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6856695 No.6856695 [Reply] [Original]

A well-educated and professional bartender with years of schooling under their belt. They have several original concoctions they are happy to share with you, can make recommendations for food pairings and have several twists on classics they are more than happy to share with you. Have a knowledge of several hundred drinks and can prepare them in an efficient and friendly manner, always with a smile.

>American bartenders
"Hey y'all, muh name is cassidy. I dun got me new tits with muh tip money, y'all like 'em nice and big? How do y'all make a rum and coke agen?"

Why is every yankee bar staffed by a softcore prostitute who can't spell her own name?

>> No.6856702

>implying alcohol won't be banned in Europe soon per Sharia law

>> No.6856712

>A well-educated and professional bartender with years of schooling under their belt.

That's actually pretty sad.

>> No.6856719

>thinking that bartending is unskilled labor
>being this american

>> No.6856726

>take bottle
>pour into glass
I guess when your entire continent is so far behind culturally, economically, and technologically, this might count as skill.

>> No.6856731

>several twists on the classics

last time I asked for a martini in europe the guy literally poured me a shot glass full of vermouth, is that what you call a "twist on the classics"?

>> No.6856750

This is bait, right? In Europe a "martini" means "a glass of Martini's vermouth." What you call a martini would be called a "Dry Martini" in Europe.

>> No.6856760

"Martini's" being a famous brand of vermouth after which the gin or vodka drink is named.

If you forget and ask for a "martini" without specifying that you want the mixed drink known as a "dry martini," the bartender should ask you if you want it "white" (blanco) or "red" (rossi). Since you've never heard of a fucking "white martini" or "red martini" in America, you should realize something is up and remember to correct yourself and specify that you actually wanted a dry martini mixed drink.

>> No.6856762

>has knowledge of several hundred drinks
>thinks "martini" is "a glass of vermouth"
there's room for cultural relativism but at the end of the day, if a bartender doesn't know what a martini is he's not "well educated and professional", he's just a guy that pours the contents of bottles into glasses

>> No.6856776

>some anon who has never actually been to a bar bases his opinions on what bartenders are like on James Bond movies and servers at TGIFridays. He then attempts to troll /ck/ by claiming these are definitive forms of bartenders.

>> No.6856777
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I would say it is you who is lacking knowledge of drinks if you don't know what the word "martini" means. Even in America, "Martini" is an iconic brand of vermouth. When you say martini, it's really an inaccurate shorthand for "dry martini cocktail." Nobody would drink Martini Sec straight, but in Europe several other varieties (including the "red" and "white") are available, and many people drink them as an aperitif. Thus, when you merely say "martini" without specifying red, white, or dry (sec), you aren't even giving the bartender enough information to know what you want. It's like sitting down and asking for a gin and then being surprised when the bartender pours you a glass of gin on the rocks.

>> No.6856780

yes that must be it, it must be that the american has never heard of martini brand vermouth!

and also when you ask for an aviation, the bartender should just pour a shot of aviation gin, right? I mean who are these ignorant people who have never heard of aviation?

lol umericans r dum XD XD

>> No.6856784

>entire continent is so far behind culturally,

lol'd hard thanks amerifat

>> No.6856795

Careful, the Syrian migrants might hear you laughing and come behead you.

>> No.6856801

It takes weeks to get down shaking. And months to learn stirring.

>> No.6856807 [DELETED] 

Yes, with the average eurocuck education level, this makes sense

>> No.6856815

why would they do something like this ? they come in Europe because they don't want to be beheaded from ISIS....

>> No.6856817

I think I've lost the thread of your argument. Could you tell me if this summary is correct?
>If European bartenders don't use the same word as Americans for a drink, they are unskilled as bartenders.

Or perhaps I jumped the gun on that? What you actually said was
>if a bartender doesn't know what a martini is he's not "well educated and professional"
As you know, "Martini" is a brand of vermouth that comes in several popular varieties. Only one of these varieties (sec) is popularly mixed with vodka or gin. They others are served straight. If a bartender didn't know martini's, he would indeed be lacking. Have you ever encountered a bartender in Europe who didn't know martini's? Your story, which you presented as evidence of European bartenders' inadequacy, was:
>I asked for a martini in europe the guy literally poured me a shot glass full of vermouth

Thus, it seems as though your bartender did in fact know about martini's, which is why he poured you a glass of it when you asked for it. If you know about martini's brand vermouth and are familiar with its varieties and uses, as you argue a bartender ought to be, why were you surprised or disappointed by the experience you had?

