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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6987739 No.6987739 [Reply] [Original]

Today we're going to make a very, very simple yet far too often fucked up recipe: the mighty Italian Tomato Sauce, or Pomodoro Sauce!

Unlike other sauces such as Marinara or Bolognese which focus on a mix of flavors/etc this sauce is about one thing: TOMATOES and their amazing flavors. The other ingredients are there to heighten that, not to complete with or overwhelm it. So lets get started!

>> No.6987748

Let's do it.

>> No.6987762

As you can see our ingredients list if quite simple. You will need the following:

4x 28oz cans of whole peeled tomatoes (more on that in a sec)
1 Carrot
1 Medium Yellow Onion
8 Cloves of Garlic
4 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Plus a bit for later)
3 Large Sprigs of Fresh Basil
Fresh Italian (Flat Leaf) Parsley
Dried Oregano
Red Pepper Flakes (Optional)

And yes, trust me on this one: Fish Sauce

>> No.6987794
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Now lets talk tomatoes for a second. This sauce is ALL ABOUT THEM, so pay the few extra dollars and get the best ones you can get your hands on. Trash in, trash out!

We're using canned because let's be honest . . . they're a superior product to pretty much anything short of heirloom stuff from a real garden. Which you can only get a few months of the year. We're using WHOLE canned because they're generally the best . . . . diced/crushed/etc are often made from damaged and otherwise sub-par tomatoes.

And we're using Muir Glen not because I give a single shit about "Organic" but because IMHO they're the best tasting canned tomatoes on the market. A lot of cooks go on about San Marzino DOP tomatoes but honestly I think they're bland. And a lot of the interweb agrees. So yeah.

>> No.6987820
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Okay rant over. Forgot to say earlier, preheat your oven to 300deg F. Moving on, lets prep our vegetation.

Which is incredibly simple! We rinse and dry our basil, peel our onion and cut it in half (removing just the tip of the root which is dirty), and chop our carrot into a few chunks.

The only thing that actually needs to be diced is the garlic! And yes when I say diced I MEAN IT. Not smashed, not crushed through a press, but finely diced with an actual fucking knife. This will keep it from browning too easily.

>> No.6987885

I am doubtful that parsley and fish sauce belong in a tomato sauce and I guess I will never know

>> No.6987911

I've never used carrots in my tomato sauce, never understood why people do. Is it to kill the acidity? Sweetness?
>fish sauce
Strange, but looking forward to its utilization.

>> No.6987958

This is taking you a while, huh?

>> No.6988033

Evilroot tends to post in real time...

>> No.6988128
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Heh sorry about that, had some unexpected guests. Back to it!

Get out a great big honking bowl and add your tomatoes to it.

>> No.6988181
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Now there are many ways we could break these down to the consistency we want. But a food processor tends to over-work the tomatoes and a masher/etc is hard to use.



>> No.6988192
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Let me tell you, this is downright therapeutic. I give them ALL MY RAGE.

The end goal is this, chunks no larger than around 1/2". Doing it this way also gives a nice distinctiveness in texture to your final sauce.

>> No.6988202
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Its actually several hours in now. Prep time only takes 15-20min tops.

Let me tell you, that felt good. I made those tomatoes my bitch.

>> No.6988212
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Take 3 cups of your now semi crushed tomatoes and put them in a covered container. Set aside in the fridge for later.

>> No.6988224
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>> No.6988228

>Uncanning with evilroot

>> No.6988237
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Now add 1/4 cup of your olive oil and 4 tablespoons UNSALTED butter to a large heavy enameled Dutch Oven over medium heat.

There's really no way around it, you NEED a dutch oven for this. Trust me that its a GREAT investment. And it must be enameled . . . . bare cast iron and tomatoes don't get along folks.

>> No.6988254
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Once the butter begins to bubble, add your garlic. An aside on the garlic . . . depending on the size of your cloves you might get more or less than you want. We're looking for around 3 tablespoons total.

Cook until softened and fragrant, but NOT browned! If you see any brown back off the heat. It will take 2, 3 minutes tops.

