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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7027865 No.7027865 [Reply] [Original]

Friday once again and no real beer general!

Found anything new, drinking anything you always enjoy, or just crushing them?

Started my evening off with this one, nice enough west coast dipa, some onion tones i could be without though!

>> No.7027893
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Followed it up with the first small pour from the latest homebrew, two days on the keg so the carbonation is still not right, but man it is good and really bright already!

>> No.7028034
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First rum barreled beer for me, bit heavy on the booze notes for my liking though!

>> No.7028038

How many beers are you going to drink by yourself faggot

>> No.7028094

Is that a Spiegel IPA glass? I have their stout glass. It's pretty cool. It keeps the head on my stouts/porters for a lot longer than a regular pint glass

>> No.7028164

Having a Full Sail Session IPA. Watching Friday the 13th part 4. Might have another with a different movie.

>> No.7028174 [DELETED] 
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Tis the season.

>> No.7028181
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Tis the season.

>> No.7028208
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Just finished a 700 ml bottle of this /memebeer/ - the brewery collaborated with the creators of a webcomic series depicting events from Czech history using dolanified language.

It's a Rauchweizen so the fact that I hate grodziskies should have caused me to reconsider the purchase, but it wasn't that disasterous after all.

>> No.7028379
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My friend brought a case of Michelob Amberbock and I had to pretend I wasn't immediately disappointed that I'd be drinking a shitty beer. To my snobby surprise this is actually fucking delicious and goes down super smooth. It might be one of my favorite dark beers.

Why is Anheuser-Busch making Michelob seem like shitty brand of beer by over marketing the godawful Michelob Ultra? Is this some elaborate joke that they only produce pisswater except for one brand of beer that they barely market? I don't understand.

>> No.7028462

Turned 21 about a two weeks ago. Any recommendations on beer and what not? Currently live in SD.

>> No.7028478

Tonight's beers:
Carton - Boat (7/10)
Fiddlehead - Second Fiddle (9/10)
Tree House - Julius (9/10)

>> No.7028521

A place near me does a pretty solid rum barrel aged imperial stout. Indeed's Rum King. If you can ever somehow get it, give it a shot. Not boozy, and the rum adds quite a bit to the stout.
Another place around me ages one of their signature beers in aquavit barrels and it's excellent. No chance of getting that anywhere but that brewery though.

>> No.7028542
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r8 me fam
works every time

>> No.7028560

Newbies should start with a Blonde ale, if you're not used to thick heavy drinks you might be turned off at first by full bodied beers.

After that try a Wheat Beer, they're creamy and a good one will have citrus notes. Just fun stuff to drink.

Remember to experiment, don't be a boring drinker who sticks with one beer and never tries anything out. When you're in a bar ask the Bartender if there's any specials, they often reduce the prices on certain beers because a Keg is starting to get old and they want to move product.

When you have money to spend try imports, I've never been disappointed by Belgian beer. If it's a beer that's been around for 100+ years there's something special to it.

Light beer is for alcoholics who just want to keep drinking something/anything, don't waste your time with that shit unless maybe you're doing a leisure activity like Golfing or hanging out at the beach. I personally say avoid diet shit and just drink Beer and Water.

Most of all don't try to fool yourself into liking a style of beer because while there can be "acquired tastes" beer I've found is more direct of a beverage than Wine or Whiskey. I've had numerous IPAs and I can barely stomach that shit. I have friends though who swear by Stone IPAs, your mileage may very.

Drink responsibly and have fun. If you're a normal adult you're going to go on benders and throw up lots of booze, do yourself a favor and stay hydrated, when I drink a lot I have a glass of water to my left and my alcohol to the right. Hangovers fucking suck and it's because people don't stay hydrated.

>> No.7028782

>Light beer is for alcoholics who just want to keep drinking something/anything, don't waste your time with that shit unless maybe you're doing a leisure activity like Golfing or hanging out at the beach. I personally say avoid diet shit and just drink Beer and Water.

also yard work

>> No.7029395


>> No.7029397

>Tis the season
You're almost a month late, actually.

>> No.7029948
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Britfag, reporting in with a Hobgoblin.
Too lazy to get a camera.

>> No.7030128 [DELETED] 
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Local brewery did a release of this stuff at the brewery this morning, its excellent, very glad I went

>> No.7030141
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Local brewery did a release of this stuff at the brewery this morning, its excellent, very glad I went

>> No.7030145
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Not as strange as the description led me to believe. Quite good!

>> No.7030152

Where do you get your beers?

>> No.7030157

The alcohol monopoly in Sweden. Well that and the various importers that offer to ship to them as well.
Sweden is one of the largest importers of beer in the world per capita!

>> No.7030240
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Only picked up a couple of this one, wish i had at least got a full sixer. Very easy drinking stout!

>> No.7030251

anyone else in Milwaukee try this stuff?

>> No.7030757
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Last one of these, insane stout!

>> No.7030790

finally tried evil twin Yin and Yang last night, first separate then as a half and half.

really enjoyed them as the half and half. reminded me of when I first turned 21 and started drinking at bars, used to drink a fucking shitload of them.

tonight :
Mikkeller Not Just Another Wit
Avery Raspberry Sour
Epic Big Bad Baptist

>> No.7032198
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>> No.7032265

Nope. I almost bought a bottle of Surly Darkness though. 16$ for a bottle was a bit much though, and I strongly prefer 4 packs of imperial stouts.

>> No.7033434

Rum king is great. I had a different rum barrel stout when I was on vacation in Maine, but it wasn't quite as good; its rum barrel was lacking in prominence.
I'm excited for winter. Fulton Worthy Adversary SOON

>> No.7033441
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This is dirt cheap at less than £1 a bottle. Its not great, but its certainly drinkable.

>> No.7033455


Should be back in MKE later in the week. Where can I get this?

