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File: 104 KB, 800x534, coors-banquet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7158615 No.7158615 [Reply] [Original]

>try high quality craft beers of all types
>Coors original is still my favorite beer

Does this mean I have no taste?

>> No.7158618
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No, it just means you like coors. What food/drink you like is completely subjective, and arguing if certain ones are good/bad is like shit talking different music or favorite colors. At least you will save money.

I love some microbrews, but king cobras have a special place in my heart. Cobra piss is a lot cheaper than 12$/4 pack of arrogant bastards too.

>> No.7158621

>liking over hopped sour and bitter beer flavored with bananas means you have a sophisticated palate

Why do hipsters have to ruin everything?

>> No.7158623

I'm quite literally drinking Coors right now but I still enjoy craft beers. There's nothing wrong with liking macro lagers. My advice is to keep trying different beers but don't ever become above lowbrow shit you like.

>> No.7158637

No it just means you have a liberated palate and an open mind. And you possess a healthy dose of not giving a fuck. Drink what you like man, its what real men do. And real women. And real fake men and women. And orangutans. And breakfast cereals. And fruit bats.

>> No.7158665

Coors tastes like fermented corn syrup to me. It's drinkable, but not my first choice among adjunct lagers. That would be Miller High Life.

>> No.7158668

>Miller High Life

That's because it's the only cheap beer willing to put enough hops in it that you can taste them. It's a good beer for the price. I think i's on par with Euro macro lagers you find in the US.

>> No.7158854

what food you like is subjective
what food is good is not

>> No.7158879

I like Coors Light. It's not some triple hopped, pomegranate chocolate IPA micro macro brewed in a custom wooden steel vat under the strict eye of a master brewer during a full moon cycle period.

>> No.7158882

Is there someone nearby you can call over to smack some sense into you?

>> No.7158884

Only thing that irks me about arrogant bastard is that god damn soapy after taste. Every other bit of that brew is fucking great except that god damn .5 seconds of soap.

>> No.7158903

He's right though. It's like saying Viper is just as good as Chopin just because I enjoy both artists

>> No.7158909

I don't get that with arrogant but for ranger IPAs that is EXACTLY what they taste like to me can't touch the stuff.

>> No.7158916

No hipster: PBR is pretty good

>> No.7158920


good: to be desired or approved of

like: wish for; want

>> No.7158931

Any ipa from new belgium has an aftertaste of lake water to me

>> No.7158948

>try high quality craft beers of all types
>still rather get drunk while drinking 20 normie beers.

>> No.7158955

>20 beers in one sitting

That's just being an alcoholic.

>> No.7158960

I love the fuck out of PBR and lonestar but they give me a wicked hangover

>> No.7158978


Not if you do it once a week.

>> No.7158979

Those in the rooms of alcoholics anonymous would disagree

>> No.7158987


The difference is I can go 6 days without even thinking of drinking, not 6 minutes.

>> No.7158989

I'm not trying to put you down bro, hell I'm at the bar right now and it's 8 in the morning, but if you drink to get fucked up then you might be an alcoholic

>> No.7158992


I go out to get fucked up, drinking is an accessory.

>> No.7158994

6 days is not an accomplishment and 20 beers in one sitting is still excessive no matter which way you slice it.

>> No.7158997

Again, I'm not trying to make you feel bad because I do the same shit but 2 years in AA will change the way a man thinks about who he really is

>> No.7158999


It really isn't, not saying it's average but excessive is an exaggeration.

>> No.7159003

It's more of an accomplishment but I know I'd feel real shitty for the next day or two

>> No.7159005

Go back to your containment thread already. No one cares about your narrative. Yeah we get it, you've gone to AA meetings, you're not part of some super secret club slapping us with knowledge. Some people like to drink, not everyone let's it ruin their life and these same people aren't obsessed with drinking.

>> No.7159008
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Are you a 90lb asian girl or something? 20 in one sitting isn't shit, especially macrobrews. Drinking on weekends, probably socially, isn't healthy? Are you people saudis or something?

> if you drink to get fucked up then you might be an alcoholic

is there another reason to consume literal poison? wtf? excuse me for drinking to get drunk?

>> No.7159011
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My nigga

>> No.7159014

>not everyone let's it ruin their life

It can and it will if you let it bro-beans

>> No.7159018

>is there another reason to consume literal poison? wtf? excuse me for drinking to get drunk?

