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6975534 No.6975534 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Dining / restaurant turn-offs.

>go out for dinner with wife
>"smoking or non-smoking?"
>ask for smoking
>"sorry, we don't have any smoking"
>oh, that's okay
>"you can smoke in the non-smoking, though!"

>> No.6975551

...why the fuck would they offer you smoking area seating if they don't have any? That just seems like a "clever" way of saying "We allow smoking here" to manipulate you into being pleasantly surprised.

>> No.6975554

enjoy your lung cancer faggot

>> No.6975561

>use a phone
>get cancer

>get too much sun
>get cancer

Not to mention caffeine is just as addicting and alcohol is worse for you. If you don't smoke that's fine, but don't act like every smoker is giving you cancer just because they blow some smoke around you.

>> No.6975564

If that was their plan it backfired. They actually have a separate area for smoking, so just ignoring that is kind of off-putting. Don't know why, exactly, but it didn't make us feel great about the place.

>> No.6975587

please remember to include trigger warnings on all anime-related posts
thank you

>> No.6975620

>when a restaurant has Ziosks

So basically the wait(er/ress) is there to...do what, exactly? I place the order for my own food, my own drinks, my own desert...all they do is carry it from the kitchen to my table. And they they expect a fucking tip? Give me a break.

Just introduce a conveyor system to deliver the food to my table and cut out the middle man.

>> No.6975656

What shithole country do you live in that hasn't banned smoking in food establishments entirely?

>> No.6975664

A lot of countries haven't, actually. America (though only certain states), Canada (though only certain provinces / territories), among others. 1 in 5 people still smoke in "The West". The rate's even higher in other parts of the world.

Smoking in restaurants isn't going away any time soon.

>> No.6975665

I went to a seafood restaurant in a small town in Texas while vising family. It took me by surprise when the hostess asked "smoking or non-smoking?"
Like, I had to actually think about what she just said because it's probably been 20 years since I was asked that.

>> No.6975673 [DELETED] 

America's a shithole, so that makes sense.

>> No.6975676

Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a pissing section in a swimming pool.

>> No.6975685

Each state, and in a lot of cases each city, in America makes most of their own laws.
Just as Romania doesn't make Europe a shithole, 1 city in 1 state doesn't make America a shithole.

>> No.6975689

If it's a separate room, I think it's fine. Also if smoking is patio only or something. But when a restaurant has a smoking and non-smoking section that are divided by nothing but tables...that's stupid.

>> No.6975696

>"A-America really is first world, I swear!"
>"Just because s-some cities and states are bad doesn't mean my number one country is!"

Fuck off, smokey.

>> No.6975727

Alcoholics don't force me to drink with them, though.

>> No.6975734

Loud music, or music or inappropriate music for the atmosphere or cuisine served. Bright lights. Waiters who are professional, but soulless and cold. Food not served hot enough. Tables being too close to the nearest patrons.

>> No.6975739

You ever try telling someone you don't drink? Watch them try and pressure you the entire night to drink something, or even try to trick you into drinking.

Last I checked, smokers don't do that.

>> No.6975741

Oh also when couples bring babies or kids that can't behave and restaurants that don't serve alcohol or aren't BYO. Also places that have exhorbitant corkage charges. I went somewhere the othe other night and it was $12!

>> No.6975749

>restaurants that don't serve alcohol or aren't BYO

Why even bother at that point, honestly.

>> No.6975755

There's some places with great Lebanese food, but don't allow alcohol. The whole muslim thing.

>> No.6975758

I guess I can see it in that situation. I guess it'd be like going to a Jewish place and wanting oysters.

>> No.6975762

>this tbh fam.
Also, no one is forcing you to go to a place that allows smoking, just like no one forced me to go work at a place where I am subjected to inhaling shrimp fumes due to so many chinks ordering shrimp stir fries and hibachi which in turn makes me feel ill and poses more of a health risk to me than someone smoking 20 feet away from you. I made that choice and carry an epi pen and take benadryl and shit. Get over it.

>> No.6975777

Seriously, I don't drink because it could interfere with my heart medication. I'm perfectly happy just having a shirley temple or something.

But if I say I don't drink, I'm met with surprise, shock, disgust, confusion, and more. Then for the entire night people are trying to have me drink "just a sip", or they straight out buy me a drink and get pissy when I refuse it. I've also had people try and pass off something alcoholic as non, then when I take a sip they're pretty much all "ha, made you drink!".

Honestly it's fucking insane, especially since alcohol is infinitely worse for you than smoking (drink driving, alcohol poisoning, destroying your liver, brain, etc.). My smoker friends...they smoke away from people who don't smoke always check if it's okay before they light up, and never once have they tried to get someone else to smoke with them.

>> No.6975778

>my province banned smoking on patios.
its such bullshit cause you cant even smoke on them in the winter when they are empty.
>Also places that have exhorbitant corkage charges. I went somewhere the othe other night and it was $12!
you expected them to lose the profit from a wine sale cause you decided to bring your own? why not just bring your own food with you?

>> No.6975781

The fact that swimming pools don't have pissing sections, while restaurants do have smoking sections unless you make it illegal to do so, suggests people want to smoke in restaurants but not piss in pools.

I honestly don't get how anyone can justify a ban for this. Why would restaurants set up that way if their customers didn't like it? If it really was a huge issue for you to have to share a building with people smoking, restaurants would ban smoking themselves. Look at the extent they go to to make the dining experience pleasant for the customer: isn't it more likely that smoking sections do not actually upset non smokers than that restaurant owners go to great lengths to please their customers, except in this one area?

>> No.6975807

$12 is ridiculous though, most places are $6 at most.

>> No.6975812

Yeah with muslim food I just buy takeaway, when it's dine somewhere it's gotta be BYO.

>> No.6975814

>I honestly don't get how anyone can justify a ban for this

Something something "for the children"! Seriously, just look at Canada. No flavoured cigs, and even menthols are on their way to be banned. Then there's the whole advertising ban, retail display ban, and ban on anywhere you can smoke. Basically you can only smoke plain cigarettes, can only buy them if you already know what you want, and can only smoke in your own home (for now).

Surprised we still have ~1 in 5 smokers, honestly.

>> No.6975818

Cigarettes are unquestionably more harmful than either of those and very very easily avoidable as it wouldn't be a hindrance to not smoke. Also guess what, if your second hand smoke breaches anyone's area WITHOUT their consent then you are endangering and harming them in as much as rape and assault harms others and you are culpable in any impending damages. You are basically raping others with your death sticks. But no, the impulse completely counteracts the harm, right? Just like lust makes it OKAY to rape. Jesus, you smokers. Absolute swine.

