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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7056464 No.7056464 [Reply] [Original]

Ask the stupid stuff you wouldn't ask in other threads.

Why is there a limit to how long I can freeze meat ? I Live in fairly rural Scotland and every so soften there are exceptional offers on great quality meat and fish. I want to buy a chest freezer for the garage then vacuum pack my meat before freezing it.

Everywhere online says 12 months is the max for storing meat in the freezer. If the food is vacuum packed it surely eliminates the chance of freezer burn, so why is there a limit to how long i can store the food ?

>> No.7056477

The limit on freezing is based on freezer burn, vacuum packing can greatly extend how long you can freeze for. Quality will decrease after the 12 months, mostly from cell damage to the meat, but it's not inedible. It may have a funky texture, but it's not going to poison you or anything. If you can't consume meat in a 12 month period you probably have too much of it anyway. Just make sure to label and date everything you put in there, rotate it so you use the older stuff first, and you shouldn't have a problem.

>> No.7056480

There isn't. But the flavor and texture is going to suffer.

>> No.7056481

I have no Cocoa powder and I must eat brownies. How do Blondies taste?

>> No.7056484

Fucking delicious.

>> No.7056489

Wouldn't the cell damage happen at the start of freezing as the water expands ? So why does it get worse over time ?

>> No.7056491

What are must-have spices?

>> No.7056493

Blondies are pretty good, there's a version on seriouseats that uses brown butter that I like.

>> No.7056495

Cinnamon or Almond powder maybe even coffee?

No idea if this works but if you put a tiny bit of saffron in they might take on a great colour ?

>> No.7056499

depend on your type of cuisine

>> No.7056500
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What's a good sauce to go in a salami and provolone sandwich?

>> No.7056504

I've never eaten or cooked prawns, lobster, mussels, scallops or crab. What simple things can I do to try them and learn to cook them ?

( I was a very picky eater until i began cooking for myself, now I'm pretty adventurous)

>> No.7056505

Depends on what you cook regularly. don't sweat it with spices. They will accumulate with time and you'll figure out pretty fast what you like to keep stocked.

>> No.7056511


>> No.7056513

is cookware better bought as a set or individually

for example, a set of pots/pans vs a singular item

>> No.7056515

Black / White Pepper
Chili Powder
Garam Masala,
pre made Salt an Pepper Spice
Coriander powder
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Chinese 5 spice
Cayenne pepper

That should cost you very little, last you a long time and let you play around a lot.

>> No.7056516

Any fluctuations in temperature will make it worse, and you will have fluctuations. Even the industrial freezers we have at work fluctuate as it goes through defrost periods. When it goes through a defrost period you can have a 10-20 degree F fluctuation, no clue what that is in Celsius. Nothing will actually thaw out, but it will cause internal changes that cause damage to slowly occur.

Chest freezers are also prone to getting ice on the inside, they just don't have a proper seal to keep humidity out and every time you open it you'll get some water vapor in there unless you have a 0% humidity environment. The ice crystals encroach on the product in the freezer and cause more damage, even in sealed packages, it's just slower and more difficult for it to happen.

>> No.7056517

Those are all totally different things a require different cooking methods. You can sear scallops, saute mussels, steam mussels, boil lobster, and bake crab

>> No.7056525

Horseradish and mayo.

When I'm drunk I mix scorpion pepper hot sauce with mayo and have deli meat sandwiches.

>> No.7056528

What do you guys do with the canning liquid in a can of tomatoes?

>> No.7056531

I know.

But what to start with ? What's an easy recipe that you enjoy with any of those things ?

>> No.7056536


I only use canned tomato for curry / stew / chilli

So I add it all, add water to the can and add that rather than add plain water.

>> No.7056538

I have recently come into possession of 10 pounds of lentils. What the fuck do I do with all these lentils other than make chili?

>> No.7056540

You mean like in a can of crushed or diced maters?

>> No.7056545

See >>7056515

Add Nutmeg

>> No.7056549

my house is sideways, how do i level my stove

>> No.7056552


I like having all my pots the same type so I can make sure they have the same characteristics When cooking (they also look better if multiple are out at once)

For items that you normally have one of - roasting tins, griddle pans, casserole dishes i will buy individually.

