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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7099162 No.7099162[STICKY]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey fellow Ameri/ck/ans,

I was wondering what kind of thanksgiving lineups you guys have planned. Or at least, if you're not hosting, what you plan on bringing to the feast (or what you would like to eat!).

I'm looking for a little inspiration. I'm supposed to keep it kosher this year, which doesn't seem too difficult, but that does mean I have to ditch pork.

In short, let's share our favorite recipes/foods/sexy turkey images, etc...

>> No.7099164

Whatever mcdonalds is selling that day.

Maybe hit taco bell before bed if i'm still hungry

>> No.7100019

I'm 25 and for most Thanksgivings, if not all, I ate at grandma's house. The woman is well into her 80s now and I'm sure she'll cook this year even though my great aunt (her sis) is hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year. She always cooked turkey, roasted pork, ham, rice dressing, mac and cheese, peas, potato salad - sometimes if my sister brought a dish there would be sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. We're from the south, so we just cook a heftier version of what we'd cook at any cookout. Me and my sister wanted to do a more "traditional" Thanksgiving with mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread dressing, regular green beans and such but it turns out we're going to my aunties. The only thing I'm looking forward to for my aunt's Thankgiving is her cornbread dressing IF she cooks that. Cornbread dressing is freaking amazing.

>> No.7100073

>work at steak n shake as a server all day

fucking easy money man

>> No.7100076

My third time hosting thanksgiving for my family. I've been brining a 13 pound fresh ham for the past week almost. Taking it out of the brine tonight. Gonna dry it and air it out in the fridge overnight. After that, I'm going to glaze it and vacuum seal it. Sous Vide at 64.5 C until day of. Re-glaze, then lightly smoke it until people start showing up.
Also making the following - Turkey roulade, Pecan pie, cornbread, cinnamon glazed carrots, red potato green bean salad, molasses baked beans, shallot rosemary sweet potatoes, roasted pumpkin quiche with carmelized onions.
The wife is making her apple pie and her ambrosia. Her mom is making dressing.

>> No.7100082

the sides sound pretty darn good

>> No.7100093
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Last year I followed Chef John's video about deboning a turkey and it came out amazing. I did a traditional cornbread stuffing inside because I was catering to my father and grandparents who are picky as fuck and like the same stuff every year.

This time I want to debone that fucker again, but this time I am looking for something better to put inside of it. Any ideas?

>> No.7100096

That's fucking pathetic. Not you but the fact that people don't have a proper dinner for Thanksgiving.

>> No.7100098

Put a deboned duck inside it... And inside the duck put a deboned chicken.

>> No.7100410

In all seriousness this isn't really what I'm looking for. I was thinking maybe some sort of apricot stuffing?

>> No.7100748

I'll be alone this Thanksgiving so will definately have some turkey something, like a sandwich or my older bro would yell at me. I might also get a pizza or some chinky food.

>> No.7101062

So my lineup consists on going into work for a night shift so other people can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. Its w.e though.

>> No.7101114

Are you me?

>> No.7101134

Add a little franks wing sauce to deviled eggs, makes them not bland and with or without bacon makes them amazing

>> No.7101175

This will be the first Thanksgiving I won't be able to head home for. I have to work Black Friday, which at least at Walmart, takes place entirely on a Thursday this year. I'm a bit depressed about it, but I guess they will be feeding me Thanksgiving food during my lunch so that's pretty cool.

Sorry for the blog post.

>> No.7101200
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I have to make a turkey this year, and I know jack shit about preparing them. What are some recommended recipes you guys have?

>> No.7101283

Deep fry it.

>> No.7101366

Part of the reason I volunteered to work too is because my mom uses microwavable everything for dinner

It's nasty af

>> No.7101413

Oh yeah, when I was younger I worked at Wal-Mart on Thanksgiving. Been a couple of years.

It's easy work really. I just had to stand around and yell at people.

If you want my advice - eat a big meal before you go, and then take your lunch really late. I think I took mine like 6 hours in, after all the Black Friday shit was over.

Then you'll get out, you'll only have a couple of hours left, and if you just kill time, nobody will fuck with you.

Sorry you work at Wal-Mart my man. If it's anything like my store was though, you'll get a sick discount on everything in the store, so you can get some nice electronics and shit.

>> No.7101420 [DELETED] 

No matter what you do and no matter how drunk, don't forget to the bag of giblets out before putting the bird in the oven. I did that the first time I did a full turkey dinner but I rememberd after about a half hour so it didn't spoil the thing.

That would have been a serious disaster and why it's good to reread the instructions after a time to make sure everything is right.

>> No.7101426

No matter what you do and no matter how drunk, don't forget to take the bag of giblets out before putting the bird in the oven. I did that the first time I did a full turkey dinner but I rememberd after about a half hour so it didn't spoil the thing.

That would have been a serious disaster and why it's good to reread the instructions after a time to make sure everything is right.

>> No.7101438

I'll see that and beat you programming code on the morning after the 1999/2000 switch over. Not because our code sucked but vendor code did and I had to make corrections hanged over as fuck.

The dumb shits from Chicago couldn't write for shit. We had to certify that the programs would work when people got back from the weekend, they would not have without New York modifications to Chicago bullshit.

>> No.7102397

That's what I like about working as a server on the day. People feel bad for you and think you didn't volunteer to work and just throw money at you.

I'm working on Christmas too that day is a literal gold mine

>> No.7102505

Why don't you just stuff with some apples, onions, herbs, and celery?

>> No.7102510

I'm in charge of dinner rolls and beer this year. Going to bring a bunch of king's hawaiian rolls and some 22s from the brewery I work at.

>> No.7102555
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>Deep fried turkey
(The husband is taking care of that.)
>Glazed ham
>Mashed taters
>Sweet Potatoes
>Trying to decide between corn muffins (which I fucked up the last year I tried to make them), and classic biscuits.
Husband put his vote in for biscuits, but I dunno.
>Cranberry sauce from the can,
because everyone likes it that way. Made it from scratch one year, complete waste of fucking time.
Then my sister is bringing Stuffed mushrooms, my friend is bringing green bean casserole.
Trying to finalize my pie list right now. I always do a few pumpkin, a few double layer pumpkin/cheesecake, I'll probably do a Boston Cream Pie again this year just to impress a friend, and then I was going to give Lemon Chiffon pie another go. I tried to make it a few years ago and failed miserably.

>> No.7102558

>because everyone likes it that way

Nobody likes it that way. It's awful.

>because everyone likes it that way.
so do a better job next time.

>> No.7102609
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So /ck/ I offered to cook for my family when I come back. I don't do a WHOLE lot of cooking, but I figure the only thing I can really fuck up will be the turkey, and they'd probably appreciate it more than just picking up a bunch of food and what not. Even if I do fuck it up, the chicken and dumpings I make will make up for it.

I've never prepared a turkey before, and know nothing about it. (Hell I usually have never even liked turkey, hence why I'm preparing it)

Anything I should know? Any guides? I was gonna do a honey glaze.

Should I brine it in some salt water beforehand?

>> No.7102618

What's a Hawaiian roll?

>> No.7102626


Roasting a turkey is no different from roasting any other cut of meat in the oven so if you can roast a chicken, ham, beef, etc, it works the same way.

Turkey is very lean so it can easily get dry. Brining would be a good idea to help fight that. Or make sure you use a thermometer to ensure you pull it out of the oven before it gets overcooked.

>> No.7102634

Just remember to take the bag of giblets out of the turkey before cooking it.

It's real easy, just follow the Betty Crocker instructions. I did the first time and it came out damn awesome. Also make sure that the bird isn't too big for your oven. Fuck brining, everyone says brine this, brine that and it's fucking useless, like soaking beans overnight.


Most people ignore tried and true recipes like these Betty Crocker ones because no celebrities are involved, well fuck celebrities.

>> No.7102642


King's Hawaiian. It's a brand name. Google it.

>> No.7102666

My mom and eldest sister always do the cooking as they refuse to let others do any cooking (yet complain when no one helps the prepping) They will no doubt end up either mad at each other or mad at someone else throw a hissy thus making the holiday miserable. Then we turn around and do the same for Christmas. Doesn't help that when they or someone else decides to invite someone to dinner they try too hard to show off and end up fucking up dishes left and right. I wish I had friends who didn't have their own families or I'd have my own damn Thanksgiving dinner.

>> No.7102679

Ahh ok, I thought it some style of cooking a type of roll. Like a spring roll or something.

>> No.7102714

I've actually never roasted anything before. I'm pretty sure my family has a roasting pan, but if not I'll just cook it in a large glass dish and should be okay.

I might give it a short couple hour brine, since I doubt it would really hurt anything. I appreciate it.

My oven should be big enough. I left the turkey shopping to my parents since OBVIOUSLY I don't live at home anymore and it's a 3 hour drive. Tbh I have good luck brining my chicken for about 30 minutes though.

I'll be sure to read that and take note of it though. Definitely don't wanna fuck it up by not getting the bag of giblets lel

>> No.7102724


30 minutes of Brining is useless. It takes hours for the process to work, especially for something the size of a turkey.

>> No.7102808

Yeah, we get holiday pay and 25% off for working Black Friday. I'm going to use it on a gun.

>> No.7102855


Make sure your family already put the turkey in the fridge to defrost. Would suck to get ready on thursday to roast and find it frozen still.

>> No.7103037

I made a deboned chicken as practice. Not a bad result for my first time cooking anything that requires actual skill.
I followed Pepin's video and mangled it a bit.
The growth hormone they use on the only chickens you can buy in the average grocery store made it more difficult than it needed to be. More meat.
I'm also not sure how Pepin cuts through joints so easily and cleanly. Maybe I just need a heavier knife or to just lift.

>> No.7103054

Hormones aren't used in poultry. However, the breed of chicken (Jersey Giant) is responsible for the massive amount of breast meat.

>>cuts so easily
sharp, bro. Sharp. Sharpen your knife.

>> No.7103094
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What good stuffing recipes are out there? My sister is demanding amazing stuffing, but I don't trust anyone in my family to deliver.

>> No.7103096

this might happen to me its in the fridge since the 21st and still a rock

>> No.7103141

Brine it

>> No.7103150

I want to address green bean cassarole.

My sister makes hers with essentially a thickened sawmill sausage gravy with lots of mushrooms and onions.

It is the best part of thanksgiving (next to the pumpkin curry soup of course)

Please experiment with this idea in your green bean casserole, you will love it.

>> No.7103153

>My sister is demanding amazing stuffing

She's not asking about food, bro.

>> No.7103162

Don't worry, I'll stuff your sister for you.

>> No.7103368
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ABS plastic.

>> No.7103415


oi m8 tell your sister to hit me up i'll stuff her real good

>> No.7103572

>fresh turkey from farm
>brine for 24 hours
>making cranberry sauce
>stuffing with sausage and saurkraut in it
>butternut squash and brussel sprouts
>creme brulee for dessert

I cant think of one more thing to do. Its only going to be 4 people >tfwngf but I obviously need to do something with potatoes any suggestions? I'll probably just go with sweet potato pie or casserole if nothing else comes up

>> No.7103583

I just realized that, thanks to 3D printing, we're THIS close to homemade dildos.

