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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7089878 No.7089878 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: depression circlejerk, feeling sorry for ourselves and enabling each other

so i have this bruise like blotch on my lower abdomen on the left side and google is telling me it's pancreatitis. it doesn't really hurt it's just visibly worrying me.

has any anons experienced this? did it go away?

>> No.7089884
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>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.7089887

Fuck you beer is liquid bread

Anyway you would know if your shit was going wrong - see a doctor though

>> No.7089955

it's flowing good oddly enough. literally solid and only taking less than 2 minutes on the toilet.

not really an option unfortunately. was kind of hoping someone has/had it.

>> No.7089959

>beer is liquid bread
A lot of retards spout this misconception.

>> No.7089962

>finance exam in like 7 days
>im drunk instead of studying

wat do

>> No.7089971

procrastinate until the night before.

>> No.7089977

ayy lmao i will probna ly do that anyway

>> No.7089980

>Gf has been in the hospital for the past 3 days
>I've drank myself to sleep for 3 days

And to top it off, I've been reheating the same batch meal, can't even get into the idea of cooking something else for myself.

It's taken posting this for me to recognize a problem.

>> No.7089990

why is she in the hospital

i hope its nothing serious

>> No.7090012

She's bipolar, which lands her in the ward a couple times a year. She's self aware enough to admit herself when she knows she won't be able to control whatever impulse she's running away from.

Well, that, and she needs a drastic medication change, which doctors don't recommend doing unsupervised.
Thankfully this time, I don't think she actually managed to do any harm before she decided to go.

>> No.7090018

i know this is fucking 4chan and you probably shouildnt trust fucking anyone here but please listen to me

get out of there before its too late

women with mental illness are so destructive, please believe me you can do better

i know you feel sorry for her but you have no future there, and she will legit ruin your life. it does not matter how beautiful she is and how loving she is, it will always be a massive problem. ive never had a gf with mental illness, but ive had friends with gfs with mentall illness and they almost killed themselves

actually just do what you feel is right. but if you feel like bailing, fucking bail m8. i want whats best for your life.

>> No.7090023

also im drunk so think twice before you take my comment into consideration

>> No.7090045

I can't stop drinking Yuengling.

>> No.7090053

My nigga

>> No.7090058


>> No.7090061

Not him, but I'm in a relationship with a mentally ill girlfriend and needless to say it is beyond hard. Depression/suicidal to the point where I lost my job and cant get out of bed. Drinks help, but you eventually wake up to reality and it never gets any better.

Good luck to you mate. >>7090012

>> No.7090066

i wish everyone a painful death on this forum but gl to you m8. i hope it all works out for you

>> No.7090068

>faggot beer snob detected

>> No.7090086

general faggot detected

what the fuck even is that beer

>> No.7090099

Drive your roommate to commit suicide and you'll get A's for the semester.

>> No.7090103


now how do i accomplish that

>> No.7090108

Classic codependent, emotionally unstable couple, good luck with Nancy there Sid.

>> No.7090117

Record him fucking a dude and put it on the webs, I heard that's pretty successful.

>> No.7090133

Managed to stay off the source since the weekend to this weekend (thursday counts right). Drinking red wine, couple bottles probably more, then I'll chill watching some shows I downloaded.

>> No.7090136

Its pancreatic cancer.
You literally have one month to live

>> No.7090156

>You literally have one month to live

Start buying that top shelf shit now.

>> No.7090176
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thank god

>> No.7090194 [DELETED] 

Can you post a picture of it?
I'm going check out my stomach when i finish my drink

>> No.7090202

what are your other symptoms? i had a similar thing once turned out i had just fallen over and bruised myself while wasted and forgotten all about it

>> No.7090205

pancreas is a pretty good organ to fail, you die quicker than some of the others

I assume I'm going to die and my organs are rotting every time I detox. paranoid terror

>> No.7090212

>i want whats best for your life
lmao you dont even know him m8, for all you know he rapes corpses or something

>> No.7090214 [DELETED] 

It's not rape if it's dead

>> No.7090228

If you really have a Grey-Turner sign, then you are in grave danger of acute pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, and potential internal bleeding, all of which are, yeah, bad. In a mortal sense of bad.