Don't buy colours, black white and silver and all the brands will match.

>> No.7056553

What's the secret to a delicious burger? Currently using egg, chopped onion, Tony Chacheres, soy sauce, worcestershire, and garlic powder but it's still falling short of my expectations, like it's still too bland.

Also, I can't use pepper because my gf can't handle spices.

>> No.7056558


floor tile with paper underneath to make it up to the correct height? (individual sheets not folded)

>> No.7056566

Be more subtle next time. If you cut the amount of b8 in that post in half, you'll get a few people to believe you.

>> No.7056570

I-is that too many ingredients?

>> No.7056573

Fat and a toasted bun.

Aim for 20% fat.

Make sure your buns are toasted so they don't get soggy.

Also it sounds like you're adding too much - soy sauce AND worcestershire ???

good meat with basic seasoning IMHO.

>> No.7056575

It's too late, just delete the post and try again.

>> No.7056585

Yea I was following a recipe that called for both, but it did sound kind of odd. And thanks for the info, definitely should not have used sirloin for hamburger meat I guess, because the burgers definitely didn't seem juicy enough.

>> No.7056602

>Chinese 5 spice
They make everything taste like shit. Use the actual ingredients instead

>> No.7056605

You have a femanon around and you want to cook together.

What do you cook that lets you share the load without getting too technical or stressful ?

>> No.7056607

What should I have for dinner? Vanilla pancakes cooked in butter with a chocolate double scoop shake ~or~ literal dog shit ~or~ cheddar grits with pepper and shaved medium rare steak on top.

>> No.7056614


Not the person you were responding to

But the good stuff and its great for marinades. Don't go for the supermarket stuff.

>> No.7056630

>Buy the good stuff
lol they don't sell the good stuff outside of China, the only five spice available (at least in Canada) is anise star, clove, cinnamon, fennel seed, and sichuan peppers.

Don't get me started on Chinese thirteen spices.

>> No.7056646

I'd cook spaghetti sauce. It's mostly just chopping and then you wait. Chili is equally good for that reason.

>> No.7056648
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I'm looking for a substitute for Laughing Cow Cheese. It's $6-7 for one which is kind of expensive. I use it for a wrap, I can't find the exact recipe now, but it's identical to this one, but you put the cheese on the tortilla and then the chicken etc.

I tried swiss, but it was too dry. Best I've come up with is cream cheese, but haven't actually tried it. Any ideas?


>> No.7056664


Soups and curries. Bacon and lentil soup is great.

>> No.7056673


Lentil soup is excellent when made spicy

>> No.7056684

the only way to include them all is with pasta in either a red or white sauce really

>> No.7056687

I find soup is the most comfy thing to cook.

>> No.7056767

How to make clams that don't taste like crap??

>> No.7057573

Is it worth buying an expensive (£200+) knife or would I be better buying a £30 - £50 one ?

Is the difference noticeable ?

>> No.7057617

A recipe I'm looking at calls for a bamboo steamer.

I have a metal steamer pot thingie, but not a bamboo anything.

Is the metal steamer okay?

>> No.7057643

What probe thermometer should I buy?

>> No.7057648

if you're a professional chef, get the expensive one. otherwise, a cheaper version will suffice.

>> No.7057653
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>pre made Salt an Pepper Spice
>because adding salt and pepper individually is too hard

>> No.7057665



>> No.7057691

Don't you have asian foodstores near you, anon?

I live in Montreal, Hawaii or Sena usually stock decent stuff

>> No.7057712

I cook a good tomato pasta, tastes delicious hot. When I go to eat it cold the next day it has literally zero flavor and texture is awful.

wat do

>> No.7057889
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But with the premade, you can season twice as fast!

>> No.7057906
File: 372 KB, 555x666, 1445157600913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you crack an egg using only your hands? I see this all the time on cooking shows, it's like they... just pull it apart.

When I try I get my finger in the yolk and eggshell everywhere.

>> No.7057909

stale pasta is stale
make new

>> No.7057934

Asian foodstores in my area don't carry all the spices, they only have the basic ones.