What a time to be alive

>> No.7103584

going to do duck this year

there's a pastrami-spiced pan fried duck recipe i'm thinking about using

fondant potatoes

green beans/asparagus sauteed in duckfat

traditional cornmeal dressing

man, what should i do guys? anything super interesting to do with these duck breasts?

>> No.7103585

So I'm gonna be making my first turkey myself and was gonna do a honey glaze.

But should I do something else? I realized that if I do a honey glaze, the gravy might be a little sickly sweet.

Thoughts, /ck/?

>> No.7103590

I used to volunteer on thanksgiving and christmas eve. nobody ever paid me and I was like 10 ;_;

>> No.7103608
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I do this but use the saurkraut my mom and I make instead of cabbage

brine it m8

>buying a frozen turkey

>> No.7103617
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I want to make a small Turkey this year.

Any basic as fuck tasty recipes for a Guy who's never made turkey?

>> No.7103622

Brine solution:
- 1litre water
- 1litre apple cider
- 100g kosher salt
- 1 large bunch of parsley
- 1 large bunch of sage
- 2 large bunch of thyme
- 6 cloves (lightly toasted)
- 2 star anise (lightly toasted)
- 3 bay leaves
- 1 lemon (skin peeled, juiced)

1. Place all the ingredients except the fresh herbs into a pan over high heat and bring to a boil.
2. When the solution comes to a boil, turn off the heat and add in the fresh herbs.
3. When cool, pour this mixture into a container with your Turkey, and brine overnight (preferably 12hrs).
4. Remove the Turkey, rinse off the brine solution and pat dry. Place in a pan, uncovered and into the fridge to allow to the surface of the meat and skin to air dry. It's best to leave it like this for 1 whole day.
5. Remove the Turkey from the fridge 2hrs prior to roasting to allow it to come to room temperature. Pre-heat the oven to 325F.
6. Roast the turkey in the preheated oven until it reaches a internal temperature of 155-160F. Allow it to rest for 20-30mins before carving.

Hope's this helps, and Happy Thanksgiving.

>> No.7103646

I agree with most of this but just to add

>roast turkey breast side down at the beginning to prevent drying it out
>brush turkey with butter before roasting it
>baste turkey about once an hour while roasting it

and brined turkeys cook quicker than unbrined so watch your internal temperatures

>> No.7103681

You can do a potato and cheese gratin, basically scalloped potatoes with cheese in the mixture.

- 5lbs potatoes (washed, peeled, sliced thinly)
- 2cups half and half
-300 cheese (preferably a strong aged cheddar)
- 1 large bunch of fresh thyme
- 2 bay leaves
- 3 cloves of garlic (pureed)
- 1tsp nutmeg (freshly grated if possible)
- 3tbsp butter

1. In a pan, heat the half and half with the garlic, thyme and bay over medium high heat until it just comes to a boil.
2. Generously butter a large shallow baking dish. Preheat the oven to 350F.
3. Layer the baking dish with potatoes and cheese in alternating layers. The very top should have a layer of cheese covering it. Seasoning with salt, pepper and nutmeg throughout.
4. Carefully pour the warm half and half mixture over the potatoes. Cover with a sheet of aluminum foil that has been greased with a little extra butter or olive oil.
5. Place the dish into the oven and cook for approximately 1.5-2hrs. The baking time will vary based on the number of other items in your oven, how thick you cut the potatoes, how deep your baking dish is, etc. The potatoes should be ready when you insert a knife and it pierces into the dish with no resistance.
6. When the potatoes are cooked, remove the aluminum foil and place the dish under the broiler for a few mins in order to caramelize the top.
7. Remove the dish from the oven and allow it to sit and cool for 30-45mins. It's important to allow it to release to give time for the starch to thicken and the potatoes to compose themselves. Otherwise it'll just fall apart.

- You can make this dish ahead of time in order to take less pressure off you when you're preparing the Turkey, but omit step 6. When you're ready to serve you can reheat it while caramelizing the top at the same time instead.

>> No.7103686
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Thanksgiving was a month ago

>> No.7103687

- 300g cheese

>> No.7103690

that'll probably be my fall back if other people dont want sweet potatoes but I make regular potatoes for my roommate too much.

decided I'm going to add cornbread and maybe I'll look for a sweet potato dish that isnt 100% sugar

>> No.7103692

That isn't a brine. It is a marinade. The difference are minor but important.
Brine is a solution of salt and flavourings.
Marinades are a brine with the addition of an acidic component.

>> No.7103703

Just realized. Is this the first year that Food Network isn't doing a live show? Do they even produce new shows anymore?

>> No.7103907

They are always making new DDD, GGG episodes

>> No.7103954

Are semi-mericans welcome ITT?
I'm an American citizen, but was born abroad, spent the majority of my life outside of the US and don't speak English as my native language. Do I count? I'm in America right now and my half-American father and my non-American mum are visiting me this week for TG.
They've only just arrived about an hour ago and are already driving me quite mad.

I have no idea what's lined up because dad insists on cooking the meal himself. Before we even dropped of their luggage here, he wanted to go to a supermarket to pick up a turkey.

The only thing I'm doing for the meal is making vanilla ice cream and baking a few loaves of sourdough.
I've little clue what dad wants to cook and it worries me.

>> No.7103965

well he's not wrong wanting to go to the super market to get one today because they will be picked over very soon and probably sell out tomorrow. you gonna turn some of your sourdough into stuffing?

>> No.7104017

cognac soaked prunes, herbs, orange and lemon zest, and a very small amount of bread crumbs. Could do some thin ham as well.

>> No.7104035

No, no sourdough stuffing. Never made one of sourdough, actually. I usually make my stuffing from potato brioche.

However, we bought cubes of dry cornbread and a roll of sage sausage for dad to make sausage dressing.

It sounds a lot better than it actually is. His stuffing/dressing tends to be mushy.

He wants me to drive him to a different supermarket tomorrow evening. I'll have a better idea what he's planning then. For now, the only certainties are turkey (we bought a small 14-pounder), slurry thickened "gravy" and mushy sausage/cornbread dressing.

>> No.7104048

sausage dressing? I just dice up some bread throw in some veggies, sausage, and beef brother and call it a stuffing cuz I like mine moist too. add cranberries or apples sometimes

>> No.7104074

Yeah, sausage dressing. Like oyster dressing, only without the oysters. Basically, stuffing that's cooked in a baking dish rather than stuffed into something.

I'm hoping mum decides to cook, too, so we can have stuffed mushrooms and/or artichokes, asparagus soufflé and buttered parsnips but I'm not gonna hold my breath about it. I guess I can cook it. It's my kitchen, after all.

>> No.7104300

I need your help /ck/.
I can't decide what dish to make for thanksgiving.
Besides the normal foods everyone always has (casserole, moose, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes ect) I can't think of anything to make.
I don't want to make a dessert either...
Any suggestions?

>> No.7104313

corn bread.

is good

made this for friendsgiving and they loved it but I thought it was bland. maybe up the spices

broccoli casserole is a nice change and you can add tons of shit to it. whatcha think?

>> No.7104322

Carrots if no one else is. Or some decent cranberry sauce.

I say fuck it bring a fair amount of beer and wine. No one will hate you for that.

>> No.7104325

grandmas making: rolls, red velvet cake, turkey, delicious stuffing, mashed potatoes,and green beans, and deviled eggs

im bringing: a ham, and a pumpkin pie

i got graham cracker crust for the pie and i hope its not gross. hold me cu/ck/s

>> No.7104326

This actually sounds amazing.

If you have never brined or roasted a turkey, I highly recommend you get some salt pork and look up barding the turkey. Basically you wash the salt pork super well and just cook it layered in salt pork. Will baste the bird during roasting and requires zero brining ahead of time. Just RINSE WELL or your bird will be super fucking salty.

Watch the Foodwishes video on deboning a turkey. It's quite good and might help you get a bit better at it.

>> No.7104329

I like the ideas
I'll probably go with the pasta (or some other kind of pasta), thank you for clearing my mental cooking block.

My family are the most annoying people about alcohol in the world.
Every single one of them is super finicky about what the do and don't like, that you pretty much can't buy something that everyone will like.
It's terrible.

>> No.7104379

Try getting him to let you cook it longer/at a higher temperature. If you use a deep pan, this can even serve to leave relatively soft insides with a nice crispy/crunchy crust, which means everyone gets what they like.

>> No.7104397

Turkey legs, tiny potatoes, bread, dipping gravy. Eat with your hands.

>> No.7104410

who else is spending Thanksgiving alone?

I think I'm just gonna get drunk as fucks and order a pizza.

Preparing food would be too depressing to handle.

>> No.7104434
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>used to do 2 big thanksgivings with gf's senpai
>my whole family then gf's whole family
>parents separate
>gf breaks up with me
>uncle gets married he goes to aunts family
>grandma is in her 90s
>sister goes to bf's family

my thanksgiving used to be 15+people twice a day and now its me, my senile grandma, and my separated parents. helping on thanksgiving is what got me really into cooking and now its just depressing so I try not to think about. just make great food and be the awkward conversation filler between my parents.

but my family's rich as fuck so that explains how fucked up we are and I probably wont get to even have a good new years because I need to help move my mom into her new vacation house in florida over that week. I dont celebrate birthdays because they always suck but I always throw the best party on new years eve but I love my mom too much so this year is just bad for holidays I guess

such is our curse having anonymous friends on here

>> No.7104462
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>> No.7104474

>thanksgiving with gf's senpai

>> No.7104498

my moms dead and my brothers not around so its just me and my dad and my grandmother this thanksgiving so i know that feel

>> No.7104499
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>> No.7104511

Only if your boss will say HAPPY THANKSGIVING ANON!
But not thanks for actually giving a fuck and coming in on a holiday

>> No.7104525
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Just finished this cheesecake earlier tonight.
I should probably go and grab more cream cheese, I usually end up making a second one Thursday night once the pan is cleaned.

>> No.7104533
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Small turkey? No problem. Can you roast a chicken? Same thing, really.

If frozen, thaw it. (If it's in your freezer now, that means get it into your fridge now.)

I do a stuffing of sausage/veggies/dried bread - cook sausage in pan, add veggies until translucent, sop up some remaining grease with bread. Using bigass spoon, stuffing goes into cavity while it's still hot. Incredibly less likely to act as a heat sink when the bird's cooking and result in cold interior and screaming turboshits the day after.

Ever tried making a herbed butter and squishing it under the skin of the breast? Damn thing practically bastes itself. This technique works every bit as well with a 11-lb turkey as it does with a 5-lb chicken.

Take it out of the oven when the thermometer (if you don't have one, get one) registers 170F in the breast. Towards the end of cooking time, check every 10 minutes. If you find the thighs are still leaking red/raw juices while the breast is around 150-160F at the breast, cover those boobs with tinfoil and give it another 20-30 minutes. Keep checking every 10, just in case. It'll gain a few more degrees while it rests prior to carving.

