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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6879510 No.6879510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on tipping /ck/?

Tbh I never do it. It's not my fault your boss doesn't want to pay you enough imo.

>> No.6879514 [DELETED] 

Reported ;^)

>> No.6879515

Why? What for?

>> No.6879519

cuz ur a fgt.

>> No.6879526

I usually tip around 2-3%

>> No.6879556

B8 thread but I'm gonna bite
The purpose of tipping is that it engouarges the wait staff to do the best they can because its their money on the line. Also it allows restraints to cut prices on menu. It makes it a lot easier for new restaurants starting out to get off

>> No.6879565

You're a piece of shit OP

>> No.6879578

I have a sliding scale ranging from 0% to 20%

>> No.6879583


My opinion is that it was a mistake to adopt it here in the US as widely as we did, but, now that it's become entrenched in our culture, it's necessary until restaurants are no longer allowed to pay under minimum wage to tip-receiving positions.

Or, in short: sucks, but that's the game at the minute. You gotta play, or you're just fucking someone over to save a couple bucks.

That's an insanely low tip by US standards, just so you know. As in "I'm tipping this low as a direct insult to my server" kind of tier.

Interestingly, the very first thing you note is the reason America originally hated it: the entire POINT of America was that everyone was equal (some restrictions may apply), so the idea of paying wait-staff more for better service was seen as un-American. Then we went back to England for WWI, and learned they tip House Staff and other positions in hotels. So we went "They think they're better than us? We'll tip fucking EVERYONE."

Then the Great Depression hit, and restaurants realized if they could subsidize employee pay via this new 'tip' system, and it just never went away.

One of those weird things, like how blow jobs used to super-taboo, to the point where they were illegal in 48 states, until the Godfather claimed they were super masculine, and that the Hollywood elite were all doing it. Then Deep Throat came out, and suddenly everyone in the seventies was all about blow jobs.

Social shifts can be really weird.

>> No.6879616

Bait thread, but I always tip at least 20% unless the service is exceptionally shitty. If it's really good, and I have the money, I have no problem tipping 100%. Serving is a shitty job, and if you're swamped, but still a good server, you deserve every cent I have to spare in my opinion

>> No.6879624

OP is a typical American. They're so cheap it disgusts me. I used to hear about how jews are cheap but they're nothing compared to Americans. They're the cheapest people in the world.

>> No.6879633
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I bought a pack of fake jesus money and tip with it every time I eat out.
Those partial $10 bills with the bible tracts on the opposite side.
I don't hit the same restaurants too often, because I'm sure they want to spit in my food now, and I don't blame them.

>> No.6879634
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>> No.6880128


This. Low/no tippers are pieces of shit. And I am not working, nor have ever worked, for tips, I just know better.

>> No.6880132

10%, in any restaurant, even in a pizza hut. Unless the service is extremely shit.

At a bar, never, unless the service is extremely quick and the staff are doing well under pressure.

>> No.6880133

Yeah this is just an insult. I'd rather not get a tip at all than your pocket change

>> No.6880137

I don't.
I'm not american.

>> No.6880142

>It's not my fault
Actually, it is. You prefer menu prices to be at the level that they are, and would be less willing to dine out if prices went up by, oh, let's say 15-20%.

The american consumer is actually directly to blame for tipping. It's a tradeoff for a perceived lower price rather than a direct price increase. Really, people who do tip, are paying about the same either way.

>> No.6880144

I don't understand why America, land of the free forces the entire hospitality industry to busk for money.
If tipping is optional why is it so bad if someone chooses not to tip?
Sounds fucked up.

In Australia a school kid can get an after hours job flipping burgers for $16 an hour.

>> No.6880152

I take it you never go to the same restaurant twice. Cuz if you do you will get shitty service and most likely eat someone's spit and/or pubes.

>> No.6880156

It's an anti-employee practice disguised as a "custom"

>> No.6880180

I think it causes hostile situations between the customer and the waiter, the tip only comes at the end of the meal, so there is always this level of trust between the two. It makes the customer feel guilty and forced into handing over money, and the server to act over friendly the whole time.

