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File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1280-2-liquiglide-ketchup-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7037139 No.7037139 [Reply] [Original]

Am I delusional, or does ketchup in a glass bottle taste better than ketchup from plastic?

>> No.7037143


>> No.7037146

You're definitely a child for eating ketchup I can tell you that much.

>> No.7037152

this holds true for literally any food/drink

>> No.7037162

>feeling superior about condiment choice
Personally, I just go with ketchup when there isn't anything else.

But why? Ingredients are the same

>> No.7037164

It probably does. Ketchup is pretty acidic and if it spends any amount of time sitting around in a plastic bottle then it's absolutely going to start leaching various shit into the ketchup.

>> No.7037169

>reacting with plastic

wew lad

>> No.7037173
File: 2.24 MB, 4000x2248, Jufran_Banana_Sauce_bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7037198

I don't know if it tastes better, but the texture is definitely better. The ketchup in the plastic bottles is a little bit thinner and smoother than the glass bottled ketchup
but who cares, fuck ketchup

>> No.7037201


Yes it does and yes you are. Your brain automatically assigns higher status to the glass bottle thanks to it's weight and feel and thus the ketchup tastes better from it.

try it with champagne, it tastes better from a champagne flute than from a similarly shaped child's plastic cup, for the same reason.

They teach this stuff in Communications 101 btw, there is ample science behind it.

Presentation matters. A LOT.

>> No.7037209

This actually makes sense.

It's otherwise known as the Placebo effect.

No plastic doesn't fucking leak into ketchup you morrons.

Coke in a glass bottle...
beer in a bottle vs can...

>> No.7037225


Coke being better in glass bottles is a special case since it uses real sugar over HFCS.

>> No.7037236

I like the glass ones because after I'm done with them I re-purpose them into butt toys.

>> No.7037260


that's only mexican coke. My favorite coke is actually the tiny bottles (8 oz i think) that uses HFCS. But the regular (12-14 oz dunno) the American one... its also better then mexican coke and also uses HFCS

>> No.7037273

>No plastic doesn't fucking leak into ketchup you morrons.


>It's long been known that infinitesimal bits of plastic get into our food from containers. The process is called "leaching" or "migration." The chemical industry acknowledges that you can't avoid this transfer, noting on its web site that "[v]irtually all food packaging materials contain substances that can migrate into the food they contact."

>The amounts are small, says Laura Vandenberg, PhD, postdoctoral fellow in biology at Tufts University in Boston. "But almost any plastic container can be expected to leach trace amounts of plastics into food," she says.

>> No.7037284

>He has never had ketchup from a tin.

>> No.7037329


TRUFAX: the 8oz glass is the original. My pappy owned a garage in Vicksburg, where the first bottled Coke was sold, that had a vending machine that still provided the original size bottles for a $0.25. He kept it from when he first opened the place in the 50's.

>tfw when you realize 8oz of Coke was the amount people wanted originally.
>tfw when you can't get a coke less than 20oz in most stores and gas stations
>tfw when we're all fucking fat as fat ass nowadays

god damn, America, we really fucked up somewhere along the way. Nobody needs more than an 8oz Coke at one time, it's a fucking treat, like candy and now we swig it like it was the cure for cancer

>> No.7037332

knowing this makes eating out of plastic somewhat uncomfortable.

if you're going to insult someone's intelligence you should probably spell the key word correctly, m8
also not being wrong helps

>> No.7037341

What does Snopes say?

>> No.7037361


yeah, you know! i've seen those machines before. They have the little like... doors that open, right? I've used one at another place that had it restored. You put the money in and then you like open a little door thing?

And yeah i know about the portion size... if you've ever been to Europe all the "large" sizes are smaller then the "small" here. (like 16 oz)

but don't call me "we". I'm not a fucking american. I just live here and make money so I can make fun of you later from a nice house in a real country. America is the Black Friday of countries - fucking NUTS but you can get a deal if you know what you're looking for.

>> No.7037372


>if you're going to insult someone's intelligence you should probably spell the key word correctly, m8 also not being wrong helps

this most retarded shit i ever heard. Don't distract with trivial pursuits like speling. Fucking tard.

