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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7102017 No.7102017 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone has that friend who can't eat hot wings properly because they have anxiety about sauce hands and meat on the bone

Don't we all love to laugh at this fag?

>> No.7102019

I knew a chink who would just put the whole thing in his mouth, swish it around a bit, and spit out two little bones.

>> No.7102024

I love you!

>> No.7102042

I can't eat hot wings because anything spicy will instantly trigger my gag reflex

>> No.7102050

I have that friend who insists on ordering boneless chicken wings

>> No.7102143

Yes OP I love laughing at you.

>> No.7102155

I'm that guy. I don't like sauce all over my beard/mustache.

>> No.7102156

I fucking can't stand people that leave tonnes of meat on wings because they're apparently afraid of bones or something.

I eat the cartilage.

>> No.7102157

Me too and i fucking hate him and he's Jewish. Coincidence? I think not

>> No.7102353

Ooh, you're such a manly man~

>> No.7102429


>> No.7102436
File: 108 KB, 477x641, uWbs1c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who's afraid of buffalo wings cause mild sauce is too spicy for him

Meanwhile I treat burning my asshole as a sport

>> No.7102443

Then don't have a mustache/beard. It's that easy. Plus if it's long enough to get in the way of eating you probably look like an unkempt hobo and no one likes that.

>> No.7102449
File: 20 KB, 393x214, the-burbs-femur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention

>all the female servers that tell me "oh my God yeah mild is too much for me ahahaha"
>tfw I'm female too and I tell them I grow and cook with ghost pepper and carolina reapers

>> No.7102457


Thanks, I'm fine with my beard and not eating hot wings.

>> No.7102480 [DELETED] 

ive been told the same thing about my cawk

>> No.7102523 [DELETED] 

ive been told the same thing about my cawk

>> No.7102568

>cook with ghost pepper and carolina reapers
Are people supposed to be impressed. You basically admitted that you can't cook

>> No.7103334 [DELETED] 

how do you deal with your daily bukkake session ?

>> No.7103422


I open wide

>> No.7103540

ITT: OP and friends are hating on non-gay people for eating normal meat and not sucking on tiny bones like the poorfags they are

>> No.7105294
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>> No.7105297

Wings are one of the few things that disgust and make me happy.

>> No.7105301

Why do you hate him?

>> No.7105309


Can I exchange you for my gf? She can barely tolerate mild anything. I can never get anything remotely hot when we eat together. Fucking sucks

>> No.7105316

I wonder if they meant it in a "using extreme spice to cover up the lack of flavour" you-can't-cook sort of way.

>> No.7105352

>Go out to eat
>Can eat with a knife and fork perfectly fine without getting my hands messy
>De-bone my wings, removing all the meat
>enjoy my plate of meat
>everyone else is slurping and making pig sounds as they chew on the bones like barbarians
>their glass is covered in sauce and chicken as they go for a drink
>food all down their chin
>eating with hands so feel it is acceptable to just speak with food in their mouths
>use up all the napkins every time whilst failing to properly clean their hands
>they decide to go to the bathroom with their hands held in front of them like prats as they avoid touching the door handle with their fingers as if it makes any difference
>their hands smell of bbq sauce the next morning because they can't wash for shit
>i enjoyed my meal, still have clean hands, and could drink my drink without getting the glass dirty and my hands are still completely clean.

>> No.7105361
File: 518 KB, 500x720, 1420867110786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just not order wings.

>> No.7105364
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>he can't suck all the meat off the bone in one try

>> No.7105367

Why don't you just ask for a knife and fork?

>> No.7105379

Because that sounds like a pain in the dick when I could just order tendies and buffalo sauce.

>> No.7105397

Have you ever tried?
Literally is the easiest shit to do, pin that shit down with a fork then scrape the meat off with a knife. Take a step up the ladder of evolution, you may remain black, but you'l be one of those niggers that we still treat as a nigger but deep down know they left their nigger mentality behind them a long time ago.

>> No.7105404

I love you too, /pol/

>> No.7105408

what's wrong with boneless?

>> No.7105415
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They're tendies

>> No.7105426

>pin that shit down with a fork then scrape the meat off with a knife.

but you look like a moron doing that


>> No.7105432

do people actually eat the cartilage and all the fat? gross

>> No.7105447

It's a more convenient option than the alternative. That's literally it.
People here will go out of their way to shun convenience and will berate you if you don't do the same. Keep in mind that these are the people who claim to hate the mentality behind "meme foods".

