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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7106941 No.7106941 [Reply] [Original]

OK I know this board is mostly NEETs that eat hot pockets. But some of us cook.

My bird after it was fried.

/Thanksgiving/ general I guess.

Must have side dishes???

>> No.7106943
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>cooking turkey 2 days in advance

Enjoy your dry meat OP!

>> No.7106953


I'm cooking 2 turkeys this year.

Doing 1 early because separate families.

>> No.7107594

it looks like shit and the tray below it looks even worse and dirty as hell. thank you come again.

>> No.7107606


So you dislike one family and want to feed them disgusting dry turkey and the OTHER family you like enough to cook "day of" for?

You're a dick.

>> No.7107612


Wasn't dry, nice and juicy like your mom's ass



>> No.7107620


It's juicy now, but in 2 days... like my "Mom" it's going to dry up, like your commentary.

You're not too bright are you?

>> No.7107627
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What part of we ate it tonight don't you fucking understand youngling?

>> No.7107633


You hate your one family so much that you force them to celebrate Holidays earlier than they're supposed to be?

Man, sucks to be someone as shitty as you.

>> No.7107645

buttfucking janitors eat hotpockets.

/ck/ is comprised of alcoholic hambeasts that only eat processed chicken product and ethanol.

>> No.7107646
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heres your reply

>> No.7107647

I'm trying to make a pumpkin pie to take to work on Thanksgiving.

I'd like to make a few, and a vegan one. I just made a vegan crust as a test and it turned out ok.

Unfortunately I'm the lone vegetarian at work so I keep feeding stuff to my mother and asking if it tastes off because I use so many alternative sugar things my taste buds are fucked up.

I might take pictures of it tomorrow and make a thread for fun.

>then I'll put American cheese all over it

>> No.7107654


My wife.. Oh wait that makes me a Normie to you.. My fucksluts family is going on vacation so we had thanksgiving with them early.

We will also do it again. I'm an adult, this isn't like how you have two Christmas's and your "uncle" Terry and his "friend" Jamal give you a GI Joe before they DP your mom in the bathroom.

>> No.7107662



I have a wife too, that's how you talk to her? Gross, no wonder you don't have any kids.

That's an awful lot of mad from one simple question.

Are you okay? I am here to talk if you need it. Do you want to talk about something other than the work you're doing for your wife? Does she....beat you...anon?

It's okay if she does, I know how hard it is to be a 21st century man, no hitting back... takes the "spice" out of marriage.

Man... what it would be like to have been a Husband in the 1950's, would have been fucking amazing.

>> No.7107667
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Cringey even for 4chan.

>> No.7107748
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>vegan pumpkin pie

You're not even invited.

Seriously tho wtf is vegan pumpkin pie. Just use margarine instead of butter, isn't that some bullshit soy product.

>> No.7107773

I always make oven roasted brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce, kugel, twice baked potatoes, green bean casserole, corn souffle, a pumpkin and apple pie.

We also always have a smoked turkey and a deep fried turkey,