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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6859258 No.6859258 [Reply] [Original]

>How rich are you
>Favorite food

>Average to poor
>Honestly, big mac

>> No.6859271
File: 271 KB, 1000x666, SaagPaneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

un résident des États-Unis
I don't make that much, but since I barely have any expenses I'm doing pretty well for now in terms of money
Pic related, saggy p.

>> No.6859275

What are those things floating around?

>> No.6859278

Paneer. A fresh, non-melty cheese.

>> No.6859284

Sounds tasty. good choice then

>> No.6859285

>parents do okay, nothing to my name
>rib eye steak or cheesecake

>> No.6859307
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>Some days I earn less than minimum wage but I have some saved up
>changes from time to time, but boneless hot wings and ranch

>> No.6859325
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>Moules-frites, Full American breakfast, Savory crepes, Cha siu bao, Eggs benedict, Crispy fried beef.

Does pic related have a name? The closest resemblance i have found is szechuan beef.

>> No.6859329

>a bit on the poor side but I get by
>stuffed pasta

>> No.6859343

Poor at home, rich as expat

>> No.6859350

Well off but not "rich"
A really nice beef & ale pie. Shortcrust pastry.

>> No.6859499

>Average as fuck middle class
>Filthy chinese takeout
General tso's is my shit.

>> No.6859537

Lebe in den USA, aber ich bin Schweizer/Italienisch.

Personally: not a hell of a whole lot, but my parents are loaded. By their standards, I'm quite poor. By others' standards, I'm an average earner for my education level and profession.

Right now, pasta with peas, any cured pork (particularly bacon or lightly smoked pancetta) and eggs, but also gulyás, Swiss-style pasta salad with hörnli and Swiss hotdog-like sausage(cervelas/servelat/cervelat, though I use Polish-style serdelky here in the US because cervelas is impossible to find) or beef-prosciutto (bündnerfleisch/bresaola) on sourdough.

>> No.6859549

>Average to above average

Ay, I'm moving to Ghana soon. What's Nigeria like?

>> No.6859589


>$70,000-$90,000 a year (I'm a merchant mariner so it varies)

>Anything with duck breast, probably Duck a l'orange

>> No.6859613

>US citizen
>Rich enough that I can travel wherever I want in the world every now and then, but poor enough that I still have to work for a living.
>smoked fish

>> No.6859614

Really average, there is some money to spend in stuff we don't really need.
Sunny-side-up eggs.

>> No.6859638


>130sek/h (15.44$/h)


>> No.6859642

>Grew up fairly wealthy, college student on a budget now though
>Nice meat and cheese plate

>> No.6859647

>American living in the UK
>Dirt poor
>The Chinese takeaway around the corner has some veggie curry which is fucking out of this world. Tikka Masala pasties are great too

>> No.6859669

Ghana? That's a great place. Have fun.

>> No.6859675

>being a flip buk buk banana
>being the mexicans of asia
>being anything other than dirt poor

>> No.6859684

which equals $10/hr US after taxes LOL.

Honestly after living there a few years I am convinced Swedes have no tastebuds. I have never lived in a country that not only had such dissapointing food, but ethnic swedish food is nothing but well done meat, fish in a butter sauce, and potatos. Not only that but because of your retarded education system you can't get a McDonald's job without a degree in culinary arts, therefore every restaurant serves exactly the same dishes of the same quality. you're a worthless faggot

>> No.6859687

>I'm a student with a part time job at Walmart. Not very.
>Pizza of all kinds

>> No.6859693


>> No.6860140

College student making 11.25 an hour part time
General tso chicken

>> No.6860532

Doing ok for a 22 year old, in military. Parents are lower middle class.
Probably BBQ anything.

>> No.6860601

Minimum wage job, but I save up pretty much everything I make other than paying bills so I have quite a bit stashed away.

>> No.6860604

>BR living in america
>butter noodles with garlic

>> No.6860639

>Pig American
>pretty goddamn poor
>Sushi or pizza

>> No.6860649

Vietnamese American
Poor af
Spring rolls with hoisin sauce

>> No.6860793

>How rich are you
30k year. Too bad I live in Jew York.(equivilant to making 15k everywhere else)
>Favorite food
Big juicy fucking steak

>> No.6860806

>upper-middle class
>tied between sushi, ramen, and steak

>> No.6860814

>well under poverty line, which makes sense for a student but sucks for a 27-year old
>shit, can't pick anything unless pizza or soup (made by my dad) counts

>> No.6860816

Tacos or chicken Caesar salad

>> No.6860829

>6 figure salary (not that much here)

>> No.6861039

Middle-low class
Pasta with beef sauce

>> No.6861048

Pinoy hahahhaa

>Filipino in America
>middle class fuck yeah
>yakiniku, esp beef tongue and well, beef slices

>> No.6861051

how incredibly racist

>> No.6861062

>another flip in america
>negative net worth due to student loans, but earning 2x the median household income so that will be fixed soon
>favorite foods are for picky eaters and I decline to answer this question because it does not make sense

>> No.6861068

30 salary
smoked whitefish

>> No.6861071

>favorite foods are for picky eaters
>being this dumb
no wonder you have student loans

>> No.6861122

>Dead center middle class
>a good cheeseburger with fried onions, cheddar, garlic aioli, and applewood smoked bacon

Fuck off europoors.