>> No.6975821

Tell you what, try to smoke around me. I'll bring you up on charges.
My health isn't a game. Lives aren't yours to destroy.
My cells should be tarnished due to your lack of control.

>> No.6975822

>smoking is as bad as rape


>> No.6975824

Cancer is as bad if not worse than PTSD. You are raping others into a Cancer diagnosis.

>> No.6975828

TIL my neighbours are raping me every time they cook shellfish, which I'm allergic to. OH THE HUMANITY!

>> No.6975829

maybe you should just drink the house wine then. i mean why would you even bother with your own over selecting a wine that is paired with the menu?

>> No.6975830

What are you even on about? Christ, did the propaganda that even holding a cigarette will give you immediate cancer really get to you?

>> No.6975831

...how am I giving them cancer? You realize that to get cancer from second-hand smoke you'd have to get WAY the fuck more than the odd cloud, right?

Fun thing: if you live in a major city, the various fumes you're inhaling are equivalent to smoking ~10+ cigarettes a year!

>> No.6975835

Was a smoker mean to you once or what? Fuck. Me smoking isn't going to give you cancer, and even it it does, cancer is worse than PTSD from rape? Now those are some mental gymnastics I'd pay to see.

>> No.6975837

>Tell you what, try to smoke around me. I'll bring you up on charges.

Oh wow, didn't realize I was dealing with a clearly over-18 badass. Guess I won't smoke a cigarette while I walk down the road in case I accidentally rape you into breathing a bit of smoke! Wouldn't want to taint such a manly man's lungs, after all.

>> No.6975839 [DELETED] 

It's my body, it's my choice if I'm alright with even .00001% more likelihood of developing cancer. It IS NOT up to you to decide if I should be okay with your cancer sticks interfering with my life. Keep it in your pocket, or better yet, KEEP IT OFF THE SHELVES. Cigarettes are poison.

>> No.6975840

Just got back in from a smoke, lads. I can smoke in my apartment, but it's so much more satisfying to pollute the entire city's clearly clean air and rape literally everybody in the process.

The air was nice and crisp, though. Very nice evening. God I love Autumn.

>> No.6975843

Same anon, same. Guess Red Lobster coorporate is going to get sued for rape now, because I get a bit light headed when I am forced to go with my parents for birthdays and shit.

>> No.6975846

Okay, so...don't eat at restaurants that allow smoking? Your lungs are getting much worse than my smoke if you live in any kind of city though, so I don't see why you care. And if you drink? Hoo boy, RIP your body.

Or you could...you know...not be such a massive faggot and just ignore smokers like everyone else. Good for you for not smoking, you want a medal or something? You think you're some kind of champion of the world because you fake cough any time you see a smoker by the bus stop?

Seriously, just go on with your day.

>> No.6975849

>My cells should be tarnished due to your lack of control.
sure thing, i'mma get right on that :^)

>> No.6975855

So mommy's not letting you smoke, huh?

>> No.6975857

I don't befriend people like that, no.
Smokers on the other hand will foul up my air even if I've never spoken a word to them.

>> No.6975859

I'm sure all those people are faking. It's not like smoke is some sort of toxic irritant or anything.

>> No.6975861

...and so will car drivers, what's your point?

>> No.6975868

It is, but...it's not as bad as people think. Hell, my asthmatic brother-in-law didn't even know I smoked until he saw me, then it was all "you smell like smoke" or coughing after that...but only if he saw me smoking. I could be right by the window to his room and he wouldn't make a peep, but the second he sees me smoking almost 50 metres away he goes into a coughing fit.

Not saying that some people coughing by smokers isn't a thing, but most of them? They're full of shit. A smoker passing you on the street who hasn't exhaled, or someone of the other side of the road...that's not going to make you cough even a little bit. If it did, you'd be keeling over any time a truck drove by.

>> No.6975869

?? You get much more value for money bringing your own wine.

>> No.6975870

You people need better friends. If I go out with people and tell them I'm not drinking today they fucking respect it.
Smokers, though.
Smokers will stink up the whole room. Smokers will sit next to you at the bus stop, upwind of course, and force their shitty cancerous habit on you.
And even when they're not fouling up the air with actual smoke there's still the stink of it on their clothing and their sweat and their breath.
Although I suppose that can be said for some drinkers too.

Smokers ruin the air for EVERYBODY too. Your enthusiastic drinking buddies probably don't try to trick babies into drinking, do they? Smoke will get in their lungs just as much as in mine, though.

Fuck smokers and fuck their sense of entitlement.
The air is for everybody and the ones who fill it with shit are clearly in the wrong.

>> No.6975871

edgar I'm glad you're back but in the future make your bait at least subtle

>> No.6975872

so do you walk around town in a bubble to avoid inhaling air pollution from vehicles or do you just bring them up on charges?

>> No.6975877

This point can't be stressed enough. Half the time people won't know you smoke unless they see you smoking, and then SUDDENLY you smell like smoke, even though you never have before.

And the fake coughing fits...don't even get me started.

>> No.6975881

...and white people smell like spoiled milk all the time, and Indian people smell like curry. What's the big deal if someone smells like something?

Also...since when are smokers "tricking babies" into smoking? This is some politician level retardation.

And one last thing...okay, it's everyone's air, sure. But you're getting much worse than smoke every day just by breathing. Car pollution, industrial pollution, then what's in the water...frankly, smoke should be the least of your health concerns. And how exactly are they "entitled"? The argument could be made that you're just as entitled because "it's everyone's air" only seems to apply to your desired quality of your air.

But I digress. No arguing with anti-smoking fanatics who think the slightest puff will alter their "clean" air forever and give them cancer immediately.

>> No.6975884

I think it's interesting that the best excuse smokers can come up with for ruining my air is "it probably won't give you cancer."
Neither will kicking the back of my seat on a long flight but you're still a sack of shit for doing it.
I find it unpleasant. The smoke I find extremely unpleasant and constricting and I don't see why it should be forced on me.
Also, I see Edgar is back. He's a troll and a spammer and should be filtered.

>> No.6975885

>thread about dining / restaurant turn-offs
>anti-smoking nutjobs derail the fuck out of it

Why am I not surprised.

Look, smoking isn't healthy, nobody's arguing that...but acting like cigarette smoke will send you into a coughing fit while truck fumes won't, or thinking that the smallest cloud will give you cancer, or bitching about completely subjective smells...that's just ridiculous.

>> No.6975889

>Also...since when are smokers "tricking babies" into smoking? This is some politician level retardation.
Yes, because the real issue here is how honest smokers are. Sure as hell is the point.

>> No.6975891

That's not really an "excuse", and it's way less than "probably won't", it's literally negligible. As mentioned in a previous comment, just breathing the air in even a small city is like smoking ten or more cigarettes in a year. A small cloud of smoke while you leave the mall isn't going to affect your health in any significant way.

