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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7085366 No.7085366 [Reply] [Original]

Would you be vegetarian if it tasted good?


>> No.7085371

I think vegetarianism is lame but vegans are cool but ONLY because they are helping us evolve to be photosynthetic.

>> No.7085376
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>> No.7085379

omnivore anon that lived with vegan flatmates for a few years here.

vegetarian and even vegan food can be delicious, it just gets a bad rep from people that eat nothing but pasta with tomato sauce and shitty supermarket fake meat

i'd never go vegan because i love meats, fish and dairy but that don't mean i never cook with seitan or tofu

>> No.7085388

Would not being a vegetarian exclude me from eating vegetarian dishes?

>> No.7085453
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you ONLY eat meat?

>> No.7085534


>> No.7085657
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Plenty of vegetarian food tastes good. The problem is that meat also tastes good, and all the meat substitutes are a pathetic joke.

>we brought the price of a mediocre lab-grown hamburger down to $12,000 a patty!
>a bone-in chicken wing? uh... we'll get back to you

>> No.7085701

I mean I would eat vegetarian food but I wouldn't not eat meat... like why would I even do that?

>> No.7085709

I cant stand vegetarians and "vegans" that get fake meat.
you either are a vegan or you are a degenerate eating soy burgers or vegan sausage or some shit

>> No.7085734

I eat vegetarian four times a week because poor student, I don't see any need to give up what little meat I have even though I can make veggi food taste as good as all but the best of meat based dishes.

>> No.7085736

Vegetarian food is amazing. In fact, I was vegetarian for a few months, and the only thing I really missed was some good fatty pork and fried chicken.

You can make some extraordinary meals as a vegetarian, and even some pretty good ones as a vegan.

It's when they use shitty meat or cheese substitutes (other than tofu and tempeh) instead of celebrating the flavor the vegetables themselves when things get terrible.

>> No.7085738


What, exactly, is preventing me from making vegetarian food without being vegetarian?

>> No.7087477

It does taste good.

I still enjoy meat. I've had veggie meat, and some was pretty good, but nothing that replicates a rare steak, or curried goat.

>> No.7087488

I love making delicious vegetarian shit. Becoming veggie has opened up a lot of shit I've never heard or or probably wouldn't have tried. I also cook a lot more now too.

But every now and then I want a degenerate ass tofu hot dog with vegan chili on it I don't care

>It's never really that good

>> No.7087524

I don't get vegetarianism, why does it have to be all or nothing?
You just limit what you can eat and would probably miss out on nice things

>> No.7087529

Literally nothing wrong with conveniently shaped protein.

>> No.7087542

>Becoming veggie has opened up a lot of shit I've never heard or or probably wouldn't have tried

This meme is so fucking dumb. "Oh, my diet is so much more interesting now that I cut all the variety out!" Well, fucking imagine all the meat dishes you never heard of that you'll never try, you creatively bankrupt idiot!

>> No.7087584

I use soy protein and seitan, both taste really good when done corectly. But I never hope it to taste like meat, and shaping it like meat is retarded. Except burgers and sausages for practical reasons.

>> No.7087585

vegetarian food does taste good. in fact most of the time i want to eat vegetables. but meat tastes good as well and i don't want to give it up.

>> No.7087586

It forces you to explore new ingredients and tastes.

>> No.7087591


>we brought the price of a mediocre lab-grown hamburger down to $12,000 a patty!
>a bone-in chicken wing? uh... we'll get back to you

well growing muscle with a similar structure and composition to the real thing is incredibly complicated, i don't know why you're derisive about it.

>> No.7087597


never heard of finding inspiration in limitations huh

>> No.7087675

No, I think suffering is the best spice, sometimes I wish someone would collect cow tears so I can salt my steaks with them.

>> No.7087710

Fuck no.

It's about maximum nutrients in a minimum size, and meat provides those nutrients far more efficiently than plants alone.

>> No.7088135

Do you eat literally nothing that doesn't have meat in it?

Because if you don't, you think vegetarian food tastes good. Just because I see no moral obligation to avoid meat doesn't mean I believe you should only eat meat all the time.