>> No.6861134

Ayyy man u had them butter noodles with garlic from that asian spot in beverly hills right off rodeo drive? I cant remmeber the name but their garlic noodles are GOAT

>> No.6861145

Student working part time at minimum wage with poor parents

>> No.6861205

triple baconator or chicken wings doused in blue cheese

>> No.6861217

>Poor as shit
>Sushi or Eggplant parm

>> No.6861476

Looks like what I know as crispy ginger beef

>> No.6861512

Middle Class (95k/yr in a low cost city)
buttermilk fried chicken

>> No.6861532

>Scraping by
>Stuffed lamb hearts

>> No.6861540

American, southern VA
Middle class I guess, pretty comfortable
Probably pho with fat brisket

>> No.6861543
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student- <$9k/year with job
I guess fajitas, but it's really hard to choose

>> No.6861545

Is that an Ornstein Pepe?

\ [T] /

>> No.6861602

>Central African Republic

>> No.6861606

70k/year combined with wife
Papparadelle and chicken liver ragu

>> No.6861612

that's not a lot for 2 incomes
i'm gonna guess neither of you have a college education
your food choice is odd considering

>> No.6861622

We are 22 years old. I make 55k/year working as an analyst for the city, and my wife makes 15k as a waitress and is in school. We couldn't afford to go to college at the same time. This way we accrue no debt. So, 70k at 22 years old with zero debt is pretty fucking good in America. My bachelors is in statistics and economics, she is studying biology.

>> No.6861635

>poor, 350€ per month. I'm lucky if I get to eat three times in one day.
>pan fried herring with mashed potatoes and lingon

>> No.6861638
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>married at 22

>> No.6861640

Haha you probably live worse off than all the Syrians. Enjoy rapidly declining from once being great.

>> No.6861647

What's wrong with bring married at 22? Weve been together for 6 years and lived together for 3. Stop projecting, hugless virgin NEET

>> No.6861651

Nigger im no pussy slayer, but ive fucked my fair share of girls.

Whats wrong with being married at 22 is that youre not even a fully developed person yet. How the fuck you gunna tell me that getting FUCKING MARRIED to another person who, like you, probably wont be remotely similar to the person they are today five years from now is a good idea?

Its fucking pants on head retarded.

>> No.6861653

>four figure income. i afford my rent and internet bill. not much else. food stamps.
>stir fry. i understand that's a broad term, not a specific dish. i like it because i can cook rice and whatever vegetables/meat i have on hand. it's a tasty, cost efficient food.

>> No.6861668

Brain development is determined by environment. If they continue to live together and take an interest in one another while sharing many of the same external influences, they're not any more likely to hate each other in five year's time than is a couple who married at 35.

>> No.6861683

Ever heard of hormones? Their homeostatic levels change over time.

Theyre almost definitely gunna hate each other when theyre 30, especially in today's societal environment.

You act as if theyre living together in a bubble, or on a farm or a nice suburban household in the 50s, free of the interconnectedness that defines modern life.

>> No.6861686

>I'm no pussy slayer, but I've fucked my fair share of girls
Confirmed touchless virgin. You are disgusting, please go back to /v/.

>> No.6861693

the only homo thing here is you
fuck off, faggot

>> No.6861699

no money ever
salmon w/bourbon based sauce

>> No.6861703

>Confirmed touchless virgin
Ok dude. Sure.

Aww poor baby dont know what the big word means.

>> No.6861711

But the hormone change is basically a process of settling in to whatever life situation you happen to be in.

>> No.6861718

>/ck/ - Hormones and life choices

>> No.6861722

>being this autistic

>> No.6861725

>Filipino too
>Average to really, really below average
>Fondue never tried it even once though

>> No.6861726

>being this assmad because someone calls you out on your shitty life choices

>> No.6861732

>posting a snarky reply about a thread that went off-topic in an amusing way


>> No.6861735

Can you please stop feeding the trolls?

>> No.6861737

>trying to contain it this hard


>> No.6861742

Which poster do you think I am?
Because I'm not.

