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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6936575 No.6936575 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods people pretend to like to try to appear cultured

I'll start with the worst offender

>> No.6936602

Not everyone pretends to like sushi. Some of it's pretty delicious, raw ahi is G O A T, especially fresh.

>> No.6936603

Food that you like

>> No.6936994
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>> No.6937075

b-but sashimi is good

>> No.6937396

more delicious fish flesh for the rest of us, then, yeah?

>> No.6937414

love sushi and eat it 2 to 3x each week

im sure loving faking it

you dislike it op and since YOU dislike it, everyone hate it and the people who eat sushi fake it ?

kids general ? kids general

>> No.6937464

>Doesn't like sushi

Granted most of the sushi in the best parts of America is mediocre, but if you outright dislike it its obviously because you live in some middle of nowhere flyover part of the country. Its my goto meal for lunch since I've been living in Tokyo.

>> No.6937483

I think OP is referring to salmon sashimi, which isn't traditional and is mild and easy to eat for foreigners that think they're being very exotic eating sooshee.

>> No.6937489

What the fuck are you on about? Sashimi is pretty much the only fish I can eat because it has subtle taste and is mostly about texture. Fried fish is infinitely more unpalatable and disgusting.

>> No.6938876

are you very rich

>> No.6938897

Fuck salmon in general tbh

>> No.6940540
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I really hate caviar.

>> No.6940544

>is a disgusting weaboo

>> No.6940570

Sashimi =/= sushi, anon. The term "sushi" actually refers to the vinegar rice, and has nothing to do with raw fish, or even fish at all.

>> No.6940582

This is also for

This and /lit/ are the only boards I frequent with any regularity and I constantly question whether cu/ck/s know less about food and cooking or /lit/izens know less about literature.

>> No.6940616

I have to agree with op here. it is shit tier and anyone who likes it is only pretending.

>> No.6940650

i eat salmon sashimi a lot cause they're dirt fucking cheap

>> No.6940682


I think it's more like we aren't autistic fucks that nitpick over those kinds of details. Especially when it is obvious the OP means to include all raw fish type Japanese dishes.

>> No.6940684

nigger sushi is fucking AMAZING. granted i cant eat a lot of sashimi because that much fish fucks with me but a platter of 1 piece of 5 different kinds of fish if fucking HEAVEN. also miso, dynamite rolls and octopus are god tier.

>> No.6940747

While I do agree sashimi and sushi are pretty disparate and shouldn't be conflated calling /lit/ posters /lit/izens is just wrong. Il/lit/erates is much less hackish.

>> No.6940754

Sashimi is better than sushi, like holy shit
You get exactly what you're paying for, delicious fucking raw fish with some soy sauce and wasabi on the side. No bullshit rice or whatever else

>> No.6940781

>eating salmon as sashimi

>> No.6940784

Salmon? You think people pretend to like salmon to appear cultured?

>> No.6940796

B-But.. Brie is actually good..

>> No.6941550


>> No.6941585
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It's funny how all the threads that attack perfectly fine foods are started by Americans. It's like a nation of manchildren.

>> No.6941680

In my experience, you get the same amount of rice that you'd get with sushi. It's just on the side instead of tied to the fish. And the price tag accounts for there being more fish than in a sushi order.

I like sashimi because they don't try to pass off those worthless sugared omelette things as part of the order.

>> No.6941842

Me too, but when I start eating it I can't stop.

>> No.6941855


sashimi and sushi are commonly grouped together for obvious reasons you anal nigger. there is an unspoken convention that classifies sashimi as a type or variant of sushi.

>> No.6941859
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>worthless sugared omelette things
>he's never had top notch tamagoyaki
Ask me how I know you mostly eat supermarket sushi

>> No.6941870

>try to appear cultured
>this thread again

Why do you dumb shits even think anyone would care about you? I sure don't.

>> No.6941878

These threads are the epitome of poseesing an inferiority complex imo.
Decide the things around you that are culturally, financially and socially out of reach and then deride those that have the means to.
It's pathetic small man syndrome, these people are inadequate.

>> No.6941923

>he'll smile and swallow down a fresh turd as long as the chef is sufficiently popular

Nobody makes a good sugared omelette.

>> No.6941934


i make tamagoyaki when i make sushi and it's always popular. never really had it in anything but supermarket sushi otherwise but it is nice.