I am from Europe so i guess i will never understand it, when i pay for food if it was nice and my change is small change then il usually give under 50cents/pence, not really looking at what it is.

My biggest gripe with tipping is the amount of work that does not get tipped, i am pretty confident that most waiters who bitch on here about not getting a tip have not once ever decided to go hand out a tip to a cashier at a supermarket for doing a very similar job that pays almost the same. To me it does not feel like there is any excuse not to, if i ever went to America which i doubt i feel i would be compelled to not tip purposely due to the stupid logic of some waiters i have seen on these boards.

>> No.6880184

yeah i think tipping is kind of bullshit but i do it anyway. pretty much always 5-10 quid regardless of what it's for.

>> No.6880222

Can we get a bunch of us together to start doing htis?
Waiters would all hate the jesus in a year if we could get this going in every city.

>> No.6880224

Never done it tbh, it feels like I'm just enabling a broken system.

>> No.6880228

That's completely out of order, you can't trick them like that, they are being paid under-minimum wage, they can't even afford to survive, they will starve.

The best tactic is to only partly finish your meal, ask for them to wrap up the rest to take away, then surprise them with it as your tip to them.

>> No.6880235

You effectively are forced into paying for the service regardless, as your food prices are higher to compensate for the higher wages that the restaraunt owner is required to pay his employees.

I've been all over europe, and unless you're in a small restaraunt where the person serving you has some vested interest in ensuring that the restaraunt succeeds as a business, the service fucking sucks.

I'd rather have the option of paying the wait staff what they deserve if the service is good and not paying them what they don't deserve if the service is Europe-tier garbage.

>> No.6880248
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>tipping at a bar
Is that an american thing?

>> No.6880250

Yes, and you will tip at an American bar if they are busy if you want to get served more than just once.

Otherwise, the bartenders will just cater to other customers who will tip them.

>> No.6880251


Never tip. Waiters can fuck off i aint wastin my moneh on welfare

And thats coming from a former waiter

>> No.6880262

I feel we just have a more laid back approach here in Europe. In America the tipping culture has your waiters going over-board with this false friendliness and constantly bothering you to ask if you want more water. I mean sure thanks for bringing me water but cant you stop fucking watching my water consumption as an excuse to jump into a private conversation that always ends with a "Oh i am so poor".

Also keep in mind you are an American. I've worked bars all over Europe, the two customers i could not stand were Americans and French, at least to me they had this sort of stuck up entitled feeling to them.
But rest assured here in Europe we do not spit in your food, not as much as i hear you do in America.

>> No.6880264

Damn, I need to transfer myself over to murrica ASAP then.

>> No.6880271

fuck off, we're full

>> No.6880280

bartenders at busy/nice places can easily make $300-500+ in cash tips on a friday/saturday

>> No.6880283

It's basically anperson asking for a handout, much like the homeless people you see in big cities. Except that waiters are actually employed and they unironically feel entitled to your charity and some will even sabotage your food if they don't recieve it.

The concept is as retarded as any country that makes it a custom.

>> No.6880298 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6880303

The wait staff here never interrupts your conversation unless they're setting down your food, and most of the time the people bringing you water are bus boys who never speak a word to you.

I've also never had a waiter tell me how they were poor or their life was hard. Ever. Even one time when I asked my waitress about how much she got paid on an hourly basis.

We're generally not stuck up, but I'm sorry that thats been your experience. Its probably because it's most very rich Americans who travel to Europe, and they tend to be snobby. I'm probably an outlier in that I'm middle class and prefer to travel to Europe over some where on my own continent.

>> No.6880307
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>not allowed to accept tips over here
Fuck that, i'm moving over.

>> No.6880377

If you're too much of a lazy fat cunt to cook for yourself, AND you don't want to tip at restaurants, maybe suicide is your best option.

That or fast food, where the rest of the fat lazy cunts graze.