>> No.6988255

you have my full erection now

>> No.6988269
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Add your dried oregano and (if desired) red pepper flakes. I think the slight spice is nice. And if you'd like an Arrabiata (aka ANGRY) sauce you could add a good deal more!

Cook another minute or two until you can REALLY smell the spices. Cooking them in the fat first really brings out the volatile flavor compounds. And remember, we still do NOT want browning.

>> No.6988273

Only Americans put garlic in a sauce like this.

Canned tomatoes are shit, and you're using garbage quality ingredients.

I'd rather have mcdonalds

>> No.6988287


quick question, is "evilroot" a nickname you gave your junk as form of gay same to deal with you homosexual issues while cooking?

>> No.6988289

Okay I loled.

I explained why canned tomatoes. And it depends on where in Italy you are.

>> No.6988294
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Anyways next add your carrot, halved onion, and basil. Add them whole!

We want to subtle sweetness and flavors, but we don't want them to take over. This way we will essentially infuse the sauce as it cooks!

>> No.6988298
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Add the tomatoes on top and stir.

>> No.6988320

>le hate americans meme

>> No.6988331

>I'd rather have mcdonalds than a tomato sauce that is slightly different than my standards

okay fatty

>> No.6988334

Looks good may try it

>> No.6988335
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Now place in your preheated 300deg oven, only PARTIALLY covered.

By cooking in the oven at this temperature for a nice long time we will not only greatly reduce and thicken our sauce, but also add the rich, meaty, complex flavors that come from roasting!

It will need to cook for 6-7 HOURS. That's right folks . . . . I said it was easy, not that it was fast! You'll want to give it a stir and scrape down the sides every 1-2 hours.

>> No.6988338


I put garlic in everything including your mom

>> No.6988350
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This is after one hour. Notice we're already starting to get good reduction.

Give it a stir and be sure to scrape down all those little brown bits from the sides (a wooden spoon is your best bet).

And let me tell you, my place smells DELICIOUS.

>> No.6988359

Did you add the fish sauce yet?

>> No.6988362 [DELETED] 




>> No.6988474
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This is after 2 hours. YUM!

>> No.6988481

I wonder what it would be like to take a bite out of one of those onions, just like it was an apple

>> No.6988490 [DELETED] 


that's not an answer faggot, explain this shit?

>> No.6988508

Why not let it simmer on the stove? How is the oven different?

>> No.6988513

Why not just use anchovies like every other fucking normal person? You must really want to be a special snowflake. The only reason to use fish sauce is if you can't get anchovies or anchovy paste.

>> No.6988528

or if you don't want to add fish chunks and added oil to your tomato sauce

fish sauce does the exact same thing as anchovies, just better

>> No.6988542
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>not Contadina
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6988549

Like I said, this Special Snowflake territory. Why wouldn't you want to use the olive oil the anchovies come in? Do you hate yourself? Also, if you think you wind up with fish chunks, then you are confirmed for pleb tier. Everyone knows anchovies melt as they cook down.
I am disgusted by your thread and want to kick you so hard your balls pop out of your eye sockets.

>> No.6988605

WTF is wrong with you, damn.

Probably the caramelization? Also doesn't need constant attention.

Anyways looks pretty damned good . . . keep it up OP! Real cooking FTW, I'm sick of "rate my Mac and Cheese" cancer.

>> No.6988636


there is absolutely nothing mother fucking wrong with me, why can't you just answer a simple god damn fucking question.

>> No.6988642

he has no confidence in his sodium content

>> No.6988666

Probably the same reason almost every SE Asian culture, not to mention the ancient Romans and Greeks, used fish sauce.

>> No.6988673


it's either that or brown sugar, carrots intensely increase the length of time you need to cook the sauce>>6987911
>>fish sauce

this is heston blumenshit tier

>> No.6988683


that is some shit right there wew

Americans do it because we had the shit-tier wops come over including the eggplants from Sicily and they rely on garlic to make anything remotely edible

>> No.6988684
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I can't imagine it'd be pleasant.

Like the other Anon said, carmelization. You'll see what I mean soon.