>> No.7033469

>having Budweiser for the first time

People call this beer?

>> No.7033470

Beer flavored water.

>> No.7033474

Just bottled/kegged the latest homebrew lads. Pilsner malt base with chocolate and roast malt, bittered and flavoured with galaxy hops and dry hopped with ginger. Should be pretty decent in three weeks.
INB4 nice blog post.

>> No.7033488

I still have one last worthy adversary left from last year. I guess I should crack it open before this year's batch comes out

>> No.7033546

Find a favourite cheap beer. Microbrews and specialty beers are amazing, but can be overwhelming. Find something under 5% that you don't mind drinking, something you can drink to get drunk, or just have while doing yardwork. You want to be able to get a light all-day buzz while tasting almost like nothing, and not loading down your stomach.Got that? Keep a 30 somewhere, and move on to the real stuff.

Try to find a bottle shop that offers mix-a-six's. Not every state has them, just ask. Grab six different beers. Try one or two each night, then switch to your cheap-o. At that point you'll probably like everything from cognac to pruno until you build up a tolerance, so just pound the swill and have a good night. Repeat until you find a style and brewery you love.

>> No.7033930
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I always see you post decent stuff. I have a new beer everyday buy too lazy to get pics off my phone so ill just link my insti with all my beer pics


>> No.7033952


>> No.7034504
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reddits beer community is actually pretty shit. they get butt hurt about everything and the moment you have any valid criticism about any brewery you get "down voted" to shit. also fuck you meme poster. lets see your beers.

>> No.7034550
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Having one of these, right up there with my absolute favorites.

>> No.7034745

Good taste. I live on the Central Coast and Alpine just hit my market. Noticed the bottles have Green Flash embossed on em. Is Green Flash handling the production of bottled Alpine or just the bottling itself?

>> No.7034767

nice. I bought some of Indeed's Yamma Jamma recently. It's weird. not bad, but I need to have a couple more to decide whether it's something that I'd get again.

>> No.7035251

Not the biggest fan of Yamma Jamma, but Stir Crazy is my favorite winter beer

>> No.7035257

Warsteiner is the Bud Light of Germany

It's also not even Bavarian

>> No.7035265
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Bud light is the perfect beer in the sense that it has no taste, goes down easy, and gets you fucked up.

Other than that, though, this is my go to. It's cheap and tastes pretty good imo.

>> No.7035274


Is that KKK beer?

>> No.7035315

I usually just find a random internet photo of the beer I'm drinking. I don't need to share my social media accounts on here.

>> No.7035327


>gets you fucked up

Does it though? Is it not like 3.2% or something? I bought a 6 pack of it here in the UK for novelty value and it had very little effect.

Is it stronger in the States?

>> No.7035332

I believe it's 4.2 here, but I've never had one so idk.

>> No.7035333


Where are you finding the Foreign Extra stuff for that price?

I really like it, it is infinitely better than the standard stuff. Last I saw it was £1.50 or so in Asda.

>> No.7035335


The standard stuff we get here is 4.2 I think. It really isn't that great, if you want a cheap shitty beer that doesn't taste of much and goes down well when cold then Coors Light is the best I reckon.

Back to good beer...

My local Aldi is selling Orkney Blast. It is absolutely brilliant, recommended.

>> No.7035359

if I wanted to get fucked up with something that has no taste, I'd take shots of vodka

beer is to be savored

>> No.7035922

Green flash has indeed bought out alpine and some have noticed the beers tasting different since they are brewing at green flash now and using their water source. I think it's great new because all it means is more alpine for everyone. Six packs coming soon.

>> No.7035929


I would rather drink pisswater than shot straight vodka. That sounds horrible.

>> No.7035982

Exactly my thought.

>> No.7035997

Someone recommend me a nice coffee beer thats relatively widely available

>> No.7035998

Throw it in the freezer for a few hours and itll go down like water

>> No.7036019


Does that actually work?

Tempted to try, I tend to avoid vodka because I don't like it straight and I don't like soda so mixing isn't really an option

>> No.7036031


Of course. Lowering the temperature of a volatile liquid lowers its vapor pressure. That means you can't taste the alcohol as much compared to room temperature.

>> No.7036035


Interesting, I always thought it was an urban legend.

Thanks mate. I assume the vodka has to be reasonably decent and not the bottom shelf own brand shit?

>> No.7036065

Just get some Russian standard or luksusowa. Both are great and inexpensive

>> No.7036850

Can confirm; The cheapest I've seen it is £6 for 4 at asda

>> No.7036875

I'll have to try it. I've only had bits and pieces of what indeed has to offer.

>> No.7036946

4.2 by volume in the states, but i have heard that the uk might do by weight?

>> No.7037047

>I've had numerous IPAs and I can barely stomach that shit.

Maybe you should steer clear of American copies of pale ales altogether?

They're overhopped in general and rarely a patch on the original.

>> No.7037059

fucked my first black girl buzzed on this, works every time

>> No.7037067


>not liking bitterness

Found the child.

>> No.7037094

I bought it straight from the brewery (on 5th st near national), they still had some bottles left today, I think they expect to sell out soon

>> No.7037101
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obvious choice here

>> No.7037108

>and rarely a patch on the original.
lol what?

>> No.7037355

I'm not big on their hoppy stuff, but most of their other offerings are great. Hot Box is a personal favorite and they just released this year's batch so try that if you haven't. Also Old Friend is a good one. LSD is one I have yet to try

>> No.7037594

I love bitterness (note that hops are used for both flavour and aroma). But Americans pale ales are overhopped. It's their trademark. Matter of fact, most American 'craft' beers I've tried lack balance and subtlety and go straight for massive doses of hops.
A proper IPA has both bittering and aromatic hops, but you should also be able to taste alcohol, malt and yeast. American Pale ales seem to have nothing but massive hops flavour that drowns out many other flavours.