>> No.7105550

I still don't like sauce on my hands. Meat on the bone is less a bother. I was making "boneless wings" at home for a while and then I bought some wings and MY GOD THE DIFFERENCE IN FLAVOR. I still make boneless wings, but I definitely prefer actual wings.

I rarely go out for wings.

>> No.7105588

Haha. Poorfag detected.

>> No.7105608

That's why real wings are better than boneless

>> No.7105611
File: 141 KB, 1109x614, buffalo-chicken-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have your hot wings in pizza form, pizza has a convenience handle made of loaf

>> No.7105621

ITT: pigs that don't know how much easier and cleaner it is to debone your own wings

>> No.7105631

It is easy and clean to eat wings if you know how to do it right, that's the thing. Only babies and girls who find bones grody can't eat meat off the bone without making it a big to do

>> No.7105656

You have to be a total fucking retard to waste money on favored scrap meat from a chicken.

>> No.7105663

>not eating wings

i bet you're the kind of homo who thinks dark meat is yucky and only eats re shaped chicken white meat breaded and dunked in ketchup

>> No.7105698

muh niggress

>> No.7105705
File: 76 KB, 500x458, XuQM9aY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone has that friend who thinks eating extremely spicy food makes them cool/tough.

>> No.7105847


Bone adds flavor and moisture.

Eating boneless is like eating well-done steak. It takes away from the quality of the chicken.

>> No.7105873

because he ruins wings

>> No.7105881

boneless "wings" are chicken that has been shredded and then reshaped like a chicken nugget. I prefer actual chicken

>> No.7105896

senpai, reshaped chicken is still actual chicken.

>> No.7105907

Except it doesnt taste as good

>> No.7105981

Too little meat for all that effort. It usually ends up being mostly cartilage too. Wings are shit.

btw im a gril

>> No.7106112

I know this feel.

Though I just wax my mustache up and eat wings carefully or at home with a washcloth to clean up any mess

I prefer flats for this reason. Drums inevitably get sauce all up in my shit, but at least flats you can fit in your mouth and once and remove the bones there, or remove the bones before inserting.

>> No.7106121

>Too little meat for all that effort.
Do you struggle to boil water too?

>> No.7106247

Good. More for me

>> No.7106431

It's a decent method, but plain old wings are superior. Plus I don't want to cook then debone those wings to make pizza. I like real wings more because of the better flavor. I just deal with the sauce on hands and wash afterward.

>> No.7106515

Faggot. I have a large beard and i Just go full caveman on the plate, and clean up when I'm done.

>> No.7106526

So how do you guys make them? I make the breading from flour, chili powder, red pepper flakes, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, and dip them in cashew milk instead odd eggs. Double coating everything. Peanut oil medium high, 3 minutes a side. Coat with a mix of Frank's hot sauce and Ghee.

>> No.7106658

>implying chicken wings aren't the least expensive meat for human consuption
i seriously can't name any other meats that costs less

>> No.7106744

>Bone adds flavor and moisture.
About as big a myth as sealing in the juices

>> No.7106778

Buffalo fag here, you're all simply pathetic and don't know shit about wings and never will.

It's not a matter of personal taste or opinion. Deep fried wings, frank's hot sauce and butter, thats it. Then some blue cheese for dipping. None of this faggot ranch shit. Also, no boneless shit. They are only boneless because the bones up your mother's asshole you kek.

>> No.7106836

this is how i eat my wings.

>> No.7106838

I have a philosophy that everything on your plate should be edible

>> No.7106868

how do you eat shellfish? or corn? or bone-in steak? should I continue

>> No.7106879

The autism in this post.

>> No.7106891

I don't.

I should be able to eat without faffing about or getting my hands dirty

>> No.7107067

>I only cook with hot shit
>100% of the time ever

btw I rly am a grill :)))))))))))))

>> No.7107177

I do the same thing. It runs in the family. My boyfriend doesn't eat the top or bottom, so I get double the chicken goodness.

>> No.7107330

I don't particuarly like wings because of the veins and hair and shit. I fucking hate hot sauce though especially red's. Saying this I would eat a few if I was drinking. I would have to wash my hands after though I hate having sticky/smelly hands from food.