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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 717 KB, 1920x1440, Best-Effect-of-Black-Coffee-for-Your-Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7038309 No.7038309 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/, how do I learn to like coffee? I don't like being that guy in the group who orders a coke in the morning. Is there any particular thing I should start with, or look out for, or avoid? What about flavoured coffees, and milk/cream/sugar?

>> No.7038315

Bump for interest. I hate the taste of coffee

>> No.7038327

Start with a flat white or latte with two sugars. if thats too much sugar decrease. Once you've done it a few times move to one sugar and then eventually none. Once you've done that for a while move onto long black or americano if you're a pleb

>> No.7038331


Drink tea instead

>> No.7038336

Don't be afraid to drink flavored coffees or to drown your coffee in milk and sugar. You have to start somewhere.

If you dislike bitterness, make sure to buy "smooth" coffee. Using an Aeropress also helps with making coffee much smoother.
Your gonna bring the waterfags, asshole.

>> No.7038339

That image just proves how retarded stock photography is.

>Those delicious sticks of raw cinnamon to eat with your coffee, cause that's totally a thing now.

The fact you're ordering a coffee rather than a coke means no one should coffee snob you from that point, unless they're a hipster anyway.

>> No.7038363

> who orders a coke in the morning.
> who orders a coke in the morning.
> who orders a coke in the morning.

>> No.7038368

Yeah? I'm sure as hell not going to grab a beer in the morning.

>> No.7038379

I started with mochas and other sweet coffees and eventually the taste just grew on me.

>> No.7038401

Start with mocha and flavoured coffee, move to coffee with lots of sugar and milk such as cappuccino or latte. Eventually drink espresso and watch womens knees quiver at you sophistication.

And remember, no cappuccino after 11am.

>> No.7038408
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don't drink it quickly. add 2 sugars if you can't bear the taste but eventually you will get sick of sugar. if you feel compelled to put milk in it just buy ice coffee desu senpai

>> No.7038410


>> No.7038440

I really like that Gevalia coffee. That and aeropress, I don't even need any sugar. Get aeropress though. Or french press. Regular coffee machines eventually makes coffee taste bitter even after you clean it a bunch.

>> No.7038483

Start with drinking cappuccino

>> No.7038502

There's some amaretto flavoured instant coffee that you can get which is delicious. Drink that with whole milk or cream, you won't need sugar. Start there

>> No.7038504

Man up and drink it black. You'll learn to like it

>> No.7038541

Its really an adquired taste. Not much help on actually drinking it as my dad groomed me from a young age to like coffee and wine. But when I started drinking it without sugar I just stopped using it then like two weeks later coffee with sugar made me literaly gag

>> No.7038575

If you need sugar in your coffee you dont really like coffee and might aswell drink something else.

>> No.7038591

drink high quality coffee, none of that folgers or maxwell house crap.

>> No.7038623

Does it stain your teeth?

>> No.7038679

could have been just a shit coffee

>> No.7038696


>not ordering your coffee with beans scattered loosely on the table
>not getting your coffee served to you on an untidily folded piece of sack

>> No.7038705

you didnt understand, it was coffee WITH sugar that made and still does make me gag

>> No.7038709

doesn't refute >>7038679 at all

>> No.7038716

it wasn't, it's every coffee I've had that had sugar on it since then, mostly happens when the coffee machine in my uni fucks up and puts sugar anyway

>> No.7038719

when you mix coffee and sugar you dont gat coffee taste+sugar taste, it's like thy mix to create a new flavour, it's that that sickens me

>> No.7038739

stop talking about things you don't understand

>> No.7038854
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>Is there any particular thing I should start with, or look out for, or avoid?

Stay away from coffee that comes from a can or some sort of round container. (Only exception being a tightly sealed can containing coffee beans.)

>What about flavoured coffees

Chances are you will have a bad reaction to the bitter taste of black coffee. Flavored coffee is still bitter and it won't taste like hazelnut no matter what the can or bag tells you.


The pleb thing to do with your coffee unless you're having an espresso-based drink: latte, cappuccino, mocha, flat white, etc.