The most plausible explanation I can think of is that you were not familiar with the European varieties of Martini vermouth and the styles in which it is served. Your ignorance, not the bartender's. I can see that having this pointed out makes you very upset, but it seems to be true.

>> No.6856819

I hate how everyone wants dry martini cocktails nowadays. Churchill was a bad influence. if the ratio of gin to vermouth is not 2 to 1, then you might as well not even call it a martini, and just call it an excuse to guzzle gin.

>> No.6856826

>I have no idea what a martini is, and I have no idea what an aviation is either
you could have just saved yourself a lot of typing there

it's ok to have an interest in cocktails, but don't try to be a snob about it until you at least have the basics down

>> No.6856860

I asked you several direct questions that you haven't answered. Would you mind terribly? It might clear a few things up.

>> No.6856866
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How naive. Don't insult your new house guests or else

>> No.6856868

ok sure
>do Americans know that there is more than one brand of vermouth
>do Americans know vermouth comes in different styles
>is the bartender ignorant

anything else I can clear up for you, or are you done dodging the issue, which is that cocktails are American, and when a European makes a mistake about a cocktail, it is just that: a mistake. not "a delightful cross-cultural misunderstanding"

>> No.6856870 [DELETED] 

ITT: Eurocucks BTFO

>> No.6856891

Do americans every drink anything other than 3-4% beer?

>> No.6856897

Can Europeans even use grammar?
Also, America has the best craft beer culture in the world.

>> No.6856899

well at least you gave up on the cocktail thing :)

this was a good move on your part, the beer and wine situation gives you some wiggle room because there is no objective "right" or "wrong" style of beer. I am sure you'll get many angry replies.

>> No.6856912
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American waiting staff is disgustingly annoying and fake.

>> No.6856935

No fuck that faggot, that's not me. I overwhelmingly prefer tasty American beer to the endless flood of tasteless pils from Europe.

I generally prefer Italian wine, but I've recently moved to (northern) California and I'm going to try my best to find local wines that I like here.

>cocktails are American
Many cocktails are American. Does that inherently make Europeans incapable of mixing them? English is a European language, does that make Amreicans incapable of speaking it? I could say something mean about this but I don't think it's necessary.

>when a European makes a mistake about a cocktail, it is just that: a mistake
Sure, but how is serving you a martini a "mistake." Try ordering a pepperoni pizza in Italy. You might be surprised to find that there's no meat on what they serve you! Does that mean the Italians have made a mistake? No, clearly it's a problem with the fact that a word you use in your language doesn't mean the same thing in another language.

Maybe the disagreement here stems from your belief about who should be accommodating whom. It's a stereotypically American belief that servicepeople around the world should speak American English to you. Is that what this is about? Do you also refuse to order salads in Europe because you want "arugula" and not "rocket"?

>> No.6856942

>A well-educated and professional bartender wi-
stopped reading. dont reply. report. keep this board sane.

>> No.6856959

> I've recently moved to (northern) California and I'm going to try my best to find local wines that I like here.
for everyday drinking I recommend the central coast and santa cruz mountain wines, they deliver better quality for the price. of course if you want to spend big, napa and sonoma have some great stuff.

>many cocktails are European
modern cocktail culture itself is American, it dates back to prohibition when spirits were the easiest thing to ship and store.
>Does that inherently make Europeans incapable of mixing them?
no, it just means that I don't expect Europeans to be anything less than clueless about cocktails. you've got a long history of drinking stuff that can be consumed from the bottle without a bunch of extra steps between the pour and the sip. there is no reason not to be proud of this, but to go from there to "a knowledge of several hundred drinks and can prepare them in an efficient and friendly manner" is silly. I wouldn't expect to get good wine by the glass in Des Moines, and I wouldn't expect a good cocktail in Nantes, that's just how these things work

>do you also refuse to order salads in Europe because you want "arugula" and not "rocket"?
here in America we say "arugula", not "rocket", that's more of a British thing

>> No.6856992

Go to better bars, you dumb europoor.