>> No.7037599

I'll take why is it called India Pale Ale for $200 please Monty.

>> No.7038234


>> No.7038239

What American pale ales have you tried? I'm going to go out on a limb and say you haven't tried that many

>> No.7038307
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Too high carbonation, but still delicious.


>> No.7038393
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Well, well, well...What do we have here, /ck/?

>> No.7038414
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>> No.7038642

is IPA one of the worst beer types? The only type I can think of that's worse is lager

>> No.7038650

Hobgoblin is comfy

>> No.7038710
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Wa la!

>> No.7038712


>> No.7038715

I wonder if that's why Silva left to do his own shit. I was under the impression that GF was only handling production of kegged Alpine and beer going in bottles were still being done by Alpine itself.

>> No.7038741

gordon biersch pils is actually p gud, I prefer their marzen personally but at least try something before commenting "lol" makes you seem an uncultured svine.

>> No.7038742

Might as well drink a carlsberg

>> No.7038752

Those look tasty, How was the Delirium and the Aegir?

>> No.7038792 [DELETED] 

Carlsberg is a lager. If you don't know shit about beer don't post in a beer thread.

>> No.7038810
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Taste polish beer

>> No.7038852

Supposedly it´s supposed to be an anti KKK and so on beer, lot´s of writing about not hiding behind anonymity hating and so on the label.

>> No.7039134
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My selection for the coming week.

>> No.7039190


>> No.7039197

Haven't had them yet. Bought them today. I'm gonna have one tonight after dinner

>> No.7039232

>Carlsberg is a lager. If you don't know shit about beer don't post in a beer thread.
How embarrassing for you

>> No.7039357
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Another Pizza Port beer tonight, Nothing special sadly, just a good quality slightly amped up german pilsner.

>> No.7039479


ultimate comfy beer

>> No.7039678
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Had this today, was good. Easy drinking.

>> No.7039806
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Super hoppy and still easy drinking, very strange combo indeed!

>> No.7040407
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I find Ballast Points VaS to be an extremely coffee based stout, but not unpleasantly so.
Founder's Breakfast Stout is the shit tho. Just more oats and chocolate. VaS just has a shitton more coffee flavor, with a mild vanilla aftertaste.

>> No.7040416

Young's Double Chocolate Nitro Stout is comparable, and also very good!

>> No.7040425
File: 174 KB, 960x960, 1511051_10152392532692533_2392218345037579914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this stuff is good.

A bit on the pricey side though. Only 22 oz'ers, and limited brew at that.

Nectar of the gods though...

>> No.7040463
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had this the other day, was really impressed and fruity beers don't usually do it for me but I could drink gallons of this if it wasn't $16 per 750ml

>> No.7040465

>Doughnut beer

>> No.7040470

Formulated by a Dane

>> No.7040471

>mfw i'm danish

>> No.7040511

That was pretty good. I wasn't a fan of the raspberry doughnut break though. I thought the Imperial biscotti breaks were better though.

>> No.7040519

spot the dutch

>> No.7040521


>> No.7040562

Just wanted to update on the tasting-

Mikkeller was pretty good, I enjoy pretty much anything they do.
Avery was a decent sour, but I didnt get any raspberry at all. they've definitely done better.

Epic Big Bag Baptist was FUCKING INCREDIBLE. This is immediately one of my favorite beers. I'm going to go pick up a few more as soon as I can. Seriously, highly highly fucking recommended, this beer is amazing.

>> No.7041591 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7041596
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>> No.7041612
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Been trying out my Q3 Preservation beers from The Bruery. The first was an imperial pilsener with coconut and rice....which sucked. Then I had the beer pictured (Imp Cabinet Ale) wi, an interesting style to go for that was surprisingly tasty, complex, and refreshing.

Eagerly awaiting for my Reserve 2016 bottles...

>> No.7041697
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hey hey famalam just good back from my shitty town's brand spanking new supermarket, did i get anything good

>> No.7041701

if you squint at the pic you can just make out what they are

>> No.7041714


>> No.7041726

>imported from Munich/Germany

>> No.7041732


>> No.7041902

Mikkeller is good but it's so fucking expensive.
Even here in Denmark their prices are outrageous

>> No.7042003
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Anyone know some good bars to hit up in Leeds UK? Gonna check out their Brewdog cos I've never been to one, but I'd like to see some more traditional pubs too

>> No.7042258

The Sainsbury's Tap Room IPA and Goose Island are both nice. Enjoy them desu senpai.

>> No.7042576

I like Leinenkugel's sunset wheat beer. The ones that I have right now I've had for awhile, though, and they have this hint of licorice. I don't remember that being the case before.

>> No.7042704
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Do old fashioned bars exist anymore? just some place to hang out after work, or to shoot the shit with the mates every other week. Nothing too loud, nothing too high-class.
When I say old fashioned, i'm thinking of something in the style of the fictional places like "The Stray Sheep"

>> No.7042711

i heard good things about north bar when i went to leeds uni... never went there myself because i was (and am) a friendless virgin

>> No.7042723

Yes, i'm sure there are many pubs like this in the world still

>> No.7043207
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Pic related for me. I've liked everything I've tried from this brewery, and while this seems to be the most simple brew from them, it's still pretty damn tasty. Standard schwarzbier really, but has an nice alcohol bite on the finish. Not taste wise, but warming in the back of the throat. It's kind of strange since it's only 5% abv.. Would by again though. Extremely smooth and tasty.

>> No.7043241

pretty cool can

>> No.7044048
File: 119 KB, 500x735, VictoryatSea_Brewbuzz-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also opened one of these guys. I have two left from a 6 pack I got as a gift a few months ago. Really not the hugest fan at first, but this one is tasting pretty damn good. Wouldn't buy a pack myself. Better local stouts around I think for the same price or cheaper.

