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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 615x409, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7003126 No.7003126 [Reply] [Original]

There are people out there right now that put the milk in before the water.

>I dont put milk in my tea

This thread is not for you.

>I drink X tea and it doesnt use milk

This thread is not for you.

>I use anything less than whole milk in my tea

This thread is for you, but you're being judged heavily.

>> No.7003134

I ONLY ever add milk to my Yorkshire tea. But I would never be a heathen and add milk before the water. It's unthinkable.

>> No.7003135

I don't put milk in my tea

>> No.7003137

>I put milk in my tea.

>> No.7003138

I don't put milk in my tea

>> No.7003139

I don't drink tea.

>> No.7003147

>add milk before the water
literally who

>> No.7003150

tea is for faggots and chinks

>> No.7003154

Fucking heathen shits. That's who. I've seen it.

>> No.7003159

Every time I've put milk first (which is rare) I regret it drinking my milky tea flavoured milk. I usually use twiningsor Yorkshire. Dunno why I still sometimes put milk first.

A dog returneth to it's vomit...

>> No.7003160

>milk in before the water

... Are you brewing your tea in the fucking cup?
Are you using teabags?

You're in no position to judge anyone, you horrible little prole.

>> No.7003162

coffee > tea

their is literally no reason to ever drink tea when u can drink coffee instead.

>> No.7003176


You must be 18 years of age or older to browse 4chan.

>> No.7003178


>> No.7003182

Doesn't matter whether someone is using a bag , or a pot of brewed loose tea, you NEVER add milk before the tea.

>> No.7003190

You ALWAYS pour the tea into the milk.
Doing so gradually warms the milk up to match the tea, which makes it less likely to separate and give you clumpy tea.

Modern homogenized milk makes this precaution largely unnecessary but there's never any valid reason to add milk afterwards anyway.

>> No.7003191

Anyone else put egg yolk in their tea? If you mix it at the right temperature, it blends effortlessly and gives it a great consistency.

>> No.7003200

Thinking that pouring boiling water into a cup of cold milk gradually warms the milk any differently to just putting the milk into cup with the brew already in there.

The only reason you need for adding milk at the end is for control of how much milk you want. Now you may some kind of machine and can tell how much you want before you add the brew, or are some kind of hermit that only owns a single cup and uses it religiously, thus knowing how much milk you require every time by force of habbit, but the rest of us do not enjoy the taste of milk with a hint of tea.

>> No.7003207

People sub pose Ed Lee have "fine" china that they believe will crack or be otherwise damaged somehow if you pour hot tea directly into them. As a precaution, they add cold milk to the cups first, /then/ the tea.

>grilled cheese sandwich is now a pie because captcha

>> No.7003209

>Thinking that pouring boiling water into a cup of cold milk

You forgot your meme arrow, and if you're using boiling water for tea you've already fucked up.

>control of how much milk you want.
You read that George Orwell thing once and you've taken it as gospel, the man was too retarded to know how much milk he likes in his tea and you're retarded for parroting him.

>> No.7003211


This thread is not for you.


Do you not grow your own tea leaves, dry them, and use your own special blend of human faeces composted tea? If you don't even cultivate your own tea or at least own 50 Chinese fellows to do the work for you then don't even talk to me.


Call me a fiend, but I'm intrigued by this.

>> No.7003215

Good to see you did not miss your meme arrow, then.

>George Orwell

If you believe that any opinion you have heard once before from a famed individual is a parrot of that individual then I don't suppose there's much reasoning with you. Surely you can fathom a reality where many people hold the same opinion without ever knowing another person shares that opinion?

>> No.7003218

Holding a wrong opinion is still wrong, even in the unlikely event that you aren't parroting it.

>> No.7003233


>whole milk

Semi skimmed master race here.

>> No.7003236

So what case have you for relinquishing control over your milk quantity? Your point of warming up the milk slowly holds no ground, unless you delicately add the water at an angle such that the temperature is slowly raised. In addition to that, if you do not add hot water at all then what kind of tea are you making? I agree the water does not need to be boiling when poured, but surely you add the brew before it drops below the point where you can no longer see steam?

>> No.7003242

>I dont put milk in my tea

I only got green tea with me, is milk and tea that good?

>> No.7003244

>relinquishing control over your milk quantity?

The control is you. If you can't control your own milk, you're retarded.
And you've already proven that you're retarded, seeing as how you're burning your tea.

>> No.7003245

>burning tea

>> No.7003282

Milk in a nice hearty black tea is good, but I wouldn't add it to green tea. Unless you're making a matcha latte or something. Green is best plain.

>> No.7003285

>burning you tea

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7003319
File: 42 KB, 640x480, ahhhh bisto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the kettle going
>teabag in mug (Yorkshire Tea is correct /ck/)
>get teaspoonful of sugar
>dump teaspoon and sugar in mug
>get milk out of fridge
>kettle boils
>pour boiling water in mug, to about a finger's breadth from the top
>stir it all up with the spoon
>keep stirring
>stir stir nearly there
>use spoon to remove teabag, shake the drops out into the mug
>dump steaming wet teabag in bin (or sink if you're a fucking animal like my ex-housemate)
>give the mug another stir
>put the tiniest drop of milk in there
>about one teaspoon
>one more stir
>allow to cool (pour into another mug if you need to drink it right away - cools it down to drinking levels in 20 seconds)
About 5 million Brits would call that a proper cup of tea, and rightly so. But if serving guests and you don't know their preference (you ask, if you were raised right), the general rule is: Milk and Two - Standard Brew (ie. about three teaspoons of milk and two teaspoons of sugar).