There's a likelihood that other people in your group will do this too. Be ready for a good sugar crash if sweeten.

>> No.7038890

Everytime I drink coffee I get a bloated stomach, endless gas, and diarrhea.

feels sad manilow

>> No.7038976

same minus diarrhea

>> No.7038991


The Aeropress is so based and costs around $20. Better than a moka pot or french press and so easy to clean.

>> No.7039168
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Hey OP, if you don't like it you don't have to force yourself.

That being said, I forced myself to drink black coffee so I could stay up and play videogames as a kid,, so before I knew it, I started liking it.

>> No.7039243
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*sips fedora*

>> No.7039283

Not everybody likes coffee. Personally for hot drinks, I prefer english breakfast tea with some milk. Nice and mellow, plus it doesn't give me the shits or make me hyper.

I like my coffee cold with milk and sugar. Typically the stuff they sell at cafes or whatever as 'iced coffee' is pretty decent. Starbucks plain iced coffee isn't bad either.

Hot coffee can be really bitter and gross. Order a latte which is like 50% milk and typically not too bitter, add sugar if needed.

I would avoid instant coffee or bad coffee from diners, etc. as they tend to taste like shit

>> No.7039284
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I agree, and I think that applies to shit coffee too. If I make a french press way too strong or I happen to have cream that needs to be used, I'll add a dash of milk or cream, but I've never added sugar to coffee. I wanna try Middle Eastern style coffee with sugar and cardamom though.

>> No.7039469

Try brewing it pour-over or French press style.

>> No.7039489
File: 93 KB, 645x773, 1444939405583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal camping mugs and steaming hot fresh brewed black coffee
this is my fetish

>> No.7039842


>> No.7039870

just keep drinking it. you'll either develop a taste for it or you'll become addicted and get withdrawals when you don't drink it, in which you'll develop stockholm syndrome and learn to like it. ;^)
if you need training wheels, like cream and sugar, for a while that's fine too.

>> No.7039877

You like it or you don't, you don't "learn" to like it

I used to hate the lattes my mom would sometimes let me take sips of when I was younger, tasted awful, never wanted to drink coffee, never did

Got to college, had some coffee there just for the hell of it, absolutely loved it, no learning process needed

>> No.7039878


>i don't like being that guy in the group who orders a coke in the morning

What in the actual fuck are you talking about, OP?

>> No.7039893

>you don't "learn" to like it
but that's just not true. especially for coffee

>> No.7039917

Except it is

Do you think your body is seriously simplistic as "if I try it enough times, I"ll magically start appreciating it?"

No, of course not, that's absolutely absurd

I went from not liking coffee at all when I was younger to instantly liking it the first time I had it when I was a young adult

"Learning" to like coffee is just dulling your sense of its taste if anything, not actually appreciating it

Its like how people say beer is an acquired taste, it simply is not, you mature to like more bitter things naturally, and you either genetically like it or don't, you can force yourself to palate it all you want, that's not acquiring a taste as much as it is forcing yourself to palate it

>> No.7039932

>"if I try it enough times, I"ll magically start appreciating it?"
that's literally how it works desu senpai

>> No.7039934



Coffee was shit tier until I started university. I forced myself to drink it, because I wasn't getting enough sleep and wasn't functioning properly, and coffee fixed that.

Now I'm a grade A addict, and probably couldn't stop even if I made a concentrated effort. I genuinely enjoy the taste, although the dose I get in the morning doesn't give me that perk I used to get from drinking it.

>> No.7039939

>Do you think your body is seriously simplistic as "if I try it enough times, I"ll magically start appreciating it?"

Yes. It really does work that way. I'm not saying that's the only way to appreciate a new food, but that method certainly does work.

I remember reading a blog about two foreigners wanting to eat natto while visiting Japan. They both hated it on their first try, but decided to force themselves to eat some every day. Day one involved vomiting and being unable to finish the entire serving. In the middle of week two they were unable to buy any natto for some reason, and were surprised to find themselves craving it.

