now

>> No.7173793

Unrelated note, how do you guys enjoy your whisky/bourbon/scotch? straight sipping on it or do you have some mixes that don't ruin it?

>> No.7173820

I do all with bourbon and whiskey, dry, on the rocks or with coke, seltzer, or water ...depends on my mood. Scotch is always dry or on the rocks.

>> No.7173824

Actually, Neat is probably a better word than dry.

>> No.7173828

Rye whiskey with ginger ale is delicious. I don't usually mix cocktails, for most things it's just a little ice to taste.

>> No.7173832

Most american bourbon/whiskeys are super versatile. They can be taken as straight shots, sipped neat, or mixed with just about anything. Obviously don't go using mixers on super expensive stuff meant to be sipped, but my point is you can do just about anything with a decent bourbon.

Scotch, on the other hand, has a flavor profile that (in my opinion) doesn't lend itself well to being mixed with anything. Most scotches are designed to be sipped neat (by itself). If you want to do something to it, add a small amount of water or a single ice cube to it, but I wouldn't recommend anything beyond that. Its definitely not a drink you would be doing shooters/shots of. If you HAD to mix it with something, maybe a lighter flavor soda like ginger ale would work, but for the most part if your scotch is decent, it shouldn't need anything else.

>> No.7173843
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I prefer Scotch. J&B is a good entry level option.

>> No.7173859
File: 77 KB, 800x1204, Glenlivet 12 year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 12 year Glens are a nice step up from J&B.

Jameson is good too. Can be had neat, with water or in a mixed drink.

>> No.7173861

Statistically, one standard drink a day incrementally extends your lifespan. More than one in a single day reduces it.

>> No.7173868

I've never tasted anything worse than J&B. But more power to you if you like it.

>> No.7173877

Bulleit is pretty decent bourbon, just recently enjoyed a bottle while trapped in my tent in the middle of a ridiculous storm lol. 10/10 experience would recommend.

Seriously though, it's a quality bourbon.

>> No.7173879

if you try to maintain a buzz all day long, you are at the very least trying to distract yourself from something.

>> No.7173880

I find it infinitely more palatable than say, Jack Daniels, which tastes like you're drinking a charcoal briquette.

>> No.7173886

Chivas Regal is also a good blended scotch/whiskey.

>> No.7173889

There is something wrong with the way you perceive the things other people say and perhaps in the way you perceive the world in general.

>> No.7173893

This guy knows. Any one of those whiskeys are fairly cheap and delicious. Personally I'd say fuck scotch because that shit tastes like moss

>> No.7173913
File: 1.13 MB, 500x579, skeptical.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound really defensive about being called out for drinking too much. guy wasn't even being a dick. might wanna look into that desu senpai.

>> No.7173922

I would add knob creek to that list. Probably my favorite grocery store middle shelf bourbon. makers mark is pretty good too though.

>> No.7173925

So far it seems that the common agreement is settled on the following:

>wild turkey 101 (N/A)
>not Jack Daniel's

Anyone else with other suggestions?

Anyone else agrees about Chivas?

>> No.7173957


People hate on Jack, but if you were ever going to try a Jack Daniel's, get a bottle of their Tennessee Honey. It's very smooth and has a slightly smokey flavor. The after taste of honey is very light; doesn't make the whiskey overly sweet at all, it's more of an accent taste. Frankly, this is probably the only Jack Daniel's I would recommend anyone drink.

>> No.7173962

Chivas is a light bodied blend that has been around for a while. It's not the best of the best but it's a nice blend that's affordable and satisfying. I like it quite a bit.

>> No.7174022

If you can get Wild Turkey 101, that's a hell of a bourbon. Absolutely delicious. Wild Turkey 81 isn't so great.

>> No.7174035

I just get riled by shitty reading comprehension. When communicating in text format, people should at least take the time to understand what they're reading.

>> No.7174047

what he said made perfect sense in response to you, what are you talking about alchy

>> No.7174048

I honestly didn't like it, but it was because of the honey taste. Might be very good for someone who can properly appreciate the details of it though

>> No.7174093

I think I'll go with Jameson, looks fine and it's the cheapest of all.

Thank you all for answering


>> No.7174099
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Sort of related, I think honey Jack's is good but I wanted to try something else that's similar. Picked this up earlier today and was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it is

>> No.7174159

Try Bushmills over Jameson. It's 1000 times better and only a few dollars more.

>> No.7174172

I'll probably try it in the near futur, I just want something decent for a first experience under 40$

>> No.7174183

There is a big difference between having a couple of drinks a day and looking for any sort of buzz, let alone trying to maintain one through the day. You can stop drinking alcohol before getting intoxicated.

>> No.7174527

For my Irish Whiskey I prefer The Knot over Jameson

>> No.7174546

>Southern Comfort
>Tennessee Honey
American Honey

Perhaps you gentlemen missed that this was a whiskey thread.

>> No.7174558

Hows Glenfiddich in your opinion? Pretty fiery sthff from my experience. Even spiced rum had nothing on a Glendie.

