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7134363 No.7134363 [Reply] [Original]

How do you tell which types of alcohol you're supposed to drink straight and which to mix?

I recently tried vodka for the first time and it tastes like shit, yet for some reason people keep drinking it straight. Same goes for vodka. Meanwhile, rum and whiskey taste fine on their own, yet most people seem to only drink them in cocktails where you can't even taste the alcohol itself.

Am I missing something here or are my taste buds just defective?

>> No.7134367

>same goes for vodka

TEQUILA. I meant tequila. Damn it, how did I manage to fuck that up?

>> No.7134368


>How do you tell

What ever your tongue tells you is palatable or not is entirely up to you... do you expect this board to be able to tell you what you like?

That's pure autism right there, learn to do things for yourself.

>> No.7134374


Rum, vogka, and whiskey can all be mixed or drunk straight. It depends on the individual variety (brand), not the broad type of booze.

You use cheap lower-quality liquor for mixing. You use the better stuff for drinking straight.

>> No.7134379

That's what I usually do and I get mocked for it, because I'm slavic, so apparently I'm not allowed to dislike vodka or rakija. I've had people call me a pussy and a lightweight for drinking rum instead of vodka, even though they've both got the same amount of alcohol in them.

>> No.7134389

Ask the people who mock you what you should drink and obey their command, alternative, do not give a shit. I recommend the latter.

>> No.7134392

>I'm slavic

You're pretty much just going to have to drink and smoke until you tongue is pickled and tarred out of its senses, anything less and your fellow slavs will tie you down and put you in a dress.

>> No.7134405

You guys laugh, but that shit is annoying as fuck. And it just keeps going and going, every damn time hearing the same jokes, asking you if you want a straw shaped like a dick for your drink. It's especially bad when it's coming from people who think drinking cheap beer is "manly". You could give those idiots a bottle of piss and they'll chug it and act drunk afterwards.

>> No.7134407

Try them out for yourself then with experience you'll know. It's not rocket science.

>> No.7134413

That's what I do. The problem is that all the really popular stuff people like seems nasty to me. Like mixing it with coke. That makes both the alcohol and the coke taste worse to me. So I assumed I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.7134416

Learn how to make sours, it makes any liquor drinkable.

>> No.7134422

Should I just buy it or make my own?

>> No.7134427

Try random stuff, here's one that worked out nicely, there a bunch that didn't.

White chocolate Godiva liquor and cognac. It's a good combination, a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 is good godiva:cognac. It's fun to test stuff out on girlfriends, if they think it sucks then it goes right down the sink.

>> No.7134434

>test stuff out on girlfriends

That is the one ingredient I lack. Pretty sure I'd be drinking less if I had one.

>> No.7134436

I'm trying one out now and trying to get the ratios right, various egg nogs and bourbons.

>> No.7134439

Hell man, that's what started me drinking in the first place, some of those chicks are bat shit insane. I can't deal with some of them unless I'm partially drunk.

>> No.7134445

There's a direct correlation, the cuter the chick is the more likely she is to be bat shit insane.

>> No.7134453

Depends what kind of rum. Clear alcohol is for women and liberals.

>> No.7134466

I can't see how someone would call you a pussy for downing a bottle of good ol' Captain's dark instead of practical surgical spirit, but then again I'm not slavic so my IQ is probably double your country's national average.

>> No.7134475

I go with gold rum. Usually Captain Morgan, because I'm a poorfag and it's always on sale for some reason.

As for the clear alcohol thing, I was going to argue, but then I remembered that rakija is supposed to be left to age in a barrel, where it gets a nice color and aftertaste. However, everyone drinks the clear version, because it's cheaper, even though it tastes like fucking rubbing alcohol with water.

>> No.7134509


You're allowed to like or dislike whatever the fuck you want. Who cares what other people think you don't need their validation to live your life.

Slavs are holding shit down right now, I have a lot of respect for Putin. You're probably nothing like him...and most likely a neckbeard but whatever.

>> No.7134511

Closet queer detected

>> No.7134517

I'm not russian, I'm not a neckbeard and Putin doesn't drink.

>> No.7134520

That picture pretty much sums up Europoors.

>> No.7134528

Yes, we do indeed taste terrible.

>> No.7134553

cheap shit gets mixed
good stuff goes straight

>> No.7134614

>gin and tonic with bathtub gin and HFCS tonic

no thanks senpai

>> No.7136090

Tequila is the only one I can drink straight.

>> No.7136107

The key to alcohol is to pretend like everything you like is objectively correct and everything else is the fluid of peasants.