I can see how you might want it to go either way. If you see no way through, just make sure no one will find you and call a pain in the ass ambulance.

>> No.7090239
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i got this pic off google.

it's not that severe looking as in the pic, i just wanted to use it as example of the discoloration on my skin. it's maybe 2 inches long and half an inch wide.

to the right of the pic: the red dot is where it's located.

i don't feel any pain or have any of the symptoms of pancreatitis. i should have said it's possibly "acute" pancreatitis.

>> No.7090249

idk maybe. i don't remember half of the things that happen when i drink.

>> No.7090272

You type like a retard.

>> No.7090279

Kek I did the same thing, I woke up in great pain with a huge bruise on my torso. I thought one of my organs had finally exploded from drinking, come to find out I blacked out and dive bombed into a desk.

>> No.7090307

Does it count if you wake up with your face stuck to the rug at the bottom of the stairs and from your prone position you scream curses at your roommate for gluing your face to the rug while you were passed out but then the shooting pain in your face clues you in that the glue is actually dried blood and what really happened is that you blacked out on the stairs and bashed your cheek open and the rug probably saved you from bleeding to death?

not OP, btw

>> No.7090319

Yea that's gotta count for something.

>> No.7090425


I'm a guy with bipolar and I can say the opposite is also true. I hate not having my waifu anymore but she was right to get out, I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone.

>> No.7090573
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I was coming home one night and there was ice on the patio and took a breddy gud header and smashed my chin open. Inside, I got my hand pressed against it and the roomie says hey let's see that. I'm thinking, well it smarts, but yeah ok, and take my hand down, and he dashes to the sink and promptly hurls.


So I mosey to the bathroom and and take a look at the thumbnail sized flap of flesh hanging from my visible jaw bone and think, I wonder if I can avoid getting that stitched up? Also, come on, man, that's a bit girlie of a reaction eh?

I taped it up, but after an hour during which I would normally have blissfully passed out I was sober enough to realize that there was no amount of gauze that was going to suffice.

Scar looks like Harrison Ford's now but a little lower.

al/ck/ohol injuries sub-tread?

>> No.7090583

>tfw i'm the gf with mental illness

You'll find someone for you, m8. I've been honest with my bf about my symptoms, my treatments, and all of that, which I suppose is really the only thing you can do.

>> No.7090587
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I have a dent in my skull. Same place as Quint. Brick column, snowmobile, face, booze, hook

>> No.7090601

News = Cocktails.

>> No.7091463
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>thumbnail sized flap of flesh hanging from my visible jaw bone

>> No.7091713

so it has noticeably faded a bit. could have been just a bruise. we'll see as time progresses.

>> No.7091726


what is this meme

everytime i drink i get happy and chill as fuck, any traces of depression are totally erased. what are you faggots even drinking lmao

>> No.7091732

Does being a heavy drinker increase your alcohol metabolism rate? Using a BAC calculator this morning I should have been at about 0.1%, but my ignition interlock didn't detect any on my breath.

>> No.7091735

I used to have fun drinking, but now I have to drink to have fun.

>> No.7091736
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How are you supposed to stop yourself from drinking everyday?

>> No.7091750

You all need serious help. I hope none of you cause permanent harm to yourselves.

>> No.7091754

I had to have my dog put down last week.
I also unquit alcohol at the same time haha

>> No.7091756

fuck that
procrastinate until you're ten minutes late for the exam.

>> No.7091835

i got dumped back in september, and for the past 2 months i've been getting shitfaced with my friend's gf every weekend. we stay up until like 10 AM just talking and cuddling.

am i making a terrible mistake by doing this, al/ck/

>> No.7091840

Haha too late, cheers!