>> No.7044054

The coffee flavor didn't fade or do you think it works better with toned down coffee tones?

>> No.7044056

Porters I mean. All the other beers in my basement are stouts and I'm a few beers deep. Whatever

>> No.7044061

I think it works much better with the toned down coffee, but the vanilla is extremely faint now. Oh well. I'll probably drink the rest this weekend. It shouldn't sit for much longer

>> No.7044999

At a certain point it becomes try hard bitterness, like when something is too sweet

>> No.7045609
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Went shopping for my dad's birthday present, couldn't help myself and picked up a few for myself too.

>> No.7045613
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>> No.7047082

Agreed about being better with age. While I love it fresh, with about 6-8 months the coffee is more divot and the vanilla shines through. That is a GOAT porter

>> No.7047997

Bourbon County 2014. Stout day hype.

>> No.7049080

Let us know how it is, brother.

>> No.7049404
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My beer for tonight. Was very nice, second Firestone and Walker beer I've tried. Glad they're importing more stuff BritBongland

>> No.7049410

Holy fuck did you take that picture with a Goddamn ham sandwich?

>> No.7049581

picture looks fine to me, it just has a filter it appears

>> No.7049781
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>Better local stouts around
Hell yeah there are. Pic related, and what I'm drinking tonight.

>> No.7050037

Nice. Almost bought one myself, but I've had it a few times now and didn't want to drop the 17$ on it. I like that it's 8$ cheaper now thanks to their larger facility though

>> No.7050049

Anyone else drinking Ziegen Bock?

>> No.7050057
File: 34 KB, 348x312, mrBeerKit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone brew their own beer?
Just picked up one of these to get my feet wet.
Please feel free to laugh.

>> No.7050082

let me know how it is. i would like to do my own mix rather than from a package, but i would also like to know how a kit might fare with ones own ingredients

>> No.7050106

So I live in a pretty hick part of america and this Indian gas station here stock these craft beers (I'm talking hundreds of brands) I want to try some but don't know which ones to try.

What are some fairly common must try beers?

>> No.7050132

Fucking Japan. Damn near impossible to find good beer here.

>> No.7050159

Kits get you about 80% of the way there with about 10% of the effort. You can also mix them up a bit by steeping grains whose flavor profile you want to accent and adding them to your kit pseudo-wort, or adding hops either by way of a tea or dry-hopping. Plus all of the parts that comprise your starter kit will serve a purpose if/when you step it up and go extract/all grain.

Basically get a starter kit, make it according to the instructions, try a few more kits throwing grains/hops in as you see fit, then take it from there.

>> No.7050160

I normally would be having a Chimay, but the one place nearby that sold them doesn't carry them anymore.

>> No.7050169

That Rochefort is so damn good.

>> No.7050221
File: 117 KB, 1247x659, beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brew my own, nothing to laugh at there. It would be hard to justify the money for something you find out you don't like

if you have the money or feel reasonably sure that you will enjoy it, you can get a kit like pic related and brew some pretty top notch beer. The equipment in there is basically what I use, but I also have cooled/heated fermentation space (a chest freezer with a light bulb and temp controller) and a kegerator which also improves the results.

The biggest improvements that I have been able to notice from working up to the equipment that I have is:
-Much better clarity and less off flavor from the secondary fermenter being used
-Ability to target flavors from the yeast by controlling for temperature (also if making sours you can ramp up the temp to sour more quickly)
-Better/more consistent carbonation and a lot less work form kegging

Out of the whole process I would say that bottling is the hardest part, but it is also the most expensive hurdle to overcome. Do yourself a favor and bottle in the largest bottles that you find useful (750ml, 22oz bombers, etc) and it will save you a lot of time and work.

Using Star San from Five Star Chemical will also save you a lot of time.

Let me know if you have any questions, i'd love to answer them for you

>> No.7050236

I think by kits they mean the smaller cheaper kits, but i'm not sure. My guess is that they want to do their own recipes, which if you are still using extracts is not hard at all. I still brew extracts because I dont really have the space for an all grain setup, but i'd say my beer is pretty damn good. The only problem I have is the color comes out a bit dark, but i'm finding ways to get around that.

>> No.7050308
File: 76 KB, 567x392, great_divide_orabelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a sample case of Great Divide. Everything in it is over 7%.

Orabelle is so delicious.

I might switch to "He Said" a pumpkin tripel which is a collab between 21st Amendment and Elysian.

I also bought a case of Founder's Breakfast Stout. The possibilities are endless as I preload Fallout 4 and binge Halt and Catch Fire.

>> No.7051187
File: 337 KB, 1728x972, fatamorgana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time i had the misfortune of picking up a old bottle of this one. Very stale in the flavor.

>> No.7051192
File: 194 KB, 163x600, abbey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking one of these, if any yall have the chance/ever come to Australia, try these guys, they are fast becoming one of my favorite breweries.

>> No.7051195

From what imports I get I find baird brewing to be fairly nutty

>> No.7051324

Now drinking superbeast 2013 from the same brewer, peated barleywine, boy is it stinky. So happy.

>> No.7051765
File: 515 KB, 1520x1520, IMG_20151107_172936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this right now. I'd say it's more on the pale side of an IPA, but still quite tasty. Maybe a bit too gassy, but not enough to ruin it completely

>> No.7051778
File: 410 KB, 1728x972, ponto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the better session beers i have had lately. Nice hop presence!

>> No.7051851
File: 466 KB, 972x1728, epiclager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted a lager for dinner tonight so i had this one. Pretty good, not your standard lager, got a bit more kick to it.

>> No.7052334
File: 75 KB, 500x508, Bbzz-Surly-Abrasive-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a 4-pack of this at Total Wine. Has anyone had it before? Hearing good things

>> No.7052451
File: 743 KB, 1520x2048, IMG_20151107_201929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second beer of the evening. Not as good as the first, but a decent enough Pale Ale. Quite a bit of flavour for the low ABV.