>> No.6861744

Whatever faggot

>> No.6861745


>> No.6861748

>being this rekt

>> No.6861762

Nationality: American
Poor but with a very adequate familial safety net
I don't have one but I'm getting into fermenting my foods.

>> No.6861816

>Shepherd's pie/Cottage pie (the one with ground beef)

>> No.6861820

>Middle class
>Spanish Omelette

>> No.6861879
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Every 2 weeks my mother makes me ''CV Soup with Job soon Jelly'' which is alphabet soup

If I find all the letters C and V and remove them she will bring some cold home made jelly from the kitchen and put it in my soup for me. It represents me exchanging my CV for a job and it helps motivate me.

>> No.6861897

I was gonna make a joke about chicken tendies but I gave up because that's the most depressing thing I've ever read.

>> No.6861941

>Not personally wealthy but my parents are so I don't really have to worry about money. I make $10/hr myself
>Fried Chicken

>> No.6862243

>half pinoy half white
>upper middle class
>smoked fish

So happy to see many of my cababayan on this board. Hello fellow P. Sherman

>> No.6862268

Ghana is much better than Nigeria. Still lock your shit up, though, and watch for traffic hazards. Have fun! And don't drink Cold Pak water... Stick with voltic. It's the best tasting and won't make you poop everywhere. Also, eat as much shiito as you can. I miss that stuff. Where are you gonna be?

>> No.6862270
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>poor-avg I guess
>salad, light dressing with bacon, red onions, green and red bell pepper, scallions, kale spinach, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli and sunflower seeds

>> No.6862285
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Not super poor paying off debts and in California and rentin a house on Grandpas property(It's generous to call it that) that has no functioning stove,so crockpot meals and rice meals galore (lots of roasts,stews,soups,you get it...)
Favorite meal?
A bento with spicy tuna roll,salad,miso soup,and mixed tempura.

>> No.6862320

>lower middle class
>sorrel soup and pierogi (meat filling)

>> No.6862324
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You're a goddamn weeaboo yet to taste or appreciate actual Japanese culinary culture.

But then again, so am I. And I love plebeian American "sushi".

Middle-Upper Class
Literally the same as >>6862285

>> No.6862333

Meh =_= I like what I like.
I love spicy tuna rolls it is one of the least fucked up American rolls. Imo. Don't get me wrong I can enjoy California rolls every now and again but most places surprisingly enough suck at making it. You ever had a bad roll it was probably a cali.. Idek how they fuck up a California roll but they do. Middle class life yo. Always paying debts and trying to not an hero. The great thing about this tho is every now and again I actually can go out to eat. Also married into a Japanese family but the cultural differences are interesting.

>> No.6862436
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>> No.6862438

Above avarage

>> No.6862440


>> No.6862441
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>average, slightly overspending

>> No.6862445

>barely getting by doing things I'd rather not
>rotisserie chicken with cherry tomatoes

>> No.6862451

i would litterally kill to get my hands on one of those again. fucking delicious

>> No.6862461

> swiss
> dirt poor
> Homemede Sauce Hollandaise with pretty much anything


>> No.6862472


You can get them here in every super market, though they are not as great as handmade ones. Or you could make them yourself

>> No.6862503 [DELETED] 
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American. Lower middle class. Feces

>> No.6862507

Joining the Chair Force to be a linguist, so E-3 paygrade
Any kind of beef or pork stew. Goulash especially.

>> No.6862591

>American in Japan
>Live with mommy so I'm a well off NEET
>inarizushi or vegetable gyoza when I'm in Japan, and when I'm in the US it's gotta be burritos

>> No.6862603


>> No.6862617

>bœuf bourguignon

>> No.6862618


Pretty average. Have a steady job, own a house, car and a boat.

Salmon with crispy skin.

>> No.6862623

>90k a year but live in NYC so I am poor
>poached eggs on rice

>> No.6862643

>minimum wage living with mummy
>mummy's stromboli

>> No.6862811

Nigga i make 60k and live in the city i am fuckin poor you doing alright

Dont give me this "im poor cause i live in manhattan bullshit"... live in brooklyn like the rest of us if you want a lot of disposable income.

>> No.6862847
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United States
Living paycheck to paycheck
Roast pork with sauerkraut and dumplings.

>> No.6862854

No it's because I'm married

>> No.6863033

>unemployed but have some money saved up
>butter chicken

>> No.6863135

>How rich are you
I'm poor
>Favorite food
Beans, rice and cheese burrito. Horchata for drink.

>> No.6863142

make your lady work and stop bitching

>> No.6863144

And your wife doesn't work?

>> No.6863184

>FOB American
>still in uni, but my parents are well off after maintaining their own 2 businesses for 10+ years
>chocolate mousse or donburi

>> No.6863186

beaner as fuck