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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 784 KB, 1600x750, Part-III-Chocolate-blueberry-honey-peanut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6990662 No.6990662 [Reply] [Original]

How does one eat something like pic related?

If I ever have enough money to eat overpriced food, I'd like to do so without looking like a literal retard.

What's the technique to eating this?

>> No.6990671
File: 60 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I looking at

>> No.6990677

with a spoon, and your fingers too if you like...

>> No.6990683

I assume you'd take the praline and try to dip it into the different sauces one by one.

That looks delicious but at the same time incredibly annoying to eat.

>> No.6990686

ask Borneo, she knows, she was there a few weeks ago...

>> No.6990688

you lick the plate like a dog.

>> No.6990690

Dessert at "Alienia" or something.

So you really can't avoid looking like a retard? That's what I wanted to know.

>> No.6990692

grab a bit of the frozen mousse, drag it through different sauces, scrape off a bit of the set custard, do what you want. the whole point is that it's so abstract no one has comfortable expectations. modern restaurants really like challenging and stimulating the diner beyond their comfort zone.

>> No.6990706

>overpriced food
What determines this? The US is a pretty big country, and a pretty wealthy one. Your pic is of a signature dessert from what's considered one of the top restaurants in the country. So of course it ain't gonna be cheap.

My guess this kind of thing triggers poorfags because it seems like excess. Which is exactly what it is. How the fuck else are you supposed to cap off a 20 course tasting menu if not with a grand flourish?

>> No.6990725
File: 2.68 MB, 3120x4160, borneo alinea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6990740

It looks like the paintings I used to do when I was 4 years old.

>> No.6990743


>> No.6990757

Ask our resident asian lawn gnome trust fund baby

>> No.6990763

It's edible, sure, but is it meant to be eaten?

I always thought it was some patrician-tier chef art that's only there for show.

>> No.6990800


yes it's meant to be eaten.

>> No.6990824


It goes in the sauce and then in your mouth. As far as I'm concerned, this set up is basically the same as any other restaurant with the only exception being the meal and sauces aren't on plates or in bowls.

>> No.6990838 [DELETED] 

god she is one ugly chink.

As for OP, who cares. Don't go to such pretentious places. The whole thing is an ego trip for the chef and the pedantic fucks who work there. They probably expect you to eat it in some complicated retarded way while they explain to you that the oxygen they have in the restaurant comes from the finest organic oxygen farms in some third world country that is so obscure you've never even heard of it

>> No.6990852


sure, but clearly from this thread other people are intimidated by the presentation.

>> No.6990857


Well then how the hell do you eat it?

The only possible way would be to serve it on a giant fruit rollup and then roll it up into a candy burrito, and then chomp it down. Screw etiquette, I'm hungry and I want something sweet.

>> No.6990867
File: 20 KB, 640x360, the_exorcist_film_projectile_vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6990869 [DELETED] 

kek. keep telling yourself shit like that so you feel better about kissing the ground these pretentious chefs walk on. It has nothing to do with being "intimidated" by "muh food is art!". It has everything to do with it being presented in a retarded manor and not wanting to eat off the goddamned table like some sort of animal

>> No.6990871

Ask for a slice of white bread, spread butter or mayo on it then "mop up" the plate of food using the bread.

Then you go to the bathroom and climb out the window to avoid paying.

>> No.6990876

Now I want to see a motherboard plate with edible components

>> No.6990883

>If I ever have enough money to eat overpriced food, I'd like to do so without looking like a literal retard.
>not intimidated

ok dude

>> No.6990892


>sophisticated cuisine intimidates me

It's ok little buddy we have some frozen trendies we could drop for you. Bbq and ranch for the little guy :)

>> No.6990893 [DELETED] 

I'm not OP. If I wanted to, I do have money to eat this overpriced shit. Except I choose to spend it at restaurants whose chef doesn't have his head up his ass and makes me eat his kid's art project off a table

>> No.6990898 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 479x720, 1404059360151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sophisticated cuisine

>> No.6990905


if you aren't op then don't speak for him you berk. this thread is evidence that people worry about how to eat in front of others at fine dining restaurants. you don't, good for you, now fuck off.