>> No.7136126

you're not supposed to enjoy alcohol, you're supposed to pour it down your throat as fast as possible so you can get drunk quicker

>> No.7136135

I'll do a shot of anything but I couldn't imagine sipping on vodka. Probably stems from trauma from my teenage years.
I'll happily sip on even the nastiest whiskey though. Nothing is too rough or chemically for me.
Everything else I'm neutral about.

>> No.7136144

The only people who drink vodka straight are alcoholics. Citation needed: I put my vodka in a water bottle and sip it slowly during my travels.

>> No.7136164

>how do I determine what I like to drink?

You obviously freeze the alcohol then eat it with some Memeacha

>> No.7136166
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>tfw aviation gin and fentiman's tonic

>> No.7136170

>I'm not slavic so my IQ is probably double your country's national average.
*1/2 if you're from the US

>> No.7136176

I am pro chef of bar and restaurant institute of business class airline seating associate of restaurants on eastern seaboard

At our institutes we teach color method for knowing this. Based on color you can easy say if liquor alcohol deinknis for to mix or.to drink straight on (aka coyote style).

Dark liquor alocohkls like spiritsand whiskey and cognac have dark on them and are brown or black (sludge)/and are not for a mix

Clear or brite fluids like rum and vodka and alperol curcao are colored with reds and clearsor greens and blues and are for to be mixed with

Use this color guide as your rule. This is our professional method used in instructional sinar and online video coursework.

Source: I am pro level drinksman and barsmith and Brayden's E-bar and Webzone in several regional airport bars.

>> No.7136195

>Asking this question on /ck/

>> No.7136275

what kind of vodka did you try? i agree that most vodka i've tasted straight tastes shit, but some of the higher-end imported stuff tastes like... nothing. wish i could remember some specific brands, but i've only tried one or two at a vodka bar a couple years back.

i do however enjoy rum by itself. especially spiced and dark rums. bourbon too. assuming we're not scraping the bottom of the barrel (rail) here. also, scotch.

>> No.7136276

Ive worked in a couple bars, heres my detailed understading of the liqour and opinonsof those who drink them

Firstly any liqour, alcohol, spirit... can taken as a shot and since the point of shots is usually to get d drunk quick without really tasting what your drinking I dont hold much judgement on what ppl drink as shots** Its normally whatever liqour theyve gotten exposed to the most over time.

> Vodka
The point of vodka normally is that its filtered to the point of not tasting like anything, which leaves actually tasting of all thats left, glorified distilled rubbing alcohol. 3 types that dink this shit straight
Drunks, cause its effective and easy to hide
Ruskies and certain other europs who think its gods gift to man
pretentious Vodka snobs who swirl the glass around and say things like "good mouth feel"

> whiskey
This is probly the most varied of the lqs, depending on the mash it can take on really interesting and robust flavors. Most people have a favorite whiskey that often has to do with where theyre from. I'm american and I like burbons and certain Irish whiskeys. Scoth taste like shit to me though. I understand it be aquired taste. Best way to drink whiskey is with a splash of water, club soda, or an ice cube to cut the taste of the alcohol and bring out the flavor.

> rum
Rum is good. its brewed from sugar cane and thats kind of what it taste like underneath all the alcohol, sweet lightly carmalised sugar. The only time ive seen ppl drink this straight was when I was in the carribean, it was like their whiskey. Because it doesnt add or subtract much besides making things a lil sweeter, IMO its perfect mixing with just bout anything and blends in smoother than Vodka. Rum is often casked to take on the woody color and flavor of the barrel.


>> No.7136319


> Tequila
Its split into 2 kinds; aged for a year or less and aged for longer than a year. Compared to other alcohols shit taste likes it been poorly distilled by a 6th grader with his first chemistry set. Its rough and almost always burns your throat. Notablely, ive had a few top shelf tequilas that that werent bad at all, but generally I avoid the stuff. The only thing rougher than the way it goes down is the drunkeness it delivers. When I decide to have a crazy balls out, I'll regret this in the morning type of night, then I drink tequila. 2 types of tequila drinkers.
Mexicans, similar to the way Ruskies love vodka. they drink it as if otherwise theyll loose their heritage
Crazy as fuck party girls. notablely they dont just drink it but theyll take shot after shot, in between trips to the bathroom to blow either lines of coke or random guys.

> Gin
The earl grey of alcohol. Its really just vodka with herbs added to it to give it a musky spunk. Some ppl like that, some ppl hate it but no one really just drinks it straight. Its like aking ppl whether our not they prefer sour foods. However to get a proper martini ask for gin. I suppose theyres some really old victorian style Brits that still get down on gin.