>> No.7038485

Heinz organic ketchup tastes like what normal heinz ketchup used to taste like. Do the test. Buy a bottle of each and tell me it's not true.

>> No.7038499

In Japan the normal can size is 250ml I think. There are 500ml ones but the common one that you find in machines are the small ones.

Champagne uses that cup shaped that way to minimize the surface area and reduce the loss of gas.

Also plastic allows gas to escape while glass don't. The amounts are small so it doesn't matter in a cup but it matters in a bottle where the product will be stored for days or even months.

>> No.7038670

Nah, glass gives it the flavour.

>> No.7038692
File: 99 KB, 700x468, Making-omurice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're definitely a child for eating ketchup I can tell you that much.
get on my level - pic related

>> No.7038701

>god damn, America, we really fucked up somewhere along the way. Nobody needs more than an 8oz Coke at one time, it's a fucking treat, like candy and now we swig it like it was the cure for cancer
ya ..that's what marketing to sheeple does ....more is better bigger is better ect ect...
murica land of the mouth breathing obese behemoth

>> No.7038824

Everything tastes better from a glass container than plastic. Plastic can have chemical odors that are absorbed by the product, and also leech chemicals as well.

>> No.7039379

This is most prevalent when it comes to beer. Drink a Pabst Blue Ribbon out of a bottle and then drink one out of a can.

I rarely eat ketchup (when the burger lacks tomato, meatloaf glaze, thousand island dressing, etc), but I've been wanting to get my hands on some sir kensington's or other ketchup that isn't heinz, delmonte, or hunts.

>> No.7040241

>But why? Ingredients are the same
Glass is extremely non-reactive. That's why it's used to store acids and such. It's stable and what goes in will come out virtually unchanged by the glass itself.
Plastic can bleed flavors into the food, especially if exposed UV light, which can break down most plastic(slowly and microscopically) and that can get into the food and change the taste.
Metal can also bleed a metallic flavor, even when given a plastic lining. Especially with acidic foods and drinks.

>> No.7040278

Normally I'd agree with this sentiment, but i came across 78 Red, and it is amazing.

>> No.7040365

Yer mum prefers the glass bottles to the plastic.

>> No.7040403

Everything tastes better out of glass.

>> No.7040458

My parents have some genuine antique coke glass bottles and they're six ounces. Same size, just thicker glass and maybe slightly different shape.

>> No.7040469
File: 12 KB, 200x300, champagne-coupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try it with champagne, it tastes better from a champagne flute than from a similarly shaped child's plastic cup, for the same reason.
>Champagne uses that cup shaped that way to minimize the surface area and reduce the loss of gas.

>> No.7040558

isn't that an older style of champagne glass? Anon is probably talking about the more common flutes

>> No.7040703

Ah, yes. The tit glass.

>> No.7040747

I believe there is a slight texture difference between the plastic and bottled ketchup but the real difference for me is the applications.

Unless the plastic bottle is almost brand new you tend to get farts of watery ketchup dirrhea all over the place. Of course, the bottle secretly says shake well to prevent this, but who the hells remembers?

The glass bottle, on the other hand, is the reminder. If you don't shake it, you aren't getting shit. And then when you do, instead of a few stringy line of ketchup all over the fucking place, you get big, thick globs right where you aimed for.

One of my favorite parts of the experience of eating a hamburger is to lift up the bun and unload those thick, juicy globs of ketchup right in the middle of the burger. If you do it right, the top bun should be almost frictionless, making you lose control of thr burger and spilling ketchup everywhere.

If you don't have a ketchup slip and side you haven't applied enough.

>> No.7041030


>needing ketchup because you burnt your omelette

>> No.7041086

There's also Coke during the Jewish holiday of Passover, the bottles have yellow caps instead of the usual red or white ones.

>> No.7041743

You're a retard. The first poster you replied to commented how acid wouldn't react with the plastic in the bottle. He's right. The leeching is a separate issue unaffected by the presence of acid.

>> No.7041924

Glass is always superior

Canned beer taste worse than bottled beer too.