>> No.7091843

>i've been getting shitfaced with my friend's gf every weekend. we stay up until like 10 AM just talking and cuddling.
I don't see what could possibly go wrong with this scenario.

>> No.7091914

i spilled microwave curry at a gorillion degrees celsius on my bare chest when i was drunk once, gave mgself pretty bad burns, skin went all red and scaly like pork crackling

still have the scar a year later lol

>> No.7091918

probably a bad idea, one of you is likely to get attached and try something stupid,and given that you are the one that just broke up it will probably be you

>> No.7091923
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>I used to have fun drinking, but now I have to drink to have fun.

>> No.7091926


i wish you luck :< i don't have bipolar but suffer from depression/BDD. i've warned my boyfriend, told him he deserves better etc and tried to push him away for his own good but for some reason i'm lucky he wants to stay. 7 years now.

>> No.7091930



>> No.7092402
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I got a pet. The responsibility of keeping another thing alive helped me focus my money and mind elsewhere.

>> No.7092427


god damnit she's a cutie

>> No.7092608
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Sup al/ck/, how do you prevent an impending hangover? Not the night before, but the morning when you wake up drunk and just know it's coming. At work, slamming water, took a multivitamin, ate a burger, and said a prayer. Anything else that can be done?

>> No.7092632


>> No.7092701

This was me back in my high school years.
Fast forward almost 8 years later and I'm now a full blown alcoholic who gets drunk as fuck at the bar every night and attempts to socialize with the patrons and maybe find someone to go home with which of course almost never happens so I go home and cry myself to sleep while listening to depressing music.

>> No.7092726

A little, yeah. I think the variation is from a unit an hour up to two or three an hour.

>> No.7092728

It's probably nothing.

Just head to the Winchester and have a few pints while the whole thing blows over.

>> No.7092774

keks were had anon.

>> No.7092814

Get done electrolytes in your system. Gatorade and pickle juice are full of them.

>> No.7092843

polite sage for off topic

ive been struggling with bipolar for 6 or 7 years, and it took me that long to find a cocktail of daily medications to keep me stable (in conjunction with over a decade of therapy)
medication takes huge amounts of experimenting, trying different ones, tapering up and down, etc. and sometimes even if you find one that does work for you, your monthly blood tests may show that the medication is negatively impact ing your liver and you will again have to go through the process of tapering down, finding something new, and starting it all over again.
if you're serious about this relationship, know absolutely what youre getting yourself into. research, research, research. dont be afraid to get into counseling, for both yourself and couple's counseling.
in terms of my own experience with bipolar fucking up my relationships, it has, every single one. i take personal responsibility for the ones i fucked up myself, explanation not an excuse and all that, but god damn lol

>> No.7092852

I ran out of money for the first time since I was a kid. I'm already shaking and the terror is on its way. I hope I die this time

>> No.7093243

go to rehab idiot

>> No.7093260

Show me ur tit burns bb

>> No.7093468

Ya mate, that ship sailed years ago.

I'll drink a toast to permanent harm in about an hour.

>> No.7093475

it is become traditional in al/ck/ohol threads to end with haha

instead of lol or kek. In a long ago thread, the phrase captured the combined ingredients of limp defiance, hopeless resignation, and indifference before the inevitable which characterizes the general outlook of most al/ck/ohols.

>> No.7093479

>al/ck/ thread

Dude. Read the label. You want your liver to fail from chronic alcoholism, not accelerated toxicity.

>> No.7093482

>A lot of retards spout this misconception.
Obviously it ISN'T liquid bread, no one is claiming it is literally a liquid form of bread. Just that it's the closest a beverage gets to bread in terms of constituent ingredients. It's not a misconception because no one actually thinks that.

>> No.7093491

I'm not supposed to be drinking but I drank a fifth of vodka last night and am about to go buy another one. Gonna be a fun night tonight haha

>> No.7093496
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> I am Jack's cirrhotic liver

>> No.7093499

got fired from my job today. i'm so fucked. time to get drunk woo

>> No.7093504

I just drank 10 beers, was going to drink more, had three left; but then I was like no I'm going to heat up this family sized stoffers mac and cheese and eat that instead. so I'm doing that now.