>> No.6990913 [DELETED] 

>it isn't fine dining unless it's so-fisty-cated!
Fuck off, faggot. I've eaten at places easily the same price as this shithole. Are they not fine dining? And I wasn't speaking for OP, someone made a generic retarded statement on 4chan and I responded. Is this your first time here? Fuck off back to leddit

>> No.6990922


what are you talking about? what other restaurants are you talking about? who brought them up?

>> No.6990942

Reminds me of when royalty ate lavender scented clay cakes, and said it was classy.

>> No.6990947

it looks like an arts major wants to put her education into practice

>> No.6990992
File: 102 KB, 800x400, some-haitians-are-still-eating-mud-and-dirt-cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a matter of time before hipsters start selling haitian mud cookies and claiming they are sophisticated cuisine.

>> No.6991085

Holy shit. OP here. This thread was literally just asking how to eat abstract shit. I didn't mean to sound so pretentious. I was honestly just asking for instructions.

>> No.6991090


no one thinks you're pretentious OP, the shitstorm is not over you. you could post this picture and the OP could be about favourite tendies brands and the replies would be the same.

>> No.6991098


Welcome to /ck/.

>> No.6991106

I thought /ck/ was a leddit-tier board. My bad for assuming it would have a board culture like this. But 9/10 so far I'll be coming back here for sure.

>> No.6991108
File: 339 KB, 570x999, maturity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you fucking plebs are idiotic. This is a history of maturity and breakfast. You eat it like this, it is based on how your breakfast habits change as you mature.

>> No.6991116
File: 10 KB, 126x145, 1444951510641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. the dish is a social commentary on the issues of aging?

>> No.6991128

b-but why is it served directly on the table?

>> No.6991158
File: 38 KB, 578x712, 1412969745812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991386

God I fucking hate "art".

>> No.6991431

You get a spoon to eat with but you can use your fingers as well. It's not like anyone is going to stop you.

More surface area. They put down a huge silicon sheet over the table and smash a frozen sphere of coconut milk stuff on it. Shit goes everywhere, then they dump sugar glitter on top.

>> No.6991437
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, contemplative cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991444

You seem autistic. Also not very smart.
A little forced but still better than your average /ck/ content. I give you 9/10 under the circumstances.

>> No.6991450

Art is meant to shock and awe. In your case your you awe at how bad you find it.

>> No.6991467

You snort it.

>> No.6991482

i think i'd start by tasting tiny bits of everything first to see what it all is because fuck if i know

if it's a really nice place, taste with utensils.

if it's a more laid back atmosphere or someplace that presents itself as more playful, especially if i'm there with friends or family (and not like a professional acquaintance), taste with fingers

then start combining textures/flavors, experimenting, and enjoying the dish.

obviously whatever silverware they give you is a big clue-in as to what they want you to do. if you get that tabletop of goodies and a single spoon, i don't think you're going to be judged for using your finger to nudge a couple of those berries onto it.. you know?

never had anything like this though, that's just how i'd approach it. looks fun!

>> No.6991547

Anything with actual merit doesn't have to rely on gimmicks
>b-but that doesn't apply to [subject]

Perhaps /ck/ finds the idea of buying overpriced praline from a restaurant that crushes them up and draws on your table with jam retarded because you could have instead bought praline from an actual confectioner and skipped the bit where you think faux-art with no meaning makes the dining experience where you eat off the table like a toddler more 'unique'.

Or maybe, just maybe, someone finds it annoying that 'fine dining' is being transformed from dignified affairs into gaudy shitshows in order to appeal to yuppies who can't be bothered or are too intimidated to learn the etiquette to eat at a real fine restaurant, nor have the discernment to know the quality anyway.