Also, it's fine that you find the smell unpleasant. I find lemon scented things unpleasant. That doesn't mean I'm being raped if someone sprays Pledge in their apartment. And as for it being "forced" on you...I'm pretty sure nobody's holding you down and blowing smoke in your face. Just walk past smokers on the street. Not a big deal.

>> No.6975894

Nice rebuttal, anon. Ignore all the other things they said and focus on the one you can claim is "off topic". Good job.

>> No.6975897

I would love to be rid of all the shit in the air from cars, but modern society depends on them, unlike cigarettes, so I weigh all the luxuries we all get from having cars against the air pollution we have to endure.
I gain nothing from having some asshole I don't even know burning dried leaves at the table next to me.

>> No.6975902

FUCKING THIS. My aunt was this way until she found out my mom smoked and since then it's been coughing fits etc. She also used to be a vegan, it's all tied into that mentality.

>> No.6975903

>That doesn't mean I'm being raped if someone sprays Pledge in their apartment.
No, of course not.
First of all, I didn't bring up the rape comparison, that was Edgar the troll.
Second, I'd be a real asshole for coming into your home and telling you what you can and can't do in there.
If you sit at the table next to me in a restaurant and spray Lemon Pledge I'll tell you to fucking stop, though.

>> No.6975904

>I gain nothing from having some asshole I don't even know burning dried leaves at the table next to me.

...and where does that happen? If there's a smoking and non-smoking section they're usually separated. Maybe don't ask to be seated in the smoking section if you're such a pussy about a bit of smoke? I don't know what to tell you anon.

>> No.6975905

>If you sit at the table next to me in a restaurant and spray Lemon Pledge I'll tell you to fucking stop, though

That's the thing though, this never happens. Pledge-spraying sections are usually separated in some way or another.

>> No.6975906

Not sure why you quoted me tbh fam

>> No.6975926

>tfw living in a third world shithole where smoking in public is banned

>> No.6975929

Unless it's separated by sealed walls and an airlock, it's going to be everywhere anyway.

>> No.6975948

>sealed walls


>> No.6975962


>> No.6975964

ITT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TV_128Fz2g&list=RDGMEMC4ufdFUyFGR-xA94scdArgVMFzAgncixM7o&index=2

>> No.6975966

No. Having an airlock with regular porous drywalled walls would be stupid.

>> No.6975970

Europeans and others tend to look at America from afar and make judgments based on what the internet and news tells them because they're too stupid to think for themselves, so it makes sense you'd type that.

>> No.6975971

Fuck off, you ignorant trend-following sheeple.

>> No.6975974

No, they just breathe smoke your way, forcing you to hold your breath while you consume your now-smoke-flavored food.

>> No.6975978

But that still doesn't work, because if people with children were actually that concerned then restaurants would not allow smoking.

It seems that the argument relies on believing that restaurant owners are all too stupid to realize their customers would prefer them to forbid smoking in their restaurants, even while they are perfectly capable of meeting customers' demands in all other ways.

>> No.6975991

And your argument relies on restaurant owners always doing what's objectively best.
Anyone who has worked in a restaurant or even just eats out more than once a year will know why that's stupid.

If I wanted to play your stupid game I could theorise that smokers are insufferable assholes who demand being allowed to foul up the air with their stupid habit everywhere while non-smokers often tend to be more reasonable and forgiving, meaning they'll put up with smokers even if smokers won't put up with them.

The fact of the matter is that smokers do affect those around them negatively because they simply can't sit still for an hour or two without indulging their addiction.

>> No.6976009


Anon, if "Well, people clearly want to do it, or else they wouldn't be doing it!" was solid grounds to end a discussion on whether they should be allowed, we could basically just throw the whole concept of law out the window.

Everybody wants to take things without paying.
And beat the shit out of people that they don't like.
And short change their employees, on top of giving them an unbelievably raw deal which they have to accept out of necessity.
And drop their wrapper on the ground instead of putting it in the trash.

The problem is that this behavior causes issues for other people.

If 4 out 5 people don't want those 1 out of 5 stinking up public and making them sick, and if you consider the strain that it puts on the health industry, it makes sense for the law to step in and tell that 1 out of 5 "No.".

>> No.6976027

'Objectively best' doesn't have anything to do with it. I don't think there is any objectively best way to run a restaurant. But there is subjectively best - whatever customers are most satisfied with. This is what restaurant owners - all business owners, in fact - are interested in pursuing. Those that don't, don't make money and go out of business. So since restaurant owners have this incentive, and to a considerable extent cannot afford not to follow it, it seems more likely to me that them having smoking and non smoking sections actually meets their customers' demands better than alternatives such as banning smoking. If it were really that unpleasant for non smokers to go to restaurants with smoking areas, the market would be wide open for people to set up non smoking restaurants and rake in the cash.

But we're not talking about a situation where people can just go and hurt other people. We're talking about entirely artificial environments, which people have total control over whether they do or do not enter, and therefore which can only get customers by doing what those customers want. A restaurant is not 'the public' in any meaningful way: you can only go there if you pay, what happens inside does not affect what happens outside, they only exist because someone has decided to set them up and bear the costs of running them.

>> No.6976044

This sounds amazing
Time warp flyover shit like that cracks me up, it's a shame you have to go to a gun-filled ignorant third world war zone to experience it

>> No.6976046
File: 12 KB, 480x360, lazytown54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And drop their wrapper on the ground instead of putting it in the trash.

nothing burns my bacon more than this especially in restaurant

>> No.6976053

>wines paired with menu
oh god are you actually this brainwashed. I always knew Americans were dumb but god damn, you really are fucken dumb.

>> No.6976068

What provinces can you smoke indoor still?

>> No.6976767

atleast you are admitting that youre a cheap fuck

>> No.6976894

Also would like to know, I think he's full of shit. I'm sure some small town joints don't care but that doesn't mean it isn't banned.

>> No.6976921

What sort of monkey willfully litters a restaurant?

>> No.6976960

I'm up in Yellowknife and I know it's generally fine in the territories. Not sure on any provinces though...maybe East coast?

>> No.6977263

>smoke on sidewalk
>precious tripfag calls the police
>"he assaulted me by smoking"

okay princess. I'm sure this will end well for you.

>> No.6977273

I'll bet you're one of those assclowns that deliberately walks close to smokers and coughs all dramatically

>> No.6977308

>be server
>some guy comes in
>offer smoking or non-smoking. Smoking is like 3 tables
>"smoking please"
>oh shit. all 3 tables are full already
>Realize my mistake
>"sorry, we don't appear to have any smoking."
>dude looks like a human frogpost
>guess he really wanted to blaze some trees.
>offer to set up an ashtray at a "nonsmoking table" next to the smoking section so he still can
>he looks at me like I'm retarded
This is why I bully the servers.