>> No.6941948

I bought a can of that shit a couple of years ago. I don't know if I just bought a really cheap variety or it was actually rancid but I hated it. I tried a small spoonful on a cracker and threw the rest of the can away.

>> No.6942607


>> No.6942616

/ck/ wasn't always like this. It makes me sad.

>> No.6942638


it was always like this

some good posters millions of shit ones

>> No.6942639


>> No.6942853

Those shitty cold plates with cheese and shit on it.

>> No.6942859

Stouts or any dark beer in general

>> No.6942987

I think OP is right.
Japanese food is pretty bland and unsatisfying (not to mention - overpriced) I'm sure a lot of people just like the "oooh look look at me!" factor.

Other foods from the region eg. China, Thailand, are far superior when it comes to taste and variety.

>> No.6943041


In fairness, he didn't say there was anything wrong with sushi or any food, or there was anything wrong with people enjoying it, per se.

He was saying that some foods are used by people to appear 'cultured.'

>> No.6943044

An olive 'bar'

>> No.6943045
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>the region
>all Asians are the same

You mean the continent? Japan and Thailand aren't anywhere near each other. It's like comparing Canadian food to Mexican.

>> No.6943064

i used to think raw oyster

>ate once
>almost threw up
>same thing
>third time
>liked it
>love it
now its like one of my favorite things. its a texture thing, but once you are over it it is like sucking all the tasty things straight from the sea into one tiny shot

>> No.6943076

Why am I not surprised to see a tripfriend defending Japanese food?

>> No.6943082

You mean "in one tiny snot", right?

>> No.6943101
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>> No.6943103

American here. Can confirm. Manchildren and Wimminchildren need to stop breading kids who only eat mac n' cheese and tendies.

>> No.6943190
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I'm not defending it; I'm suggesting that referring to Japan and Thailand as being in the same 'region' is silly.

But <3 Ramen, so deal with it.

>> No.6943235

B-but.... its not a Brie! it's a "pont l' évèque" ..'. a red mold cheese....

>> No.6943427

you are retarded, and have never had non farm raised salmon like op's picture, or fatty tuna, or ama ebi, or uni. these fishes in particular are so intense they practically taste as strong as butter and salt on toast. the other fish are not as kick your ass good but theyre still nice and you are a faggot.

>> No.6943434

Implying you know it's started by an american when there are no flags. I really hope flags get implemented site wide.

>> No.6943497
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>> No.6943605
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>hardboiled egg

>> No.6943616
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God you sound like a right pseudo-intellectual cunt

>> No.6943944

"Power Bowls"

>> No.6943980

I love falafel and i don't mind a good caesar salad

>> No.6943995

never had it. Is it extremely salty? What does it feel like in your mouth?

>> No.6944694

>not knowing that by law all sushi sold in the U.S. has to be flash frozen
>not knowing ALL sushi in this country is brought into TWO FUCKING PORTS, one in cali and one on the east cost
>not knowing all sushi is flown and in restaraunt within 36 hours (flash frozen just like the other shit which has to modi-thaw at local places as well)

People who talk about muh coast sushi are always cali fags who literally know nothing about anything.

Californians are the most meme-people in existence. Clueless masses walking around slanging their horrible beach slang, trying to make other states feel inferior when they themselves have a fucking immigrate, water, financial crisis.

It's fucking laughable. Everyone from cali thinks their state is the greatest and meanwhile literally everyone else in the country sees it for the liberal shit hole it is.



>> No.6944723


i've heard some of those things, but i doubt the transportation from port to elsewhere is always adequate (and probably expensive). also, it's not like all sushi is made with only imported fish.

besides, there is wonderful seafood to be had beyond sushi.

come out to california some time, edge lord, and take it easy. we can have some oysters and sand dabs. it's good ;)

>> No.6944735

>but i doubt the transportation from port to elsewhere is always adequate
Not the extremely enthusiastic fellow you're responding to, but transportation along the coast will be as good as transportation inland. Do you realize how many flights there are, every day, to every part of the US? This is a first world country; transportation is not an issue bar huge weather problems. Any city worth its size will have seafood flown in daily, which is where you'll find sushi joints. I live in the midwest, but in a town that has 250,000 people. We have no problems, and can receive the same flash frozen fish every other place gets. We aren't near major bodies of water, but I always thing of the fish and other food culture fresh from the great lakes regions, or trout/etc. in the mountain regions, etc.