And considering /ck/ is about 2/3 can't-cook barely-adults, I fully expect endless arguments along the line of "you're just upset you can't afford to spend $200 on [blank]". Because that's all modern 'fine dining' is in the end. Not 'You would not believe this fantastic mousse I had' but 'You won't believe how much I spent on this mousse'

>> No.6991581

Boy, you really got him. I wonder what zingers you have hidden away in your bag.

>> No.6991587

Get with the times, old man, no one cares what you think.

>> No.6991594


>> No.6991595

>appeal to modernity fallacy
>hurr ur old so u cant be right

Are you just mad because that anon made some good points, or because he may have struck a subconscious nerve?

>> No.6991600

I just realized that it's directly on the table

I'd actually rather eat Red Lobster than this pretentious gimmicky crap

>> No.6991687

scrape and lick

>> No.6991690

Oxygen farms and pedantics turned me off being a chef.

>> No.6991823

i see where you're coming from but i don't agree

fine dining in a traditional sense is still very much alive -- i don't think it could ever die out.

we're just living in an age where people want to get experimental with everything, and what's easier to experiment with than food and the dining experience?

people want to push boundaries and try new things so it only makes sense that this is one of the directions food, cooking, and eating would go. this kind of dining also incorporates, to varying degrees, a more scientific aspect and entertainment.

the entertainment part of things has been done to death (look at shit like medieval times, japanese restaurants with teppanyaki tables) so they're looking for something a little different. spread shit out on your customers' tables and see what they do with it. put an artistic element into it (obviously you can disagree with whether or not this can be considered art).

i guess the bottom line is that i believe this should just be considered another genre of dining. i wouldn't lump this into fine dining (though with the price tag i'm sure that many people do). it's like trying to compare the godfather to the rocky horror picture show. one you sit and watch -- the other you show up to with rice and water pistols and go crazy

i guess

i think both are pretty cool

>> No.6991847

Take your spoon and swipe it across the entire table so you get some of everything, then chase it with the tears of your fellow diners.

>> No.6991887
File: 56 KB, 500x186, Oreos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6991889

you know in the "good old days" that you were born in the wrong decade but shoulda been born in where men were men and fair maidens needed rescuing and fine food was good honest to goodness non-gimmicky shit, they literally baked live birds into the food for the entertainment of watching them fly out? this frivolity and experimentation is nothing new, you're just more aware of it because the internet has enabled poor people to see what rich people do for fun, and pass judgment.

>> No.6991911

In English, please?

>> No.6991921

In English, you are a scholar and a gentlesir. I tip my helm to you. That knight's name? Albert Einstain.

>> No.6991932

underrated post

>> No.6992041

u sound delighted. how refreshing

>> No.6992056

>non-gimmicky shit
>baked live birds into food

it's not that the frivolity and experimentation is new, it's that it's taking different forms because of the tools we have at our disposal. it's also something that's not limited to great banquet halls anymore; any aspiring entrepreneur can open their own weird ass gimmicky restaurant. so overall, really, it's way more accessible.

you seem really hung up on the rich/poor judging thing though and i don't really know what to say to that. are you using that as an argument against this style of dining? for it? for or against the posts that are criticizing or praising it?

why does this style of dining and actual fine dining have to be mutually exclusive? why can't both exist?

>> No.6992065

Nobody literally baked live birds into food to watch them fly out. Try it yourself. Birds aren't in the mood for moving very much at all after being baked alive.

Blackbirds were baked upside down into pies with their feet sticking out of the pastry because, by all reports, it was delicious.

>> No.6992123

If this picture is legitimately of Keeanu Reeves eating pizza with a fucking fork and knife taken by some schmuck who walked right the fuck up to his table it's pretty funny

>> No.6992172

If I was a rich fuck, id walk in there, order that shit then whip out a big ass bottle of store brand chocolate sauce, draw a big cock through the middle of the whole thing then mash it together into a ball and eat it with my hands. Just to spite the fucks that think shit like that means anything.

And you >>6990692

You sound like a pretentious faggot.

>Hur dur the abstracts and challenging the comforts of muh stimulation.

