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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6852213 No.6852213 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone unironically like well-done steak?

>> No.6852217

>everyone doesn't like what I like, idiots.

>> No.6852248

You can actually make good well done steak if you actually give a fuck. My brother likes well done, so I butterfly it, salt and let come to room temp, heat the skillet to true medium, and then fry it in butter while spooning it over the top. Pretty damn good, especially with a fried egg on top.

>> No.6852256

My dad cooks well done steak, then cooks it for an extra 5 minutes. The result is a dry flavourless piece of shit that's only redeeming quality is whatever sauce it's served with.

I eat medium rare steaks :^)

>> No.6852261

to some people, well-done steak is the only way they've tried steak because they're afraid of food borne illness.

even well-done steak is good since it's still steak but it's not as good as medium, medium-rare, rare, etc.

>> No.6852323

Because they're hypochondriacs with a fear of getting something from undercooked meat.

>> No.6852368
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I accidentally over cooked my steak the other day to where the meat looked fucking grey.
It wasn't tough at all and tasted fine, even though I like my steak medium rare. People on this board like to shit themselves over a well done steak to fit in.

>> No.6852409


fucking fuck off

>> No.6852410
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I like to shit on well done steak because every well done steak I've had was shit

>> No.6852413

Closet vegetarians who don't like being reminded where their meat came from.

>> No.6852767

I like my meat to be dry and fibrous

cooking steak through makes it all fairly equal, so "better steak is raw" became a food meme

>> No.6852789

Eating raw meat is just weird

>> No.6852797

They got tired of ironically liking medium-well steak.

>> No.6852801

because they dont want to get brain-parasites that turn you into a feggit.

>> No.6852915

Because the texture of barely cooked meat is gag-worthy.

>> No.6852945

shut the fuck up, goddamn walking intestinal parasite nest

>> No.6852947

Once you start eating raw meat you might as well eat da poo poo like homosexuals.

>> No.6852960

it's good for cutting it into very thin stripes and putting it on salad or sandwich

>> No.6853099
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if the steak is less than an inch thick well done isnt that bad at all.

sometimes when i cook really thick t bones they have thinner parts on them that end up well done and its just fine.

>> No.6853343

Why would anyone unironically like anything, that I have to pretend, that I hate, because in that scenes in my life, I feel my dead fathers breath on my neck, and I feel, that he is smiling, and satisfied with me? "I AM ADULT, DAD, AND I AM A GOOD MAN, AS WAS YOU !!! I READ BOOKS, DRINK TERRIBLE STRONG WHISKEY, WITHOUT ICE AND WATER, AND SMOKE CIGARS! I am adult, I am strong. I don't overcompensate... Oh, wait. Maybe "

>> No.6853352
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raw steak, something something faggots and bread

>> No.6853417
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Where do you fall on the autism spectrum?

>> No.6853447

Because I actually get a fuckin worm in my intestines

>> No.6853464
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>> No.6853936
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>It's not even seared outside
What a complete fuck up

>> No.6853949

Well Done doesn't mean overdone, sadly many restaurants over cook meat and Well Done becomes a leather shoe.
In a good steak house that properly prepares a Well Done steak it can be pretty damn good.
I personally prefer Rare.

>> No.6853990

>All these people thinking they're better than those who like well done
>I eat medium rare :^)
You're just as bad as them, faggots.

>> No.6854016

Anyone who doesn't eat their meat rare is a waste of human flesh.

>> No.6854324

Because they're black

>> No.6854846

>salt and let come to room temp, heat the skillet to true medium, and then fry it in butter while spooning it over the top

KEK you must be an American.

>> No.6854890

>eat well done burgers
>eat well done roast
>in soups
>in sandwiches
>beef ribs
>eat well done all the time
>chicken cooked to well done
>pork cooked to well done
>all sorts of other meat cooked to well done

>b-buh mah stake!!!!!!

The talented can serve a well-done steak and have it be tender and juicy. It is not going to be the same as medium-rare, or anything else, but it can be good in its own right. You have to choose a good cut of beef from a quality cow, have the temperatures and size just right for the method you're using, and know how to work it just so---it's not a "grab any supermarket steak out the fridge and cook it just right" kind of thing. But if we accept well-done meat in a myriad of other ways, why troll so hard on the steak front?

>> No.6855019

This guy gets it

>> No.6855045

Chicken fried steak is good well done. Ideally you want it damn near burnt, then smothered in gravy that's then smothered in fresh ground black pepper.