>> No.6977651

This thread went in an...interesting direction.

>> No.6977775

>be european
>go to this mexican place me and my partner really enjoy
>get the bill
>notice they've added service charge to the bill when they never used to
>too meek to tell them to take it off
>never return

We always used to leave the change on the table/round up to the nearest 5 or 10. So they just lost our custom by doing that, shame since the food was great.

>> No.6977946


HAHAHAHAHAHA. You just made my day fam, it was going pretty shitty but wow you're retarded. Feels good to see there are people even worse off than me. Thanks m8

>> No.6977951


Unless you're 12 the cough is fake

>> No.6977968


>making arbitrary value statements and thinking this means anything

Literal downie

>> No.6978192
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>this entire post

>> No.6978206

>dirty anything
>meals that come out at the wrong time
>when EVERYONE says goodbye to you when you leave
>waiters who but in on your conversations
>they let riff raff int the restaurant

>> No.6978218

TBH I actually agree with this guy

if you want to poison yourself with cigarettes, arsnic, herion, whatever; I really don't care
but what makes people think it's OK to do that to someone else?

you want the right over your own health, so you can choose to smoke
but you won't give me the right t my health, by allowing me not to?

a lot of people don't consider this, but second hand smoke is unfiltered unlike the smoke you inhale
and some people have sensitive lungs or asthma

>> No.6978232

>being retarded

I don't consent to industrial fumes. I don't consent to smog. I don't consent to people cooking shellfish.

Big fucking deal. You live around other people, you have to deal with things you don't like, and things that are harmful for your health.

As far as the sensitive lungs go...you'll be much worse off just breathing in a city than you will be from some smokers' clouds on the sidewalk.

>> No.6978244

>spoiled milk
dude white people smell like baloney. source: I'm white and several non-white acquaintances have told me that all white people kinda smell like baloney.

>> No.6978252

>believing the anti smoking propaganda on tv

Shiggitty diggity doo

>> No.6978263

so what you're saying is that it's OK since other things are worse, and that everyone has the right to bother other people?

hell, what kind of society do you want to live in

I'm going to burn tyers for warmth, my neighbors should stop whining
I'l piss in the resevoir, it has chlorine in it anyway
I'm going to take the filter off my exaust, the air is polluted anyway
jeez look at all these people complain over nothing

I believe smoking causes cancer and respatory problems
I know those conditions clog our hospitals that are needed by sick people
I know big tobacco doesn't pay the tax it should, and pressures governments
I know big tobacco has been actively suppressing studies on the damage done by smoking
don't see why I wouldn't believe it

>> No.6978274
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>dinner service just starts
>restaurant is almost empty
>second customer of the night orders popular menu item
>we're out
Pic related. Only this sometimes happens to me as a server, which is just humiliating. Every once in a while the chef will just neglect to stock an item.

>> No.6978278

>I'm going to burn tyers for warmth, my neighbors should stop whining

Except that's against the law, and infinitely worse than smoke.

>I'l piss in the resevoir, it has chlorine in it anyway

Again, illegal...though the piss probably wouldn't affect it much. Way worse things in that water before it's treated and put into the pipes.

>I'm going to take the filter off my exaust, the air is polluted anyway

Learn how cars work, you retard.

>> No.6978295

they are illegal because they damage public health, as does smoking
which is why it's gradually becoming illegal

what if my grandma gets the flu and needs to stay in hospital, but can't because the beds are all full

what if my father gets brain cancer, and can't get a surgery date because the ward is full of people with self-inflicted lung cancer?

what if I want to send my kids to college, but the price has gone up because the government is spending so much keeping smokers alive

man smoking impacts on everyone by degrees, the user first, bystanders second, the community third

>> No.6978298

>I believe smoking causes cancer and respatory problems
That's because it does, nobody is disputing this.

>I know those conditions clog our hospitals that are needed by sick people
...pretty sure they qualify as "sick people" too, anon. Also, old people getting monthly check ups and teenage guys getting in fist fights "clog up" the system more than smokers do.

>I know big tobacco doesn't pay the tax it should, and pressures governments
"Big tobacco" pays the corporate tax rate it needs to, and cigarettes are taxed at the state / provincial / territorial level. Smokers actually contribute ~5x more in taxes than they cost the healthcare system (dying early and fast helps too).

>I know big tobacco has been actively suppressing studies on the damage done by smoking
Pretty sure this hasn't been happening since the 50's, anon. There's a reason cigarette packs have warnings on them. Not that you'd know, since you've fallen for the propaganda.

So...you know. Smoking is bad for you, everyone gets that. And smokers don't actually cost "extra" or "clog up" the healthcare system. Taxes are paid by everyone, and nothing's being "suppressed", hence the warnings and restrictions on smoking almost everywhere. Second-hand is bad for you, but not nearly as bad as you seem to think, since you've fallen for the propaganda machine. It takes years of living with a chain smoker to see any adverse health effects.

Come on, anon. If the government told you drinking was bad, would you support prohibition 2.0?

>> No.6978300

>what if I want to send my kids to college, but the price has gone up because the government is spending so much keeping smokers alive

Neither of those things are even remotely related. Are you clinically retarded or just a troll? I honestly can't tell.

>> No.6978311

>what if my grandma gets the flu and needs to stay in hospital, but can't because the beds are all full

...why would she need a hospital bed for the flu? She should have gotten a flu shot. And all the beds are full? When has this ever happened outside of plagues?

>what if my father gets brain cancer, and can't get a surgery date because the ward is full of people with self-inflicted lung cancer?

I think you're VASTLY overestimating the amount of smokers with cancer, anon. Learn to think for yourself and stop letting the government spoonfeed you their lies.

1 in 5 people smoke. If even HALF of them had cancer, we'd have - in the USA - almost FORTY MILLION people with lung cancer.

>> No.6978317

>what if I want to send my kids to college, but the price has gone up because the government is spending so much keeping smokers alive

TIL post-secondary is entirely government controlled, and that there's one department for everything.

>> No.6978327

>what if I want to send my kids to college, but the price has gone up because the government is spending so much keeping smokers alive


>> No.6978355

Fuck places that do this.

Also, fuck you if you don't have an even half-stocked bar.

>Can I get a strawberry daiquiri?
>"Sorry, we don't have anything blended."
>That's okay, can I have it on the rocks?
>"We don't have any strawberry."
>Okay, then can I get a white Russian?
>"We don't have any cream."
>Um...a lemon drop?
>"No lemon juice."
>How about a blue Hawai'i?
>"There's no rum."