>> No.7052470
File: 321 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2015-11-07-17h16m31s661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bottled last Friday. Need to wait for it to carbonate

>> No.7052477

What style are you brewing?

>> No.7052489
File: 79 KB, 194x259, celbrator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't been able to drink in a while but this is one of my favorite beers.

>> No.7052504

I had a Mr. Beer for a while the west coast pale ale turned out pretty good. just remember to sanitize all the equipment or you'll get some off putting flavors.

>> No.7052506
File: 426 KB, 1728x972, devilscup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did not like it, those hops just dont blend!

>> No.7052545
File: 110 KB, 500x375, 4602481902_fe1f4cc972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread only for people who actually drink for the taste or can us % based drinker's join to?

bout to drink a 6 of these for the 3rd night in a

it tastes so fucking bad i have to not breath through my noise when i drink it but 6pack of 5% beer just doesnt cut it anymore.

>> No.7052600
File: 2.71 MB, 4128x2322, 11-7-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopped at the liquor store and got this stuff

>> No.7052701


Wisconsinbro, it appears

>> No.7052709

yep, drinking the Milk Stout right now and its really good

>> No.7052711


nice, Twin Cities here and I just opened my first can of Abrasive. holy fuck it's so good. btw you think I could get New Glarus in Hudson?

>> No.7052718

>btw you think I could get New Glarus in Hudson?
yeah, you almost certainly can. They have pretty much 100% distribution amongst Wisconsin grocery/liquor/gas/restaurants

Pretty much all their 4 pack releases are amazing as are their wine bottle sized fruit beers if you make the trip

>> No.7052725

Most people in this thread can't handle more than 2 beers which is why we drink micro brews.

>> No.7052929

Best DIPA I've ever had

>> No.7052934

Go to Casanova liquor. It's right off 94 after the bridge. Turn right at the DQ and its on your right

>> No.7052953

Drinking some Bells tonight. Solid brown ale for 8$ a 6 pack. 10/10 comfy beer on a cold fall night though

>> No.7052955
File: 128 KB, 600x600, Bells-Best_Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot Google image

>> No.7052969

God wild beer is terrible. For the price I'm amazed they stay in business

>> No.7052973
File: 1.44 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently its a Weizenbier next is an English Cream Ale

>> No.7052975

I wouldn't say it's terrible, but yeah it's not worth the price at all

>> No.7053009

I tried the cru, the apicot, and saison. The saison is tolerable, the rest were going to be poured if I had anything else to drink.

I figured for $9 for 11.2 ounces they'd be better but I almost vomited when I drank them.

>> No.7053051

I work in a brewery taproom and can drink on the job. I'm hooked on our Porter.

It's dead ass fukken slow in here and I'm having one.

>> No.7053053

I didn't think they were bad enough to pour, I was just really disappointed in how lacking they were.

>> No.7053054

I work solo and there's other shit going on in town right now. I'll end up getting fucked by a crowd at like 10.

>> No.7053991
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Pretty tastey brew.

>> No.7054115

I actually really liked it, but yes, its not nearly as heavy as many APA's.

>> No.7054340


I haven't had much of their stuff, but I've enjoyed most of it. That said, they can pretty expensive I agree, think it might be because of the wild yeast they use.

Ooh yum, big Weizenbier fan.

Oh it was very nice definitely, another one for easy drinking I think.

>> No.7056377

all 4 of these were excellent

>> No.7056398

I keep seeing backwoods Bastard everywhere but I don't wanna buy a 4 pack for 14$. Is it worth the price?

>> No.7056414

Its a little overpriced, but if you are into barrel aged beer its worth it

>> No.7056539
File: 378 KB, 800x600, boulevard-tank-7-farmhouse-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty great. Not mindblowing, maybe not worth the hype, but really good. I love saisons.

It is damn expensive, but also damn good. $14 for a barrel aged beer isn't even expensive, relatively. I paid $16 for it, but it is more or less worth it.

>> No.7056694
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, brooklyn-black-chocolate-stout-10-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened a year old bottle of pic related tonight. Didn't think age would do much for this brew, but this is fantastic. Everything is extremely mellowed and blending together perfectly. Up there with Old Rasputin imo.
Only have 3 more bottles of stout left in my basement. Prepping for this year's batches

>> No.7056704
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I age beer
brotip: it tasted good because it's good beer

>> No.7056713

Ooooh that's why breweries will recommend aging. Because they're all dumb.

>> No.7056934
File: 729 KB, 596x594, Screen shot 2015-11-08 at 9.20.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love mikkeller

>> No.7056963

you're a fucking idiot if you believe aging beer has any affect on taste.

Breweries buy back beer past its expatriation date just for the shits n giggles right?

>> No.7056970

took a trip up to the north coast of california this weekend. stopped by north coast brewing co in fort brag and picked up a bottle each of the barrel aged rasputin (wheat whiskey and rye whiskey barrels).

just got home from stopping at russian river on my drive back. had a row 2, hill 56 IPA, blind pig, and a pliny for good measure. got two bottles of BP/pliny to take home. it was a good weekend.

>> No.7056971
File: 168 KB, 748x756, kook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get someone with this awful bait

I would know, you've gotten me before with it

>> No.7056993


>> No.7057347
File: 1.66 MB, 1000x1500, IMG_9508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delirium Tremens.

A little gushing happened, but it still smells great and tastes delicious.


>> No.7057366

32oz growler of Viet Speedway and a bottle of DeGarde Saison Premier. First day of a three day weekend, time to drink the good shit.

>> No.7057495

How much was the gulden draak? Was it worth it? I've seen it for £5.35 and was tempted, but didn't get it in the end

That's 2-3x what I'd spend on other, excellent beers

>> No.7057578

The only beers that have expiration dates are the styles that actually do suffer with age. Ive seen a drink by date on one imperial stout and it was like 8 or 10 years in the future.