>> No.7093516

>not enjoying the pain of a hangover
>getting hangovers and not the shakes
Never gonna make it as an alchy son.

>> No.7093517

But for why?

I am not an al/ck/oholic, but I am partaking in a few brewskies tonight.

>> No.7093569

I used to think Westerberg's lyric, "the only exercise I ever get is the shakes" was hilarious.

>> No.7093662

news cocktails

>> No.7093767

god damn drunk fuckin clown

>> No.7093975

Drank over 1.5L of vodka and crashed my car at 100mph. Fence post went through the windscreen and split my eyelid. Broken hand. Had to leave hospital before treatment to avoid police and sober up.

>> No.7093988

Good man. Chicks dig scars.

>> No.7093992

next time die

>> No.7094005

was proud of myself and didn't drink for 5 days, so I went ahead and bought 2 steel reserve 40's for tonight

>> No.7094017
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My family never listens to me about food stuff.
My sisters needed something to sell for a bake sale, in particular something involving marshmallows just because they had an abundance of them on hand, and they threw out my idea because it was "too boring," it involved taking a huge sheet of big marshmallows, roasting them lightly with a torch just enough that they melt together but maintain their shape enough to be pulled apart, drizzling magic shell over the whole thing and using that as a canvas for a cute holiday-themed picture. I thought kids would've loved it.

>> No.7094022

it was a huge reality check when I let my dog out, then passed out. Woke up about 3 hours later and she was sleeping on the front porch. I felt like the most shit person to ever live, that stopped me drinking for a while

>> No.7094047

Drinking about a pint of vodka a day. Recently I've cut down. At the end of the week I've saved enough from the pint bottles to fill up an entire bottle. This saves me money.

So now I still drink every day, and I but myself a little treat with the money I saved.

would recommend.

>> No.7094092

So for people who are used to drinking every day and try to take a break, how many times per night do you contemplate drinking then telling yourself no? Me ? probly around 50 times no exageration.

>> No.7094119

I hope your mac was nice anon, drink some brewskis and report back

>> No.7094126

can't even get through the day sober unless the shops are closed, it's on my mind every minute unless I'm playing piano or reading so dont feel bad

>> No.7094145

I think about drinking so much, that I wonder what I'd think about if alcohol didn't exist.
Because it's all I think about.

>> No.7094148


>> No.7094230

Dude, I just got out of the hospital from pancreatitis. Believe me, you'd fucking KNOW if you had it. You'd feel like you were dying.

>> No.7094665

what happened to you? are you a-ok now?

>> No.7094704

Yeah, I'm okay for the time being, but I have to have gallbladder surgery soon, and until then, I have to stick to a bland , low fat diet and pretty much only drink water.

>> No.7094810


>> No.7094823

hey /ck/

i love you guys. i mean i drank a lot tonight. but you guys are like my home.

>> No.7094827

what did you do when you drank?

>> No.7094849

I think a lot of us are here because we cook and drink alone.

>> No.7094863

It's OK, I really like all of you faggots even though I normally have negative things to say. I hope you all take care of yourself and when I say something mean, I don't honestly mean that. Learn some bantz and tell me to fuck right back off. I think it would be cool if we could somehow make a 4chan AA group.

>> No.7095173
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>tfw just got whisky reflux

>> No.7095290

I actually feel like I've been using these threads as a bit of an AA group myself...I usually read through them and contribute where I can, because it reminds me of everything I went through during the worst (alcoholic) times of my life, and helps to keep me off the sauce. I've found talking about it is always helpful, and the naturally anonymous nature of the site helps too. Hearing other people who have done and thought the same as me keeps my head in the game and acts as a reminder that alcohol is very good at creating illusions that ultimately end with a ruined life and death.

>> No.7095768

was dat

>> No.7096507

i'm drunk rofl