Jesus fucking Christ, why do they even bother?

>> No.6978495

>when a restaurant has Ziosks
The only place I've seen those are Chilis, but if I could order through those I totally would.

>> No.6978500
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>can't even smoke on restaurant patios

>> No.6978508
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>But we have shitty, overpriced Coors Light ON TAP!

>> No.6978513

>being this ass-blasted about smoking
God, people like you just make every puff of tobacco so much sweeter.

>> No.6978518

Sometimes a restaurant will have waiters that serve you as well as runners that take out your food while the waiter is busy, and I think in at least some of those cases the waiter splits their tip with the runner. So they're already cutting out a middle man. There really are conveyor belt restaurants, though.

If you don't like deciding on your own tip you could just ask your server to add a service charge to your bill. The only reason you have to tip in the first place is because they don't do that automatically and the server needs to be payed somehow.

But man, I really love fast food places that have ziosks or touch screens for ordering. I hate interacting with people.

>> No.6978522

>The only reason you have to tip in the first place is because they don't do that automatically and the server needs to be payed somehow.
I believe the solution is something called "minimum wage".

>> No.6978547

...pretty sure they qualify as "sick people" too, anon. Also, old people getting monthly check ups and teenage guys getting in fist fights "clog up" the system more than smokers do.

the difference is however that most old people havn't chosen to become sick, I think people who make responsible choices should come before those who directly cause or contribute to their own illnesses

so on that basis they DO clog up the heath system
there arn't enough taxpayer dollars for people who unlucky in life to start giving money for those who make poor choices

it's a simple equation anon
government revenue -money payed to smokers = what's left for everything else

there are deficites in the education budget, the healthcare system, in helping people out of poverty, for the dissabled

if there were all those people, and a smoker in a queue, where would you put the smoker in the line?

maybe my grandma should have got a flue shot, it's a hypothetical
the point is that people with unavoidable, life threatening conditions are having to wait for people with self inflicted ones

and just so you know, in america there are about 12 million people with cancer
it's not possible to determine how many of those people got cancer because of smoking, probably only a fraction
...but of 12 million the fraction wouldn't have to be that big, and that doesn't cover all the people with respiratory issues.

so I think that is enough to say that the impact of the taxpayer isn't negligable

it doesn't matter if it's pot-holes in the road, overcrowded schools, less police
whatever the government spends their money on where you are, they have less of it to spend because people are mildly poisoning themselves with cigarettes

>> No.6978553

I realize that if a server doesn't make enough in tips the employer needs to make up the difference and pay them minimum, but unfortunately many restaurants in the US don't make room in their budget to pay their servers like that because they expect to operate under a system where the customer pays them directly. And if everyone just stopped tipping then the restaurant would have to readjust its budget which would ultimately effect the customer in some inconvenient way, like raising prices or adding a service charge. So eventually you've got to pay it somehow no matter what.

Not saying the system in place is right, just that that's the way it is.

>> No.6978580

>So eventually you've got to pay it somehow no matter what.
I'd rather everyone chip in a little more to pay them minimum wage then them continue to scam and guilt their way into $20+/hr nights.

>> No.6978591

>tfw cant smoke in restaurants and bars where i live

lucky bastard, Opie

>> No.6978593

Then you can go write to your congressman about it.

>> No.6978600

>smoke flavored food

be honest anon, youve never ever seen a smoker before, have you?

>> No.6978610
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>implying a politician gives a fuck about what I think over the $$$ that restaurant lobbyists will throw at him

>> No.6978629

>whatever the government spends their money on where you are, they have less of it to spend because people are mildly poisoning themselves with cigarettes

and i should sacrifice every little pleasure in my life so that oh the poor other people have more money for whatever else stupid project they have like funding solyndra or dick waving the russians?

thanks but no thanks, id rather keep smoking and drinking and feeding the war on drugs

>> No.6978631

not the anon you're replying to, but I used to smoke and I can tell you it does affect your palate

less noticeable with heavier food, but it can really ruin delicate flavors

>> No.6978635

>I'd rather keep spending other taxpayers money because I enjoy it

I'm sure you would anon

and there is a big difference between spending your money on things you enjoy, and spending other peoples money on things you enjoy

>> No.6978638

Just saying, I see lots of people complaining about the system, and no one trying to do anything at all about it. Most of the time the people complaining can't even bother to stop supporting the restaurants that operate with it. It's that defeatist attitude that is the reason this system is still around.

>> No.6978645

yup, i guess im a drag on the system then

not like you can stop me, but do enjoy the small outrage my continuous existence causes you, maybe whip yourself into some righteous fury of some sort

smoking does affect your palate, but its not going to ruin the meal of the guy sitting next to you

plus he talks about smokers as if they were consciously blowing smoke onto his food or something

>> No.6978654

>not like you can stop me
turns out laws are made by politicians, and we can vote for them

where I am you can't smoke in cars with kids, in restaurants, pubs, or clubs
we're winning slowly, in ten years smokng will be banned altogeter

>> No.6978659

not if the tobacco industry has any say over it, im afraid

anyways, as soon as this silly late boomer trend of pretending to care about politics and health is over, all those silly bans will be overturned

>> No.6978670

This pisses me off tbh.

A delivery truck driving by every ten minutes spewing black smoke over the entire patio is fine, but an after dinner cigarette isn't? Come on.

>> No.6978676

>first world

The argument Americans always give me about not paying servers a decent wage is "but then we'd have to pay twenty dollars for a hamburger!", which is odd, because even next door in Canada where servers are paid a living wage (something like 10$ hourly as opposed to the 11$ minimum wage), food costs about the same.

>> No.6978679

You realize that most countries deficits are because of overspending on military budgets, not treating a few smokers' lung cancer, right?

>> No.6978682

...you do know that smokers pay a disproportionate amount in taxes, right? Because cigarettes are taxed more heavily? And that, overall, smokers cost healthcare less than even obese people because of the additional tax revenue?

>> No.6978700

Holy fuck, Britain you have just been bumped.
And this year's Orwellian Nightmare Award goes to.......
Canada!! Yaaayyyyy11

>> No.6978710

I work as a server in America and even I'm aware that the real reason we still do this is because we're used to it and change takes effort. I mean, yeah, the prices would need to be adjusted restaurant to restaurant but it wouldn't feel like $10 hamburger bad all over because after a time people would just be used to it. Or if the restaurant is worried that raising the prices will lose customers they'd find another way to fit it by cutting costs on ingredients or something else. It always eventually comes back to the customer but that doesn't mean they have to feel it. If it hit them too hard they'd stop eating there.

That having been said I personally kind of like being paid directly from my customers based on the quality of my work night to night and table to tables instead of getting a regular wage from my employer. I find it really motivates me to do a good job.