>> No.7088151



>> No.7088176

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.7088267

Why would I change my lifestyle when I could just eat the vegetarian dishes when I'm in the mood for them, and keep eating meat when I'm in the mood for that? Dumb question.

>> No.7088285
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Social majors

>> No.7088299

I'm not even lying but some of the best meals I've ever eaten were at Hare Krishna soup kitchens 119% vegetarian4lyfe I even bought their little cookbook, shit is super cash.

I could happily eat vegetarian for the rest of my life provided it was falfel and indian food but for some reason my brain thinks I got cheated if i pay for a meal with no meat in it.

also biscuits with marmalade I could live on or the bread I bake or beans and rice so basically fuck you and the horse you rode in on, OP

>> No.7088307

If you're all about efficiency, you would be mixing in protein powder (or some soy based food, which is still higher in protein than meat) and vitamin supplements with small portions of, say, stews.

>> No.7088327


this is a cooking board nigger take your pemmican and supplements elsewhere

>> No.7088457

But why should I try different shit if I ever ate was fried chicken wings

I actually didn't like about 90% of meat anyway, plus I'm trying to be healthier and I fucking hate fucking skinless chicken shit. Yeah sure I'll never eat like fucking python or whatever weird ass exotic meat but uh who cares

But I hated steak, hated pork chops, didn't like bacon really, hated most white meat like turkey and chicken. I only really liked fried chicken and cheeseburgers.

>> No.7088500

Vegetarian here, and my food taste amazing when i put effort into it.

>> No.7088504

I wouldn't just "become" a vegetarian. I would just eat the fucking thing if it tasted good.

>> No.7088528

food in general just doesn't taste good to me since I lost most of my sense of taste. So somehow I ended up being vegetarian and just have stuck to it for a decade.

>> No.7089073
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I would never limit my diet for moral reasons I don't think. I would eat more veg dishes probably but I'd still eat meat, tho less of it

>> No.7089403

There are plenty of dishes that are great and are vegetarian by recipe. What I mainly take issue with is meat subsitutes tasting like crap. I've never had good tofu(except jack in the box tacos) or textured vegetable protein. Bean burger? Sure! Just don't try to make it something it isn't.

>> No.7089406

What if they took lab meat and wrapped it around the bones of chickens that died of natural causes like cancer, starvation, frostbite, and massive organ failure?

>> No.7089412

Actually animals can be calorie dense but if we want to talk about nutrient efficiency you're way off base. About 90% of the nutrients that cattle eat come right out their ass, literally in the form of manure. It wouldn't be such great fertilizer if it wasn't nutrient rich. Animals are extremely nutrient inefficient, but they're also extremely tasty.

>> No.7089413

Then go eat that nutrient powder that fills all your needs and never cook again you massive faggot.

>> No.7089461


I take it you don't know why cows have multiple stomachs, and why gorillas spend most of their waking hours foraging and eating, do you, anon?

Of course you don't.

>> No.7089465

Why would I need protein powder if I'm not a weightlifter and can easily get all my protein needs from eating meat a couple of times a day?

>> No.7089470



>> No.7089561



>> No.7089746
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I believe you'll find it's "tasted WELL.", my man.

>> No.7089754

Not talking about protein powder. I'm talking about the stuff that fills all nutritional needs, which is undeniably more efficient than eating meat.

>> No.7089787


>> No.7089789


No such thing.

That's why they're called supplements.

>> No.7089803
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Vegetarianism is unatural.
Humans have evolved to eat meat.
If you go against evolution you are no better than some of these hick Southern states that require creationism to be taught in schools.
>The earth is 3000 years old, no dinosaurs, oil or diamonds.

>> No.7090201

It's not a supplement. It's food replacement.

>> No.7090240

Vegetables already taste good fatty, but if they tasted better it wouldn't magically make meat taste worse so why the fuck would I become a vegetarian?

>> No.7090593

>curried goat
my nigga

>> No.7090597

there are some awesome vegetarian dishes. for example, who doesn't enjoy cheese enchiladas?

>> No.7090609

Or falafel. God damn I want a falafel wrap now.

>> No.7090615

yeah for sure

>> No.7090618


>> No.7090626

If it was cheap, flexible, and just as delicious, yes.
Killing animals is wrong. But oh so very tasty. My temporary pleasure is worth years of some lesser beings suffering.