It'll be fine. You'll do fine. When in doubt, remember. It's just a giant chicken.

>> No.7104538

sorry anon. I hope you have a better thanksgiving than me

>> No.7104542

Dry brine and spatchcock it

>> No.7104555

Go away Canada

>> No.7105216

butternut squash w/butter and garlic

>> No.7105222

Eating for free at a local BBQ joint that's doing free Thanksgiving lunches. No hassle, no cleanup.

>> No.7106317
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I have a question /ck/. what is a good wine to go with turkey?

I know it will probably be white, but I was hoping I could get a not-so-dry white.

>> No.7106354
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anyway i just nade my first pumpkin pies

>> No.7106395

Any ideas for appetizers? I'm completely stumped for something that is "thanksgivingy"

>> No.7106407

injun fry bread

>> No.7106414
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what >>7104542 said




spatchcock first, dry brine on both sides, then follow the last recipe

>> No.7106417

cream cheese and chicken tendies

>> No.7106418

>dry brine

>> No.7106432

Roasting a 14 lb turkey w rosemary and shallots
Stuffing on the side (not in bird)
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Sweet potato pie
Cherry pie
I may or may not bake some yeast rolls. I was thinking about preparing everything on Wednesday and then actually roasting the bird on Thanksgiving.

>> No.7106445
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You could go for a Charlie Brown themed appetizer selection. Its not that impressive, but its easy and you would have to sell it:

Charlie Brown thanksgiving apps:
Popcorn (feel free to make it fancy)
Toast squares (make 'em bite size, spread something)
and I think they had cold cereal in the thanksgiving special as well. You will have to be more creative than I to find something with that.

Good luck anon!

>> No.7106460



1 stick of butter
1 jar of Kraft Old English Cheese
1 1/2 teaspoons of Mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
1 can 7oz crabmeat
6 English muffins split

Let butter and cheese spread soften at room temperature Mix together with mayo, garlic salt and seasoned salt.
Add crab meat Spread on split English muffins. Freeze at least two hours or longer. Then cut into 8's or 4's and broil until bubbly crisp.

>> No.7106472

>roast turkey breast side down at the beginning to prevent drying it out
Entirely unnecessary if you cook it properly.

>brush turkey with butter before roasting it
This will lead to splotchy skin because of the moisture content of butter. Use oil.

>baste turkey about once an hour while roasting it
This will lead to soggy skin. Nobody likes soggy turkey skin.

>and brined turkeys cook quicker than unbrined so watch your internal temperatures
Again, untrue if you cook it properly.

There is nothing accurate in your post. It is devoid of facts. It is, quite literally, anti true.

>> No.7106504

lol at not watering down an already flavorless bird

>> No.7106516

Thanks Anons!

>> No.7106530
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Any one else using boxed stuffing?

It's $1.

>> No.7106542



It might be $1 but it doesn't taste very good so, no, I'm not using it.

>> No.7106543
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>> No.7106569

What are you using anon?

>> No.7106588


making it from scratch. Stale bread, stock, fresh herbs/spices, bacon, etc.

>> No.7106596

Me. I don't eat stuffing and I'm not going to make any from scratch for my faggot guests

>> No.7106644

During the sauté bit, he puts too much stock, is all. He just... ruins it. Mine is never so awful. I make some motherfucking good dressing. Even my vegan dressing is better than his with the sausage. How is that possible? How does the no-fun-allowed vegan version of something trump the version made with the flesh of the most delicious of animals, the noble hog?

Anyway, in an hour, I'll be home and thereafter, I'll be on my way to market with my dad in tow. No idea what he's making, but I've decided if I'm gonna make anything, I gotta make it today or tomorrow to be reheated Thursday because both my ovens will be in use as will the entire hob.

şmh, I'd rather have Popeyes, ţbh, fám

>> No.7106664


>> No.7106896


>> No.7106907

I usually go for cabernet sauvignon for thanksgiving dinner, goes well with the turkey and ham.

>> No.7106951


thanks for the idea. Any other recommendations for stuffing recipes? Or should I go with saurkraut bro's?

>> No.7107027

I'm making dry brined and spatchcocked turkey, homemade sausage stuffing, sweet and savory sweet potato casserole, garlic sautéed green beans, rolls, pumpkin pie, and bourbon cranberry bread pudding. I normally make cranberry sauce as well, but fresh cranberries are stupidly expensive this year. Probably will make it for Christmas instead.

>> No.7107037


If you can get your claws on one, get a decent roasting pan with a rack. Makes life easier.

>> No.7107055

>look up roasting pan with rack

Would a $10 work?

>> No.7107231

Question Amerifriends: what do distinctly, for lack of a better term, "ethnic" Americans eat for Thanksgiving? I don't mean your average, indistinctly white Joe Schmo sorta guy and his family, but more like what would Esteban Rodriguez', Na Yen Chen's, Antonio Mancini's and Shaqueefa Jones' families eat for Thanksgiving?

I ask because I thought I'd split the turkey next year (this year, my halfmerican dad from >>7103954 is doing all the cooking), using the spine and wingtips to make stock for gravy, roasting one half and using the other half in a curry or cacciatora.
Would this be a celebration of the melting pot that is USican culture or an afront to tradition?

>> No.7107289

There's an odd situation where I'm living right now. Aunt is getting divorced, her husband is still living here until Nov is over. A cousin lives here too.

Due to that we're not having thanksgiving unless one of the other family members hosts it.

Right now my plan is to watch MST3K Turkey Day and have popcorn, buttered toast, pretzels, and jelly beans. Maybe order in a pizza.

>> No.7107294
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but really, i'm making the first two also, but opting for mashed potatoes and canned cranberry sauce (because the wife loves the shit and i don't mind).

it's my first thanksgiving cooking all by myself.

>> No.7107324

Ethnic/foreign food on thanksgiving is becoming more in vogue among folks in their 20's and younger. Especially as more people get increasingly bored of the dry overcooked turkey they grew up with

(I know turkey can be done well, but 95% of the time its shit. People just don't make the effort to do it well.)

>> No.7107452

I'm cooking turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans (with almonds, tossed in a lemon vinaigrette), carrots (orange-glazed, with ginger), and rolls. The rolls I'm making this year are my take on cornbread; 25% cornmeal, but I cook the cornmeal into polenta before adding it to the dough, this gives soft, bready rolls that also taste like cornbread.

Relatives are bringing stuffing, cranberries, and two desserts - got to leave them something to contribute.

I'm trying a spatchcocked, 'dry brined' Turkey this year too. In past years I've done all the other standard variations on roast turkey (and they've all worked well, so I don't think it really matters how you roast your bird, just that you don't overcook it), just trying this method out of curiosity.


>> No.7107706
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Please answer this poll on brining.


>> No.7107720
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>there are people that actually still put stuffing in the turkey and eat it like god damned heathens

>> No.7107779

false dichotomy; see above on dry-brining

>> No.7107789

dry brining is still brining u hipster fuk

>> No.7107818

Brining is worth it - sometimes.

1. many turkeys come pre- injected/soaked and don't really need more salt
2. brine = salty water. "Dry Brining" is a just salting meat before cooking (you should do this with all meat)
3. a brine (bordering on marinade, technically) can include a moderately acidic component to tenderize the meat even further (can be good for a tougher critter, or bad since it can make tender meat mushy).

>> No.7107860

Update here for anyone interested. I baked a loaf of sourdough bread to use as the base to my stuffing. It's cubed and sitting in my oven overnight to stale a bit. Beautiful loaf. Then I also have some dried figs and cranberries soaking in calvados.

So basically, the stuffing is going to be...
onion, celery, cranberry, fig, (tart) apple, pork sausage, sage, and rosemary. Deciding on whether to use the turkey bones and try to make a stock for the stuffing, but I don't think I'll have time so I'll just use chicken stock.

>> No.7107960

>going to an aunts house for the first time
>she is cooking the turkey, and everyone else is bringing sides
>she never cooks for more than 4 people, so I tell her to get a 22 lb bird
>she comes back with a 10 lb turkey and another 12 lb one
>I ask her how she's going to cook them, only one will fit in the oven at a time.
>she just shrugs

My family is full of retarded Italian woman. This is the aunt who married a drunk, got a divorce two years later, cried, and then married a drug dealer. My mother is the only sane one.

>> No.7107961

That sounds delicious m8

>> No.7108205

>mfw I'm falling behind on my Thanksgiving preparations.

I'm roasting turkey wings and veg right now for turkey stock. But I still haven't finished my shopping, so I have to go tomorrow (the horror), plus I have two pies to make tomorrow, and prep the turkey, make the cranberry sauce, and iron the tablecloth, and dig out all my table decorations, and....the list goes on.
Anyway, here's what I'm making:

Rosemary and Citrus Roasted Turkey with gravy
Mushroom Stuffing
Orange-Maple Cranberry Sauce
"Evil" Mashed Potatoes (super rich and terrible for you, but delicious, and you can make them ahead of time)
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Roasted Asparagus drizzled with mandarin olive oil
Green Beans with garlic, lemon zest, and chives
Yeast rolls with butter
Relish tray with gherkins, cornichons, grape tomatoes, stuffed celery, mixed olives, and artichoke hearts
Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip Cheesecake PIe
Pumpkin Pecan Praline Pie
iced tea, wine, water, cider, whatever

And for breakfast/snacks I'm making muffins and sausage balls, with coffee, tea, orange juice, cider, etc.

>> No.7108209
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>mfw I'm so frazzled I forgot my face

>> No.7108554

>Chef John's video about deboning a turkey
Holy crap. Thank you for this. I'm going to do that then just roast the turkey on top of the stuffing.

>> No.7108576

Of course your family is retarded. They're descended of goat-herding hillbillies from the mountains of Southern Italy. Basically, our version of Alabama, Mississippi and West Virginia only even less educated and more inbred.

>> No.7108594

You sound like a salty manlet

>> No.7108617

I'm not doing a Turkey this year, gonna try Goose instead.
I tried to get swan meat but left it too late although hunting swan is legal in this state.

>> No.7108763

Personally I would swap the Rosemary with Fennel when you're doing your Roast Turkey with Gravy desu. Fennel and Citrus is a more common and natural flavour combination than Rosemary, so you'd have a better end product.

>> No.7108778
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>> No.7108791
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>but that does mean I have to ditch pork.

a Thanksgiving turkey without the bacon and pig's feet stuffing is not worth eating

>> No.7108978

I got stuck with a frozen turkey breast to cook this year. Any ideas on how to make sure it doesn't come out dry?

>> No.7108992


Cook it any way you like, just don't overcook it. Watch the temp like a hawk because if it gets too high then it turns dry.

You could brine it first as an extra cushion against overcooking if you're worried.

>> No.7108994

Brine it and don't overcook it.

>> No.7109023

First time I roasted a turkey it was upside down. Came out a bit dryer than I'd like, but not terrible.

