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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7026697 No.7026697 [Reply] [Original]

How about a general 'cooking with other people' thread?

Two days ago I decided to treat me and my girlfriend with some home made smothered burritos. I had never done anything like it before, but it seemed simple enough to get decent results the first try. So I rolled four burritos, put them in a large ceramic pot, poured some sauce (like enchilada sauce, but less garlic) I made and put the pot in the oven for half an hour. All good so far.
After it was done, I noticed the burritos completely stuck to the pot. Fuck.
I almost rage quitted and cursed a lot. You know, the kind of frustration you get when 90 minutes of cooking yield disgusting looking burritos.
Now my girlfriend won't cook with me anymore. She said she was scared of me and thought I would smash some plates on the floor any second. She was literally close to tears.
Burritos looked like shit, but tasted pretty decent, so it was an alright evening to me.

So, how has cooking affected your life and the life of people around you?

Pic related, my two burritos.

>> No.7026703

>I tardraged and now my gf rightly thinks I'm imbalanced

Nice blog

>> No.7026704

Love to cook for people.

Hate cooking with people.

>> No.7026705
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You sound like you have some anger issues. You should seek help.

>> No.7026718

Nah, wasn't THAT bad. I raged a bit. Shit happens. No need for therapy... I hope.

>> No.7026739

tell her to stop being a pussy and if she doesn't want to see you unleash the beast on her for real she better shut the fuck up and stop crying.

>> No.7026761
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>I almost rage quitted and cursed a lot
>She said she was scared of me
>No need for therapy

>> No.7027071

This. Kitchens are mean aggressive places. I'm an asshole in my work and personal kitchens.
Don't fucking use metal on nonstick
Don't ask me to cook and then not eat it

>> No.7027087
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>tfw I've been spending every night for the last week imagining going on a date with a cute girl at the grocery store where we buy ingredients and then go to either of our houses and bake our own pizza with our own toppings on each half (I put pineapple and pepperoni on my half and she puts green peppers, mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni, and extra cheese on hers) and watching a movie together and she teases me by calling me a fucking child for putting pineapple on my pizza, so I get upset that she can't tolerate my tastes and then she offers me her "superior" pizza as she calls it and then I tell her to get the fuck out of the house or I leave her house and we never see each other again and then I start wallowing in misery and regret at home because she was actually a cool girl and then I spend every night fantasizing everything going right with her and we share a lot of time together with our interests/hobbies and even try new ones like a cute couple

>> No.7027091

Are you retarded anon? Smothered burritos is a normal burrito with a hot tomato sauce with varying degrees of spiciness poured on top so when you add cheese it melts.

No pot, no oven you made enchiladas retard

>> No.7027095
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>> No.7027098

Why didn't you mention her pleb tongue and the fact that a lot of people can't enjoy a salty sweet because how undeveloped their taste buds are.

Even better if you add spice.

>> No.7027108

you should have told her that pepperoni is equally childish

>> No.7027114


Sounds like the two of you need to grow up/control yourselves better. Professional kitchens are tense places but you are losing it at home in a no-stakes environment, or somehow proud of being an asshole or your lack of control then you need to re-evaluate some stuff.

Seriously this is not the eighties, hyper machismo egotism pls go

>> No.7027117

You're autistic for raging so hard and your gf is autistic for crying cause you started yelling you guys are perfect for each other

>> No.7027121

i used to work as a chef. all my friends know it and so all my friends hate cooking for me and are wildly competitive with me about it. my last girlfriend expected me to cook for her all the time, which i usually did because i enjoy it, but then when she did cook for me she would do it with no joy or interest because she thought i wouldn't be impressed by it, like it was the same as buying a birthday present for a rich person or something. so i resolved my next girlfriend would only find out about after we'd gotten serious.

been seeing this girl for a few weeks and it turns out she quizzed a mutual friend of ours about me and this friend told her i was a 'michelin chef' (i just worked in a starred restaurant once). so like the third time i stayed round hers she said she'd make me breakfast and i was psyched as fuck. came downstairs and she had all the ingredients out on the counter waiting for me to cook them. ffs.

i can delegate fine in a professional environment where no one has to like me but i can't tell my friends to mince garlic or whatever it's just painful.

>> No.7027194

why did you sperg out on your gf OP? also

>> No.7028481

Try adding some sauce in the pan first then put in the burritos. I do this all the time and they come out fine.

>> No.7028819

Apologize to her, say you really don't have an anger problem and beg her to cook with you again, and then prove to her that you're not a shitty person.

Unless you really can't control your anger, then you need to realize you have a problem.