>> No.7057590

I had it before, it's one of my favorites. Is that £5.35 for a 4pack?
It's €1.4 a bottle where I get it (1£)

>> No.7058593

German here, shit´s terrible

>> No.7058606
File: 1.02 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great shit

>> No.7060648

£5.35 for a single bottle, but I've only seen it once, so that might be not representative of its usual price here

>> No.7060666
File: 50 KB, 600x800, IMG_20151018_210119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty expensive. I can't imagine paying that much for a single bottle of any drink.

>> No.7060820
File: 94 KB, 900x900, bouteille-biere-leffe-brune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty new to beer and had this yesterday. I drank it with some SN Oktoberfest (wanted side by side comparison for some reason) and it didnt turn out so well. Maybe its because im new, maybe its because i was drinking a very fresh beer with it, but it had something horribly off about it. It tasted of some dark malty sweetness with wine-like dark fruitiness. Where it went wrong was at the end it had this taste that i cant pinpoint, but it kind of reminded me of age (in a bad way, like a spoiled old wine or something).

So i got a couple questions. First, do you guys know of the taste im talking about? Is it possible it was a bad batch? Secondly, is this a belgian thing? Are english brown ales and bocks etc more just malty less winey flavors? It was quite destestable, so i cant help but think it was an off-flavor from a bad batch, but i only got a single so i cant know.

>> No.7060851

There's a lot of different tastes.
I'm also pretty new to beer, living in Belgium, and been tasting one or 2 every week for the past few months.
Some beers I really enjoy, even though I can't put into words -why-; it's kinda confusing because I used to think most beers tasted more or less the same. Now I try a new one, and while I can tell it tastes somewhat like one I like a lot, I can still hate the taste. It's a very subtle yet strong difference at the same time.
I started with light white/blonde beers. Tried a darker one, didn't like it, and stuck with blonde for a while longer. A few weeks ago I tried a very heavy darker beer (>>7060666), and really enjoyed it. I don't think I would've liked it half a year ago.

>> No.7060921

Can't say I know what you're talking about since I haven't ever had Leffe anything. That being said, belgian beer has a completely different taste than American beer. It's usually a yeast thing, I think. I don't drink many imports with the amount of variety we have in the states though so I don't really know.

>> No.7060935

Any Germans here that like memebeer? Where and what do you guys order?

>> No.7061254

Swedish beer guy: Do you have moobs/gyno?

Heard hops'll do that to you, and you drink a lot of hoppy beers.

>> No.7061441


>> No.7061617
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1200, autumn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a 6pack the other day. So smooth and delicious

>> No.7061689

Drinking Grolsch: Gerijpte Herfstbok, some limited stuff they got going atm instead of their regular bockbeer

It's pretty good, not too special but nice

>Gulden Draak 9000
aww too bad
The regularl version is so much better

>> No.7061700

>The regularl version is so much better
I like em both very much.

>> No.7061905

Dammit, I can't wait till I'm 21. I've drank a lot of great craft beers because social host laws and cool parents. But I got nothing while at school and I go to school 45 minutes from Treehouse brewery

>> No.7062202
File: 161 KB, 2048x1152, 12218140_10153288684223131_2071232274_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my fridge

>> No.7062353
File: 231 KB, 2448x2448, beer is good for cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this guy does have some booziness for the ABV. Not all that much rum flavor, but like the Apple Brandy Noir it did feel extra chocolatey possibly due to the barrel choice.

Green Flash quality has been declining hard over the last few years.. Alpine Hoppy Birthday is so underwhelming now that it's a totally different recipe. Duet and Nelson are fine, but I'm still disappointed with both now compared to how they were earlier. Have yet to try Pure Hoppiness.

I'm gonna second Breakfast Stout and Victory at Sea. Victory at Sea has more coffee flavor however so I'd say get that one over the other if you have to.
This was good, but there was too much bottle variation. My bottle had next to no doughnut flavor, but on draft it tasted/smelled just like doughnuts. Same shit happens for me with peanut butter beer. Nukin Futs on tap = amazing. Nukin Futs in bottle = pretty alright. Karl Strauss PB was also great on tap..Not sure I'll take a chance on a bottle however.

Fuckkkkk. Gonna hopefully try this at a bar in San Jose next month. I'm not sure The Bruery's memberships are worth it for me. Lotsa members end up selling their beers or trading them. a JK/Bruery collab though would probably be incredible.

Phantom breweries that make too many beers and don't seem to have enough QC going on... not really worth. Same goes for Evil Twin. I did really fucking like the Mikkeller/3 Floyds Blueberry "Lambic" though. The oatmeal stouts from Mikkell are also pretty good, but pricey.

First german beer I really liked. Still my fav german beer.

This doesn't get distro'd here, but a store was trying to sell a 6pk of it for like 30 bucks.
It's closer to $20 for a 4pk in CA. It's also selling out instantly at that price here...
Row 2 Hill 56 is so god damn good I feel like I need to go back up there simply to get a growler fill of it. Fuck da pliny hype.

>> No.7062549

>It's closer to $20 for a 4pk in CA
Jesus fuck, is that just because of your oppressive taxes?

>> No.7062613
File: 74 KB, 640x640, smog po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Xocoveza in 6 days (probably a week after since I'm in NJ)

>> No.7062640

that looks/sounds delicious

>> No.7062891

Easily the equal of Heady Topper.

>> No.7063020
File: 101 KB, 960x960, 12231207_1661493010761300_678280472_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone in aus check these guys out

>> No.7063062
File: 2.20 MB, 4160x2340, 1111150022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs aren't my favorite, but the grapefruit makes it palatable. Sorry for shit pic

>> No.7063065

It's tuesday

>> No.7063133

>tfw November

>tfw just want a nice crisp IPA

>> No.7063148
File: 2.44 MB, 4128x2322, 20151110_225600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$12.99 a 12 pack

cant go wrong there.