Because fish sauce is a more concentrated source of glutamic acid (which also btw is present in tomatoes and gives them a meaty flavor). Also it is more neutral in flavor and less horribly salty than anchovies.

And more than anything its something I always have in my kitchen as opposed to buying some fancy anchovy paste for this recipe alone.

Anyways. Three hours. Now we're really getting somewhere . . . .

>> No.6988724
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Probably because they're not me?

And actually that last picture was more like 3 1/2 hours. Something like that.

This brings us up to real time. We are at the 5 hour mark, and it looks like this!

And this is the answer to your question. Just look at the beautiful color we're getting on the top of the pot . . . . you can't get that on the stovetop! Its the Maillard Reaction, which through browning creates a huge amount of additional flavor compounds which taste GOOD!

The sauce is thickening very nicely, and I'm very pleased at the progress. This batch will probably get pulled around the 6 hour mark.

>> No.6988761

>fancy anchovy paste

Everything you just posted is utter bullshit.

>> No.6988785

Looks dank bro keep it coming.

How long will fish sauce hold say in the fridge?

>> No.6988804

dont you add sugar to counteract the acidity of the sauce?

>> No.6988819
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>> No.6988826

Fish sauce doesn't need to be kept in the fridge at all. It's a fermented product that shouldn't spoil.

>> No.6988828

No need for the fridge, it will last YEARS in your pantry. Hence very easy to keep on hand, especially because a little bit goes a long way.

The carrot and onion both add subtle sweetness and flavor. Plus the roasting process caramelizes and brings out more of the natural sweetness of the tomatoes. There is no need for any added sugar!

>> No.6988832
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how do you store your sauce when its done? if you seal it right can it go in the cabinet like store bought???

>> No.6988844


Adding sugar to a tomato sauce is pretty much a "cheat" if you don't wanna cook your sauce long enough to develop sweetness on its own

>> No.6988872


>> No.6988915
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And now it comes out! Would you just look at that wonderful color, and let me tell you it smells AMAZING.

>> No.6988920
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Using tongs remove your now spent onions, carrots, and basil stems.

>> No.6988933

I don't know if it's just the picture/lighting, but that looks a little funky.

>> No.6988937
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While I'm very happy with the color and flavor I its more watery than I'd like at this stage. So I'm going to reduce it a tad further on the stovetop over medium heat. We're going for a very, very thick mixture with little to no water.

This step generally isn't needed, but every batch is a tad different!

>> No.6988949
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Probably the lighting/etc and using a phone camera. I'm a cook, not a photographer X.X

Here's another picture from the same time (I always take a couple at each step).

>> No.6989036


What do you eat this with, OP? Looks good

>> No.6989045
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I haven't eaten it yet! But now its almost finished . . . .

So here it is after reducing 20 min to remove the remaining water. Much better.

>> No.6989060
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Now this is currently absolutely delicious and PACKED with the flavor of slow cooked and partially roasted tomatoes. You COULD use it as is.

But it lacks freshness, and the wonderful subtle flavor of fresh tomatoes!

And so here we have a few optional steps. The first is to add just a bit of herbal flavor in the form of fresh parsley and basil. You can use one or the other, or both, or neither! But in my case I'll be using both . . . . partially because with the upcoming frost this is some of the last fresh herbage I'll be getting out of my garden :-(

>> No.6989065
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It won't take much . . . we just want a bit of a fresh herbal accent rather than it taking over. 1/2 cup of finely chopped herbs total, TOPS.

>> No.6989094

And now, finally, its time to FINISH OUR SAUCE! Remember the tomatoes we set aside way back here:


Well now they come into play! Their freshness will combine with the richness of the cooked tomatoes to create something truly magical!

>> No.6989114
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And now with them sitting side by side you can really appreciate what we've done over the long cooking time! Just look at the difference in color!

To bring our final product together add the reserved tomatoes, herbs (if using), fish sauce (about a tablespoon), and a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for that nice flavor. Stir to combine!

>> No.6989124


What type of pasta goes with this sauce?