I never said I wasn't an alcoholic, I actually embrace the term because I understand what it means and it keeps me grounded somewhat

>> No.7159021

He thinks he's fucking special and he probably is mentally ill. It seems like he wants to be an alchoholic to connect with people and have drama in his life. Like how some people enjoy being sick so that people come see them and they can play the victim type of thing.

Fuck off already. Hurrrrrrrr "it can and will"...
>if you let it

So again, not everyone let's it ruin their life. What are you even responding to? Candy can and will ruin your life too if you let it HURRRRRRR you can say that about literally anything.

>> No.7159024


>not everyone lets it
>it will if you let it


>> No.7159039

It sounds like you need a meeting because you're salty as fuck bro

Get a big book and grab a sponsor :^)

>> No.7159043
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>> No.7159048

>a bait image that in of itself is bait


>> No.7159052

>being right means my comment is b8

AA will welcome you with open arms if you're truly ready for that change

>> No.7159065

Are you done now? No one gives a shit about you. We're not your friends, if you dissappeared and never posted again that'd be fine. You're not clever and you're clearly starving for some human connection. All you're doing is derailing a good thread with your "alchoholism" obsession.

Talk about what you like to drink or fuck off. As far as the OP, craft beers are good but there is a lot of hype in the market and it's flooded. IPAs are trending right now and it seems it'll only get worse with people feeling special saying they are into "IPAs".

I prefer a lighter beer, ciders most of the time are my go too but when not I prefer a pilsner or just get Coors Light. I drink Coors Light the most.

>> No.7159068

Trolling is a bannable offense.

>> No.7159101

but what if I like ipas

Seriously though, does America have a decent selection of fruity/malty/nutty brown ales or are you exclusively about muh new world hops?

>> No.7159103

t. Alcoholic in denial

>> No.7159128


>> No.7159131

America has the largest variety of beers in the world. Obviously because of capitalism some stores are going to be more limited or shitty in their selection than others

But if you go looking around you can find just about anything your tongue desires

>> No.7159139

A crucial aspect of taste is typicity. Does something reflect an established style? Coors Banquet most definitely has typicity, as does Budweiser - both reflect the dominant beer style in the United States.

The problem with typicity in the US is that discriminating standards have never been part of our national aesthetic. We have a kind of frontier mentality as a nation that tends to consider those who cultivate discriminating taste as effete, pretentious or more recently "hipster". So what's typical here might be seen as lowbrow in other countries where the standards are different. Because taste is cultural as well. You couldn't expect a Belgian, German or Central European to appreciate Coors beer the way you do because their standards for typicity when it comes to beer are different.

And someone who is really into microbrews might balk at your appreciation of Coors the same way a film student who spent the last year immersed in Fassbinder might balk at the latest Hollywood blockbuster. And that's legit, too.

tl;dr Enjoying Coors does not mean you have no taste, it just means you appreciate typicity, which is most definitely a component of taste.

>> No.7159167

That doesn't really answer the question. Do American breweries do a lot of malt-forward ale styles or is it just IPAs and the occasional meme chocolate/coffee porter/stout?

>> No.7159191

I'm from Dayton, Ohio. We've recently had an influx of craft breweries and bars opening on every fucking block. I'm sick to death of over hopped IPAs and hipsters who talk about them incessantly. I'm back to just drinking liquor or high life at this point.

>> No.7159199

yep, it does. at least you tried.

>> No.7159200

Yes, there are many malty ales made in the US.

>> No.7159207

I think you need to work on your reading comprehension if that doesn't answer your question.

>> No.7159246

American breweries so an incredible diversity of styles most make 5-10 different styles of beer at a time, and there are some 4000 craft breweries. There is pretty much nothing that exists and is difficult to find

>> No.7159258

>Obviously because of capitalism some stores are going to be more limited or shitty in their selection than others
Without capitalism we would probably just have one shitty style of lager made by the government that everyone was allotted a case a week

>> No.7159266

I'm talking about American-made beers, not about whether you can buy highbrow stuff imported from Europe like Carling Black Label.

>> No.7159273

There is almost never a situation where an imported beer is the best option of s style in America, some may argue trappist beers are the one exception, but even that is questionable
It is very easy to find malt forward american made beers, IPAs are surely more popular right now but still make up well less than 1/3 of craft beer sales

>> No.7159313

this is the weirdest kind of trolling I've ever seen.

there are over 4000 breweries in the US. we have any beer you can fucking think of plus beers you could never even imagine.