>> No.7063438

Idk about the first two, but that pseudo sue is the best apa in the game Imo.

>> No.7064859

I've got home brew amber ale that's been bottles for2 weeks tonight so I'mma test that.

Also I tried a home brew cider (mangrove jack) on Saturday and it was a little flat, how long should I leave it in the bottle for? It's been almost 2 weeks now (1week when I first tested)

>> No.7065265

Only got some shitty Carlsberg.

Have to do for this week.

Otherwise, Red Stripe ftw

>> No.7065364


AB InBev has bought Miller. Will the price of Budweiser and Miller products go down since there's less competition?

>> No.7065373


They're cheap enough as is, that's their selling point

>> No.7065389

Probably not. They just might go on sale together now.

>> No.7065404
File: 222 KB, 1024x792, Oskar-Blues-Imperial-Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a huge stout guy but Ten Fidy is goddamn delicious.

>> No.7065413
File: 76 KB, 801x534, HT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple friends and I are making the trip out to VT to pick up some Heady, has anyone had any experience with the lines for this stuff?

>> No.7065423

I've been wanting to take a drive down there to try that. I know friends who've had it and said its worth it.

>> No.7065431

Oh yeah, I was lucky to share a can with my brother-in-law and it was easily one of the best brews I've had in a long time. I started looking up where to find it and was blown away at how fast this shit sells out.

>> No.7065495

ugh now I want a bunch of both this and calm before the storm but i have none of either.

>> No.7065537

>Will the price of Budweiser and Miller products go down since there's less competition
Thats the exact opposite of how economics works

>> No.7065551

my man

>> No.7065586

Try their Wake Up Dead Russian Imperial..

They sell it either with our without nitro...

>> No.7065588


>> No.7065634

Chimay Blue...

God tier beer...

>> No.7065704

Tried the gregorius at engelszell abbey didn't like it as much as the other offerings.

>> No.7065831

Yes this goes down pretty good til the end which has a flavor I can only describe as funky. One of my first imported beer, will probably try their blonde next time

>> No.7065860


Tripel Karmeliet was one of my first beers, and remains one of my favourites many years later.

The Rochefort 8 is stupid good too.

Good selection, Anon.

>> No.7065876
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1536, 20151111_210229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get drunk !

>> No.7065880

Depends on the type of beer.

Bottle conditioned brews generally benefit the most from aging, in my experience.

>> No.7066041

Steel is so gross

>> No.7067365

Yeah, I hear a lot of good things about the Blue Chimay, it's the next one I'm trying.
Haven't tried it yet, picked it up because it's a trappist, and I seem to like those the most.
I didn't really fancy the Karmeliet. Not bad, but not something I'd buy again. I had the Rochefort yesterday, that was indeed pretty damn good. Hit me hard though, I'm a lightweight and drank it too fast.

>> No.7067448

Tassy makes the best beer

never had that though

>> No.7068782

Try juice like pineapple or cranberry. Pretty good.

>> No.7070926
File: 432 KB, 1728x972, HolyMoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread still around i see! Nice.

Had this one tonight, not overly fruity with the additions still the hops that take center stage. Way better than the last one they did!

>> No.7071141
File: 423 KB, 1728x972, sundae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this one before once and just had to find it again, got a couple of bottles and felt like having one right now.
Probably one of the best stouts brewed with adjuncts ever made! If you like sweet stouts that is!

>> No.7071173
File: 624 KB, 1520x1520, IMG_20151113_183647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found the stuff outside of their core range to be really hit and miss.

This was mine tonight. Don't think I've had a bad beer from The Kernel. Probably should have let the yeast in this settle a bit more before I poured it.

>> No.7071198
File: 398 KB, 1728x972, sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very experimental at times yeah, the misses i have tried so far has mostly been just bland beers that seemed to lack the little extra they advertised as being there!

Actually got one of those to drink tonight, the bourbon baby!

Pic related is not a holiday beer, but a pretty decent IPA no matter what the label says!

>> No.7071310

>they stopped selling beer to drink at the taproom

s m h

>> No.7071418
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>> No.7071426

>Lagunitas Sucks
I jelly.

You're from Sweden right? Do they sell that at Systembolaget?

>> No.7071443

Yeah that is right. They got them on the seasonal Christmas holiday line, had forgotten all about the christmas beers so i was surprised to see this one one the shelves! Very good offering from them!

>> No.7072040

Loved these stouts. Wished I had gone to their brewery during GABF.

>> No.7072049

>I think it's great new because all it means is more alpine for everyone
exactly. people think a brewery being bought out is the worst thing when in reality its a good thing, it gives them more distro.

>> No.7072055

I'm slowly getting into more pils. Pick Six isn't the best pils from the west coast but this one is decent.

>> No.7072063
File: 112 KB, 333x500, 3105195945_48306a875b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in the process of ascending to a higher plane of existence. Founders has made a fucking monster.

>> No.7072064

damn I didn't know Lagunitas distributed that far.

>> No.7072143

Amber bock is delicious and a good gateway beer, also those sam adams glasses are the shit kudos.

>> No.7072151

what's the best by date on the Rochefort?
I found an 8 one time that was six years old, was pretty tasty.

>> No.7072158

What brand of airlocks are those?

>> No.7072411

>Essentially an "Imperial Rübæus," this ale contains four times the amount of raspberries as Rübæus and is fermented with a Belgian yeast strain.
Holy shit, that sounds fucking awesome because Rübæus and lambics are both godly

>> No.7072429
File: 18 KB, 794x596, new glarus raspberry tart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best raspberry beer here

>> No.7073078

Already drank it.
Had the blue Chimay yesterday, very tasty indeed.