>> No.7109099

Nah, we all love rosemary, so I'm sticking with that. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I do like fennel, but I don't know about all the other family members, fennel is one of those vegetables that some people seem to really dislike. Besides, the flavor of the turkey won't affect the gravy, since I'm (right now) finishing up some turkey stock that I'm going to use for the gravy. I make the gravy ahead of the bird being done, so everything doesn't have to wait while I make gravy at the last minute.

>> No.7109346

Believe it or not, it's easier to cook a turkey breast to moist and delicious perfection on its own than it is to cook a whole turkey that way.
For that reason, a few years back, I bought a Thanksgiving turkey and broke it down, roasting the breast only. I saved the thighs to roast another time and smoked the drums and wings.

Thanks for letting me know.
I live in a heavily ItaloAmerican area and the supermarket Thanksgiving catering options around here all include lasagne or manicotti as the main instead of turkey, which got me thinking about how TG might divide along ethnic lines.
Today, I asked an Algerian coworker and she said that after I taught her to cook American soulfood, she just cooks that stuff for the meal, swapping out bacon for smoked beef plate (IE beef bacon) and chicken sausage for pork sausage for things like collards and stuffing and stuff like that.
She makes yam-mallow (with vegan marshmallows because she's Muzzie) as a dessert.

So here's what I bought yesterday to cook today to be reheated tomorrow: asparagus for asparagus soufflé (sounds fancy, but it ain't; once reheated, it won't rise again, but the taste will still be superb), purple yams for purple yam pie (flavoured only with a little vanilla extract, no autumnal spices), spinach, and the fixings for my vanilla ice cream. I also bought some chickpea galettes, quince jam and brie.
Dad bought fennel bulbs for after meal, "lamb violin" (basically prosciutto but made from lamb's leg rather than hog's), several lettuces for salad (rocket, radicchio and endive and some others, but I don't recall what they were), mushrooms and peas.

So, we're having the turkey with cornstarch-thickened "gravy" and sides of mushy-ass dressing/stuffing, stuffed mushrooms, asparagus soufflé, and stir-fried spinach. Then a salad thereafter.
Aftermeal will be brie, galettes, quince jam, fennel and lamb violin followed by purple yam pie and vanilla ice cream.

>> No.7109522
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I was worried I wouldn't catch up with my preparations, but happily, everything is going smoothly. Just got both pie crusts made, and they're chilling. Time to make the cranberry sauce!

>> No.7110518

Grill it. Put a shitload of butter and a bit of sage under the skin, then stuff it with bacon and onions.

>> No.7110589
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pecan or pumpkin pie is always good

>> No.7110624
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>aunt and uncle in Antigua
>brother in Minneapolis yes I'm scared for him
>paternal grandpa at nursing home
>maternal grandpa ~4 hours away, really doesn't like leaving the house much
>dad died a couple years ago from ALS

It's just me, mom, and my maternal grandma this year, and it's essentially pie and ham day for us. Which is great by me, I'm a picky fucker and always found Thanksgiving awkward because of that.

>> No.7110639

When I get a 3D printer I'm making dragon dildos for my friends.

>> No.7110642

For my family, I am making:

>16 pound turkey
>10 pound Ham
>Mashed Potatoes
>Green Beans
>Candied Yams with Marshmellows on top
>Home made dinner bread
>a pumpkin pie
>a chocolate crust pumpkin pie
>an apple pie

It's what I usually make every year for the 7 of us. It also gives us leftovers for days.

>> No.7110688

Here are the recipes this year:

Turkey (12 lb bird, dry brined 24 hrs)

Potato Kugel

Cornbread Stuffing

Candied Yams

Cranberry Mold (we add crushed pineapple to it as well)

Apple Pie (we make our own pie crust)

Small family, lots of food.

>> No.7110694

Lasagne. It's not thanksgiving without lasagne.

>> No.7110709

Veggie Platter with Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
Pickled Mexican-style Veggies

Fresh Corn Chips
Restaurant-Style Salsa

Shrimp Cocktail

Carnitas Tacos
Tacos de Papa
Pork Pibil Tacos

Crack Sauce
Salsa Verde
Salsa de Habanero

Retried beans

Lots of liquor

>> No.7110741

I like to baste once half-way through, that usually gives the skin some gloss and makes it more crunchy.

>> No.7110754

Ask me how I know that you've never cooked anything in your life, ever.

>> No.7110771

Thats what I do with chicken and it works amazing. You sound like a sad little man.

>> No.7110806

Minneapolis isn't so bad rn. I live in the Twin Cities, we thought it was going to be pretty terrible when we heard the news but so far it's just been casual street blocking. Inconvenient but not lethal. It'll be practically non-existent in a month or two since most protesters don't feel strongly enough to stand outside during the winter. If he's white he should definitely be cautious as fuck though, avoid eye contact and speak carefully around.. certain groups.

Anyone else have ham at Thanksgiving instead of turkey? I just prefer it so much, no matter how I prepare turkey it's always dry.

>> No.7110808

Sure you do, champ. Sure you do.

>> No.7110866

He's absolutely white, and kinda lanky to boot, but he lives in a fairly nice (if small) apartment so he's probably not in Somali territory or anything.

Turkey always struck me as over-glorified chicken, grandma's bringing the ham and we're making some pigs in blankets. I'll also make jewbread if humidity won't fuck it up.

>> No.7111117

One thing that we've had every big meal since i was born is this Raspberry and applesauce jello made in a bundt mold with a marshmallow and sour cream mixture in the center, everyone loves it

>> No.7111402

I am making the side dishes. Meatballs. Grilled sausages. Steamed asparagus with garlic aioli. Stew of kidney beans and ham hocks. Olives marinated in garlic vinaigrette.

>> No.7111656


I'm bringing mashed sweet potatoes, beau monde dip, and spinach/artichoke dip. I was going to bring a dessert but my mother hamstringed me and made three pies.

>> No.7111720

So everywhere I've read you're supposed to loosely pack it
You stuff the thing right? It's called stuffening.

>> No.7111759
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>turkey's been inside oven for over 4 hours
>meat thermometer is broken
>relying on the red pop up thing

Turkey looks done, but red pop up thing hasn't popped. Don't know what to do.

>> No.7111761
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I recommend Knorr Stock Pots to flavour your Thanksgiving Turkeys, american friends.

>> No.7111775

Three reasons:
1) stuffing, like most other things, expands as it heats up
1a) the expansion makes the turkey far more dense, meaning it will take far more time to cook the stuffing to safe temperature meaning that by the time the stuffing's done, the turkey's overcooked and dry.
1b) as it expands, air flow approaches zero; air flow helps with getting a nice texture to the stuffing

2) presentation; it simply looks nicer plating the turkey on the serving platter with the stuffing just pouring out of it

>> No.7111785

Not him but that's probably why my turkey pop up thing hasn't popped.

I probably stuffed it too much.

>> No.7111787

What's this madness? A sticky on my /ck/?

>> No.7111796

im pretty sure its done but what temperature bruh

>> No.7111797

Happens every year, newfriend.

I don't think the pop-up timer works that way. It detects the temperature at the deepest part of the thigh. It's might be faulty somehow. Depending on the ratio between how good your knife skills are and how much you care about presentation, you can make a covert incision into the deepest part of the opposite thigh and check if juices run clear and it looks cooked through at that part there. That may help you.
Really, you ought to get a new thermometer, Anon. Aldi sells a wonderful wireless one. I use mine mostly in the summer when I'm barbecuing: just insert the sensor into the meat, plug its other end into the base and carry the just-about-the-size-of-a-NDS receiver with you, making sure both the receiver and the base are turned on. This way, I can go fuck around with guests elsewhere in the house and know my meat's done when the receiver starts beeping.

>> No.7111803

400 degrees. I also covered it in tin foil so it didn't brown too much.

>> No.7111836
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Help. Some fucklords claimed the stove top and I want to make blooming onions as a crowd pleaser. Advice on non-shit baked bloomin' onions?

>> No.7111847

You mean they really can't spare one bit of the hob for 15 minutes? What sort of faggotry is that?
Due to the fact that it's battered rather than breaded, blooming onion is one of those things that simply can't be baked, sorry.
What you /can/ do, however, is cut the onion the same way, dip it in butter milk, drip dry it a tad, then coat in crumbs or chickpea flour to bake in a very, very hot oven. This should create a nice crunch, but it just won't be the same, apologies.

>> No.7111862
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holy shit thanks, that makes perfect sense. ok.
i got the pies going, ok im good
we're all fine here.

>> No.7111938

it's my first thanksgiving where i'll be doing all the cooking (family for some reason doesn't want to come over), and the freedom is delicious

-brined turkey, stuff'n, cranberries with walnuts and mandarin orange slices, smashed tatoes
-charcuterie and fruit/pickles platter, chips and smoked salmon spread
-pumpkin and chocolate pecan pie
-big pot of apple cider kept warm for sips
-surprise biscuits and gravy for breakfast for the boyfrando
-maybe wine and honey poached bosc pears and salted butterscotch ice cream later if we're somehow not diabetic already

>> No.7111939

>herbed butter under skin

this shit is the bomb. i do it with chicken all the time and have been letting some garlic and fresh herbs hang out in olive oil overnight to throw on mine. mmm

>> No.7111946

This post made me happy


>> No.7111973

Yuro here. I don't get this day. Everyone just takes off work to eat lots of food?

>> No.7111977

and spend time with family you dislike, yeah

>> No.7111978

yes, also in places where there are a lot of non-christians (i.e. anywhere that actually matters), it's an especially convenient holiday because you can safely assume everywhere is closed, and also it's officially defined as a thursday, and a lot of businesses (other than retail) close on friday as well.

therefore it fills the role that christmas would fill in a 100% christian country such as germany, italy, france, or england. inb4 /pol/ screaming about the 14 muslims in france and how england is not actually a country.

>> No.7111984

Who /premealshit/ here?

Gotta clean the basement out before a new tenant moves in, know what I mean?

>> No.7112004
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Fuck wasting my entire day in the kitchen when I'm not getting paid for it

>> No.7112006


It's Christmas for the adults. Beer, football, food. No expectations beyond that to fuck it up

>> No.7112007
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>> No.7112010
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asparagus/blue cheese/chorizo in a 2/1/1 ratio

>> No.7112011

Making a couple of cornish hens for me and my waifu

>> No.7112013


What the fuck are you talking about fedora?

>> No.7112024

Having Thanksgiving with my girlfriend and my folks in the Big Apple. This is what we'll be having:

> Butternut Squash soup with goat cheese toasts
> Kale and arugula salad with pomegranate seeds and toasted walnuts
> Field Roast (girlfriend is veg)
> Whipped potatoes
> Maple and brown sugar sweet potatoes
> Green bean casserole
> Wild mushroom, red wine and shallot gravy
> Pumpkin Cheesecake

>> No.7112039

I can see that you're angry about something but I have no idea what you're trying to say

can you try to get to the point instead of speaking in meme?

>> No.7112044

>all that starch

get ready to be full too fast and hate yourself forever

sounds yummo though

>> No.7112067

Like Americans need an excuse to eat large quantities of food.