Yeah yakuza 4 introduced me to scotch

>> No.7175419

Drink Islay errrday. Laphroaig 18, Ardbeg 10, Lagavulin 16.

As for murica. I like Eagle Rare and Dickel 12

>> No.7177092

Four Roses my friend.
It's a little more expensive but excellent quality.
Woodford Reserve is also around the same price and it's good but it's not Four Roses.

I tried Jim Beam white and while drinkable, it was still the worst bourbon I've ever tried. just kinda...meh
I don't like Jim Beam I wouldn't trust them

Jameson is really good though

>> No.7177108

drinking this lately. its smooth, not bad. still a little weird on my palate

im a pleb really to this stuff, but jaquins ginger brandy is a simple and smooth taste to this stuff. its an easy start that i recc.

>> No.7177275

So I'm not really a whiskey drinker (rum fag) but last week was my buddy's birthday and we went fishing on his boat. I bought him a thing of Jim Beam because it came with the cups (holidays). We downed that bottle in about 4 hours and were feeling pretty good. The Jim went down pretty smooth and had a good buzz going with no effects after.

>> No.7177289

>implying we can get 101 in Canuckistan

You do not understand suffering

>> No.7177290


I share your pain, bro

>> No.7178105

You live in Canada, your whiskey/whisky prices in general are 150%-200% higher than us Amerifats. I'm cringing at recommending this when it's $16 a bottle near me, but it's a great starter bourbon.


>> No.7178131

as far as i know scotch is dryer than whiskey but kinnd of the same taste, whiskey is sweet but not as sweet as bourbon, whiskey is like the inbetween of scotch and bourbon

lets use buchannan, JD and red label for reference

>i know JD is considered whsikey but its tenesse whsikey so its like bourbonn IMO

personally i like Red Labelor JD in the rocks and sometimes Buchannans in ginger ale

>> No.7179247

>find a distillery who makes all 3 to prevent taste variation
You know that's impossible right?

>> No.7179255
File: 574 KB, 1024x904, Crown-Royal-Northern-Harvest-Rye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try this? I have a bottle back that I am planning on saving.

Do award winning whiskies increase in value?

Or are they like liqueurs that are always the same regardless of year bottled.

>> No.7179262


They all have different shaped bottles and labels, they also taste a little different, but I thought I'd start with the factors which most decide people's impression of them when they drink it :p

>> No.7179403

I've had them all as for a new drinker - try Woodford - otherwise you will be turned off.

>> No.7179417

i know the crown apple is tasty, i will probably try this soon. if this threads still here in like a week or something, ill let you know

>> No.7179422
File: 373 KB, 900x1200, aucob.non13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this at Tesco for £20, not a bad wee dram.

>> No.7179899

those prices are outrageous everything is about 10 dollars less over here.

>> No.7180007

Good luck finding it. Hot shot whiskey taster, Jim Murray, declared it the best whiskey in the world this year everywhere is sold out. It's selling on eBay for about £200 a bottle.

>> No.7180420
File: 135 KB, 929x1000, Nov12-GlenMorayChardn-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whisk(e)y is the generic term which comprises both bourbon and scotch, plus several other styles, so I'll just stick to those two for now.

made of at least 51% corn, so the mash bill is generally extremely sweet. The other 49% can be anything; rye for spice, or wheat for more sweetness and a smoother dram (less burn), are the two most popular. Barley tends to be a filler. Wild Turkey's products tend to stink of honey and almonds on the nose, but they have a savory kick from a hefty addition of rye.

Made in Scotland from 100% malted barley. Generally falls into two categories: peated (smoke, seaweed, grass, salt, iodine...), and non-peated (basically everything else, but very commonly fruity and buttery).

Pic related is my favorite non-peated scotch so far but I've also not tried many.

>> No.7180429

Some I need a splash of water to get past the burn. Some (Ardbeg 10 for example) I can just sip neat.

>> No.7180475

tried fighting cock yesterday because it was about 15 bucks and i had read some blurb about it online. bit too sweet for my tastes but i think it would make a great entry into bourbon. as has been mentioned WT101 is another great and ubiquitous option.

>> No.7180498

don't buy wild turkey. wew that's high. in ky its like 18 bucks at walgreens because its colored rubbing alcohol. bulleit is ok, i like makers more and woodford is god tier

>> No.7180574

Whisky thread?

My go to used to be Jameson as it was pretty easy to drink - smooth and light.
I'm not a fan of heavily peated whiskies so I tend to avoid them.
The English Whisky Company do a nice basic whisky but I've yet to try any of their more specialised "chapters". I was looking at getting a bottle for the Christmas period but settled on a bottle of Suntory Hakushu Distillers Reserve as I've been wanting to try a Japanese whisky for a long time now.

>> No.7182430
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Which Scotch whiskys strike a good balance between peat and fruit? I often find that I don't like having to choose between the two.

>> No.7182549

Highland Park 12, Bunnahabhain 12, Ardbeg Uigeadail...

>> No.7182654

This is shit advice. Where I live, Johnny Black and Maker's Mark both cost 60$+ per bottle. They are both decent beginner whiskys, but at half the price you can get something on par flavour wise.