>> No.7073389
File: 57 KB, 306x500, 13826496923_1b8c86d0d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this the other day. One of my favorite brews from lift bridge. Not overly sweet, and pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to taste. Always tempted to have it for breakfast desu

>> No.7073406

I like stouts, but any products (food, drink, or other) with the word "irish" in the name is instantly garbage in my eyes.

>> No.7073428

I know how you feel. I was hesitant the first time I tried it, but man its good.

>> No.7073523

That's pretty much how I'd describe leffe brun. I hated it when I first had it a couple of years ago, could barely finish the bottle, but then I tried it again a couple of weeks ago and it's pretty much how I remember. It is partly a belgian thing, but I'd say leffe brun is a particularly bad example

>posting over a week after the OP
>not thinking before you write something borderline retarded

I note that you let the yeast settle; isn't it meant to be cloudy?

>> No.7073605

I had that shit at Thanksgiving 2014. Disgustingly sweet IMO.

>> No.7073611

>think it works much better with the toned down coffee,
I agree with this

>> No.7073615
File: 41 KB, 460x350, BostonLagerSamAdams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going with the pleb classic

>> No.7073809
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Lots of bourbon but not much else. Meh.

>> No.7073831

Boston lager is solid. All around great beer to have in your fridge for anyone and everyone

>> No.7073930
File: 449 KB, 1728x972, Fullersstout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stout, very clean tasting.

>> No.7073952

George Killian's Irish Red here. Not too bad considering how inexpensive it is.

>> No.7073982

Hey guys, NJ fag who just moved to quebec here, and now I'm starting to get into beer

>glorious drinking age of 18

I've tried most of the standard Quebecois brews like St. Ambroise and Unibrou and I'm looking to try something new and expand out a little. I've heard that Charlevoix is very good, but I haven't tried it yet.

Does anyone have any Canadian recommendations, specifically for IPAs, pale ales, blondes, and wheat beers?

Also, is Delirium Tremors worth it, or should I save my money?

>> No.7074034
File: 426 KB, 1728x972, jade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better than the one i had earlier from this brewery, very smooth apa.

>> No.7074054

Why is everyone obsessed with IPAs now?

>> No.7074160
File: 424 KB, 1728x972, cocoashake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikkeller has yet to let me down! Never had any beer with more dark chocolate than this one!

>> No.7074165

its a phase. it will pass

>> No.7074167

Get the fuck off this board eric

>> No.7074181

You must mistake me for someone else anon!

>> No.7074198

I know its you fa.m

>> No.7074224
File: 147 KB, 1600x900, Mill Street Barleywine 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some of this, not the best barleywine.

>> No.7074243

Now drinking this, one of the best Belgian strong ales I've ever tasted. I love fall/winter in Ontario, it's the only time you can get truly good beer like Belgian/Imperial stouts/Dubbels, and Unibroue is one of the best brewers I've ever tasted.

>> No.7074247
File: 24 KB, 300x450, unibroue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7074310

>leffe brune
Yeah, it just felt off. As if the the dryness, something i dont mind at all, was corrupted or skunk up idk.

>> No.7074343

its san diego beer week
go to any brewery/pub and you're good

>> No.7074371

Sceak? Is that you?

>> No.7074384

My favorite Unibroue beer is Terrible. Haven't had anything from them in awhile. I should change that

>> No.7074418

named after linux command

sudo su

>> No.7074421

drinking those 9 percent dog fish head brews. good shit

>> No.7074428

I like the meantime IPA too

>> No.7074430

Really? Im not some linux using nerd so I wouldve never known

>> No.7074475
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x1500, IMG_9587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant and very drinkable Bohemian Ale from Poland. Smells delicious.

>> No.7074535

>Czech point

>> No.7074690
File: 2.39 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151114_202530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a WHITE MAN'S beer

Gonna drink these tonight and watch sports

>> No.7074699
File: 51 KB, 413x412, 0315cls-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished a four pack of Brooklyn Blast. Now working on a bottle of saumur rouge in honor of France

>> No.7074702

This was the beer that taught me I liked beer.

I had no real awareness of craft beer really being different from rice pilsner mass garbage, which was all I'd had, so I never bothered. One day, someone convinced me to try this, and I actually liked it.

Funny how now I would probably never drink it. My understanding of beer and standards for taste have grown immensely since then. Still, for opening me up, it's a very important beer to me.

>> No.7074709

>currently live in SD

Boy is your coming-of-age going to be awesome.

Go visit Stone. Try everything they've got until you find your style preference.

>> No.7074722
File: 1.29 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151114_204038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gonna drink one or two of these before opening the backwoods

>> No.7074725
File: 40 KB, 720x960, sparkling ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Adam's Sparkling Ale

Really weird. It's almost completely forgettable in every way, nothing bad and nothing good. It's kind of like a more palatable version of what, say, Miller is trying to be.

That said, paired very well with cajun seared tuna with how light and crisp it is.

>> No.7074729

God, that shit is amazing. The local video game bar down the street has it on tap; at least until they inevitably run out.

Get it every time I visit if they have it in stock. Easily on the top tier of beers I've ever had. Goes really well with Frogger and Punch-Out!!

>> No.7074745


>Sam Adams

>> No.7074753

Yeah, but not usually stand alone. They're pretty common as part of a hotel or restaurant.

>> No.7074766

I was not a big fan.

>> No.7074772

I think Leffe is okay, but I'll completely agree it's downfall is the aftertaste.

>> No.7074783

Holiday Porter, Chocolate Bock, and Old Fezzewig are actually delicious, and the christmas pack is $11 when it's on sale.

No regrets whatsoever.

>> No.7075591
File: 78 KB, 720x960, 12233272_10204821281521465_1214106222_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a beautiful day here in Western Australia, so I got some local beers to match the weather. Lovely stuff.