Being human and not eating meat is like winning the lottery, still working your 9-5, then dying and leaving the untouched money to your cats. It's responsible, but boring.

>> No.7090630

It does taste good. I've never liked the taste of meat, though.

>> No.7092879

I'm a vegetarian for health reasons.

Lost 41 pounds. best shape and health of my life, not deficient in anything

>mfw no looking back

>> No.7092883

Sounds pretty good. Do you have to take any pills?

>> No.7092888

I take vitamins that I took whilst being an omnivore. I take ginkgo biloba, Siberian ginseng and zinc. I vary my diet enough to keep it interesting and balanced. It's really not hard unless you're a lazy Amerifat or a useless cunt.

>> No.7093053

Imo dal makhani that you posted it the epoch of vegetarian cooking. Followed by a napolitan margerita. This of course excludes one off dishes that chefs come up with that I haven't tried.

>> No.7093074

Been a vegetarian all my life and have never needed pills. Not have any of the other lifelong vegetarians I know. You don't need supplements unless your doctor has prescribed them and even then you should be asking when you can get off them. A waste of money and can even be potentially harmful if you od.

If you were vegan I'd understand but vegetarians don't need supplements any more than omnivores.

>> No.7093079

I was a vegetarian for years and honestly miss it. Vegetarian food is awesome, and going veg is what made me learn to cook shit. Most meat is gross once you lose the taste for it anyway. I still can't eat any beef or pork because of how fucking gross that shit taste. Chicken and turkey is tolerable, but fish is pretty okay. Only started eating meat to bulk and put on mass desu senpai.

>> No.7093083

>i'd never go vegan because i love meats, fish and dairy but that don't mean i never cook with seitan or tofu

Basically this. My issue with being a vegetarian or vegan isn't that the food doesn't taste good, because you can make it taste good. The issue is that meat and other stuff tastes good too, so I'll eat that as well. Vegetarian chili or curries, tofu, whatever, that shit is good, but it's ALSO good when you throw some meat in that.

>> No.7093088
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it's people!

>> No.7093104

See, this is the difference between vegetarians/vegans and normal, non-damaged people.

Vegetarians believe there's such a thing as "vegetarian food." There isn't. To us meat eaters, it's just "food."

>> No.7093105

>Most food is gross once you lose the taste for it anyway


>> No.7093127

Well I take the ginko biloba and Siberian ginseng because it makes me more alert and mentally sharp, not because I need them per se. I was told zinc is good for the male reproductive system and I came into a bit bottle of it, so w/e. All good, veggiebro

>> No.7094867

Yeah, sure. I could do vegetarian without a whole lot of trouble. Vegan is a different story though. I couldn't live without cheese.

>> No.7095113

No I want to eat ALL THE THINGS

>> No.7096310

I'm a vegetarian and I eat meat.

>> No.7097476
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I could go with dairy; lactose sensitivity but I can't give up eggs.

>> No.7097486
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Vegetarian indian is yumlicious

>> No.7097674

Wanting to be normal. On 4chan. You already failed.

>> No.7097698

It's like you're going out of your way to be wrong.

>> No.7098435

Your taste is so bad.

>> No.7098451

I have tried a lot of vegetarian and vegan recipes.

I preffer vegetarian better than vegan,but i preffer omnivorous food better than vegetarian. There are some recipes that are alright, but some of them were, in my opinion, lacking of substance or tasting wood-like, i don't know how to explain it.

Also, i have no problems with my diet (im not picky with the food and my health is good) , so, i'll keep being omnivorous.

>> No.7098477

I'm vegetarian, and the food is delicious. Recently I've been eating shellfish though. Shit is delicious and doesn't really pose any ethical dilemma.
Reading this thread makes me wish there were more vegetarian threads on here, though. It seems like every thread involves meat. I tried to start one and it was all trolls.

>> No.7098516


> recently i've been eating meat
> meat is unethical
> but it is okay and ethical when i do it

literally what?

>> No.7098518

I don't mind vegetarian food once in a while. I don't need meat with every meal. I wouldn't go 100% vegetarian though.