>> No.6857020

> I've recently moved to (northern) California and I'm going to try my best to find local wines that I like here.

Look for Russian River Valley wines, wines from the Sierra Foothills, and Lodi also has some nice wines. Like the other posters noted, if you want to go big, you can hit Napa, Sonoma, and Calistoga, and of course you can find great wine there, but the prices will be higher. Also, since there's just so damn much wine to be had, look for sales and stores that are advertising sales on large lots of certain wines. You can find some really nice ones that way, and then stock up. You can really just go nuts if you want to.
We moved to NorCal about 7 years ago, and have saved every cork from every bottle we've drank since we moved out here. At last count (which was almost a year ago now) we had well over 1200 corks. (Obviously, many of those were from parties and bbqs and things like that) And we had to convert a whole room (small room, but a room nonetheless) into wine storage.

>> No.6857029

>RRV, Sierra Foothills, Lodi
gonna have to disagree with those three AVAs, especially Lodi, I find them syrupy and one-dimensional, but maybe that's just what we get over here on the east coast, I suppose it's entirely possible there are some good local ones I've never heard of

>> No.6857045

Well, if you're on the east coast, you are probably not getting the best selections, IDK. I live smack in the middle of all these places, and we spend many weekends going to wineries, both large and small, so I'd imagine I'm getting a broader profile than you.

>> No.6857065

probably, when I hear Lodi I think of those god awful Michael David wines - the ones with the "cute" names and a review of itself on the back label. we don't get anything like Bonny Doon or Au Bon Climat coming out of those other regions back east.

>> No.6857073

shit! OP i think you just checkmated USA

>> No.6857093

>Michael David wines

Yeah, but since the poster we were responding to said he had just moved here, I'm guessing he'll be able to travel around a bit and explore some of the different wine regions, so hopefully he find some of the gems.

>> No.6857096
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>they come in Europe because they don't want to be beheaded from ISIS
>they aren't all ISIS

>> No.6857099

>A well-educated and professional bartender

why in the world would anyone consider bar-tending a career instead of job that you get while college, particularly if you're a man?

>> No.6857105

>euro bartender

Snobby. Inattentive. Uses graduated cylinder to measure mixed drinks to the ml. No more no less. Gives you a grand choice of either grolsch or hofbrau to drink. Gloats about drinking culture. All drinks are at least 5 euros to make up for no tips.

>American bartender

Friendly. Always looking for who is empty. Pours liquor bottles upside down until you give them a head nod to designate when it's enough. Still charges the same as a single shot. Even shitty dive bars have 20 different bottled beers and at least 5 taps. $2.00 for a drink, doesn't require tip, but if you leave one your drinks will come even faster and be stronger.

You guys got some stuff right but bars are not one. Beer gardens in Germany are cool, but once again you get like 4 choices of beer.

>> No.6857107

>English is a European language, does that make Amreicans incapable of speaking it?
Euros call fries "crisps". Can euros even speak english? no

>> No.6857118

>$2.00 per drink

flyover detected

>> No.6857124


I guess so. Glorious Midwest with the best craft breweries in America. Better drinks and less money :^)

>> No.6857130

Guys not to interrupt this stellar argument, but as a Brit I feel entitled to remind our American guests that we do have some linguistic differences. You might not get what you want here if you just order a martini as we tend to specify what kind we'd like and how we'd like it served. Similarly if I asked for a pint of pig in New York I would expect to be met with confusion.

>> No.6857139

I would think this would be obvious to anyone with any common sense.

>> No.6857147


by american bartenders, you mean sports bar bartenders

>> No.6857154
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>pours liquor bottles upside down until you give them a head nod to designate when it's enough

I know you're kidding, but you probably don't realize that liquor pourers/spouts are standardized, and even when it looks like they keep pouring, they are counting out exactly how much liquor is going into your drink. It's a trick, anon.

>> No.6857158

>live somewhere shitty, cold (or searing) and boring for cheap rail drinks

my sides

>> No.6857164

Yeah, the precision these guys have is actually amazing.