>> No.6989125
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x2448, tsauce27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there we have it folks. This is our finished product . . . . a rich, tremendously flavorful, stick-to-your-ribs hearty sauce!

And SWEET BABY JESUS let me tell you it looks, smells, and tastes FUCKING AMAZING. This is the kind of shit restaurants and Italian grandmothers stake their names on. It tastes like it was cooked all day because it WAS.

>> No.6989131

Exclusively the penis shaped ones.

>> No.6989165

Our serving options are absolutely HUGE.

Traditionally a thick, chunky sauce like this would be served tossed with a robust pasta that has lots of surface area. Penne, pappardelle, or rotini usually.

But this is America, and if you really want to trigger an Italian just put a good scoop on top of spaghetti. BECAUSE YOU CAN. And it will be fucking delicious.

>> No.6989179

I forgot why I stopped visiting this board, luckily this thread of a tripfag (who thinks using anchovies will leave "fish chunks") making tomato sauce with 70+ genuine replies reminded me why. Stay pleb faggots.

>> No.6989185

More serving options:

With meatballs on top of pasta. Meatballs NEVER had a better friend. Same with sliced seared sausage.

Atop roasted chicken, pork, or fish. TASTY.

Lasagna? FUCK YEAH.

Pizza? This shit will take your homemade pizza to the NEXT LEVEL. (And if you like a non-chunky pizza sauce simply puree it first).


Even just on some toasted bread is amazing. And then top THAT with cheese. You'll be drooling like Homer Simpson.

And that's just a START. Hell I always eat some right out of the pot with a spoon, its that good.

>> No.6989200

Some other Anon commented about the "fish chunks", not me.

And threads like this are the entire point of a tripcode, so people know what comments actually come from OP.

I visit this board for OC, and because that's what I love its what I try to provide. Why don't you show me up and cook something better yourself? Otherwise go back to posting in threads about what ketchup to use on a well done steak.

>> No.6989233

Awwwww shit, buuuurn.

Looks delicious OP! I'm totally making this on my next day off. Looks like it makes a lot, do you know how much total? Only good fresh, or will keep in the fridge (or frozen?)

>> No.6989275

Total in the end is about 2 quarts, or 8 cups of finished sauce.

And it keeps wonderfully . . . about a week in the fridge, or months frozen!

I find that about 1/2 cup is a normal serving as part of a dinner plate with sides (like for Chicken Parm or atop meats), or 1 cup for a hearty single-serving entree with pasta. So after cooling I portion it into 1-cup increments in pint bags unless I have an immediate use.

>> No.6989297

Besides frying the garlic/spices, do you think most of this could be done in a slow-cooker?

>> No.6989347

Unfortunately no. The real key to the flavor is the carmelization that you get from slow roasting in the oven, hence the rich dark color. I suppose it would be possible to use the vessel from your slow cooker in the oven, but you'd have to find a way to mostly cover the top.

Make the investment and get a cast iron enameled Dutch Oven. They run about $80 for a decent 5-6qt model and believe me it is WELL worth it.

In fact since I got mine I don't think I've used my slow cooker even once. Its probably my single favorite piece of cookware. You can use it to sear, sautee, roast, slow cook . . . sometimes all in the same dish! I use it for soups, stews, chili, gumbo, pot roast, sauces, pork shoulder, etc etc.

>> No.6989354

BTW if this thread is still alive later I'll make some chicken parm using this sauce for dinner!

>> No.6989377

Do you read The Food Lab at seriouseats.com?

This seems just like a recipe I read there.

>> No.6989386

Whoops, I'm not OP. I had that set as my name from a thread I started earlier. Didn't mean to mislead anyone.

Anyway, I found that recipe I was talking about.

Article: http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/09/the-food-lab-use-the-oven-to-make-the-best-darned-italian-american-red-sauce-ever-recipe.html

Recipe: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2014/09/the-best-slow-cooked-italian-american-tomato-sauce-red-sauce-recipe.html

>> No.6989413

Yes! That is indeed where I originally found the recipe and I've been using and refining it with slight modifications ever since. :-)

Kenji López-Alt is one of my culinary heroes, although I still disagree with him about stuff like San Marzano tomatoes heh.