>> No.6880390


You must have literally had one bad waiting experience. I'm an American and have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6880413

As a brit, I've never tipped more than a fiver for an average meal, even for meals over £100. The only exception I can think of is an event with about 40 of us, where I left about 5% and a few bottles of wine.

Even in America the way I see it is like commission. If you've done a bad job and they're not likely to come back why would you get paid extra for that?

>> No.6880432

>doesn't understand the tip credit
Don't have time to explain the whole thing, but basically, anyone who says waiters don't make minimum wage as a minimum are lying.

>> No.6880438

>under-minimum wage

lies and slander

>> No.6880442
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>be big black nigga with dreadlocks
>order pizza from Domino's
>put on wife beater to show off muscles
>not that much muscles, but enough to get by
>pizzaman comes
>takes one look, and doesn't expect a big tip
>you can see the hope leave his eyes as the door opens
>gives a 1.50 tip

I can see why racism exists tbh

>> No.6880453

Sounds like there are a lot of blacks on this thread

>> No.6880484

Keep that stereotype alive!

>> No.6880485

yeah the saying that racism is born of ignorance is a pure lie, racism is born of familiarity

>> No.6880498

French fag here tipping is not in our customs (unless godlike service) but when i go abroad I tend to tip

>> No.6880545

I did payroll for a restaurant. If you weren't making over 15% of your sales in tips, you were either fired or moved into the back. The head chef had worked at a number of restaurants, and he said this was common practice.

The idea is that if you can't make over 15% of your sales in tips, you weren't doing your job well. Given the acceptance of tipping culture in America, I'd say it was a pretty good indicator.

>> No.6880626

and if 15% of sales isn't over minimum wage, then the restaurant is probably doomed.

>> No.6880638

I'm not american, so no. It's fucking retarded that people in america have to tip.

>> No.6880647


We don't 'have' to fucking tip. It's just polite.

>> No.6880651

Yeah, we don't have to, especially if we like body fluids in our food next time we eat there

>> No.6880652


Most waiter and waitress fags end up making 15-20$ an hour at the end of the week. 15-20 fucking $ for carrying a fucking plate

>> No.6880657

When something is true 99% of the time it's not a stereotype it's a fact

>> No.6880663


The body fluids are probably in there anyway, anon. No one is twisting your arm, you should really stop bitching.

>> No.6880693

I dont tip the server at mc ds thats probably been standing for 4 or more hours straight
I dont tip the cashier at a grocery line that has to scan 20 or more of my items
I dont tip the guy who helped me find something at bestbuy/target/etc
I dont tip a contruction worker doing hard labor for making the building im going to walk in in the future
I dont tip the mechanic getting his hands dirty for repairing my car

Why should i tip the fag in a an air conditioned building just for bringing my food?

>> No.6880701

See even ifthere is change people will still expect a tip.

>> No.6880708

Something something they get paid low wages so youshould not be a dick something something

>> No.6880718


Implying anyone i listed doesnt as well.

Though im assuming you dont agree with the logic either and are just telling me what the anonymous waiter would normally say

>> No.6880723

My biggest issue with tipping is the servers. They agreed to those wages first off(also more states are making establishments pay minimum wage) plus they enter the job under the assumption that people will give them lots of tip money because they did their job. They are bitter and placate their customers as soon as they see them so if you walk in and they think you wont tip them to their liking then you dont get as good ofservice. Plus on top of that they do the leastof work and get most of the money. If anything mostof the money should go to the back of the house, dishwasher and busboy because they make the place run.

>> No.6880730

You assumed correctly.
Im more annoyed they try to push that on the customer as a guilt trip. Its not my fault they chose that job.

>> No.6880748

This is kind of true.

But honestly I tip with a generous hand basically any opportunity I get. I don't eat all too frequently, but if I'm going to, I'll usually do between 50%-100% if I'm eating by myself.

It's not so much I think they have a hard job, but I'm one of those bleeding heart random act of kindness fellows and think it's nice to brighten someone's day. They see me, a young guy, ordering $10-20 worth of food and probably expect a buck or two ,and I end up giving them another hour or two of wage.