>> No.6857166

Ok so I'll admit I have limited experience with pubs in the US but in my experience they're all big soulless venues you have to drive to get to. In my experience bar staff were fairly unfriendly but this is probably because I was too young to drink at the time and we tipped at the end of the night rather than after each drink (I assume that's what's done normally?) I also thought prices were astronomical, and we didn't even leave much of a tip.

Pubs in cities in the UK really lack beer gardens, tend to have separate deals with individual breweries (which can be nice if it's a good brewery, our local does thornbridge which have some fantastic ales), do really bad food or just do snacky things, and if you're really unlucky it's a wetherspoons or it turns into a club past 9.

Rural pubs in the UK are God's great gift to this otherwise shitty island I am sure of it.
>great cheap food
>massive selection of drinks, normally including mostly local drinks, especially if you're in Cider Country
>lovely beer gardens
>basically functions as a community centre where most local people can be found most evenings
>decent prices
>friendly staff since you either already know them, or are basically foreign and therefore interesting.

Spain has mostly the same phenomenon I found.

>> No.6857227


I realize this. And I realize that they tip the bottles back over one or two more times depending on how much they like you or how much you want, still charging for a single. You can challenge me on some subjects but please do not question my bar knowledge. And in my experience in Europe it has been POUR THE EXACT PRECISE AMOUNT and then charge 10 euros, then another 1.50 just to use the bathroom.

Bars in America are built on excess. Bar owners keep records that allow for extra liquor and beer that they know the bartenders will undercharge for or just give away for free (or just drink themselves) and nobody cares because everyone is still making loads of money

>> No.6857241


If you were driving to go to the bar you went to a shit area. Any good city has a million cool local bars downtown with serviceable public transit that should go from near any hotels. Prices and food quality can vary depending on where you go, like anywhere. Luckily my down has good bars down if nothing else.

>> No.6857247


>living in a shoebox so you can drink experimental cocktails made by a gay black tranny for $20 each

>> No.6857256

If you're friendly and giving good tips, sure.

America is definitely more up on the friendly quid-pro-quo than Europe though. I find it hilarious how Europeans complain about being expected to tip in America, literally complaining about generosity towards fellow human beings who are probably poorer than you, and then expect Americans not to care that you have to pay even just to use the bathroom in Europe.

It's true. In some countries especially, literally everything costs money.

>> No.6857404

>complaining about cheap drinks

>> No.6857557

Don't you have some negroes to lynch and ur bible to read?

>> No.6857625

>America has the best craft beer culture in the world
lmao have you never had belgian beer?
reactionary breweries adding moar hops or barrel aging everything is hardly the best, american beer sucks
no american brewery could compete with cantillon, duvel or brasserie rochefort

>> No.6857650


>> No.6857653
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Objectively, figuratively, and literally false.

>> No.6857654

>drinking alcohol

>> No.6857668

Eurofag (Spain) here. Belgium has a great beer culture, but honestly I think that America has them beat in terms of craft beer. If you were making the same argument five years ago, I would agree with you, but things have changed. The thing is though, the best American beers are rarely exported, so unless you're in America, you can't really understand what the extent of American craft brewing is.
Even something common-ish like Ballast Point beers blows the shit out of other countries average beers. America's unique environment of universally shitty macro brews (created by alcohol prohibition laws) was the catalyst for the rapid growth of a large industry of artisinal beer.

>> No.6857679

>or vodka drink
Confirmed idiot.

>> No.6857686

eh, i still think belgian beers have far more complexity and range than american beers
if you still look at what's most prevalent in the american craft brewing scene, it's obscenely hopped-(D)IPAs and barrell-aged porters/stouts that are the most buzzed about
i don't think they've made a gueuze that comes anywhere close to gueuze tilquin or a great quad

>> No.6857693

Are you telling me that you flew in all the way from Europe and you chose to visit a Flyover state and not a state that matters like CA or NY?
The only time I've ever seen a bar tender like that was when I visited a dive bar in Phoenix, AZ, where they served $5 cocktails and $3 shots of rail liquor.

>> No.6857708

Ironically the best place to find trashy retarded bartenders serving shit quality drinks in NY are the gay bars because in places like NY there are vast numbers of gays who fled to NY from flyover land to avoid persecution, bringing their unique flyover culture with them.

I assume it's the same in SF although I don't know any gay people there.