2/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.7159316

>There is almost never a situation where an imported beer is the best option of s style in America

>> No.7159331

Guinness is a really bad example of a stout. Its literally the Bud Light of stout, it has almost the same alcohol content and body as a light lager

>> No.7159361

This has to be a troll

>> No.7159407

>Guinness is a really bad example of a stout. Its literally the Bud Light of stout
Depends on what you want a stout to be. Heavy style stouts are great when you're drinking just one. Guinness is perfect when you want to enjoy the flavor of a stout, but will be hanging around the pub for a while and having a few pints of the stuff. If you think of it as the stout version of a session beer it's fantastic in that capacity. American stouts tend toward the more is better thing, like with hops in IPAs, leaving them too heavy to really drink much of on a night out.

>> No.7159415

Of the macro stuff, Hurricane has a special space in my heart. My friend used to tell me how much he liked them. I'll drink one once in a while in his memory.

>> No.7159428


>> No.7159433

What did they ruin for you anon. You can still get macro pisswater as easily as the 80s.

>> No.7159449

In all honesty Id much rather drink OE then craft beer, I tried a bunch and all tasted gross

>> No.7159476

There is nothing wrong with Guinness unless your worldview is defined by "more obscure = better than", in which case you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.7159478

I looooove and I tried a of brews and what Ive learned is that price and popularity dont really mean shit to a persons preference. I like the Ommegangs Glinterglass and Three Philosophers. I love Troegs, their Nugget Nectar is on point. But my go to beer 50% of the time will always be Miller LITE its great anytime beer to me.

>> No.7159480

Beamish is better though.

>> No.7159490

>Guinness is perfect when you want to enjoy the flavor of a stout,
No, Guinness is perfect if you don't really like the flavor of stout and want your stout to be as watered down as possible

Its designed to be cheap to produce, like all other macro beer, at the expense of flavor. Now for a cheap beer it is pretty good (though not really that cheap), I would have one over a Bud Light or Heineken any day, but its still a watery cheap beer

>> No.7159493

This. For a mass produced product it's remarkably good. Sometimes mass produced products are your only options. When that's the case Guinness is a safe bet. Might not impress, but it won't let you down.

>> No.7159503
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>Sometimes mass produced products are your only options. When that's the case Guinness is a safe bet
This is true (though these days such situations are quite rare if you are in America), but the original claim about Guinness that began this topic was this: >>7159316
Which is a really ridiculous claim when you can get stuff like this at most grocery stores

>> No.7159555

Both of those claims are mine, and the availability of American craft beers varies widely depending just where in America you happen to find yourself. There are still plenty of bars in most major cities that only have macors on tap. If I find myself in one of them and Guinness is an option that's what I'll be drinking. Even in a place that has "better" American options it's still a good choice if I plan on having a few instead of just one or two, so I'll stand by my statements.

The problem with many American craft beers is the same problem with most American pub food - the stuff is too often too damned heavy. I understand that as a reaction to piss weak macro shit like Coors Light, but I'd prefer neither extreme if I can help it.

>> No.7159657
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Where exactly are you at?
Because I' live 30 minutes outside of the 4th largest city in Indiana and even we have, off the top of my head, 2 large independent breweries and 4 small microbreweries here. In every local bar I've been in, many of these local-brewed beers are available. Even without them, there are bars that 'rotate' beers created in breweries from other parts of the United States or Europe through to offer a wide selection. At Tinman this selection changes every 1.5 months or so.

So when you say that there are some places that lack these options, it makes me think that you're either in Montana/some rural zone, or that you're just making shit up to get a rise out of people.

>> No.7159678

I've been to at least a dozen microbreweries and have tried hundreds of different beers over the years and bud light is still my favorite beer.

>> No.7159758

>There are still plenty of bars in most major cities that only have macors on tap
I live in flyover and can't recall the last time I was in a bar or restaurant that didn't have craft beer (besides some Mexican/Asian restaurants)
>I understand that as a reaction to piss weak macro shit like Coors Light
Guinness is equally weak. and there are plenty of great american stouts readily available that are not imperial stouts

>> No.7159767

I don't believe you

>> No.7159774
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are you me?

OP I like craft beer but if I find PBR on tap ill drink it over everything else call the cops i dont give a fuck

>> No.7159780

>The problem with many American craft beers is the same problem with most American pub food - the stuff is too often too damned heavy
It seems like people on here who are not into beer confuse what we talk about in beer thread with what the average craft beer is.
We do not discuss the average craft beers because it is so easy to find good examples that it doesn't make for interesting discussions. People like to talk about the less common more interesting things they come upon, but these DIPAs, sour beers, Imperial Stout, and stuff with all sorts of weird ingredients that are very uncommon but brought up by every anti-good beer redneck/euro combined make up a pretty small portion of the craft beer market

>> No.7159795

in other words it's boring

>> No.7159832

>there are over 4000 breweries in the US. we have any beer you can fucking think of

Do you have beers that are analogues to bog-standard English ales like Fullers Chiswick or Brakspear Bitter? Defining characteristics are low alcohol (<4%), decent balance of hop and malt flavours, and not particularly fizzy. Basically a well-balanced beer you can sup from 10am to 10pm without getting fucked up.