>> No.6944763

yes, i am aware of these things, but logistics is also complicated, and things will invariably be batched and delayed along the way. i'm not a fish monger, but i'm pretty sure fish isn't send from its point of origin exactly to its destination. it's not like sending your luggage. it ends up at an importer (probably some warehouse in millbrae or south san francisco or whatever), where they piece it up, and then send it further along its way.

that said, you're right in that i've had some great freshwater fish inland (uncle's a fisherman in northern ontario). i can't knock that.

>> No.6944904

>the person you're responding to said their sushi is great in Tokyo


Now for your reply;

People who talk about "MUH COAST SUSHI" aren't always Califags. They're actually often people who had sushi twice; once at a crappy sushi bar where the head sushi chef took an online course to learn and says his name is Jose Kawasaki, and once at a decent sushi restaurant that happened to be on the coast.

I just have to say that CA sucks, as someone who's grown up there but travelled to other states. All the "THINGS ONLY IN CA HERPDERP" are fucking Tumblrites walking the streets and, I dunno, Little Tokyo and they have that in NY. not that that's much better.

Anyway. CA is fucking miserable overall.

>> No.6944945

california amateur logistics friend here.
as an aside there still isn't that much good sushi here. there's the mayo places, which can be ok occasionally, but then there's the even worse places that serve escolar and god knows what. fuck all that.

i don't think it's a seafood problem. i can get good stuff from the supermarket ffs. there's your amateur sushi chefs who just made this whole industry, but don't really know what they're doing, and their customers don't know what they're doing. which i guess is why it's perfect for this thread.

>> No.6944992

>typically only get chicken tempura unless I'm pretty confident in the restaurant
>friend turns his nose up whenever I order and tells me it's not REAL sushi like he's a fucking connoisseur
>less than half of the time you're not getting the fish your ordered in the usa

>> No.6945041

It's mostly an industry for customers, but few no what the product is supposed to be.

Anyway, the logistics is complex. I believe it's the following (using tuna as example)

>fishermen catch the fish
>sell to fishmarkets in the US and Japan
>If the former, post-purchase fish is cut into manageable chunks and flash-frozen before transit
>sent to importer
>stays in cryo storage until the flight is ready
>goes to plane in dry ice (presumably), goes to destination city
>truck takes the cooler o' fish to the restaurant
>from there, God only knows

>> No.6945257

Obvious you would get shit for that since fucking weebs infest this place and everything from japan is the best thing evar

But yeah its pretty shit and most good "Japanese" food is actually a copy from other cuisines

Curry schnitzel kimchi there is nothing they don't copy

>> No.6945262


Anyone who eats sushi/sashimi to appear pretentious is a fucking faggot, you eat it because it's the stuff of gods

>> No.6945287

Charlie the god of dogshit maybe

>> No.6945315

I only eat American style sushi rather than the crappy we're too tiny of a country to make normal meat so we just eat raw fish sushi.

>> No.6946812


bro do you even chirashi

>> No.6946819

btw in case you ever visit tokyo, the sushi at the fish market really is good / best I've ever eaten

>> No.6946824

literally like semen

>> No.6946828

I've found that/ck/'s users are less knowledgeable about the board's subject than any other board. A lot of posters literally ask "how do I cook". Not even "how do I improve on X, or tips on making Y". That's like going on /lit/ and asking "how do I read". It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.6946867

Terrible analogy. The people posting "how do I cook" are more like the people going to /trv/ asking "how do I change my ticket".

They're not the board's regulars, they're just people used to using 4chan for general life advice, and when that advice touches upon a subject matching an existing board, they go there, and make a hit and run thread. Most boards get these. They are hated by the board's regulars.

>> No.6946876

But I actually like premade sweet egg things. Also I really see sashimi as more of a side dish.

>> No.6946891

Did you use a metal spoon?

>> No.6946896

Fuck off. Sushi can be amazing. You're obviously not doing it right

>> No.6946923

No, /ck/ really is just alcohol threads, fast food threads, "I have to live on $20 for the next 70 years HALP" threads, and "HURRDANKMEMESFLYOVERTENDIES" threads. We were never a great board, but we used to have plenty of actual food and cooking threads. Now it's just a worm-encrusted asshole clenching and unclenching 24 hours a day. The only consistently on-topic threads are the goddamn weeb masturbation foodblog threads. It's not-hit-and-run threads when it's pretty much 90% of the threads.

>> No.6946928

is this shit true with uni? that doesn't seem possible. to freeze uni i mean. it's so delicate.