>> No.6989420

>Taste of Thai
Dat shit tier choice of fish sauce though.

>> No.6989426

Good thing there are lots of different brands, so we can all use the ones we like, you fucking memer.

>> No.6989460

Guilty as charged, you're totally right. Luckily in this application the overall impact of using a lower tier brand is very minor.

Its not a terribly great fish sauce, and he called me on it heh. Usually I have Red Boat but I used it all up making Nuoc Cham and went with the backup.

>> No.6989462

This post has sealed my hate for you. I was on the fence, but this......this.....I feel nothing but disgust now.

>> No.6989488
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Once again, Evilroot delivers. Thanks, man. You're doing the Lord's work by posting OC on this godforsaken board.

If only I had a good camera, I'd join you. Sadly, mine is only good for taking pictures of completed pizzas.

>> No.6989510

Thanks, I appreciate it!

I'm using my cellphone (an older Nexus 4) for the pictures . . . if I can do it you can too, give it a shot!

>> No.6989660
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>> No.6989794

Leave him alone, asshole.

>> No.6990180

holy fuck those tomatos look disgusting.

can't you get fresh tomatos in the us of a?

>> No.6990252

yeah but usually at this time of year they are much worse than the good canned ones. When they're in season I get them from my garden or local farmer's markets. If not than san marzino it is

>> No.6990296

Bump for chicken parm.

>> No.6990360


This isn't OC, he's just copypasting the recipe from seriouseats.

>> No.6990394

>> TOMATOES and their amazing flavors

Amazing canned flavor....

>> No.6990398

exact copy of food lab recipe lol

>> No.6990454 [DELETED] 

Now let me tell you how a real italian grandma does it

>peeled crushed tomatoes
>acquired raw in 50lb discount boxes from farm or vegetable market
>whole basil and plenty of it
>no fucking onion
>no fucking carrot
>a pinch of brown sugar
>a SPLASH of olive oil, not enough to drown a baby

cook on the stove in your 80qt stock pot until done, immediately can into 1QT Mason jars, eat bi weekly for the whole winter

not this chunky greasy slop. way too complicated, overcooked and full of shit that doesn't belong in there and for the love of all that is holy NO FISH SAUCE

1 anchovy per pot if you must be a raging faggot about it

That is a real italian tomato sauce recipe, not this Kenji Alt-Cuck bullshit

>> No.6990502

How different do you expect a fucking tomato sauce recipe to be?

>> No.6990513

See >>6987794

>> No.6990916
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There are good trips and bad trips. Evilroot being one of the few in the first category, and yes, you are a faggot.

>> No.6990923

Do you feel confident in the salt content of those canned tomatoes though, OP?

>> No.6991067



>> No.6991079

Tbh it seems like a lot of hassle for a regular end result.

I usually just stir fry diced onion, celery and garlic until browned, then add canned tomatoes, some chopped chillis, and oregano, and let it simmer for an hour in a regular pan. Then blend at the end.

I am pretty sure they would taste very similar.

>> No.6991095

Yeah 7 hours seems overkill tbh.

>> No.6991112
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Colour corrected.

>> No.6991117

>be asian
>have fish sauce at hand all of the damn time
>autist channeling Italian grandma demands MUH AUTHENTIC ANCHOVIES
>1 anchovy per pot
So you expect people to buy a whole tin of anchovies for a single fillet for an application that will stretch out for 1 - 3 weeks of meals depending on pacing.
And then do what with the rest of the shitty salty fishes?

>> No.6991163

I make my tomato sauce with cured fish roe as seasoning.
And there's not a damn thing you and your granny can do to stop me.

>> No.6991430

I use her pizza sauce when making home made pizza and am too lazy to make my own sauce. I honestly haven't found a better canned sauce I like. Tried a lot.

>> No.6991709

this isn't an "italian" tomato sauce sorry. its an american tomato sauce..

>> No.6991714

Does it matter?