Its fucking sugar in sauce form. It goes into your mouth and comes out of your ass in shit form. Get over it.

>> No.6992209

Just scoop it all into a pile and shovel it into your mouth.

>> No.6992218

Alinea is sort of both.

It's nice, but whimsical. The point is that it's fun.

The idea for this dessert is that it's like playing with your food.

All the "pretense" that everyone is strawmanning about is completely made up.

>> No.6992224

FOod is not to play with, food is toe at

>> No.6992226

Good thing I'm sure you'll never be rich then

>> No.6992235

is that borneo or a friend?

>> No.6993047
File: 67 KB, 638x960, breakfastneo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's either her or a group of different asian women who post under the name Borneo.

>> No.6993049

The only faggot more faggier than the faggot who made this is the faggot who ordered it.

>> No.6993708

Nothing like a fine dining thread to bring out the jealous poorfags!

>> No.6993769
File: 303 KB, 500x750, Typical Asian Female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All she needs is a little make up and some contacts and she too can be your dream waifu!

>> No.6994159

*and photoshop

>> No.6994420

I would lick the plate.
although that looks like that just fucking made it on a table. fucking savages.

>> No.6994432


Just some other CIA graduate trying to get themselves trending on the twittersphere.

Pretentious really isn't a cuisine like it was in the 80s. Nice try though.

>> No.6994545

That is from Alinea, one of the top restaurants in the world.

>> No.6994583

>>name drops the CIA to sound knowledgeable about food and food culture
>>can't recognize Alinea's signature dessert

better luck next time

>> No.6994599



Oh you mean knowing about fucking PRETENTIOUS "food culture."

No, I'm not thank god.

The shills are strong tonight.

>> No.6994656

take it up with michelin that gave alinea 3 stars.

can you tell us about something better?

>> No.6994690


>> No.6994720

Mix it all together in a pile. Table manners mean jack shit when you're paying that much money a plate.

>> No.6996010

this tbh

>> No.6996036

you have to eat it in a postmodern way

you're supposed to strip naked, let out a "WOLOLOLOLO" before smearing the dish over your face and mouth and then engaging in interpretive dance.

>> No.6996264

lol so randum xd

>> No.6996266

>a group of different asian women who post under the name Borneo

This is the best conspiracy theory I've heard in weeks.

>> No.6996269

lol u tk him to da bar|?

>> No.6996439

When you go to a really high-end restaurant, with really complex food, if they don't tell you specifically how to eat a dish, then just ask. you won't look like an idiot.

>> No.6997139

I can confirm it's true.

>> No.6997142

can also confirm

>> No.6997160

is true

>> No.6997448

Has anyone are sawed my eyes?

>> No.6997460


>being this obsessed with an ugly gook

>> No.6998037

/ck/ is 5 humans and a few bots posting

>> No.6998396

truer words have never been spoken

>> No.6998412
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1425372927573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6998450

like hipsters are starting to sell "Tacos de Canasta" here in Mexico as "Pork/chicken/potato crepes boiled in baño maria" at ridiculous prices, when you can get 6 tacos for a dollar with the normal street vendor like a proper Mexican

>> No.6998453


people don't expect to pay enough for mexican food, some of the food costs for mexican ingredients and labour would be high as fuck if quality standards were on par with other cuisines. imagine getting a fucking courgette flower quesadilla for a pittance outside of mexico or corsica or whatever. can't be done.

>> No.6998478

>courgette flower quesadilla
I'll take language atrocities for $1000, Alex

>> No.6998485


they can all be seen as english words.

>> No.6998495

>can be seen as
I'll take tortured logic for $1000, Alex.

Just say squash blossom if you're going to gringo it up, or preferably flor de calabaza if you're going use it in a sentence with "quesadilla".

Never, ever ever say "courgette" in the context of Mexican food, ever again. Fuck.

>> No.6998498


Israel has near 100% of that squash blossom growing racket.

0/10 will not buy.