>> No.7112070
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>site is japanese now
>still gets a sticky for some shitty amerilard holiday

>> No.7112073

hiroyuki-sama pls range ban australia
moot was going to do this and then he forgot

>> No.7112079

why is this bullshit stickied? Fucking Americans too retarded to celebrate thanksgiving on time

>> No.7112081

no one cares about you europe, stay butthurt

>> No.7112085

I'm making cornish hens, too. It's just me and two roommates, so I have to think small during the holidays.

Sawmill green bean casserole sounds DELICIOUS. It's too late to do it tonight, but I'll try it another night.

>> No.7112086

Eh, the usual Thanksgiving routine. Turkey, cranberry loaf, mashed potatoes.

Afterwards, if I get any alone time, I'm going to work on this cookbook I promised like last year, because eh, I should probably get that done.

>> No.7112088
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So I'm in charge of this shit
>Apple cider brined smoked turkey
>maple bourbon gravy
>double smoked bacon black truffle Mac n cheese
>candied pecan, pickled currant cornbread stuffing
>seared sprouts in honey vinegar w pancetta
>seared mixed mushrooms (fungi misti) done the way that we make them at work

As much as I appreciate my family wanting to have my cooking, I've been working 60 hour weeks and this is my first day off in a long time and I'll still be cooking during it (tho honestly I don't mind, like I'm tired as shit but I'd rather be cooking over like, standing around with my dick in my hand while everyone else does all the work)

>Mom, grandma and sister are making twice baked potatoes and deviled eggs

>Dads bringing some sort of booze

>Friends making the cranberry sauce and some festive sangria shit

>Uncle and aunt I think are bringing charcuterie or something

I also got some free fancy pastries from work so we're not even bothering w dessert. If anything I'll probably be making some whipped cream to serve with fruit or something

>> No.7112090

>slightly undercooked

my nigga

>> No.7112099

Chefs ideal veal (dat rhymin) is med rare so anything over that would get me hella yelled at

Also overcooked veal tastes like some weird grainy vegan shoe leather so props on liking it cooked properly and having good taste senpai

>> No.7112166


>Deep fried turkey
>Green bean casserole
>Sweet potato casserole
>Mashed Potatoes
>Cranberry sauce
>Apple and sausage stuffing


>French silk pie
>Root beer floats


>> No.7112168

Already roasted my turkey so that's out of the way, now I just need ideas for what to do with the leftovers, we got a 13 pound turkey and its just me and my dad at home, so we really couldn't eat all of it in one go.

>> No.7112169


>> No.7112170

what's french silk pie?
does it contain silkworms from france?

>> No.7112171


It's a very rich yet light and fluffy chocolate filled pie.

>> No.7112173


1. Turkey
2. Stuffing
3. Mashed potatoes and gravy
4. Cranberry relish
5. Cherry pie

That seems like enough. And I bought a decent bottle of wine. $18 instead of $2.50...

>> No.7112197


>unironically being in NYC

>> No.7112213

Come someone help me make a vegan thanksgiving dinner?

>> No.7112218


Yeah, start by tying a noose.

>> No.7112251

Cornish hens
Mashed potatoes with lots of butter and chives
Brussel sprouts with bacon and onions
Cornbread stuffing
Roasted squash and apple salad
Cranberry sauce
Hawaiian sweet rolls
Apple crumble
Store bought pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream

And copious amounts of champagne, probably mixed with apple cider

>> No.7112276

Family gathering is put off till Saturday for whatever reason.

I kind of want to go see what is open to pick up some lunch but I'm too embarrassed to let employees see me alone on Thanksgiving

>> No.7112294

Breast to 161, thigh to 181. Let it rest for 30 minutes after you pull it.

>> No.7112299

I have a family event at noon about 40 miles away, but I'm tempted to stay home and eat ham and scrambled eggs (also with some browned chopped onions) all finished together and eaten wrapped up in flour tortillas.

>> No.7112305

> dat meal
> dem truffles

Sounds amazing

>> No.7112306 [DELETED] 

Where the fuck did this stupid meme come from

God damn niggers why the fuck did we ever give them rights

>> No.7112317

My thanksgiving lineup:
>Cranberry Sauce
-made from scratch with whole cranberries, substituted some juice for grenadine for an extra kick
>Mashed Potatoes
-Pretty standard for my usual lineup, I personally enjoy Yukon Gold and make my taters extra creamy.
>Pecan and pear salad
-Nothing special to say, but it will be delicious
-Not sure why so many people hate on stuffing. I'm not cooking it in the bird, just taking the celery, carrots, etc out of it and cooking with the dried garlic bread I have ready.
-Going to make a really dark roux and add chicken stock and all the drippings from the bird when it's done later today.
>Duh Big Burd
-Filling the cavity with carrots, celery, onion, parsley, and dill. Going to rub the inside with honey, butter, and seasoning, and the outside with the same sans honey. Last year I did honey both inside and out and the outside got too caramelized and crisp, wasn't a fan.

And for dessert:
>Mini pumpkin and pecan pies
-Always love pumpkin pie (with an unhealthy amount of whipped cream), and trying out pecan for the first time this year. I don't have a good recipe but I'll wing it and see what happens.
>Mulled wine
-Another thing I haven't done before. Worst case scenario I scrap this idea and just serve the wine I have as is.

>> No.7112324

Those things pop when the bird reaches 180 degrees, but they put it in the breast meat which is done at 165. Makes no sense

>> No.7112327

that thing pops when the dark meat is done cooking, at which point the white meat will be dried out.

I like to cover the white meat with aluminum foil after about a half hour of cooking and once the thing pops it should all be done about right.

>> No.7112333

Working all day. Making some Campbell's Soup for my meal today.

>> No.7112360

Do not scrap the mulled wine. It's delicious and you won't screw it up.

>> No.7112367

>get drunk as fucks and order a pizza.
I did this yesterday when I realized I'd be alone.
I feel better today, I might just cook a bunch and play some vidya. If I drink, I'll drink light.

I mean shit, it's thanksgiving. You may not have friends or family around, but at least you have your health...right?

>> No.7112380
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my ataturk made in a shitty college dorm

>> No.7112384

Does high heat roasting work? My grandmother insists on doing it this way and I feel like a traditional roast would be better.

>> No.7112390

Looks good

>> No.7112393

>Skin isn't crispy
Just throw it in the trash

>> No.7112429
File: 23 KB, 400x330, fry_in_underwear_futurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just when i think i cant eat more, i go to the bathroom and i can eat more!

>> No.7112442
File: 493 KB, 1600x1200, iPhoneUpload_2gg77ddvk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we start posting pics of our actual Thanksgiving meals yet??

Here's our full spread. Very juicy turkey (cooked upside-down), Yukon Gold potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing with apples and chestnuts, rolls, homemade gravy.

We had lunch since my mom's leaving later this afternoon. I actually prefer lunch to dinner since it gives everything time to digest and then I can forage for more food later.

>> No.7112452

It's an american holiday, other countries don't celebrate thanksgiving.

>> No.7112470
File: 370 KB, 1600x1200, iPhoneUpload_b186snouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Closeup of the turkey.

Many many years ago, when we used to talk to our extended family and attended their holiday gatherings, we had turkey that was cooked absolutely to death and dry as a bone. When my mom started preparing turkey, she resolved to do it better, and so she does.

>> No.7112473

No, we can't! Hardly any of the food is prepared yet!

You have a nice-looking meal. Chestnuts in the stuffing sounds delicious.

>> No.7112474

My family holds our shit in all day and then we weigh it, the largest shit wins.
My dad holds the record at 3.2 lbs but we found out he was doping with painkillers to make him constipated so he's disqualified this year. I plan on taking the title
It's a rich and noble tradition

>> No.7112475
File: 2.86 MB, 3984x2988, 20151126_111820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7112483

Bringing homemade whole wheat rolls because my mother refuses to let me or anyone else make any sides, but she hates buying dinner rolls. I'll make a thanks giving meal one day, even if it ends up being a friend's-giving dinner or something.

>> No.7112484

Going to parents
mom made
mashed potatoes
pumpkin pie
mincemeat pie (my father and I are really the only ones who eat it my brother and his daughter love the pumpkin pie)
I am bringing homemade chocolate chips and butter cookies
my sister usually brings pumpkin muffins
my sister in law usually brings bread pudding or rice pudding with raisins

>> No.7112490
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1536, 14485599397681087682657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made a few dozen of these, according to this classic old lady humor recipe (just bacon, no extra ham). There's also some Latvian sauerkraut we've had cooking the last few days, and a cranberry mousse dessert called debes mana.

>> No.7112530

did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.7112536
File: 853 KB, 2092x3718, EU2imdR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my delicious snack before i FEAST later

>> No.7112567

Who /bachelor/ here?

Got my turkey breast in the oven.
Stuffing and greens were made last night.
Beers in the fridge.
Weed in my bowl.
Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving downloaded.

It's going to be a good day.

>> No.7112568

that sounds delicious wtf

>> No.7112579
File: 2.91 MB, 3984x2988, 20151126_104335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a turkey neck

>> No.7112584

No turkey for my family and I this year.

We went to our local butcher and got a whole ham to cook were also making baked beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes/gravy, rolls, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, chicken & noodles, cheesecake, and pumpkin pie.

>> No.7112595

French bread w/ butter & slat for breakfast, Sausage biscuits and gravy for lunch, Baltimore pit beef for dinner. Its gonna be a good food day.

>> No.7112598


Yep the chestnuts were great and added some nice textural variety, while the apples added sweet to complement the savoriness of everything else. Really a very good stuffing and we asked her to make it every year.

>> No.7112600

That should be salt, not slat.

>> No.7112604

Damn, I love the smell of sage.

>> No.7112610

What does /ck/ do with the leftover turkey for the next week? Just make a sandwich out of it or use it in a new dish?

>> No.7112613

Turkey sandwiches with salt, mayo and lettuce on white bread are god tier.

>> No.7112616

Getting ready to roast a turkey and three beef wellingtons. Boursin mashed potatoes to follow. This thanksgiving is about to be great.

>> No.7112630
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1412974688906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cousin already ranting about NWO and the international Jew
>We're Jewish

>> No.7112646

top kike

>> No.7112662

who /watchingfootball/ here?

>> No.7112675

Your cousin is self-aware.

>> No.7112676

I don't own a television

>> No.7112677


Are they leftovers from a stuffing recipe, or just to have because oysters are gr8?

>> No.7112679
File: 833 KB, 1250x6368, duck watercress salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this a while ago.
Well, it's too late now, but it's out there anyways

>> No.7112681
File: 194 KB, 1365x1024, Packers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got it on in the living room. Packers play later. That's the game I'm looking forward to.

>> No.7112682
File: 63 KB, 640x385, diet appropriation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it amazing that you people can even think about eating vegetables and fruits at your tables tonight given what the white oppressors did to acquire them.

>> No.7112692

>watching normieball

>> No.7112697
File: 1.95 MB, 500x299, happythanksgiving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7112714

fucking lel, how can a major radio station get away with shit like that?