>> No.7057936

do you need to wash your turkey after the brine

>> No.7057939

practice. hit the egg on a hard, flat surface. use a moderate amount of force. don't squeeze the egg, just hold it firmly. cracking an egg straight out of the refrigerator is less messy than a room-temperature egg, i think.

>> No.7057952

>thinks salt and pepper spice is just salt and pepper

>> No.7058091
File: 69 KB, 561x461, pls guiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7058240

If you need all the parts and most of the pieces in the set hit each spec you want/need, then sets are great. They save you money, and if you care, then everything matches, and same quality, etc. But most people have several pieces and only need one or two others, so they can't justify buying a whole set. The best thing about sets though, is that you can invariably catch them on sale some way or another and get everything for an exceptionally low price. It really doesn't make a difference except in cost and need.

>> No.7058244

I don't have a scientific explanation, but anecdotally, my family gets a cow butchered, and the taste does start to change (for the worse) right at the year mark. It's not majorly noticeable if you have a good freezer (and few power outages and it's well wrapped), but it does start to become noticeable. Still better than most meat I can purchase, so I don't care if a few things go too long. Still gonna eat it. Still going to taste fine. It's just not going to taste 100%.

>> No.7058250


no but depending on how much salt was in your brine and how long you're going to wait before cooking it you're often better off washing it so that it's not super salty

>> No.7058259

cold lentil salad

The secret to a good burger is proper fat to meat ratio (you don't want it too lean), and you want a good grind on it. Quality meat is far more important than anything else. Besides, adding all that shit, what you're making is a meatloaf sandwich. And sadly I can guarantee that the reason it's "too bland" (and you can take out every other ingredient and still fix it) is because you're not adding enough salt. More salt than you think. Most fast food and other places add way more salt than you think they do, and you're probably used to it. One top of that, don't flip the burger constantly if you're not getting a nice brown on it. You might also find the taste you're looking for with fire/flame/grill. >>7056573 is right about the toasted bun (butter (real butter) on the bun, throw on pan, perfection).

>> No.7058287

Can I use cakecrumbs (not literally a cake, just sweetish bread) as an alternative to panko

>> No.7058300

Use cream cheese mixed with some other cheese. Or mix ricotta with an aged cheese and melt it. That's as close as you can get, I think, texture-wise.

>> No.7058716

"i like it hot but not too hot"

When serving for this person do you server the dish as normal with something too cool it down (cheese, yoghurt, Rita) or do you serve a cool version with extra chilli or hot sauce on the side ?

>> No.7058774

I'd serve it less spicy than normal. Just above the "I can taste hot spice in there" threshold.

Chances are, they wont eat it if its too hot initially since a burn in your mouth wont go away for some time.

Put a bottle of sriacha/tabasco/whatever you used to spice it on the table if they want it hotter.

But I wouldn't do it, since thats just heresy.

>> No.7058784

What's the best recipe for chicken breast I can cook in bulk that won't turn them into inedible pieces of shoe leather in a day?

>> No.7058803

>What's a good sauce to go in a salami and provolone sandwich?

Olive oil and red wine vinegar.

>> No.7059365


>> No.7059784
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Thank ya.

>> No.7059799

i have a bunch of smaller gala apples i was thinking of baking. i was going to core them and stuff them with butter/brown sugar and pour apple cider into the dish (idk if theres a word for that?) how long should this take in the oven? is there any way i could make this better? is there a better kind of apples for this? if there is ill get them next time

>> No.7059814

i can make clam chowder with canned clams right? ive never had it before but i don't live on the coast so everything here is frozen

>> No.7059918


>> No.7060084

try it out and post results

also help I'm doing this shit tomorrow

>> No.7060137

Not much point baking small galas in my opinion, just slice them into a pan with your sugar and butter, then you can poke them until they're done enough for you. Pretty GOAT with a blob of ice cream and creme fraiche.

>> No.7060159

If you don't live close to a reliable source of fresh clams then theres nothing wrong with canned ones

>> No.7060176

if you'e ever had clam chowder before, you've probably had it made with canned clams

>> No.7060183

i just butchered my own chicken (first time btw) and after letting it sit for 24 hours in and esky of cold water and ice blocks i took it out and boiled it for 3 hours i then removed it and placed it in the fridge again over night it is now black in the meat in the legs and wings is that normal?