>> No.6857739 [DELETED] 

lol top cuck

>> No.6857779

Why did you make a thread about Americans?
Something motivated you today to go on /ck/ and make this thread, what was it?

>> No.6857792

I imagine the same thing that motivated you to reply

Do you have something you want to get off your chest?

>> No.6857836

>everyone is still making loads of money
>rely on the customer to pay above the listed price as a custom

>> No.6857841

>I find it hilarious how Europeans complain about being expected to tip in America, literally complaining about generosity towards fellow human beings who are probably poorer than you
He said, living in a country that literally likens obama to the devil and hitler for being even remotely close to something like a socialist.

>> No.6857869

Depends on where you are. Obviously if you live in a Blue State Obama wont be likened to the Devil for making healthcare more accessible for low-income families. I don't live in Arkansas so it's not that hard to find Liberals where I'm from.

>> No.6857873

Cassidy sounds hot.

>> No.6857877

>making healthcare more accessible for low-income families
Only if you get fat subsidies from the government.

>> No.6857902

Reasonable drunks can disagree. 3:1 here.

>> No.6857928

>I imagine the same thing that motivated you to reply

What I expect to be misplaced vitriol against Americans isn't remotely the same thing as wanting to know if I'm right. Answer my question.

>> No.6857940


I don't know if the early internet just had smarter people on it, or if was because the cold war had just ended, or what, but I seem to remember back in the day, dumb jokes about America didn't cause sincere, profound butthurt the way they do now.

And now we begin the series of questions and answers when you establish, eventually, that I am not who you think I am. You will, however, find some reason to consider me the source of all your personal problems, I'm sure.

>> No.6857943

>prices are so low that even with a tip, which isn't required, the drinks are still a fraction of euro prices
>causes more people to buy more drinks and the bar continues to bank

What happens over there when you have to take a shit but you don't have the required change to pay the untouchable orc guarding the bathroom, providing no other service other than taking your money?

>> No.6857950

>euro prices
you realize Europe is a continent and that the prices vary WIDELY, eh?
Also, in the more expensive countries, such as norway for instance, the high price is balanced by overall higher income rates etc.
The difference really isn't that significant unless you're a poorfag from abroad coming over to visit.

>all of europe has to pay to take a shit
No. Shit like that is always on a owner's prerogative basis no matter where you go, you retarded faggot.
>he actually thinks you pay a doorman to go to the bathroom
this isn't the us. If someone puts a fucking charge to take a shit there will be coin operated machine controlling the lock or some such shit.

>> No.6858076

>You will, however, find some reason to consider me the source of all your personal problems, I'm sure.
>cause sincere, profound butthurt the way they do now.

Come on now, all I did was ask a single question. I'm not quite sure where you're getting all of this from. Rather than resorting to petty insults and projection, why don't you answer my question?

Yes. There's a lot of it in your reply, too.

>> No.6858138


>> No.6858156

This thread is insane. Cocktails are one of America's the few sophisticated contributions to cuisine. Rather than being proud of this, Americans in this thread choose to belittle and degrade them just for an opportunity to demean a single anonymous European poster.

>> No.6858232

>I assume it's the same in SF although I don't know any gay people there.
So basically you don't know any people there, right?

>> No.6858246


>> No.6858752

Self righteous Brit here again. Why are people going on about paying to go to the loo? I'm fairly well travelled in Europe and the only places I've ever been charged to go to the toilet are train stations, which are bizarrely mercenary about literally everything. But even that can be avoided by going to the bar instead, where they normally have a free one for customers.

Also re prices, it depends massively on where you live. I used to be able to get a pint for £1.20 (about $1.50 or so?) But I've since moved to a big student city where they get you for every penny you have (about £2.70 a pint). Had I moved to London it would be even more. Also some bars deliberately jack the prices to keep the poor people out and make it more exclusive (especially in London, where you can pay upwards of £25 for a shot of Jack Daniels)

>> No.6858767

underrated post

>> No.6858789

Isn't cocktails and bartending more of an american thing though?

Here in Scandinavia I don't get an impression they're an especially respected job. Many teens and students go to tropical countries and get "bartending qualification" which is basically a joke course people do to drink and get a degree while on vacation.