>> No.6998506

I hate it when I pick up something at the store and I notice the label says "product of Israel" and I have to put it back. Seems like it's getting more common, I guess they've stolen enough land now that they're a major exporter of all kinds of foods.

>> No.6998510


>Just say squash blossom if you're going to gringo it up

i'm not gringoing it up i'm just english. that's the word we use to describe the particular vegetable/fruit.

>> No.6998511


Not really, still spying and tech manufacturing... also US military contracts to make bullets & computer chips.

They're like a more expensive China, cheaper labor than Americans though.

>> No.6998520
File: 61 KB, 598x352, Cougar-Juice-chardonnay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and it sounds completely fucked in this context. Just pointing out the facts.

>> No.6998542


it doesn't sound completely fucked it's just a mix of nouns from different languages; it's no tragedy.

>> No.6998562
File: 47 KB, 500x514, kate-middleton-photo-image-over-bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't sound fucked to you because you're fucking english. Mexico is not next to england, nobody says "courgette" there, either in english or in spanish. You sound like the kind of guy who would walk into sanborns and ask for a mantequilla de totopos.

Just stop.

>> No.6998571


>It doesn't sound fucked to you because you're fucking english

yes. is there anything wrong with that? this happens in every language.

>> No.6998580

There's a lot wrong with it. You say "washing up fluid" and crazy shit like that.

Learn English, please.

>> No.6998588


we generally say washing up liquid actually. i know english, that's why i'm using the commonly used nouns for these objects. you'd be more apt to say 'learn mexican' - to which i say fuck off.

>> No.6998592

learn mexican

>> No.6998593

Apply face to table and shake vigorously.

>> No.6998598

not the guy you're replying to, but crying bastardization over componential hybridization of different languages is kind of a tired old joke that nobody really cares about.

>> No.6998600

I think you're confusing this for an argument about something else

>> No.6998608
File: 19 KB, 990x655, feckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to further illustrate my point

>> No.6998613

Again: you're confused

But you should have posted the xkcd version to show how clever you are

>> No.6998615

it's essentially the same argument made synchronically instead of diachronically and it's just as "look at me i went to grammar school when i was a lad" as the first inane argument.

>> No.6998617

Nope. Maybe you should read before jumping in next time.

>> No.6998627

hold on here. you're saying that complaining about putting whole words together from different languages is so different that putting morphemes together from different languages that they constitute entirely separate arguments? all you've done is call me illiterate and provided no reasonable critique. i'm not even into trolling anymore, i'm curious if you think this is true.

>> No.6998630

> you're saying that complaining about putting whole words together from different languages
You can stop right there. You're confused because you jumped in without reading the thread.

Please refrain from doing this in the future. Thanks.

>> No.6998633

>eating right off the fucking table


>> No.6998636

nah mang,
this right here
courgette (french) flower (english) quesadilla (spanish) = language atrocity
i don't even know what your position is here. are you the one claiming language atrocity? if so, on what grounds? i assumed hybridization because i honestly don't know what else you would find incorrect about this.

>> No.6998642

>british english translation of a mexican spanish word instead of american english
This is the language atrocity. Few people who speak english will know what the fuck a "courgette" is in mexico, it just sounds wrong. Most people will use the translation "squash" because they are used to talking to americans.

You jumped the gun because you're proud of your blog post. Good job on the blog post, 10/10 well memed, now you can tell us how lobster is a chemical and water is for prisoners.

>> No.6998654

dude i'm canadian and we're not in mexico, we're on an english language image board

and that's not my blog post, that's the first google hit for "language hybrid wrong"

idk if the graph is xkcd or not, i couldnt find the original source but i am a paint master so i made my own

i am glad you've provided a positive position, because i am NOT going to argue with a pedant who knows even less about linguistics than i gave him credit for

>> No.6998665

>I'm canadian
No wonder you're so butthurt about american english...

Toronto is too americanized^H^H^H^Hised because it has toilets and electricity, right?

>> No.6998781


>> No.7000261

Same way you play terran

>> No.7000266

I soak it all up with my fedora and eat the hat