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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7114065 No.7114065 [Reply] [Original]

A Traditional Thanksgiving dinner includes:

-Mashed Potatoes
-Candied Yams
-Green Bean Casserole
-Cranberry Sauce
-Pumpkin Pie
-Roasted Vegetables (Potatoes, Carrots, Squash, Bell Peppers, etc)
-Glazed Carrots
-Dinner Rolls

>> No.7114080

>no tamales
Bruh, do you even melting pot?

>> No.7114092


Tamales are for Christmas dinner. You can buy them from a local Mexican lady that goes door to door selling them on Christmas week.

>> No.7114233
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potato chips with french onion dressing.

disgustingly good tradition.

>> No.7114245

Do you have a point, or are you just listing things?
If so, a traditional faggot includes: OP

>> No.7114284

Or if you're like me and are a 1st generation Mexican-american with parents deeply rooted in mexican culture you can have those delicious tamales ready christmas morning :3

>> No.7114294


>> No.7114296

3D doritos

>> No.7114401


>> No.7114404

>vegan mac and cheese
>quinoa with liquid aminos on it (it's fucking soy sauce)
>sweet potato fries with homemade ketchup
>Vegetable soup

I mean, I did work from 11 to 11 at a diner though.

I just came home and inhaled my food and I'm about to go to sleep.

>> No.7114406

sounds disgusting

>> No.7114408

The fries were a little freezer burnt

>> No.7114411

sounds delicious

>> No.7114419
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>tfw Canuck
>tfw Canuck thanksgiving is October
>tfw parents or grandparents didn't even bother to host one, even when I made the offer to cook it.

I was surprisingly upset about it, now 'Murican thanksgiving is drudging it back up

>> No.7114454

People use liquid aminos instead of soy sauce because it's gluten-free and soy-free.

>> No.7114456
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I mean I'm sure someone ate this, but for Thanksgiving dessert my family just eats really cold orange slices. Nice balance of flavor with all the meat and carbs, and the acidity helps with digestion. Don't know how some of you Amerilards can eat fucking pie after already eating pounds of turkey and mashed potatoes.

>> No.7114466

You can eat your "really cold" orange slices anyday. Your family sounds like a bunch of faggots

>> No.7114507

No deviled eggs?

>> No.7114521
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chili and cornbread

wtf ever, I worked today because Americans like me don't have rights

>> No.7114532

My family always puts out a plate of fruit in addition to the pies, cookies and such.

I eat it all because for one day out of the year I revel in being a complete glutton. Fuck you.

>> No.7114562

Usually wait a few hours after dinner for pie, and have it with coffee. It's nice.