>> No.7060184

dried amerisemen

>> No.7060620

Every time I cook on stainless steal pans, there's always a bunch of smoke that fills the house. I'm trying to get a sear, so I need high heat, yeah? But it always smokes no matter what I use to cook my meat with.

>> No.7060712

Sounds like blood, which is normal.

>> No.7060715

why do indians literally eat shit?

>> No.7060722


>> No.7060729


That's not avoidable and it's perfectly normal.

>> No.7060735


Granny Smiths are the GOAT baking apple.

>> No.7060751 [DELETED] 

>posting this at every single opportunity

Did the waiter insult you at a curry house last weekend or something? Fuck man, get some salsa for that chip on your shoulder, it's sure as shit salty enough already.

>> No.7060763

>posting this at every single opportunity

Did the waiter at a curry house insult you or something? Fuck man, get some salsa for that chip on your shoulder, it's sure as shit salty enough already.

>> No.7060777

Is there a decent automatic burr grinder for $50 or less?
Rather not hand crank in the morning.

>> No.7060784
File: 160 KB, 685x953, We+used+to+say+shit+just+got+real+now+we_ec3293_5736859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually true though.

>> No.7060805

>bacteria is shit

Next time sir simply let us know and we will reduce the spice level to bitch levels.

>> No.7060824

Have fun, anon.

>> No.7060835

>bacteria is shit

Do you keep your toothbrush anywhere near your toilet? Oh no! Why do you literally brush your teeth with shit anon?

Man, germophobes.

>> No.7060844

Ha, reminds me of that kebab place in a nearby town that had ridiculous amounts of feces and more that one persons cum in their kebab sauce. I never had their kebabs but ate pizza there more than once.
Good thing, few days after the place got shut down, someone burned it to the ground.
Germany, btw.

>> No.7060891

>oh no, that bacteria cant literally be shit from bad hygine!

>> No.7060929
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>Fuck man, get some salsa for that chip on your shoulder, it's sure as shit salty enough already.

>> No.7060931

Well, that's good(ish). Everyone in the house complains and coughs and it makes me feel terrible but at least the food is good.

>> No.7060951

How do you guys like your eggnog? Any brands you'd recommend? Also, what do you guys think of peanut brittle?

>> No.7060955

Light eggnog. 1.5 oz brandy or rum, 3 oz nog, all over ice. Grate fresh nutmeg over it. Enjoy

>> No.7060960

Nice but why light eggnog? And what about bourbon rather than rum/brandy?

>> No.7060963

If I go with the full nog, I usually up the rum content. Light nog is nice if you're having more than one

Bourbon is also excellent. Any dark liquor works well, really. My brother drinks scotch and nog though, so he should be fucking aborted

>> No.7060964

Yikes, scotch and nog sounds pretty gross. But I've known people to do it with vodka too, so. I guess he isn't so bad. But I feel you on that, I'd end up going with full eggnog and increasing the alcohol content.

>> No.7060968

Making your own nog is also top fucking notch if you have the time

>> No.7060974

I'm actually gonna give that a try this winter. Looking forward to it.

>> No.7060978

I'd like to make Alton Brown's Green Bean Casserole recipe, but for a large amount of people (12-15). How should I alter the procedure to accomodate?
Link to recipe: http://altonbrown.com/best-ever-green-bean-casserole-recipe/

>> No.7060981

Worth it to spend the extra couple bucks and buy some half decent eggs if you're not cooking them. I infuse the milk with some cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and vanilla bean overnight in the fridge, tastes fucking amazing

>> No.7060985

That sounds pretty prime man. Not enough eggnog has cloves in it. In my experience at least.

>> No.7061001

I have a lot of miso, what can I use it for besides miso soup?

>> No.7061021

Use it as part of a marinade for fish or chicken

>> No.7061638


>> No.7061909

thank you! ill sbag those next time

>> No.7061915

So I want to make some ramen from scratch, does sukiyaki beef mix well with white miso? I haven't had miso in a long time.

>> No.7061923

I made passata from a bunch of tomatoes I grew but over-salted it. Is adding sugar the best way to cut the saltiness down to something acceptable when I use it?