Nobody measures milk by the teaspoon btw. The colour of the tea will tell you if you used too much. Pic related is what I'd say is good.

>> No.7003336

Fucking this. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

My only exception to that is that I leave out the sugar, because my family is prone to getting the Beetus, and I don't want that.

>> No.7003339

>putting milk in your tea
say goodbye to any health benefits

>> No.7003340

I hate tea, is this thread for me?

>> No.7003342

how long do you steep the bag?

>> No.7003346
File: 76 KB, 800x741, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.7003349

pleb and socially inadequate

>> No.7003354

I remember going round to my mate's house and his mum was having tea without sugar. I didn't ask her to explain herself but she did anyway.

She'd been challenged by her doctor: Every time you make a cup of tea, for each spoonful of sugar that goes in your tea put the same amount in a jar. You'll soon see how much sugar you're putting in your body every day. That had shocked her into never putting sugar in a hot drink again.

>> No.7003356

Can someone tell me how to make good milk tea?
Or at least recommend a good instant brand of milk tea?
I've been drinking a lot of milk tea that comes pre-made, but it's not cheap.
Every attempt at making my own has failed and all the instant milk teas taste like garbage. Can I add powdered milk to normal tea and have it taste decent?

>> No.7003362

Please don't.
I love tea, I love milk and I love milk tea and no, green tea and milk are not made for each other.

>> No.7003366
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].Hyouge.Mono.29.[48EDCED7].mkv_snapshot_18.50_[2015.05.19_19.57.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tea in bags
I can no longer understand people who drink bagged tea unless they're
A. In a hurry
B. In conditions when you can't brew a teapot.

>> No.7003367

I don't drink tea very often.
But when I do its water in, bag out, milk in.

>> No.7003368

The reason why you add milk afterwards is because you need to brew the tea in hot water, not in hot water diluted with cold milk.

If you are adding sugar, then milk always comes last because having the tea as hot as possible helps to dissolve the sugar.

If you are not adding sugar, then it doesn't matter if you pour brewed tea over milk, or pour milk over brewed tea.

Also, adding cream is better than adding simply milk.

Personally I almost only ever add milk/cream to spiced chai. Straight black tea on the rare occasion maybe, but never with white/green/herbal.

>> No.7003374
File: 84 KB, 937x719, 1418544175541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why soil a teapot when you can just make individual cups? Why buy bulk tea that you have to scoop into your expensive little novelty tea diffuser (which you also need to clean later) when you can use tea bags?

>> No.7003391

Well first of all loose leaf tea isn't made from low-grade tea dust. (I know there are higher-quality bags, but your average teabag is going to be mostly tea litter and not the good leaves)
Second, the infusion from bags isn't as good as from loose tea due to the fact tea in bags is limited in volume and the water can't reach all the tea freely.
And the third, most important point: you can't freely flavour tea in bags like you can do with loose tea.

>> No.7003413

Because some people aren't pretentious faggots

>> No.7003425

Well I don't know where you're getting that information, but okay. It still tastes like tea, ground up or not.

One bag is more than enough for one, even two cups, so I don't see the problem.

I don't flavour my tea, I don't know anyone who does, I don't see how this is the most important point, your tea dust theory is probably more important.

>> No.7003429

>I don't flavour my tea, I don't know anyone who does, I don't see how this is the most important point
See, until I started doing that neither did I.
Once you start putting mint, melissa, rosehip, lemongrass and other herbs into your teapot, you're not going back.

>> No.7003487

I reckon 3-4 minutes is what I usually go for.

There are other factors that affect the strength. The size of the mug will determine the amount of water involved (more water = weaker tea, obviously) but most mugs are pretty standard size and unless you're using a huge mug it shouldn't really affect the taste.

Constantly stirring it (probably) agitates the flavour out of the bag and make it a bit stronger. I usually play with it a bit while it steeps, even squeeze the bag against the side of the mug before taking it out, but my ex-housemate had better things to do and would leave it sat there for up to about 7 minutes without stirring it at all (after the initial pour and stir). That's ditch water as far as I'm concerned but he'd drink 5 of those a day.

Google says 5 minutes. I'll go with 3 and a half.

>> No.7003492

This thread is proof that people are retarded and will argue about literally anything.

>> No.7003496

No matter how long I steep my tea or how much tealeaf I use my tea always comes out tasting at least a little bit like water still

What do

>> No.7003512
File: 38 KB, 227x160, pareidolia as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7003545
File: 3.03 MB, 2560x2880, 1430302699391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not brewing your tea directly in milk

>> No.7003578

India pls go

>> No.7003596

I brew my tea in milky hot water. It's pretty good ^__^

>> No.7003606

You just broke a cup. You're wearing a silly maid outfit. WHY DO YOU LOOK SO SMUG.