Same thing goes for homeless people (if I have any cash) or buskers and whatnot.

Honestly, I do have second thoughts, not financially, but on some sort of moral level, especially with the homeless, usually I'll offer to buy them food instead, but I figure it's my job to be nice and not to worry about what they do with my couple of bucks.

>> No.6880762

Because although tipping is optional, waiters make below minimum wage without them.

>> No.6880767

I'm a delivery driver, and I'll tip just about anyone doing a low end job at this point if they do it well, and always at restaurants.

>> No.6880774

Some states allow that but more are forcing minimum wage

>> No.6880782

But in those that allow you to make $4.25 an hour like mine, at least give a little.

Keep in mind, if you're working as a waiter, you probably don't have the option to move to those states.

>> No.6880791

That isnt my fault you chose to accept those wages. Im not gonna give out of pity.
Takeitup with your boss and stop taking it out on the customer.
Btw id rather give to chefs then waiters

>> No.6880811

That's implying I chose my job, how I was going to be payed and that my boss has a say in how I'm payed, instead of it being Corporate.

You don't choose low end jobs, you take what you can get.

>> No.6880824

... But you did CHOOSE that job. It wasnt forced upon you. Your the one that chose the local place and probably was under the impression the tips would be abundant. That isnt my fault or an excuse to expect more money. You should hustle the boss for money not the customer.

>> No.6880828

Not true

If you do not make enough tips to reach minimum wage, your employer pays the difference. You are guaranteed minimum wage just like any other worker over the age of 18 who isn't employed by farms.

>> No.6880887

But if you don't make enough tips, they'll eventually fire you.

If I want to eat, I need that job.

>> No.6880889

Could always find another

>> No.6880895

Right, because I didn't apply to literally every other place in town. They were the only place that would hire me with my current class schedule.

>> No.6880896

>guaranteed replies

>> No.6880897

An old lady once tipped me 1$ at mcdonalds.

>> No.6880912

Enjoy hell

>> No.6880915
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My spending cash is a product of tips, so I always put it back into circulation.

I justify tipping in the US because food here is actually pretty cheap anyway.

>> No.6880925

You probably didnt

>> No.6880930

Im roaring with keks

>> No.6880995

If you don't make enough tips you probably deserve to be fired.

>> No.6881115

But then everyone on here talks about not tipping.
I applied to every job that was remotely within my skill set 15 miles around.

>> No.6881143

I'm just talking about waiters lying their asses off. "boohoo i don't make minimum wage. woe is me."

>> No.6881163

I doubt that but its the internet so it must be true.
Want a tip sense youre owed one for existing? Get a better job

>> No.6882435


>> No.6882439
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>> No.6882464

I like the tipping system. It lets you make a living, and a good one for a low teir job, for doing your job properly. If I don't think you did it properly then I'm not obligated to reward you.

>> No.6882466


We are, me I try to be more generous. Really pisses me off though my friends around my age don't tip as a rule (~20). One of them works as a waiter too, I just don't get it, I was raised to be generous and grateful.

>> No.6882557

The get a better job tip meme is getting old.

If you receive good to outstanding service, just leave a dollar or two, its as simple as that.

>> No.6882569

But gibs me dat.
Its not a meme. Its your fault you chose to be underpaid

>> No.6882582

>I chose the company that gave me an interview

You're just blatantly shitposting at this point.
When you're working shit tier jobs because no one else will hire you for lack of experience, you don't get to make demands.

>> No.6882589

Not shit posting you just sick at life.
You can work at walmart

>> No.6882600

I applied there, no answer.
Must be me right?

>> No.6882617

Yeah youre not a total fucking loser who failed at life who has nothing to offer to society, its just youre so oppressed by the evil corporation who dont want to gibs u dat etc.

>> No.6882624

anyone who claims they do not tip would hate the consequence of everyone not tipping, which is more expensive food. this is because only poor people do not tip.

>> No.6882663

Not like I'm using the job to feed myself while I go to college.
Everyone has a family to pay them through higher education, right?