>> No.7039943


>i'm not a picky eater
>it's my genetics

Even worse than obese people.

>> No.7039973
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it won't taste like hazelnut no matter what the can or bag tells you.

Rum coffee actually tastes like rum, though.

>> No.7039977

Once you go black...

>> No.7040289

iv heard goats milk is great with coffee

>> No.7040309


>Yes it really does work that way

That's literally not true

>surprised to find themselves craving it

What absolute nonsense

You're only dulling your sense of something if you force yourself to like it

>> No.7040317

how does it feel to be completely fundamentally wrong about something?

>> No.7040348

how does the aeropress impact caffeine content?
I like drip coffee because despite its acidity and bitterness, it allows for inhumane levels of caffeine if u have a cup of coffee from 5 scoops of ground beans.

>> No.7040369

It doesn't. Don't believe anyone that tells you it makes "near espresso" or a "coffee concentrate"

>> No.7040374

If you want "smooth" coffee, make cold brew. Please for the love of God do not buy into the AeroPress meme. Just get a regular French Press. Much easier and makes a much better (and stronger) cup.

>> No.7040391

I don't know, how is it?

Keep wincing while "learning" to "enjoy" your coffee, kid

>> No.7040915
File: 1020 KB, 500x281, rize.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all approaching this from the wrong end.
OP, you should try watching gochiusa.

>> No.7041033


I've been watching this for 5 minutes now.

How much fucking cream is she going to add to that little mug?

>> No.7041040

japanese people are weird senpai

>> No.7041061

If you're afraid of looking like a child by ordering a coke while everyone else gets coffee, you should try ordering a nice craft beer. You'll look manly as fuck.

Coffee is for women and hipsters.

>> No.7041078

Fuck you faggot

>> No.7041080


Now I'm even more confused by this, "I go somewhere with a group of people for drinks every morning and am pressured into buying something I don't want" deal.

Yeah, a beer first thing in the morning makes more sense than a fucking sugar water...

>> No.7041088

Artificial cocoa flavor after-taste tastes like coffee to me. So much so as a kid I wouldn't eat chocolate ice cream. I found really good cocoa mix improves the flavor of coffee though. Maybe I'm insane

>> No.7041098

Go to bed, Gary

>> No.7041439

Order tea you fuckface.

>> No.7041444

>used to drink it blacker than anthony burch's wife's preference in dicks in early high school and thought I'm hot shit because of that
>now moved on to tea completely and don't even consider drinking coffee without milk and some sugar

>> No.7041560

>add sugar if you can't bear the taste
>try americano if you like a latte
>using sugar at all
>implying a long black or americano is better than an espresso shot

Ditch the sugar, I was not a big fan of coffee until I stopped adding sugar to it, same goes for tea. Espresso has a sharp flavour, which is natural since it is a focused hit. I find that watered down version of that just accentuates the bad parts and makes it take longer to drink. So lose the long blacks, try a latte. A good latte too, not one from a gas station, any cafe or decent restaurant will have a proper setup to make a good coffee. The difference is like buying a burger from truck stop and one from a restaurant.

>> No.7041569

Wtf are those cinnamon sticks even doing there? Just a tasty dry bark treat to nibble on with your coffee and pretend it doesn't get stuck in your throat? Fuck you

>> No.7042127

Are you retarded?

>> No.7042186


You are unbelievably retarded.

I drank scotch many times before I started to enjoy it. Now I never don't have a bottle around. Same with beer and coffee for me. Some will like it faster than others, but you can absolutely condition yourself to appreciate something.

The only things that are immediately good in life is pleb shit.

>> No.7042370

>thought I'm hot shit because of that
>now don't even consider drinking coffee without milk and some sugar
are you 12?

>> No.7042386
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>never don't have a bottle
fixed it for you, Jamal.

>> No.7042739
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trips for this motherfucking dumbass

>> No.7043351

Try cold brew.

>> No.7043945
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Start with pic related and work your way up.

>> No.7044028
File: 469 KB, 500x361, sugarintocup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sugars 29g

Nigga, that shit has more sugar than two doughnuts.