>> No.7159848

Pretty much

>> No.7159877

Yeah, while BPAs and ESBs are not a particularly popular styles in america currently, they are not rare

But the main reason so many beers have so little alcohol in England is the fucked up tax code and how cheap they are to make, not because the styles work better with less body

I don't get the whole drinking all day thing because if your beer has too much alcohol to do that just drink a little more slowly, I don't think any specific style lends itself more to day drinking

>> No.7159920

>20 in one sitting isn't shit

Are you being serious? That's an insane amount of booze.

>> No.7159944

I just want to point out that you fucking postmodern relativists are totally worthless excuses for human beings. 2000 years of culture, then fucks like you lumber about trying to suck the value out of it claiming there's no such thing as excellence.

>> No.7159962

>the main reason so many beers have so little alcohol in England is the fucked up tax code and how cheap they are to make, not because the styles work better with less body

Disagree. Fullers Chiswick and London Pride are literally the same beer as far as grains/yeast goes but present very differently.

ESB isn't quite what I'm looking for but you seem pretty knowledgeable so I'm guessing you know that already.

>> No.7159973

not really

>> No.7159977
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>> No.7160013

>Fullers Chiswick and London Pride are literally the same beer as far as grains/yeast goes but present very differently.
I tried London Pride when I was there last summer it was ok, didn't try the other one, but if the grain bill and yeast strain is the same the difference is surely from the hops

My tax comment was based on some guys I talked to working at a beer store there, they were saying brewers are taxed based on how much alcohol is in their beer and this has encouraged a lot of english brewers to keep their ABVs down over the years (long before the big brewers in america started rolling out light lagers in the 80s)

>> No.7160016

20 beers in a night is a fucking lot, even if its 4% abv. Most people would be trowing up well before they hit that. How would your digestive system even fit that much volume?

>> No.7160029


He's just being full of shit. Hardcore alcoholics get down about 30-35 beers in an entire day. 20 is a lot, regardless of who you are.

>> No.7160058

> if the grain bill and yeast strain is the same the difference is surely from the hops

Not even. Fullers lauter their grains twice, the first one producing a pretty high-gravity wort and the second a much lighter one. They then just combine them in different proportions for their different main beers (obviously their stout uses a different grain bill).

As to the tax point, it's true that beer is taxed on a sliding scale based on alcohol content. However, to my knowledge every other EU country is as well so that alone can't explain our preference for lower-alcohol ales.

>> No.7160084

Have you tried many english craft brewers? It seemed like that Gamma Ray stuff was becoming pretty common when I was there, I also had some good beer from 'Pressure Drop', 'Siren' and 'Wild Weather', and some not good beer from 'Camden Town'

>> No.7160094

you have to be 12 years old and have never had a drink in your life
no way you really think that without trolling

>> No.7160152

Every time I have one of our craft beers it ends up being a "let's see how many new world hops we can shove in the fermentation vessel before it becomes too bitter and pungent to drink" beer. I'm yet to find a decent craft take on the richer, fuller northern-style bitters because everyone's seemingly too busy wanking themselves retarded to Amarillo (which in all fairness is delicious, but not what I want at this time of year).

>> No.7160178

I'm not a huge fan of west coast style IPAs, but man those Citra/Galaxy/Mosaic ones are delicious

>> No.7160301

I tried 4 craft beers while in the states and they were all shit. Banana beer? What?
IPAs are shit to begin with, it's just really strong piss imo.
Try my favorite, Palm Cornet.

>> No.7160321

>I tried 4 craft beers while in the states and they were all shit. Banana beer
The only Banana bread beer i know of is english http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/664/5488/

>> No.7160336

It's easily correctable by adding a qualifier to prevent psuedointellectuals from arguing semantics though, ie, "x is generally accepted to be good/bad"

>> No.7160339

>try sierra nevada
>try samuel smith
>try tripel karmeliet
>all taste shit and unpleasant
>go bacck to drinking water

>> No.7160360

Coors tastes like if water could go bad.