>> No.7112715

bringing stuffed mushrooms, a pot of yellow rice (Puerto Rican), and some garlic green beans. Looking forward to both turkey and ham

>> No.7112721
File: 3.53 MB, 5312x2988, 20151125_170516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in charge of the macaroni and cheese this year.

smoked apple cheddar to give it a little kick.

r8 n h8.

>> No.7112724

Jealous of you yanks, get two big meals like christmas a year. At least we get Boxing Day 2bh.

looks good pham, nice and thick.

Like mustard in mine and a breadcrumb/parmesan crust.

>> No.7112728

I bought buttermilk to put in my mash, so later on in going to make biscuits and turkey alla king.

>> No.7112729

Is Boxing Day a day where'd you have a big meal like on Christmas? I dunno if I could have two days of such delicious food in a row

>> No.7112732

>black people think this is true
>that slab of Mac 'n cheese that takes up most of the plate


>> No.7112737
File: 97 KB, 1007x545, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Tier
Mashed Potatoes
>High Tier
>Low Tier
>Shit Tier
Cranberry Sauce

>> No.7112753

>Low Tier

Yeah I love the week of mashed potato sandwiches after thanksgiving

>> No.7112754

Swap turkey and cranberries. Turkey is fucking shit.

>> No.7112755

sports fans are autists tho

>> No.7112758

Mac and cheese should be the bulk of the meal in any respectable Thanksgiving dinner

>> No.7112766

>Boxing Day
oh you mean jizzmas

>> No.7112791

I would've said the left plate is obviously the black's because it looks like a prison meal but that's just me.

>> No.7112793

>12 hour smoked chicken because fuck turkey
>honey butter cornbread muffins
>mac n cheese
>baked potato casserole
>various greens
>and motherfuckin arnold palmers

>> No.7112802

Yeah, well most people have a slightly smaller meal 2bh

We usually have Turkey on Christmas and fillet of Beef on Boxing Day.

>wake up after christmas
>go for a nice walk in the crisp winter countryside
>come back and start drinking/eating again

it's great imo

>> No.7112806

Do Americans eat Bread Sauce?

hnnnggggg love it

>> No.7112821

I lol'd

>> No.7112822

To the folks posting food already, are you in Europe celebrating this thing or do people eat their dinners at noon? :/

>> No.7112830

>not 2:30

Get in the right timezone bitch

>> No.7112836

West coast is best coast.

Also, you're eating dinner at 2:30? Gotta plow those fields afterwards?

>> No.7112847

chances are someone in the family works retail and has to be at work as early as 5pm tonight, so its either eat early with everyone or exclude a few people who are already going to have a miserable day

>> No.7112850
File: 1.86 MB, 2116x1280, Boxing Day tbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I commissioned a poll on the subject over on /brit/, here are the results.

>> No.7112857

Oh yeah I forgot. Why do people do this? The biggest holiday of the year and it's now turned into some fucking shopping shitshow. Instead of spending time with family people murder each other to save $20 on a fucking tv that's 4 inches bigger than the one they already have.

>> No.7112862
File: 870 KB, 2016x1512, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing like a home cooked meal.

>> No.7112867

I think you mean
>God tier
Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
>Shit tier
All disgusting garbage not listed that your family brought without you asking

>> No.7112874

last minute thanksgiving plans

i know i should have brined it, but i have no time now. what other options do i have to not have entirely tasteless, dry turkey?

>> No.7112878

fugg mommy is great at cooking even though she hates it, that or my standards are incredibly low from being fed off of her cooking for long enough that i love it

>> No.7112881

Guys I'm taking over making gravy because my mom insists on using packets of gravy mix instead.

I just make the roux with equal butter and flower, and then mix drippings in? Or...?

>> No.7112928

Should I take a bath before or after I eat?

>> No.7112930

>Cranberry sauce from the can
Honestly it's fine

Fuck the haters, it's not worth the effort simmering cranberries

>> No.7112935

Oh god those potablos look so sticky. Rest looks okay for frozen food.

>> No.7112937

Add some chicken/turkey stock (if you have some on hand) to the drippings before adding it to the roux, which obvs you should make really dark.

>> No.7112948
File: 1.17 MB, 4128x3096, 20151126_141614-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my spread this year. Big fan of the deviled eggs.

>> No.7112959

I'd be fucking mad if I got that plate on thanksgiving. Do you hate yourself? Please don't serve that shit to guests.

>> No.7112961

I fucking love cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Why the fuck do people actually go out to eat for Thanksgiving?

>> No.7112968

>eww the food's touching!!

>> No.7112970

>Jalapenos in your turkey gravy


>> No.7112974

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, anon <3

>> No.7112989

No, because it looks disgusting.
>jalapenos on turkey
>weird frozen-looking cranberry ball
>canned green beans
>pale blob of stuffing, way too much moisture and not even baked in the oven before serving
>little peppers, olives, pickles and tomato like this is an Italian deli
>deviled fucking eggs. this isn't Easter
>gravy that looks like cum from a jar
>whole wheat (or burnt) rolls
>no marshmallows on sweet potatoes

Maybe I'm just used to traditional thanksgivings where Turkey was made with sage and rosemary and the stuffing was cornbread and sausage and baked in the oven to make a nice crust, but that plate looks like dogshit, Did your parents cook much?

>> No.7112998

>no marshmallows on sweet potatoes
You had me then you lost me.

>> No.7113007

I knew I'd lose some friends with that one, but it's essential m8. Even if it all falls off after one scoop and everyone's left with just normal sweet potatoes.

>> No.7113008
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Well, I made the plate myself and it was good. I like jalapenos, so sue me.

The turkey was fried, too. I'll post it in a sec.

>> No.7113020
File: 860 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-26-13-37-02-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the turkey before it was carved. We fry it in the garage because it has more room.

>> No.7113032


I'm having family over and 5 hours ago I put in a Turkey in at 185 degrees Fahrenhiet. I read the instructions wrong because it was suppose to be at 325 celcius? What do I do know please urgent help.

>> No.7113035

Looks like a cinnamon roll turkey, senpai

>> No.7113045
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x1836, image-20151126_154127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put my bird in the oven!

>> No.7113060
File: 89 KB, 417x234, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dinner is soon

>> No.7113062

325 fahrenheit or 162 celsius

>> No.7113066

I changed the temperature to 325 F now and put it for 2 hours. It was roasting at 185 for about 5 hours. Should I increase temp or lower? Time? AHH I'm retarded.

>> No.7113069

325f for 2 hrs should be ok

how big is the bird

>> No.7113075

16 1/2 pounds. Stuffed.

>> No.7113077
File: 1.69 MB, 320x240, mfwturkeyday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably won't eat till 8PM...

>> No.7113078

whoa ho jesus yeah you're gonna need like 3 to 4 hours on that shit.

>> No.7113079
File: 2.39 MB, 1914x1506, 20151126_124929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7113081

Not enough time


>> No.7113082

Where's the turkey? Is it the deep fried stuff up top?

>> No.7113085

3 hours? Will that be good?

>> No.7113086


>> No.7113088

lmao nah man it's fried chicken. Turkey is a shit tier bird.

>> No.7113092
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 20151126_125740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apple pie : /

>> No.7113097

That looks great. Apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream is how to get it done.

>> No.7113098

i take it you're from the midwest/nowheresville?

>> No.7113112

I don't know, use a thermometer. You can turn the heat up though. At least 375 to 400 would do.

>> No.7113114
File: 75 KB, 700x525, 1384236293558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it to have Mac and Cheese on Thanksgiving?

>> No.7113115

looks tasty, if a bit light on meat.

>paper plate

you fucked it.

>> No.7113120

Holy fuck how do you just start making a turkey and not know a goddamn thing about it. And like a retard you went for the most time consuming method of making a thanksgiving bird. You're fucked mate.

You're going to need around 4+ hours to get to safe temperatures with a bird that big stuffed. Fucking morons I swear.

>> No.7113124

I always eat it on thanksgiving. But I'm black.

>> No.7113160
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, rare_disgusted_pepe_by_fazboggle-d99hz9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys I am fucking mad right now

>Handmade a pumpkin pie especially for the occasion
>put it in the fridge for later
>family started arriving a couple of hours into the morning
>I came downstairs after a few hours
>Went to get a coke from the fridge
>Noticed my pie was gone
>Asked everyone if they have seen where the pie I made was
>Grandma looks at me
>''Oh anon, don't worry, I bought a pie from the store. I know you used fresh pumpkins. Fresh pumpkins are dangerous, they have toxic chemicals you know, thats why kids wear rubber masks on Halloween, because the chemicals from the pumpkins everywhere are dangerous."
>for some reason NOBODY challenges this
>now we have to eat some nasty store bought TRASH and not the fucking tasty pie I prepared
>family will complement her on the pie
>SHE ALREADY started commenting on how I should have done more work for Thanksgiving


>> No.7113161

Am I the only fucker that absolutely hates stuffing?

>> No.7113163
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-26-15-18-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I never thought to make mac and cheese on Thanksgiving

>> No.7113166

Before, you doof. Take a bath, dress nice, and use your manners (but still have fun).

>> No.7113167


I would leave and never come back.

>> No.7113175

You're judging someone's cooking based on how some anon dumped his servings on his plate. What are you, stupid??
>no marshmallows on sweet potatoes
Oh, yeah, I guess you are stupid. Marshmallows are for toddlers.

>> No.7113176


Do people still have baths or do you just call it that out of habit?

>> No.7113177
File: 56 KB, 413x395, 1340249075741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people on this board right now that enjoy cranberry sauce straight from the can.

>> No.7113179
File: 843 KB, 213x183, 119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chemicals in the fresh pumpkin
>serves up a pie that probably had more chemicals in it than a public swimming pool

You have every right to be upset.

>> No.7113194

>take store-bought "pie"
>throw it on the floor
>throw it at grandma's face
>smear remnants on your dick, cum on family dog
>scream "SEIG HEIL" and "HAIL SATAN" the whole time
>shit in the driveway on your way out
>call cops on grandma
>make 2 more pies at home
>eat one
>mail another one to grandma's house with a note saying "sorry there were some weird chemicals in that store-bought pie, I made one without fresh pumpkins especially for you"

>> No.7113198
File: 134 KB, 413x395, 1323478466303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people on this board right now that enjoy cranberry sauce at all.

>> No.7113200

I said bath because the anon I was responding to said bath.
I only use the word bath if I'm actually taking a bath, which I rarely do, except when I'm at my parents house, because they have the giant spa tub with like, 12 jets in it. Otherwise, I say shower, or if I'm in polite company, bathe.

>> No.7113201
File: 6 KB, 198x255, felix54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>just my wife and I for dinner
>son is out of town
>Damn Lions actually won easily
>she's getting dinner in the table
>sipping vodka rocks
>turkey (half from the butcher)
>all the fixins
>Brussels sprouts
>red wine
Happy Thanksgiving /ck/!!!!!

>> No.7113202
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, turchetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kenji is life. I did the spatchcock last year and did the sous vide/deep fried turchetta this year. Saved a shitload of time by freeing up the oven.

