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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7172171 No.7172171 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/! I've never been here before but I've been redirected here by some anons from /an/ for one question. I'm a n00b pescetarian (I don't eat land animals) and I was wondering if you had any meal/snack ideas because it's getting hard to make meals without meat :/

>> No.7172183

So you eat birds?

>> No.7172189

I laughed way harder than I should have

>> No.7172228

Does your life even have any porpoise?

>> No.7172264

So why restrict only land animals and not fish?
It just sounds pretty artificial way to separate what's okay to eat when you consider eating fish has it's own share of health issues not to mention any ethical reasoning will sound hypocritical at best.
Vegan or bust.

>> No.7172266

Fish are ugly

>> No.7172267

Protip: fish meat is still meat.

>> No.7172269
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have you tried not being a faggot?

>> No.7172280

Since OP didn't manage to reason himself I'm gonna do it for him because my GF is a pescetarian.
Basically they don't eat meat because all meat which is available has been bred in captivity meaning fish are free to swim in the ocean and they have a "good life" so they can be eaten.
As far as your question is concerned OP, go with pasta and veggies. Depending on the price of the fish on your market you can add fish meals once or more a week. I don't really see any variety in pescetarianism. I tried it while I was meeting my GF for weekends but I just can't eat the same items over and over again.

>> No.7172294

So that would mean any hunted game should be a-ok in pescetarian's books. Which in my opinion would already be a lot more reasonable position to take.

>> No.7172307


>> No.7172308

It would yes but for some flawed logic it is still not because by being a vegetarian you imply you don't eat any meat. You can't win with them.

>> No.7172330 [DELETED] 

Fish, birds and land animals are all farmed in batteries, free range and hunted. Your girlfriend is a retard and you're pathetic for putting up with such retarded lifestyle choices. Go ahead and imply I've never had sex or a girlfriend if it makes you feel better.

>> No.7172332

How do you pronounce pescetarian?

>> No.7172334

You can't sell hunted meat I thought

>> No.7172338


>> No.7172339

Piss cat arian

>> No.7172352

Ask the Portuguese. Apparently they have 365 recipes just for cod.
Try sole as well, it's simple so there are a lot of recipes for it (but apparently redlisted by Greenpeace, so if this is about the environment scratch that).
Mussels with fries if you're not just going for fish but seafood as well. Oysters and shrimp too.
If you're lazy you could just go for fishsticks, I suppose. Try and branch out, experiment. Steaming, grilling, baking, smoking, shrimpfilled tomatoes, salmon lasagna,...Or just a fillet with some pasta. You can eat vegetables and fruit, so there's plenty to choose from.

>> No.7172354

>it's getting hard to make meals without meat
You're just not thinking about it from the right angle. It shouldn't be hard. It should be easy and cheap. You need protein, so that pretty much means beans if you're relying on vegetable sources. Beans and greens go well together, as do some other assorted veggies and grains. Mix it up with a little tofu once in a while and some noodles if another meal that day already covered your protein.

For inspiration look at Greek Lenten dishes, Italian cucina povera, Indian vegetarian (including Sikh Langar) and Asian Buddhist cooking. Plenty of ideas out there to choose from.

>> No.7172357

I like those Crab Delights, I roll 'em up in burritos with cheese and french's fried onions.

>> No.7172362

Why would you care what a "pescetarian" thinks or does. They matter about as much as faggots and islamics that wear diapers on their heads.

>> No.7172373 [DELETED] 

I hope you don't have any pets. They are kept in captivity despite the good lives they may live, much like free-range animals.

>> No.7172391

Most fish are not. At least in Europe.
It is her lifestyle, I said I tried it during weekends and I didn't like it. That's why I suggested to OP that he should reconsider his choice. I don't care about her lifestyle choices as long as they don't interfere with mine.
Why so defensive ? I'm not gonna imply anything, just try to reason with you.
Depends on the country and laws. Usually you can't sell it unless it has passed all kinds of tests and you have a valid hunting license.

>> No.7172402
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here OP this channel will help. Go asian for good veggie and seafood dishes.

>> No.7172433 [DELETED] 

She triggered me because she lacks depth of thought such that she makes radical lifestyle choices on arbitrary whims. People should have the freedom to do what they want so long as they give it some thought. People as stupid as her shouldn't be tolerated by other people.

Plenty of people have said it: vegan or nothing. I severely hope she doesn't use dairy or leather either, and closely checks all medical, cosmetic and hygiene products for animal testing.

>> No.7172438

That cat is cute! Cute!

>> No.7172536
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