>> No.7160380

It most likely means the craft beers you tried were either shit or not to your taste.

To be quite honest the vast majority of craft beers are shit. Trying things randomly I have had more bad craft beers than good ones.

However, there are some simply amazing craft beers. The problem is finding them.

>> No.7160424

>To be quite honest the vast majority of craft beers are shit
This just isn't true at all. You can blindly pick a craft beer and at least assume it will be ok. Unless you just have a super broad definition of shit

>> No.7160433

Not really


>> No.7160441

Is it a rule for craft beers in the US to destroy your taste for beer altogether after 1 beer? Does it all have to be session beers?

>> No.7160461

Those guys are funny, Yeah, buy a $4 shitty beer because $5 for a good beer is just an outrageous price

>> No.7160467

Please elaborate. I don't understand what you are trying to say

>> No.7160519

That you can really only drink 1, maybe 2 'craft' beers at a time.

>> No.7160527
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>> No.7160530

I drink more than 2 craft beers all the time. I surely will tonight

Also, putting quotes around 'craft' implies fake craft beers like Blue Moon, but I am pretty sure thats not what you mean

>> No.7160535

either you just started drinking beer for the first time and think you're cool if you lie about how much you drink or you are a literal fat tub of shit in the 300+ range

>> No.7160541

>$4 for a macro lager

It's $15 for a 30 rack around here. You arctic Canadian or some shit?

>> No.7160542

>go bacck to drinking water out of my trough

>> No.7160543

I'm talking about at a bar

>> No.7160547
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>going outside

>> No.7160548

i am too used to grabbing a 18 pack of miller and killing them way too fast

>skinny bc I dont eat bc im drunk
>just kill me

>> No.7160570

>not getting unlimited macros during power hour
For shame.

Also, in WI, spotted cow is the number one selling beer.

>> No.7160577

>Also, in WI, spotted cow is the number one selling beer.

Also did it finally pass Miller Light? Thats awesome if it did, but what does that have to do with my post?

>> No.7160591

Fat Tire has a weird after taste to me, but I like it.

>> No.7161247

>That you can really only drink 1, maybe 2 'craft' beers at a time.
Quick update, I am currently on 5 tonight, so joke's on you

>> No.7163020

Its funny, i work in a craft beer bar. Expected to deal with a lot of shitty 20 something hipster pricks. Turns out craft attracts middle aged and above people

On top of that the hipsters come in to buy bottom tier craft like sam adams or magic hat. More likely to see hipsters drinking PBR then microbrews

>> No.7163030

Obsidian Stout from Deschutes is the best non imperial

>> No.7163226

Not him but I have drunk at least a 12 pack every night most nights for a decade and I never seem to get above 220. Definitely overweight but nowhere near the obesity you're imagining.

>> No.7163238


I also work in craft beer, I'm a manager at a craft beer and cocktail bar. You're pretty much spot on, craft beer isnt cheap so most people who want high abv, expensive things are adult men. Most "hipster" kids usually want chepa cans of Narragansett.

As for OP, I like Coors too. Sure, I love eating out at nice restaurants, but I also have a soft spot for Taco Bell. Sure its a crap product, but its a crap product that I enjoy.

>> No.7163256

I think he meant that if you can take 20 in one sitting your body weight must be that great in order for your system to be able to handle it all at once.

>> No.7163634


>b-but muh HISPTERS!

>> No.7163663

until 2001 I thought it was "Cools"

>> No.7163724

I think you people are arguing about different things

Middle aged people have the means to enjoy what they want, for the most part. They may like one thing or another but they're mellower than kids.

What /ck/ erroneously calls "hipsters" are just opinionated 20something brats who like to regurgitate shit they read on the internet and act elitist about it.

They still have raging hormones of youth, and they're still in that stage of life where they honestly believe they know everything, so they come off very badly to others.

Most so-called "hipsters" are now well into their 30s and have become normies.

To you shut-ins out there: going to Starbucks and having glasses doesn't make you a hipster. Living in gentrifying neighborhoods circa 2003 makes you a hipster.

>> No.7163787

that would be the japanese version

>> No.7163814

Drink whatever you want

Beer isn't good because it's craft

But if its craft its probably good

>> No.7163822

Yes, it does.

Big name beers are often served and advertised as "AS COLD AS YOU CAN GET WITHOUT IT BEING ICE", because cooling drinks down reduces the taste of it. Ever drank room temperature or Coors that hasn't been chilled enough? It tastes like watery piss water.

>> No.7163850

Craft is such a dumb name.