>> No.7113210

Hosting my own turkey dinner, due to family events falling through and my Roommates family is in maximum bedlam.

Now could someone at /ck/ please tell me why the FUCK people cook turkey at 500 degrees F? Is it the desire to have burnt turkey and pyromania?

>> No.7113216

people do that?

>> No.7113232
File: 3.07 MB, 4128x2322, 20151126_134803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cranberries started.

>> No.7113234


Did she throw your pie away? I would take that issue up with your family and give warnings not to show up at future family gatherings.

That's just disrespectful and rude and if people are trying to protect grandma from going batshit on Alzheimer's they are merely enabling and accelerating the process.

>> No.7113239

Who're you cooking with?

>> No.7113244


Sounds like something my mom's family would do. Stopped going to those terrible family gatherings as soon as I turned 18, I don't care if they're related to me they're fucking insane and intolerable.

>> No.7113248


why are you stirring them when they aren't even hot yet?

>> No.7113250

Is using a turkey bag considered cheating?

Because seriously I can't get moist turkey without one. In the oven at least.

>> No.7113256
File: 45 KB, 195x179, because im happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's over and I'm back in my safe space

>> No.7113258

it is hot: just hard to see. i don't like a lot of water, also stirring because i like as many whole berries to survive as possible because it's fun to pop them in your mouth later.

>> No.7113259

If it works, does it matter?

It's only cheating if you're part of a competition.

>> No.7113260

use a syringe and inject the flesh with melted butter

>> No.7113278
File: 13 KB, 325x313, Rare+dolan+pepe+_22e35d55c441e9696e09256cee040c26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanksgiving with mom's family started this morning with breakfast
>Older brother married some fat latina with literally 5 kids
>the two youngest have infected-looking rashes all over their faces and arms
>one of them is 15 and is clearly suffering from a mental disability, but no one has said anything and is acting all polite like nothing is wrong
>retarded mexikid bangs table all throughout breakfast and occasionally shouts 'FOO ME FOO ME FOO ME"
>He grabs the syrup and pours it all over his hair
>One of the other kids has been continually scratching his arms and now scabs and flakes are all over his eggs
>Again, no one is saying anything, but it's obvious most of the family are uncomfortable
>fast forward to now
>retarded one has been screaming at the top of his lungs for the past five hours; he sounds hoarse.
>youngest kid had diarrhea and it's leaking out his diaper
>scab kid is literally rubbing the turkey in the kitchen
>the whole house smells like diseased, shitty beaner flesh
>think it can't get any worse
>just went out back to get some fresh air
>retard kid has his pants around his ankles and is furiously tugging his tamale while petting our dog

h-happy thanksgiving

>> No.7113282

your thanksgiving sounds divine t-b-h-f-a-m

>> No.7113284


This is why I'm racist and only eat thanksgiving dinner in white exclusive areas.

>> No.7113286
File: 179 KB, 500x358, 1444494775646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tugging his tamale

holy shit

>> No.7113294
File: 490 KB, 300x225, 1396227684644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turkey was fucking perfect, I messed up the cornbread but it still tasted great. stuffing was awesome and my gravy was 10/10. everything else was very good.

cooked for about 4.5 hours today and didnt take any pictures but it went perfectly. hope yours did too /ck/

>> No.7113295


Abandon hope all ye who enter.

Take whatever close family you have and go enjoy a turkey dinner at the whatever restaurant is open.

>> No.7113305
File: 3.63 MB, 4128x2322, 20151126_142255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pie pt deux. pumpkin pie.

>> No.7113306
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>> No.7113307
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Happy Thanksgiving /ck/

Who else /KmartSnackStation/ here?

>> No.7113308
File: 37 KB, 462x452, wewazking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7113319


>When you can't have turkey because you haven't hit any for a week


>> No.7113322
File: 2.42 MB, 4128x2322, 20151126_155409_LLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a deep fried turkey breast (injected with a creole butter mixture), glazed ham with pineapple (gaze being pineapple juice, maple syrup, brown sugar, apple juice, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, dijon mustard, all reduced), green bean casserole, homemade cranberry sauce, dressing/stuffing...not pictured: mashed potatoes made with sour cream, cream cheese, roasted garlic, butter, half and half...aka the fattiest potatoes ever...and also an apple crisp.

>> No.7113324


Man you /cks/ make me jealous, All I seasoned my bird with was Soy Sauce, Olive Oil, Pepper, Sage and Rosemary.

>> No.7113336

>be black
>daddy bailed when mama wuz pregnant
>spend thanksgiving making fun of white folks
as i eat kfc

Bravo DeShawn !

>> No.7113349


Go back to /b/, come back when you mature.

>> No.7113350
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my eats, dessert incoming.

>> No.7113351
File: 87 KB, 650x550, 1448030105790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not your hugbox

>> No.7113358

rolls out of a can or did you just make em to look like that?

and what are those puff pastry triangles?

8/10 would eat

>> No.7113359

No need to get mad Shemarke, thanksgiving is meant to be a time of peace.

>> No.7113366

why would your brother do that?

>> No.7113367

Made the rolls, they turned out super wonky.

>> No.7113368

Oh and the triangle things are spinach something my sister made.

>> No.7113372

Until this thread I had never heard of such a thing. I'm surprised, but maybe I shouldn't be?

>> No.7113374

>no marshmallows on sweet potatoes
You're black, aren't you?

>> No.7113379

shut the fuck up

>> No.7113385

Anyone already drunk around family atm?

>> No.7113387
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And the desserts. The ice cream turned out well.

>> No.7113393

I am. Boozenog is helping and alcoholic hot cider.

>> No.7113415

that's a lot of dessert.

>> No.7113418
File: 2.50 MB, 4128x2322, 20151126_175550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't take any pics during the meal or cooking but heres a plate of leftovers I'm about to eat. It has most of what I made on it but the gravy is cold so it looks gross in pic. Will be warming up

>> No.7113419

Mods decided that airing out my Thanksgiving grievances does in fact belong in here

>sitting at Thanksgiving table with family
>nothing but sugared garbage, tap water and alcohol to drink
>I don't drink alcohol due to it's degenerate effects on one's mind
>ask mom to take a short break from frying up fatty foods to make me a black coffee
>she tells me that she's busy preparing my specially requested Vegan Thanksgiving meal, free of lard, processed meats and dairy products
>beg her for a black coffee and complain about how horribly dehydrated I am
>she tells me to stop acting like a child
>call her a fat cow who can't stop frying up garbage food for her overweight brethren for just a few minutes to make her oldest son a coffee
>dad throws me out of the house

>> No.7113423

>make nearly everything this year, only thing I didn't make was sweet potato casserole and left it to my mother
>turkey with gravy, cornbread with honey butter, stuffing, mashed potatoes and a cranberry sauce. everything came out perfect
>had 6 people over for a family weekend a month ago and ate nearly everything I made
>make double servings since theres 11 people tonight
>someone brings up politics and surprise everyone talks about how I'm such a neo-nazi because I don't want refugees raping my country
>at the end of the meal nothing is even half gone
>"Anon you made way to much food what a waste of money, when I was a kid all we had was a pigeon and rocks for thanksgiving!" Thank you aunt "I didn't even want your cunt ass here but my uncle is a pathetic shit"
>Grandfather who recently recovered from chemo had his appetite back for the first time in years and ate like a fucking king
That alone makes dealing with aunt cunts-alot and my kek of an uncle worth it.
Happy thanksgiving co/ck/s

>> No.7113425

Yes it is. In my family dessert makes up roughly half the thanksgiving meal.

>> No.7113426
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and heres some left over desserts

>> No.7113427

Fuck off. Your thread was shit and you're shit.

>> No.7113436

Go back to /r9k/ faggot

>> No.7113446

you should show your family "with open gates" on the youtube

>> No.7113448

>he doesn't know what cranberry relish is

>> No.7113474

My family just had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, cheesy potatoes, Mac and cheese, cranberry sauce, corn, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.

Shit was great. Gonna have pumpkin pie now.

>> No.7113526
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>> No.7113527
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I made a good meal.

Now to wait for pies.

>> No.7113533

So, Turkeys out of the oven and it's ready to be deglazed.

How do I into good gravy?

>> No.7113540

Skim the fat from the pan juices, make a roux, add the pan juices and some stock, let it thicken and serve.

>> No.7113547

Those peas look so sad.

>> No.7113559
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I left before that happened.

>> No.7113560

is that beef gravy? its so dark

1/2 cup fat drippings from turkey
1/2 cup flour
put in a skillet with heat
stir stir stir
add 3 or 4 cups water
stir stir stir
add water to desired thickness

>> No.7113562
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Well, you fucking deserved it.

>> No.7113569


By water I hope you mean turkey juice and broth?

>> No.7113572

the turkey juice is the 1/2 cup of fat drippings. the water I add is potato water left over from boiling potatoes for mashed potatoes.

oh fuck I forgot I chop up the giblets and put them in a pan with a quartered onion and a cup of water let it simmer for an hour. thats one of my cups of water.

I've been drinking obviously

>> No.7113576

God fucking damn, pumpkin pie with normal pie crust is so disgusting, how do you people eat it?

Whenever I make pumpkin pie I use graham cracker crust, together they're fucking fantastic but when I eat normal pumpkin pie I actually gag

>> No.7113581

>I don't drink alcohol due to it's degenerate effects on one's mind
>I can't make coffee for myself
>I'm a vegan
>I can't just drink water when I'm thirsty
>I insult loved ones when they don't treat me like the pretty princess I am

you're the most hilarious part of my day

>> No.7113588

>things that didn't happen

>> No.7113591


Almost positive it's a shitty copypasta.

>> No.7113596

Im so lucky i have almost the exact alcohol tastes as my parents it keeps things simple.

>> No.7113604

>went to visit family this time
>everything was bland, turkey just tasted like chewing something solid with no flavor at all

Thank god I'm making my own this weekend.

>> No.7113608
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Been making thanksgiving dinner for so many years now that I can do it in my sleep. The turkey captcha is rather clever, by the way.

>> No.7113611

turn the temp up

>> No.7113638

Should've known better than to try posting about this while carnivore kids are home from school.

>> No.7113654

If this actually happened, I don't even care about your diet - you're a complete asshole.

>> No.7113658


>> No.7113667

>Should've known better than to try posting about this while carnivore kids are home from school.

Says the angsty underage faggot

>> No.7113669

Hmm, I seem to lack a siphon.

Remind me, does the freezer method work for separating Turkey fat from the juice??

>> No.7113676

Can you not just mix flour and water and pour it in while simmering? It won't noticeably dilute it.

>> No.7113680

just wing it and try it separate it in a measuring cup yourself

>> No.7113703

Freezer method works fine, the fat will float to the top and start to solidify so you can skim it off more easily.

>> No.7113722

Drank all last night, family wanted to drink all day.

Throwing up turkey is fucked up, you practically choke to death getting that shit out.

>> No.7113724

God bless Witches brew. A sweet spicy red wine that goes good on any fall evening.