>> No.6978713

In Canada you get a living wage, and America-tier tips (15% is average).

>> No.6978740

there is no singular cause of overspending, anything we do to cut expenditure is good.

the only impact of banning smoking will be that smokers start whining and people grow their own tobacco

>overall, smokers cost healthcare less than even obese people because of the additional tax revenue?
[citation needed]

and no matter how much smokers pay in tax, that money would just get spent elsewhere

>> No.6978749

>there is no singular cause of overspending

most overspending can be traced to cold war military budgets, next

>anything we do to cut expenditure is good

yup, guess we should shut down all the publicly funded children's hospitals then

>and no matter how much smokers pay in tax, that money would just get spent elsewhere

what is a net contribution? look it up, we've got time

>> No.6978817

>most overspending can be traced to cold war military budgets, next
that argument is fallacious, your saying "x is bad, but we should ignore it because y is worse"

we can cut spending in a range of areas, smoking is one of them and I don't see why we shouldn't

now you're shifting the burden of proof about how much smokers pay in tax

it's honestly a difficult question to answer, first you have to add up all the revenue (including income tax hat is generated by sales of tobacco)
then you have to deduct the amount of tax that would be generated if that money was spent on something else (which is largely speculative)
then you have to deduct/add the indirect cost to the state from that flow on expenditure

indirect costs would include government sponsored programs for people to quit smoking, cost to hospitals, loss of productivity, add a potential gain to productivity if one was found

we know poor families can spend almost a quarter of their wages on cigarettes, so if they were banned that money might go to educating their kids or buying healthier food; conversely it might go to drugs and junk food.

we just can't say from our position, the only ones that could compile that information would be the federal government, and they don't want to release it for political reasons

so are smokers net contributors? we don't know.
maybe heavy smokers would be a net recipient, maybe light smokers would be net contributors
if a net contributor had one cigarette, they might be classed as smokers, complicating how we measured it
simple statistics wouldn't be enough to work it out

I would speculate argue that if cigarettes were banned smokers would spend on something else, and if we taxed that something else at the same rate we taxed cigarettes we would get all the money back
or we could just lower the cost of living, and get a boost to personal productivity which could be greater

>> No.6978832

Every time I see Canada brought up on this site it just makes me feel worse and worse about being unable to immigrate there.

>> No.6979132

Guys, read the OP. It doesn't say to sperg out for paragraph after paragraph about how bad smoking is and to demand sources from everybody else while not providing your own.

>> No.6979147

>Kebab place sells different dishes other than just kebabs
>they hand me a menu
>order one of them
>he nods his head no
>try another
>he nods his head no
>same again
>literally go through every fucking thing
>so what do you have?
Fuuuuuuuuck i know it's a kebab place and unusual for them to serve other shit, but why the fuck did they get a whole menu printed out and hand it out, then let fucking customers go through everything without simply telling them "we only have kebab"

>> No.6979301


>> No.6979309
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>smoking or non-smoking
what fucking year is it

>> No.6980801

Read the thread, Costanzo.

>> No.6980810

>freedom is bad

oh how i weep for my european cousins

>> No.6980820

How about the freedom to not have my lungs raped with your death stick cancer stench any time I leave my fucking house, you entitled little shit?

>> No.6980828

or you can just walk away lol

>> No.6980855

second hand smoke doesn't do shit m8
the anti smoking push was a test in bending the sheeple to the governments will.

and it's worked gr8

>smoking in restaurants
>spending hard earned money on food that you can't properly taste because you're fucking smoking

>we don't serve single people

>non white waiters
>waiters who try to talk to you during your meal
>the owner walks around talking to people

>not having instructions on a placard or something when you do shit differently than everyone else

>> No.6980873

You will take that 2nd had smoke rape whether you like it or not, take it bitch.

>> No.6980885

Second hand smoke is bullshit
The smoke that you inhale that a smoker has exhaled has been filtered by the filter, filtered by their throat, filtered by their lungs, and then filtered by their throat again. So it's be quadruple filtered

Now side stream smoke is actually dangerous but as long as you don't go around shoving your face into lit cigs and inhaling deeply you should be good.

>> No.6980897

>lol Europe is such a poor shit hole just like look at Greece man.

>> No.6980953

>as long as you don't go around shoving your face into lit cigs and inhaling deeply

My cat does this every time I smoke, and every time she gets pissy because the lit cigarette burned her nose. But she does it again and again.

>> No.6980966

>second hand smoke doesn't do shit m8

>Second hand smoke is bullshit

Are all smokers this in denial about their destroying Earth's air?

>> No.6980971

>implying i smoke

>> No.6980991

Sure you don't, kiddo.

>> No.6980998

Great rebuttal brah

>> No.6981036

You remind me of my heavy-smoking grandmother who has amazing conspiracy theories with no real purpose, like "second-hand smoking is bull, the government is just trying to manipulate you" and when I ask who the fuck that's supposed to benefit she just calls me a sheep. She's just trying to make herself feel better about smoking around me and my cousins and mother and aunts when we all were kids.

Same on global warming. "You can't trust everything you read, anon. People with a lot of money are trying to manipulate you into thinking the planet is dying, those bastards." Which people? Who the fuck is going to benefit from that in the long term? It's baffling. She never has an answer.

>> No.6981043

Global warming is a scam same as organic food, vaccines, and the liberal elitist belief that some foods can be said to taste better than other foods.

Liberals are actually even more racist than people who eat mcdonalds every day, because black people work at mcdonalds and I never saw a black person at those pretentious french restaurants the liberals are always bragging about going to.

>> No.6981108

suck my fart edgar

>> No.6981563

>go to restaurant
>ask for tea

>they bring me iced tea, or
>they bring me a little teapot, or
>they only have Lipton

This is why America is a meme country.

>> No.6981569

What's wrong with the little teapot? Unless it's full of lipton and they didn't bring you a bag.

>> No.6981573

Just bring me a cup and replace it as needed. No need for there to be more table clutter.

What am I going to use the teapot for? Making my tea, which I could do in the cup anyway?

>> No.6981585

I thought the entire pool was a pissing section

>> No.6981589

weirdly as soon as you say you are an alcoholic, they stop offering drinks.

>> No.6981599

>no cream
I don't understand this. restaurants keep saying this, but how do they cook without cream?

>> No.6981603

Tea is not really something people drink at restaurants here. I've seen a lot of places will offer you a selection of teabags, though.

It's kind of like getting mad that you can't get a good milkshake at a Chinese restaurant.

>> No.6981604

For about a decade australia made tipping illegal, just to get tipping out of the mindset of the people.