>> No.6858886

At this point you can't tell if euro fags are mad or just stupid

>> No.6858950
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>going to dive bar/cheapshit pub in Merifatica and expecting a cocktail bar/lounge level of professionalism

European reasoning everybody.

>> No.6858956

American lambic-style wild ales are too low-volume to even attempt to export, but you'd be surprised at what you can find if you actually visit.

>> No.6859071

No, I know several people there, but they are straight
>why don't you answer my question?
Because, as I told you before, I am not who you think I am, and therefore I can't.

Profound, profound butthurt.

>> No.6859079

> not enjoying the spectacle of skanks failing at life
what is wrong with you?

>> No.6859127

Don't go to dive bars. Problem solved.

>claiming to know shit about cocktails
a hahahahaha. Went to a bar in London, bartender had a waistcoat and bow tie and everything. Asked him to make me a Cuba Libre and he looked at me like I was speaking Chinese

>> No.6859155
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What is it with Europeans and obsessing over American culture?

>> No.6859282
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Ahhhh fuck, you guys make me laugh.

Come to South Africa and sample some of our craft beers, you 1st world niggers need to come sample greatness

>> No.6859287

They don't have bartenders in london, just barkeeps

barkeeps can draw beer and pour whiskey. That is about it.

>> No.6859294

The barkeep in this image is shit though. The drinks vary in level and even fucking color (and yes I'm excluding the three on the right). Really it's just a guy who can't make consistent drinks to save his life, but learned a cool trick to cover his inadequacies.

>> No.6859302

All I have to say about this thread is that the Great American Beer Festival is next week and it's way too late to get tickets. It's going to be great.

>> No.6859304

Boers, pls

>> No.6859305


Why does bartending fall under shit labot while chef is acceptable? Never understood that.

>> No.6859311

No, there are cocktail bars in London, they're just expensive.

>> No.6860357

I'd rather tip some hot bimbo with big boobs than some euro cuck who spent years pouring liquid into cups for drunk assholes like me

>> No.6860762

since where is bartending shit labour? it is a very looked up to profession where I'm from, obviously not on the same levels as being a doctor or a lawyer, but it is an accepted fact that being a bartender is more than just mixing rum and coke in a glass.
you need to move to a nicer country.

>> No.6860871

It's not shit work, it's food service. No one I know or ever worked with thinks people look up to food service employees. It doesn't mean people look down on them, but certainly not 'respected' work.

>> No.6861146

Now he can ask what type of Martini you want. Or just go Vodka/Vermouth/olive. Who the fuck would order straight vermouth? (no one) 6/10 nice bait amigo!

>> No.6861148

A real martini is gin.

>> No.6861168

traditionally yes. However being in the business I've noticed that it is almost strictly vodka. As no one drinks gin anymore. Could be regionally but fuck the dude would probably have to ask if you want it traditional, or with vodkie.

>> No.6861191

Nowadays, when neither spirit is specified, the proper procedure is for the bartender to ask which one the customer wants.

That is unless there's a cocktail menu which lists ingredients, in which case the menu description will be adhered to unless modifications are requested.

>> No.6861772

>Who the fuck would order straight vermouth?
In Europe the most popular varieties of vermouth are sweet "red" or "white," and not the familiar dry "sec" you are used to putting in martinis. Many Europeans drink red or white Martini (a famous brand of vermouth, as you know) as an aperitif. Thus, when you ask for "Martini" in Europe, most people will understand that to mean that you are asking for Martini's vermouth, not a mixed drink.

>> No.6861812

>Also, America has the best craft beer culture in the world.

>> No.6862048


>this triggers the europoor

The only beers worth importing are trappist and lambics. We can handle the rest, thanks but no thanks.

>> No.6862055

other than the raging hardon america has for IPAs this is 100 percent true.
any kind of beer you can get in europe there's at least six breweries in the US that can make an equal or better beer. the one exception to that is trappist ales. and even then the US has a trappist brewery and for only having been running for ~3 years it's amazing.

>> No.6862062

What absolute nonsense, countless American breweries have much more varieties in their offerings than any of those breweries you listed, better too

And it's hilarious you say reactionary brewing adding more hops when Duvel has a Triple Hop beer

>> No.6862069

Why are Europeans so obsessed with America? They're always thinking about us. I rarely think about Europe, there's just so much here that I have no reason to, but Europeans are literally obsessed with us. We get it, you have a crush on us, Jesus.