Before doshing out 60$ on Johnny Black, try Johnny Red. It's less smooth and doesn't have the same hint of vanilla, but it's basically the same for half the price. Scotch tastes really woody (and by that I mean like licking a block of oak), so try it before buying.

For bourbon, I like Bulleit. Half the price as Maker's Mark and just as good. Knob Creek is more expensive, but also good. Jim Beam is hands down the worst I've ever tried.

If you like Irish whisky (not like Scotch at all--much sweeter), there are quite a few decent cheap options. Bushmills and Jameson are decently priced starters.

As for Canadian whisky, there are a few options. Crown Royal is beginner tier because it's smooth and sweet like bourbon. Canadian Club is super cheap but bland. Alberta Premium is Trailer Park tier.

>> No.7182660

Did something happen to the price of liquor, or do you just live somewhere weird? Not that guy, I've been out of the liquor game for a while.

>> No.7182712

i just found it for like $20 something. it looks like its in stock too. am i missing something, or is it really not that hard to come by online?

>> No.7182746

Its threads like these that remind me that 4chan is full of children and retards.

>> No.7182773

Not him but that's definitely not the going- rate. Must live someplace weird

>> No.7183466

>drink 1 shot of glenfidditch and 1 shot of chivas regal whiskeys
>not straight, but do it in your typical pour in a glass and sip way
>probably drank both shots worth over a half hour period and buzzed

god i hate being a lightweight. i know you guys will say "but it means it is cheap for you to get drunk" but i hate the idea that i can ony drink one drink or less before feeling effects and not being able to have more

>> No.7183585

this nigga eating pie with his escape pepsi

>> No.7183598

>Ardbeg Uigeadail...
lies, not fruity at all, very smoky & peaty, would recommend, but calling this fruity is either trolling or coming from someone who's never had it

>> No.7183694

You've never tasted the sherry? It's a smoke grenade when you first taste it but I'm surprised you don't get raisins, prunes, plums, candied bacon, etc by at least halfway through the bottle. If you don't either the quality has dropped a bunch recently or I'm going insane.

>> No.7185802

>but it means it is cheap for you to get drunk
what the fuck? thats the most stupid shit i´ve ever heard in my whole drinking lifa and man thats like 8 years and i´ve been drinking with teenagers and old men, literally the stupidiest shit ever

my fucking jimmies man, rusty as fuck

>> No.7185899
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>> No.7185974
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I usually drink Maker's Mark, but only recently tried it straight. A lot better than my previous standard, Jack Daniels.

I went to a bourbon bar a week ago and tried Woodford Reserve and Eagle Rare, and damn they were so good just on the rocks.

What would you guys suggest from there that's either on the same level, or better than those two?

>> No.7186015
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>non-peated scotch

I guess I always assumed they were always peated....

>> No.7186286

wild turkey is pretty shit imo, harsh as fuck. 101 is slightly better.
jack daniels is great my favorite for mixers, jameson for straight
jim beam is bretty gud, similar to jack imo
haven't tried any of the others listed

>> No.7186400
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>> No.7186401

Four Roses Single Barrel.

>> No.7186405
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Would you consider it the same level, or better?

>> No.7186411

Where is shit and god tier?

>> No.7186414

It'd be a step up from Eagle Rare and the like.

Something with similar value to Eagle Rare would be something like Four Roses Small Batch or Elijah Craig 12.

>> No.7186416
File: 279 KB, 500x500, Dickel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like Jack Daniels, only good.

>> No.7186417

What's the grain bill like? i am starting to realize I don't care for rye, although I'd rather have a low proof rye than a hi proof wheated.

>> No.7186420

It's a little better, but it's like nearly half the price where I live. I'd never buy JD again.

Then again, you can get JD quality by buying Evan Williams. Pretty sure its a charcoal filtered bourbon.

>> No.7186428

Four Roses is high rye, if you want quality wheaters a cut above Maker's Mark, they're in short supply due to Pappymania. Keep an eye out for W.L. Weller 12, Weller Special Reserve if you can.

Though what you're saying is a bit odd, since Woodford Reserve is also high rye just like Four Roses, Blanton's, and Russell's Reserve.

Low rye options include Evan Williams Single Barrel and Elijah Craig 12.

>> No.7186457
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Perhaps I just don't mind rye when it is well made, then. I did a rye tasting a few nights ago, and the lower proof stuff was fine, but the higher proof stuff I just didn't care for.

I'd place Woodford Reserve over any of these.

>> No.7186468

You might not like Jim Beam rye then. Wouldn't be the first time on /ck/ someone thinks they dislike an ingredient when they just dislike a certain brand's execution instead.

>> No.7186474

It's hard to know for me, I've only tried maybe a dozen bourbons over time, at least in settings where I could taste the bourbon and it wasn't drowned in coca cola or sour mix.

>> No.7186485

Anybody ever try Japanese whiskey? How's it taste like compared to other whiskeys?

>> No.7186488

Are single barrels really good? Or are they a luck of the draw kind of thing?

>> No.7186492

That depends on the distillery. I personally feel it's a fucking meme. I'd rather have a blend, versus something that could come from a blergh barrel.