>> No.6981613

By not having any menu items that contain cream? It's not that hard to assemble a menu that doesn't use cream. I've heard of restaurants that will even use margarine in place of butter in everything because real cream and butter are more expensive.

What I don't get is why your bartender wouldn't offer to make you a White Russian with milk instead of cream. I don't know how you could not even have any milk.

>> No.6981617

Second hand smoke is people meaning well, like the low fat craze of the 60s-90s. Sadly, science does not actually agree with either stance.

>> No.6981627

I think fast food restaurant corporations are trying to do this now. Many now make their employees accepting tips against their policy. And I've noticed couple of the doughnut shops belonging to a franchise in my area now have big signs telling the customers "no tipping."

Those signs and the big "no loitering" signs next to them really turn me off from going there now. Like, I get that their main objective is to make sales and that it's impolite to go there and not to purchase something from the establishment, but why the hell else would I go to a coffee house besides to loiter while drinking coffee?

>> No.6981628

But, cream goes in like 80% of delicious food.

>> No.6981635

Maybe if you live on a dairy.

>> No.6981657

Isn't that why the coffee is so expensive? you are paying rent for an hour in your armchair.

>> No.6981682
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>smokers puffing around people with no regard at all
>fart next to them and they get all confrontational

>> No.6981809

To be fair, if you fart around ANYONE they'll get confrontational. Nobody likes a farty neckbeard hanging around them.

>> No.6982142

I never wanted a smoking ban and I don't smoke. Most people I know didn't want smoking bans. The restaurant and pub industry didn't want smoking bans. Lots of people than 1 in 5 didn't want smoking bans. I'd rather people be allowed to offer smoking and if they're avoided, then that's the free market.

>> No.6982149

Actually, in the UK at least, Smokers put in about six times more money into the NHS then they take out, plus the rise of lung cancer and respiratory conditions is rising in people who have never smoked due to the increase in diesel fumes and lower air quality in inner cities.

Someone smoking near you is fine.

>> No.6982153

The solution is ban cigarettes and promote cigars and pipe smoking instead.

Most cigarettes use cheap, heavily cased tobacco and they smell bad. But cigars and pipe tobacco are higher quality. So they smell nice.

>> No.6982158

What medication?

>> No.6982162

Not to mention that pipe/cigar tobacco in the way its smoked has less risk of cancer than cigarettes.

>> No.6982422

A lot of countries in Europe have indoor smoking, from Bulgaria to the Czech Republic and even Austria. Surprisingly there's no smoking in Poland, which I always found weird because they love a cigarette there.

>> No.6982905

You're probably just boring and they hope that you'll be fun when drunk.

>> No.6983895

>cigars smell nice

Top kek. The restaurant by my house just banned cigars (cigarettes are still allowed) because they were smelly and they had fuckloads of complaints from smokers and non-smokers alike.

>> No.6984677

>get too much sun
>get cancer

Maybe if you're a cracka

>> No.6984688

>mfw you queers still don't have a response to this

>> No.6984746

You're joking, right? Or do you just have really no concept of the law? For one, no lawyer would ever ever take your case because it's an obvious loss. For another, let's say you do get a case. Here's how it would go
>You: My health is being negatively affected by second hand cigarette smoke
>Opposing attorney or judge or whatever: This is true. Where were you subjected to the second hand smoke?
>You: Some public place
>Them: Oh, so you were free to leave at any time to avoid being subjected to the second hand smoke?
>You: Yes, but I have a right to be wherever I was and not be subjected to second hand smoke
>Them: lol no you don't. You have a right to be in a public place and you have a right to leave the public place if the air quality is not up to your standards

>> No.6984808

>Restaurant has dishes with names that aren't in English and there's no explanation of what they are on the menu.
>Soda is $3+
>Asian restaurant from 1 country has dishes from other Asian countries (like a Chinese restaurant that has Japanese dishes.)
>"Hamburger: $5, Cheeseburger: $7.50"
>Tip already on receipt.
>Background music isn't classical, jazz, or with theme of restaurant.
>Entrees are brought out seconds after appetizers.
>No separate dessert menu.
>Restaurant has very high prices and has paper napkins, plastic cups and condiment containers, and/or laminated paper menus (those are okay in cheaper restaurants.)
>Restaurants have tablecloths with the stupid waxpaper on it.
>Restaurant with food from a certain country isn't owned by a person from that country.
>Prices aren't on website or menu.

>> No.6984826

>prices are just numbers without any currency symbol

>> No.6984850

Not a fine dining issue but more of a fast food complaint:
>sweeping/mopping dining area while customers are present
>sweeping/mopping right the fuck under customer's feet/table while they are sitting there

This happened to me today. Really, what the fuck? Can this really not wait til I've left? It's happened to me more than once too, at 3 different establishments. Why is this considered okay?

>> No.6984856

People getting paid fuck all generally don't care about customer service.

>> No.6984857

>but [smoking's] not going to ruin the meal of the guy sitting next to you
It ruins my meal. Would you want to sit down to someone giving off rank farts every 3 minutes? It's just gas, anon. It's not going to ruin your meal.

>> No.6984861

>What I don't get is why your bartender wouldn't offer to make you a White Russian with milk instead of cream.
Milk curdles in alcohol, cream doesn't.

>> No.6984877

You're obviously too young to remember the anti-smoking lawsuits against tobacco companies, etc. in the 90's and beforehand. That's exactly what went to court. And exactly the arguments made during mass bans on smoking in pubic places.

>> No.6984972

I don't smoke but I love the smell of cigarettes. Always have as a kid. Of course too much in a closed room makes me nauseous but in a park or a bus stop I quite enjoy it. I smoked for a couple of years in college bit never caught the habit, it didn't get me buzzed and was a money pit. Still smoke when I get very drunk and someone is lighting up in front of me but otherwise I just vicariously enjoy.

>> No.6985137

>"Hamburger: $5, Cheeseburger: $7.50"

This pisses me off so much, especially when all they do is add a slice of American "cheese".

>> No.6985143


>/ck/ in charge of drinking

The board is 'Food & Cooking', but come on. I'd like to think most of /ck/ is at least 18 and can drink.

>> No.6986783

The difference is that cigar smoke does smell nice and you can't make someone move away because they're farting up a storm.

>> No.6986799

>It's Panera Bread

>> No.6986868
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>cigar smoke does smell nice

>> No.6986924


Sorry to ruin it for you but I guess you're still at the bottom considering he is obviously trolling.

>> No.6987008

>ruined by a tripfag

Why would you be surprised?

>> No.6987041

>restaurant has no prices near any dish on the menu

Ok yeah I get this is an expensive restaurant I'm ok with that otherwise I wouldn't have picked the fucking spot but I would still like to know how much everything costs god damn it.