>> No.6862075


>> No.6862080

I have this Livinus bottle here. Says on it you're a faggot

>> No.6862084

kek. you haven't lived until you've had a Pilsner from Pilsen, or a german weizenbock
weizenbock style does not even fucking exist in the US

>> No.6862087

wow it's almost like you're fucking wrong or something
how shocking

>> No.6862098

> a more powerful Dunkel Weizen
you fuckers don't even know what a weizenbock is and add hops to everything you fucking touch

>> No.6862105

>gets btfo
>makes up alternate scenarios where he is correct

>> No.6862109
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fuck yeah dude i'm having a ton of that this weekend at mt. angel oktoberfest

so stoked, it's my favorite style. I love US craft beer to death but weizenbock is the god of beer styles imo

>> No.6862110
File: 31 KB, 446x361, 406a1a118587247c9d455a3804acbbba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


literally every single on is a us brewery with reviews that all say true to style and that they are excellent beers

being a contrarian isn't cool or edgy you just look like a douchebag.
now stop pretending you're european, stop pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about, and discuss things like a civilized person you tremendous faggot

>> No.6862112 [DELETED] 

i didn't make up anything, faggot. I just fucking quoted the fucking description on the fucking site you fucking posted, which is fucking wrong.
now get the fuck out. your so called beer culture is a polished turd, just like your so-called food culture and your culture in general.
I mean, I have lots of admiration for American entrepreneurship and science, but don't pretend to know how to live well, because you don't.

>> No.6862114

Tell me what country you are from. Didn't even read your post tbh, I just wanted to know

>> No.6862117
File: 84 KB, 500x686, cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kekked heartily. nice pic.
> unrelated. a German cheeseburger, just about as authentic and tasty as American takes on German beers

>> No.6862118

you're getting so butthurt dude just calm down
put some ice on your asspain and try to stop taking so much dick
why don't you try a nice american weizenbock? shouldn't be too hard, since you're clearly an american.

>> No.6862127

there is no butthurt. there is just me here, sitting all smug because you just proved you fuckers know nothing about beer.
> Weizenbock being a variant of Dunkel Weizen
> cats and dogs living together
> generalized sodomy
> 2% ABV "light beer"
> uhmerica

>> No.6862128
File: 26 KB, 550x430, 10891428_408663175957519_5856830440627350768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.6862133


>not butthurt

pick one.

>> No.6862134

Tell me what country you're from. Also the region too.

I'll go first, I'm from the US. And I live on DC. Your turn.

>> No.6862141

U MAD BRO is a very weak rhetorical device...

>> No.6862143

calm down, Chad. go have a Miller lite or something, it should give you a nice mellow buzz

>> No.6862148

So is "hurrrr America sucks"

While you live in some concrete underpass begging for pennies in your Turk shithole

>> No.6862149

Nice post.
This is the last response you're getting from me, enjoy it.

>> No.6862153

dude how are you handling all this butthurt right now?
i don't know how that flabby white american ass can take it
let me explain for you since you are clearly retarded
a dunkel weizen is a dark wheat beer
a bock is a a dark, slightly bitter, strong beer
a weizenbock is a combination of these two styles
you are saying you are right based on a semantic argument
when you literally do not know what you are talking about
>2% abv light beer
bud lite, miller, etc is 4.2 percent pisswater, sure.
there's more breweries in america than in any other country in the world, including germany
there's like 20 macrobreweries (pbr, bud, coors, miller, et al)
the rest are all craft beer

like seriously dude why are you so buttblasted

>> No.6862155

thank you, I shall be ever in your debt for proving yourself wrong and having the common decency to leave the field after your defeat
you're a true mentlegen
godspeed, anon, and good luck

>> No.6862156

Because he's a fucking faggot. Don't you get it. Just stop replying.