>> No.6946931
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>tfw yuppies everywhere

>> No.6946939
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Tell me about it. I've been too good for this board for the last 8 years. One of these days I'll finally leave forever, and then you guys will be real sorry you drove me away.

>> No.6946942

san francisco has some decent sushi. haven't been to any omakase there to be fair, but there are places to go where you can get good nigiri.

>> No.6947053

Rare steak.

>> No.6947072
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>> No.6947077

I pretend to like my SO's family's Filipino food. While some dishes are really great, most of the time the meat is very over cooked and it's so heavy and greasy. I usually love lots of different foods, but god, too much oil in all their shit.

>> No.6947080

That shit tasted like carbonated yeast water.

>> No.6947086


I grew up in Cali. There's some really good sushi places. There's some really good sushi places in New York City, too.

I don't think it has anything to do with proximity to the coast. It's just both coasts and both of those cities (LA and NY) are huge metropolis hubs of culture, talent, etc...

You don't move to Tuscan, Arizona to open a restaraunt.. you move to LA or NY. (or Paris if you've already made it)

So yeah... it's not that it's because of the coast... but sushi is better on the coasts because the cities are better.

Anyway, I really don't think anyone gives a shit about your opinion, so im pretty sure nobody is pretending to like sushi. Especially since... it's super hard to find a GOOD sushi place... so appearing cultured by buying $2.95 California Rolls is a feat in itself.

I just spent $250 on a hipster ass sushi restaraunt in downtown SF. It was really good! They had like 4 types of Uni... one order was $25 bucks. It was worth it because i haven't had any of that weird shit before. They had weird japanese fish.

So yeah... your thread sucks and your opinion is moot. sushi is bomb.

>> No.6947091

Lets keep them going.

>Rare cuts of beef
>Black coffee
>Spicy foods

>> No.6947095


I don't know wtf you OP fags are talking about... but the good sushi places I've been to... the chef buys the fish himself straight from the PORT... not airport... but a seaport. He goes down there at 4am and picks his own fish.

It's not just about how fresh it is... each fish is different. If you have a knowledgeble sushi chef he'll pick the bomb shit. Also if he's there at 4 am he gets relatively first pick.

People ordering shit from a plane... are not going to get that primo shit where "your guy at the fish port" will.


>> No.6947142


>> No.6947152
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>le you have a drought
>le Mexicans

Is that the best you can come up with? American pop culture is basically manufactured here, in Hollywood. I don't normally espouse how great California is, but it's always fun to see how much anal angst my state causes

>> No.6947167
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>foods people pretend to like to try to appear cultured
Chitlins, menudo, haggis and all other offal-based dishes that the eater did not grow up eating.

Why can't we just be honest and admit that most offal dishes aren't great unless you have some kind of personal or cultural attachment to them? Digestive organs are tasteless rubbery flesh, they are only as tasty as what you cook/stuff them with.

>> No.6947168


If you don't live near a seaport you may not have those options. If you want Maine lobster you need to have it flown in from Maine.

>> No.6947206

>you mention Paris
>accordion music instantly starts playing in my head

I know we talk a lot about memes on /ck/, but this right here is a great meme.

>> No.6947213

Caviar, Oysters, Champagne/white wine in general

>> No.6947530


>> No.6947540

>tfw I live on sushi, tofu and sashimi
>make my own smallgoods and pate
>I eat gold flakes for my liver
>champaign for breakfast with my eggs benedict
>caviar and quince for dessert
ITT: poorfags are just mad

>> No.6947737

I can get behind this one. I think Bourdain (whom I generally like) is generally to blame for making offal fashionable in hip restaurants. Well, maybe that's a bit extreme, but I do remember it being kinda trendy from about...10 years ago? Around when places also started doing their own charcuterie (though thats a bit more innocuous).

Anyway, most offal isn't too great. I do like Japanese style tendon though, dunno if that really qualifies. Chicken liver can be nice too.

>> No.6947788
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They're just chewey bread.
And those French sticks.

>> No.6948003

You're kidding, right? Who the fuck doesn't like bagels? Bagel and cream cheese, bagel and lox, hell, even just using a nice toasted bagel for a sandwich.

>> No.6948024

I'll agree with you OP. Especially after blowing the better part of 2000$ on sushi/sashimi for 3.

>> No.6948025

Sounds like everyone on this board

>> No.6948030

Oh look it's one of those "it didn't exist in my country/city until 20 years ago so that means the entire world should hate it" threads.