>> No.6987065

I've never had to tell anyone that because I don't have friends

>> No.6987093


It's supposed to be banned, but a lot of people don't give a shit about that.

>> No.6987107

>cigar smoke smells nice
pipe smoke, yes. cigar smoke, no.

>> No.6987111

>Tip already on receipt
Come on, that's a good thing.
Service charges assure people pay for the service too without conflating the price with food expenses.
Death of tipping culture and all that.

>> No.6987120

Whenever I order a Filet-O-Fish at McD's I get the impression that staff hate me for it. They act as if they're doing me a favor.

>> No.6987126

Fuck off Edgar you stopped being relevant here months ago.

>> No.6987234

Should people be allowed to shit on the streets then?

It's a clear safety hazard and risk, but apparently it's nobody's fucking business and I can just walk away right?

>> No.6987373

I seem to get this reaction about half the time I get fast food. Sorry I'm making you do your job.

>> No.6987560

>go to ethnic bakery
>none of the pastries are labeled with names or prices
>clerk does not speak english
>have to point to what I want and read the numbers on her register after she rings me in to figure out how much I owe

These people have the best pastries in town. I just want to give them my money and I'm sure there are lots of english speaking americans in the neighborhood that feel the same. Why do they make it so hard?

>> No.6987616

This is a valid complaint, unless you're at a restaurant past closing.

If you're just shooting the shit and making yourself cozy past when we close, you're damn right I'm going to start mopping around you. I have better things to do with my time than wait for you to develop manners.

>> No.6987678

Nah, I hate staying at a restaurant past closing. It's a really uncomfortable feeling when you're keeping people from punching out of their job, especially if you're done eating and you've paid your bill.

However, as a server who happens to not have much of a life outside of their job, I still wouldn't mop around a customer. When I tell them to take their time and not worry about keeping me, as I often do if they're pushing it to closing time, I mean it. But I'll still be pretty upset if they don't give me a reasonable tip for that service since it really is an above and beyond kind of treatment.

But when this happens to me, it's usually at a fast food place with long hours, and I guess I just have the bad luck of coming in during their slow time that they reserve for mopping since they stay open all day and can't wait til close since it needs to be done a couple times a day. Now, I get that, but this last time they pulled out the mop as soon as I sat down, and didn't even wait the five minutes I was there grabbing a quick coffee before work. What is the point of keeping the dining room floor clean if you're actually going to inconvenience customers to do it?

>> No.6987692

Because if they were catering to white people they'd charge you 3x as much and you'd have to deal with whiny girls in lululemon pants holding up the line in the morning to bitch at the cashier because they didn't have any gluten-free options

Be grateful, anon

>> No.6987728

They can still put up a little card next to the cakes with the pastries' name and a price. That's what I'm wanting here. I could probably get by guessing the pronunciation since we fortunately at least share the same alphabet, and I don't see why their same language speaking customers wouldn't want this too.

>> No.6987757 [DELETED] 

Slippery slope, anon. First it's the little card, then it's accepting credit cards, then it's a loyalty card, they get written up on the local foodie blog, then it's lines out the door and soy chai nonfat lattes and coconut water, and pretty soon they get taken over by panera and get franchised nationally and gastronomically disadvantaged flyovers are complaining bitterly on /ck/ that it's memefood for cucks and shitskins.

Is that really a price worth paying for not having to point and play sign language with the qt 20 year old girl with almond eyes and perfect skin, whose conservative parents would look at you with skepticism but then growing acceptance and finally the wedding and she will be yours forever and you'll have little mixed-race babbies showing hybrid vigor and the girl will go to Amherst College and the boy will go to West Point against your wishes but you just want him to be happy?

Needless to say, well I just won't say it then.

>> No.6987789 [DELETED] 

Don't be ridiculous. I'm more for Brown University.

>> No.6987791

woah buddy, might as well change your trip to edgy

>> No.6988127

Service charges go to restaurant, they might or might not give a portion to the server. Increasingly frequently they do not give a portion to the server.

>> No.6988223

Damn I love this character

>> No.6989600

do you have any idea how many people actually smoke you fucking moron? a puff of cloud on the way out of the mall? you are retarded, people walk around with smokes in their hand on the side walk. they smoke everywhere its legal. you name it. you fuckers litter cigarette butts everywhere and guess who has to clean them up? not you of course.

shut the fuck up. second hand smoke DOES kill. it DOES add up. its like throwing needles at people "oh shush anon one needle when you go out the mall wont will you" throw, throw, throw, throw throw. how many times do you think people go outside? we aren't all neets and hikkis like you.

>> No.6989602

>>durr is against the law
so is smoking within 100 feet of any opening, intended for people or not, in a public building.

Get the fuck out of here with your cancer sticks you shit.

>> No.6989607

hes just a stupid little shit who doesn't understand the reality that people do not think others have the right to shove smoke down peoples throats.

>> No.6989610


if you are bitching about any fast food chain you better shut the fuck up. there is never a time when the restaurant is empty enough to mop anything except when its closed and none of you fuckers spend any effort to whipe your shoes.

>> No.6989613

actually, it fucking does.

>> No.6989616
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i hate people like you

>> No.6989895

anything artistic.

i want good food, not some pretentious bullshit.

>> No.6989909
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>> No.6989956

Not knowing how to cook eggs.

>Go out for breakfast on Sunday
>Food I order includes two eggs any style, ask for over medium
>Server repeats that back as she writes it down so I know she took my order correctly
>Eggs come out later, two absolutely perfect over easy eggs

It's a shame I find runny yolks really bland. Semi-set yolks are so much more flavorful and still plenty moist.

>> No.6989963

Not provinces, but some mom and pop places in America still allow it, at least here in the south, especially BBQ places, which smell like smoke anyway

>> No.6989975

>100 feet
most states only say 15-25 feet. Some states don't even have a distance, Virginia for example.

>> No.6989997

They probably only have a large flat top, and don't want to let it cool down for a single over medium order.

>> No.6990381

I walk in, the place is empty. I leave, the place is empty. There was some period of time before and after I came in that nobody was in there. Sometimes I'm pretty sure it's for hours. They weren't already mopping when I came in, why do they have to start while I'm there?

And more importantly, how is this an excuse to fucking ask me to lift my feet to mop right the fuck under them? I have places to be. I can't wait til your floor is dry to leave, so I'm going to have to walk right on that shit and ruin your work. It's very inefficient and more importantly, bad service.

I don't see any other place that fucking does this. Most places, I see the floor is just left dirty til closing.

>> No.6990573

Here in Ohio it's illegal to smoke in any indoor public areas

>> No.6990577

>get too much sun
>mfw I stay indoors so much I have a vitamin d deficiency