>> No.6862163
File: 16 KB, 350x316, 1921478128_r4mxATkGfy_answer_2_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to know how I know you're butthurt?
because you said, and I quote, "weizenbock style does not even fucking exist in the US"
i proved you wrong with the beeradvocate posts
and then you launched into
>lol they don't even know what berr is hurr

>> No.6862177

a Weizenbock is a Weizen (pale wheat beer) brewed to bock strength (6.5-8% abv)

a Weizen Dunkel by contrast is a Weizen made with lager yeast, which gives it the brown murky appearance. the somewhat malty taste is from the malt being more kilned

When you say that Weizenbock is a variant of Weizen dunkel, you are showing that you only know of german beers because you drank a Schneider Aventinus once, which can indeed be described as a bock-strength Weizen Dunkel

please, stop parading your ignorance

>> No.6862182 [DELETED] 

They don't know what weizenbock is, so how can I believe them when they tell me that weizenbock is being brewed in Uhmerica?
It would be like me expressing opinions on if it's nicer to suck cock or take it up the ass. I'm not a faggot like you, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.6862187
File: 23 KB, 300x348, defb80ee3d072fbb6f3d8aa0800876f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the internet sayeth
you are wrong

>> No.6862193 [DELETED] 

that's also a site from uhmerica
all of uhmerica is wrong about an European beer style
color me surprised
oh wait, I'm not, because you're all uncultured faggots

>> No.6862197
File: 16 KB, 225x225, ;jklj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us how great Istanberlin is

>> No.6862198
File: 40 KB, 500x357, 29zcyeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally the us part of a german site
keep trying, i got thousands of these

>> No.6862202

> Weizenbier (more commonly called Hefeweizen in North America)
the hits just keep on rolling
Hefeweizen is not the same as Weizen you poor deluded fucks. It's unfiltered and is traditionally made with a different kind of yeast

>> No.6862206

oh you have google at your fingertips
good for you

>> No.6862214

Berlin is not Germany, just like Paris is not France. it's a very nice city, regardless, and the doner is fantastic

>> No.6862217
File: 63 KB, 1000x920, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you have google at your fingertips
good for you, didn't even know third worlders had it

>> No.6862224
File: 46 KB, 720x427, the man from the east said this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cerevisia Communications
747 Main Street
West Newbury, MA 01985, USA

>> No.6862226

I actually drank all these kinds of beer and many more besides. Keep swilling that Coors and pounding that meat though. It's bound to come to something in the end.

>> No.6862230
File: 70 KB, 500x500, poopeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually drank all these kinds of beer and many more besides

Obviously not, you have no clue what you're talking about and are desperately scavenging Google and referring to ad-hominem to get something out of this argument which you're embarrassingly losing

Everybody in this thread is laughing at you

>> No.6862338

fok jou, etter

>> No.6862343

I predict it'll happen at least a century after America was cucked by a small religious sect and killed thousands in prohibition

>> No.6862345

your sister/daughter or mum strums themselves to the thought of one direction/the beatles

I'm feeling to come over and cuck you with just my accent ;)

>> No.6862371

Apparently Europeans think red and sweet types of vermouth are obscure

>> No.6862624

>tfw West Country accent
Had I been born just 20 miles east or North I'd be every American's dream

>> No.6862641

Holy fuck, you're honestly too much of an asshole to be serious.. He's right, you're wrong. Noone fucking cares anymore.

>> No.6862761

I live in Milwaukee, but in Wisconsin in general you can walk to about 3 different bars from almost anywhere.

>> No.6862784

>25 pounds for a shot of Jack Daniels
What the fuck did I just read? That's more than I pay for a bottle here in America.

>> No.6862869

>least a century after

That would be about now...

>> No.6863218

Fair enough. This was on a drive up the East Coast. I didn't like it very much but Busch Gardens was cool.
Not kidding. One of my friends went into a club in the centre of London because he heard some celeb he liked would be there. £50 entry fee, followed by £16 for their cheapest shot. Didn't drink any more after that unsurprisingly.

>> No.6863239

Also just to close this off:
Americans are good at cocktails. However they are not good at not being cunts in Europe. Oftentimes they will use their silly American words and get confused when they receive the wrong things. Oftentimes they will be cunts and be deliberately given the wrong things. Life is funny.

Europeans do not like the American service industry because we are unnerved by extreme friendliness and people faking politeness to get your money. I like Wetherspoons service because I like the fact the staff hate being there just as much as I do.

Also yeah a bottle in a supermarket outside London would set you back about £16

>> No.6864730
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>And I live on DC.