>> No.7113736
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someone post kot with a turkey.

>> No.7113745

>Shaqueefa Jones' families

>> No.7113749

Haven't you seen Fresh Prince?

>> No.7113754
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Would you, /ck/?

>> No.7113755
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she got mad at me for making her do this. I did give my kitties turkey fancy feast for dinner tonight

>> No.7113757

what's with the corn?

>> No.7113766


>> No.7113767

Fresh corn on mash is god tier

>> No.7113769

that is not fresh corn

>> No.7113774

>left the cooking up to my mom and my sister
>the meat is all dry
>the turkey looks like the undercooked chicken from #whitepeoplethanksgivings
>the cornish hens are probably ridden with salmonella because my sister refuses to use any conventional cooking skills, like checking temperature or using the timer or an actual recipe
>the only thing that turned out okay is the store bought stuff and the stuff our relatives made
>had nachos and pizza for thanks giving today

>> No.7113775

Yes it is. It took me forever to get that shit off the cob I almost cried

>> No.7113776

in that case good job would eat

>> No.7113786

I tried dry brining a turkey and it came out salty as fuck. Was I supposed to wash off the salt or something before cooking it?

>> No.7113794

yes you always wash off a brine

>> No.7113798

yeah.....wash off the brine.

use less salt if it's frozen v. fresh. you can even soak the turkey in water for a couple minutes after brining to draw put some of the salt.

ya goof.

>> No.7113803

Brining a turkey is always a questionable process. Considering you lose out on Gravy and Stuffing.

>> No.7113810
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there is no truth to this statement

>> No.7113813


>Stuffing a salted bird.

>Trying to use the salted drippings in gravy.

Questionable process anon.

>> No.7113821

made killer gravy for me but I'm >>7113572 >>7113560 so the water added makes it less salty.

and I put sausage and saurkraut in my stuffing and add stock to it so I dont ever actually put stuffing in my turkey so I guess you have me there.

>> No.7113842


Do Americans believe everything they see on TV?

>> No.7113845

do europeans believe everything they see about americans on tv?

>> No.7113897

I'm about to make some pumpkin pie, how do I ground whole cloves?

>> No.7113903



>> No.7113907

use the power of your sphincter

>> No.7113911

In a blender or with a hammer.

>> No.7113925

Could I use a cheese grater?>>7113907

>> No.7113929


Ha ha no. You need a microplane grater.

>> No.7113933

I don't think I have a rasp so I guess I'll use a hammer or flat side of a knife.

>> No.7113992

why? you have a perfectly functional sphincter

>> No.7113995

Get out drunkie.

And get me some more bourbon while you're out.

>> No.7114012

this is being served to a family

>> No.7114013
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My turkey is danker than yours

>> No.7114014

so you should make it extra flavorful ;)

>> No.7114040

Your grandma is either senile or some kind of anti-vaxxer trash

>> No.7114077
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>> No.7114120

Stuffing in general is questionable. i brined my bird for 24 hours, put some lemon, orange, garlic and rosemary in the cavity and the drippings made a wonderful gravy. Just dilute it if too salty.

>> No.7114137

so do californians not eat avocado with their thanksgiving?

>> No.7114149

i do pretty much the same

>> No.7114156
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Final lineup (it was all delicious)

Hope all you ro/ck/stars had a happy Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to leftovers and turkey sandwiches for the next month, going to take a food coma nap for the next 17 hours, goodnight everyone

>> No.7114160

How long will leftover turkey keep, anyway? First year of making an entire meal for just my family of 2. We have a shitton of leftovers and I have no idea how long the turkey will be good for. Can I freeze it?

>> No.7114174

Yes, you can freeze it. I always have to freeze some because we're just a family of three, and we can't eat it all before it starts going bad. Just put it in a freezer ziplock bag (after removing the bones, of course), and push the air out of it, close it, then you can even wrap the bag in heavy foil if you want more protection while in the freezer.

>> No.7114181

awww.....that's cute anon

>> No.7114299
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Rate my thanksgiving dinner /ck/

>> No.7114301

so nobody had turnip or butternut squash anymore?

>> No.7114303
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>> No.7114311


>> No.7114316

office building?

>> No.7114320

Creamed turnips are god tier. We have them at Christmas, but not usually at Thanksgiving.

>> No.7114330

>when a black girl shaves her pussy

>> No.7114338

Kek. Glass table with Italian leather seats

>> No.7114347

anon please stop lying

>> No.7114356
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I cant speak for the Shaqueefa Ling Ling Martinez's of the world but Im filipino and born in the US.

Pic related is from my Grandmas FB. We typically have classic roast ham/Turkey for the main coarse and maybe some stuffing, green beans, and some Derby pie on the side. ALl that good rib sticking, cholesterol raising American shit. But we also have Pork Lumpia, Plantain Lumpia, some stirfired veggies (usually watercress and tomato), home made Pan De Sal, and other ethnic delacacies that you can't exactly make all the time. All served over rice of course. So as a semi american, my thanksiving is semi american

>> No.7114360

it looks like shit. thats a lot of tin foil why do you use tin foil on every dish? who the fuck uses a crockpot for thanksgiving

>> No.7114367

not enough but passable

>> No.7114389

Its a rice cooker you mong. We use foil so clean up is easier.

>> No.7114398

>calling an aryan a mong

sure thing faggot. you know foil fucks up your cooking and it makes you a pathetic faggot that cant cook since youre scared of using hot water afterwards. lmao you werent even born in america why did you do this meal besides an excuse to be a fat ass?

>> No.7114416


>Not a mutant and a mong

Rest of post discarded try again when you rebirth as something with passable genetics and not shit tier passive traits that everyone else grows out of

>> No.7114445

Holy shit you're angry. We use it on the serving trays, not to cook with.

>Calling anyone fatasses for eating thanksgiving dinner
>On thanksgiving

You fucking fatass

>> No.7114460

wait so you cook your rolls and tamales in the oven but then put them down on aluminum foil because takes 10 seconds to wipe a plate down is too much? you dont make any sense

who cooks something in a dish and then transfers it to another dish just for the purpose of people transferring it to their plate? I am not that anon you responded to but you seem very stupid

>> No.7114492

calm down fagget, it's thanksgiving.

>> No.7114498


Brussels probably could've been on a bit longer and with some type of oil or butter in the pan to help soften the insides. What I typically do is blanch them, half them, let them cool/drain, put in a med heat pan cut side down and cover for a few minutes. If you cover them first and then let them breathe to finish after you turn them, you can still get crispy outsides with nice soft delicious insides.

Everything else looks dope though.

>> No.7114503 [DELETED] 
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I told him why his food was shit and he responded with a racist comment. your response is to tell me to calm down? nigger lives dont matter fuck off

>> No.7114517

Enjoy extinction, gweilo

>> No.7114523

> vaguely pejorative Cantonese slang for foreigner. Translations differ depending on who you ask. Apparently it was once meant to mean "foreign devil" (an extreme insult), but usually these days is said to mean "ghost man" due to white foreigner's pale skin and is used as a general term to mean foreigner. Gweilos get upset about being called this. Chinese think it's no big deal.

nice "country" you have there. why do you want to live in mine and celebrate my holidays so badly? this is a white american holiday thread what are you doing here

>> No.7114526
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Shaqueefa Jones-American reporting in.

We always have candied yams, greens and ham hocks, black eyed peas, okra, cornbread, ham, grits, catfish, turkey, macaroni n cheese, fatback, fried chicken, chitlins, pigs feet, hog maw, neckbones, peach cobbler, and sweet potato pie. Give or take. Northern blacks tend to avoid stuff like pig feet.

I have no fucking clue how white people can eat pumpkin pie. Just no.

>> No.7114528

you are aware there were 0 niggers at the first thanksgiving right? this is not your holiday. black people please stop trying to appropriate white culture this is not a day for you. #whitelivesmatter

omfg I thought this thread would be a safe space for whites to talk with NATIVE americans not some fucking africans. you ruined my holiday

>> No.7114531
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...do you have autism?

>> No.7114534 [DELETED] 

fuck you this is my safe space. black people have so much privilege I should be allowed to celebrate my culture without having to deal with the condecension of niggers that dont even belong here

>> No.7114548
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>> No.7114558

Double wrong. I live in L.A. There isn't mayonnaise or velveeta in any of he shit I make, so you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.7114572

Hormones were used in poultry to make them larger until the FDA told them to stop that shit.The use of hormones is what created the larger breeds, which basically fucked their genetic code and tricked nature into thinking their size was normal.

>> No.7114598

Thank you.

People who say "LA" when talking about Los Angeles trigger me.

>> No.7114703

and what if >>7114558 meant Louisiana?

>> No.7114722

For some reason that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, happy thanksgiving.

>> No.7114726
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Why the fuck is this getting replies?

>> No.7114734
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>Unironically using aryan outside of /pol/

>> No.7114847


So after what I said in >>7109346, there was one change: I woke up in early yesterday morning to start making ice cream. I guess I destroyed the freezing bowl. See, the last time I used it was in September and I absentmindedly washed it in hot water. I remember half-freaking out because the instructions say to never expose the freezing bowl to hot water. Now I guess I know why: whatever special liquid is inside the bowl's walls just won't freeze correctly after prolonged exposure to heat. Oh well.
So the ice cream just wouldn't set.
Instead! I froze it in ice cube trays, then blitzed it in the blender. The texture was horrid, but the flavour was just as good as any other ice cream I'v emade.
The sourdough was delicious, though one of the two loaves did split a little at the bottom.
Stuffed mushrooms were good. Asparagus soufflé reheated nicely. Eggy peas were great. Yesterday, I decided to make butter parsnips and carrots with caraway, celery seed and parsley, as well, because it only takes like 10-20 minutes and with zero work other than grinding the spices.
Dad's stuffing was invariably mushy. His turkey invariably dry. His gravy was a little different. I hadn't noticed that he bought "instant turkey gravy granules." He still made the stock, still added the giblets (other than the liver, since he hates liver), but instead of cornstarch, he used these granulated things.
It was bad.
All in all, the saving grace were the greens and the purple pie.
Shitty Thanksgiving food for me.

Oh, I asked my sister in law what she had for Thanksgiving growing up. She's three quarters Puerto Rican and a quarter Chamorro. Her family had roast turkey as well as slow-roasted suckling pig because her family is fuckhugic. Other than boiled cabbage, the sides were "ethnic." The ones I remember were rice and cowpeas, red rice, beans and titiyas.

>> No.7115081

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. Home made is amazing, store bought is usually shit, bakery bought is awriiight.

I don't even know if pumpkin pie=white is a valid stereotype. I live in Chicago, so I've been renting apartments and shit with black people since I moved out. My roommates always eat my pumpkin pie and there are no leftovers this year. I make pumpkin bars instead of pie so it's a huge batch instead of multiple pies. Maybe the shape confuses then into trying it.

>> No.7115804

Who else left over turkey sandwich here?

>> No.7115855

I wish they would leave the organs and sweetbreads in the Turkey carcass so that after it's roasted there are even more leftovers to make sandwiches with.