>> No.6991818

We won WW2, we invented the tomato, we got the nukes, everyone in the world thinks Fettuccine Alfredo is a traditional dish.
We can call ketchup, mixed with canola oil and a dash of table salt, traditional Italian sauce and there's no one that can stop or dare argue against us.
Who do you think you can turn to? Britain thought spaghetti grew on trees less than a decade ago. France scoffs at your vineyards producing nothing but table wines. Germany would steal the Holy See right out from under you after a lukewarm attempt to protect your dignity. And everyone knows Spain does your shit better than you do and will make it spicier.

We dictate what is Eyetalian now.

>> No.6992674

Italian food is spicier than Spanish food.

>> No.6992687

>has fish sauce on hand all the time
>bitches about anchovies

Either this is the worst bait ever, or you truly are a huge fucking village idiot. Or both, because your post sucked.

>> No.6992948

Doesn't look great tbh fam
No offence

>> No.6993505

Underrated post

>> No.6993577

underrated post

>> No.6993620

>le upvote

>> No.6993634



>> No.6993639

>replies to shitpost with shitpost

>> No.6993717

>Adding whole carrots and onions for subtle flavors
>fish sauce
>popping it in oven for absolutely no reason

You're just taking absolutely unnecessary steps, how about just shredding half a carrot and finely dicing half an onion and sauteing those in the butter with some garlic to develop even more flavor without overpowering the sweetness of tomato, then just simmer with on low heat for a couple hours and you would get an even better result with less steps, not to mention it would look way better.

>> No.6994391

>tfw Evilroot didn't deliver the chicken parm.

>> No.6994446


evilroot's a fag and didn't deliver

>> No.6994465



This guy has never cooked with anchovies before.

He probably also throws away duck fat.

Bumping so anons learn what not to do.

>> No.6994629

Lose the carrot and use demerara sugar instead
Don't cook the garlic so damn long and lose its flavor
Get that fish sauce shit out of there. This sauce shouldn't taste like fish nor should it be very salty
With most recipes it's best to use just basil OR oregano unless you're eating it with something plain like just noodles
Add finely diced mushrooms towards the end to add umami and texture or put dried porcini mushrooms in at some point during the cooking process and fish out later
Use canned san marzano tomatoes with little to no canning liquid left in or use fresh, properly riped tomatoes crushed and filtered through a strainer type device to keep out seeds and peel
Or... removing the peels isn't even that important depending on the dish unless you're a picky, finicky child who can't tolerate texture or fiber in your food
Add a spoonful or two of red wine and small tidge of balsamic vinegar at some point when reducing down the sauce

>> No.6994640

Also, you need barely any demerara sugar, depending on how sweet the tomatoes you're using are.

>> No.6994652

>Add a spoonful or two of red wine and small tidge of balsamic vinegar

I do this as well, usually the chianti i plan on drinking with it, and more like 1/3 of a cup depending on the size of the batch.

Sherry vinegar works too, but sparingly.

Great idea about the dried porcini 10/10 will try.

>> No.6994677

Yeah, I meant a few spoonfuls in a small batch as long as it's not too watery already. I've used vinegars too depending on how acidic the tomatoes already are.

>> No.6994810

>fish sauce
>taste like fish
You w0t m8?

>> No.6994864

Could I use clam juice or sardine water instead of fish sauce?

>> No.6994945

lets see that chicken parma

>> No.6995696

This is exactly what I do. I also use half fresh tomatoes half canned. I'm curious what the difference in flavor is after 6 hours of cooking, though.

Also, I like to add red wine but I might be on my own there .

>> No.6995883

a good thread on /ck/

>> No.6996221


I appreciate your entertainment-forward method, but jesus, you should not add fresh herbs 'til the end of cooking. 6-7 hours on fresh basil is just gonna destroy the flavor.

>> No.6996311

>rinse and dry our basil

>> No.6996318

Chicken parm or gtfo

>> No.6996472

Goddamn. If I was Italian I'd kill myself at this point.
Fucking savage.

>> No.6996536

this is Marie tier sauce. I'm ashamed it was posted on this board

>you know which video I mean

>> No.6996549

will italy ever recover?

>> No.6996557