>> No.7136334

if the whiskey tastes like ass I put it in cola

otherwise I drink it straight

white label, grouse, other shit like that goes straight into cola

>> No.7136369

i fucking can not stand whiskey
i see what its going for but its too heavily reliant on scent
i drank a mccallans
havent tried whiskey mixed
im a big fan of vodka tho
especially a nice smooth vodka like crystal head
that stuff i dont even need to mix

>> No.7136438


>> No.7136444

Where you from family?

>> No.7136479

The problem is you're drinking with people who are trying to get drunk. If you want to enjoy the taste rather than the experience or being drunk then drink with different people.

>> No.7136543

What slav? I fucking hate rakija, just the smell makes me gag.

>> No.7136566

>Taking dumb shit your friends say seriously
>Not knowing what banter is

My friend, they are poking you to get you to engage and stop being a buzzkill. You just have to play along, give them the same shit back. They will keep ripping the piss if you seriously try and defend your choice of drink.

>> No.7136848
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>tastes like liquid hay
>tastes like horse piss
>tastes like bitter liquid hay
>tastes like bitter horse piss
>tastes like watered down horse piss
>tastes like watered liquid hay
>tastes like old bread
>have my manhood slighted when I say I don't like beer

This is why I make my own wines and hoard them from everyone else. I also make a terrific frozen strawberry daiquiri.

>> No.7136852

Banter is the gateway to bullying.

>> No.7136853

you can drink any commonly drunk booze straight or you can mix it, it's completely up to you. as a rule though, the more expensive it is the more people will disapprove of you for mixing it.

>> No.7137045

Mount Gay, that is all.

>> No.7137178

not understanding how to tune out friendly BS is the gateway to being too emotionally fragile to withstand much of anything.

giving people too much power to filter the info reaching their brains is one of the modern world's biggest problems. it's basically why trigger warnings are retarded.

>> No.7137210

>literally can't handle the bantz
Seriously, what is wrong with you? You don't get bullied by friends. Banter is the backbone of enjoyable social interaction with friends

>> No.7137215

Not OP, but thanks for the insight, anon. Thank God I happen to enjoy the two non-faggy ones.

>> No.7137236

Just because you worked at a bar doesn't mean you know a thing. I sure as shit know you weren't the bartender. Your opinions are unfounded, and your "facts" are pure garbage. Your descriptions of vodka, whiskey, and tequila, especially, make this apparent, although it's obvious you don't know much about rum or gin either.

>> No.7137246


> Its really just vodka with herbs added to it to give it a musky spunk.
>I suppose theyres some really old victorian style Brits that still get down on gin.




>> No.7137338
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Who gives a shit if your friends jeer at you OP?

A- Shrug it off and drink what you like, don't feed into the circlejerk.

B- Drink their slavpiss while in their company and drink what you personally like when you're alone.

Maybe this is just me being a gayfag but why do straight dudes get so triggered by how some other man perceives them and their 'manliness.'

Do you think them taking the piss out of you is actually going to cause your testicles to shrink away into nothing or some shit?

>> No.7137358


It's hella easy: take a sip. Does it go down well? Drink straight. If not, drink gay.
I personally can't really drink and enjoy anything above 35% straight; when I'm drunk this goes down to 20% stuff. So i just mix it.

>> No.7138976

Wow it learned fractions

>> No.7139003

3 types of tequila and it sounds like u r 2 poor to enjoy any fine alcohol, regardless of where it came from

>> No.7139101

You are basing your friendships on teasing? That's what I'd expect from /b/.

>> No.7139366

>tfw absolutely hate the taste of tequila
>its all i have in the house (jose cuervo gold)
>take 2 shots of it and mix it with 3 tablespoons lemon juice

oh god what have i done you guys

>> No.7139452

because straight dudes are fucking retarded

>hurrrrr durr muh macho alpha manliness is being threatened

>> No.7139645

Im trying to show my friends a good time and impress this gal. Can I get a round of hendricks neat

> Said no one ever

>> No.7139837


>claim someone doesn't know what they're talking about
>offer no counterargument or information

How to embarrass yourself online 101: just pay attention to these kids

>> No.7139974

People drink vodka & gin to get fucked up quick & cheap

Normal people can't afford enough rum & whishkey to get fucked with those.

Maybe rum can be acquired but most people don't like alcohol, they just enjoy what it does.

>> No.7140028

if you dislike rakija then there is a problem with you.

>> No.7140044

this guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about OP

One thing you got wrong, in england gin is the domain of old women, trendy gays and their theatre student friends.

>> No.7140445
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>this entire post