>> No.6855050

pork chops
lamb chops
beef chops

all chops are best with a little pink in the middle

>> No.6855056

also many fish steaks are good rare, like beef steaks.

>> No.6855060

I can put canned potatoes in my soups and people won't know the difference, but to serve them by themselves? would never pass.

We spent centuries learning how to cook less ideal cuts of meat so that they are palatable, but there is no reason to degrade the good cuts with these subpar cooking methods.

>> No.6855088


This has to be a troll post.

>> No.6855163
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>> No.6855168

What cut is that?

>> No.6855393

Some believe that any meat not "well done" is raw and will get you sick. (Which is true with pork and poultry.)

They don't how to steak.

>> No.6855398


>> No.6855411


>pork and poultry cooked anything under well-done will get you sick

Now you're just being an obvious troll.

>> No.6855428

Better gif, didn't realize it was a tumblr gif. I don't know. Reverse image search it.

>> No.6855429

a movie, not the spice
bretty good/10

>> No.6855431

The anime Paprika. I've never seen it.

>> No.6855438

i cook all my food well done tbh i cant afford any fancy dancy food

if you can convince me not to then go for it

>> No.6855449

Looks cool. Thanks!

>> No.6855456
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lol I forgot to post the freaking gif

>> No.6855477
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>not eating your steak seared and bloody
>hating meat this much
Medium rare is good too but well done and it's like what's the point

>> No.6855490



y else eat food

if i wanted something tasty id have a glass of cola

>> No.6855529


>reposting the same gif in every single thread

>> No.6856052

Ribeye will still be tender even when well done. A thick steak cooked well done will still be on the dry side though.

If you want well done just slice it as thinly as possible or not. Doesn't matter as long as you enjoy it.

Some people here probably just see STEAK and think it's all the same. I bet half of the complainers here Unironically use 2 inch chuck steaks.

>> No.6856097

My grandfather liked his steak cooked like leather and would
He liked his fish absolutely dry, no seasoning, sauce or oil same with chicken
It was always interesting when we went out to eat

>> No.6856121

My grandfather was the same way. Going out to eat with him was always fucking embarrassing.

He would always order either steak or a burger well done, then would complain that it wasn't cooked enough. He would also dump a ton of salt and hot sauce all over pretty much everything he ate and then complain that everything tasted the same. And god help the server if they were a minority, he would barely acknowledge their existence and more often then not would relay his order and complaints/instructions through one of my parents instead of talking directly to the person.

If they were white it was ok, but he would still be needlessly condescending towards them and treat them like literal servants.

And tipping? HA. He never tipped anyone, ever. My parents always ended up leaving a tip on the table after he got up and left the table.

But at least it got better when he got older and started going senile since he apparently forgot how to be an asshole and got a whole lot more reasonable.

>> No.6856125

>butcher uses the same knife that was used on pork
enjoy your trichinosis :^)

>> No.6856146
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>> No.6856194

I've started aiming for rare when I cook, or asking for rare when I eat out, because more often then not it turns out overdone anyway.

>> No.6856204

My grandfather and two of my uncles liked all their meat well done. I think it's a fussy eater squeamish thing, because they were all men who were scared of anything more complicated than meat and potatoes, and not at all fans of bold flavors.

My nieces got those genes, but instead of manifesting in a preference for how they like their meat cooked it's phobias about specific kinds of foods (beans, seafood, mushrooms, onions).

>> No.6856420


>> No.6856442

>little pink in the middle
Color isn't an indicator of doneness. It can be well done with some pink inside.

>> No.6856453

If you're Mexican or Hispanic you like well-done steak

>> No.6856464

not sure, but if i had to guess id say tenderloin

>> No.6856484

When someone orders a steak well done
It better not be a little pink in the middle
It will just be sent back

>> No.6856578

you can add Arabs to that list too.
I know a guy who would even order burger king burgers well done. He would say "I dont want to risk it." every time.

>> No.6856900
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But they're already made well done even before reheating

>> No.6856913

My mom grew up as a backwoods survivalist and never managed to enjoy rare stakes even after joining society

No other xcuses really

>> No.6856916

If i wanted to eat raw meat i wouldn't even bother putting it into frying pan in the first place.

>> No.6856928


colour is a pretty clear indicator of doneness

>> No.6857310


>implying i want worms from boigahs because of its FUCKING GROUND MEAT

>implying GOOD roast beef is well done

>implying soups arent made with tougher cuts which benefit from the breaking down of proteins to make it tender

>sandwiches what kind of sandwiches

>beef ribs is cooked to breakdown point of meat for hours on end so it melts

>chicken actually has free salmonella

>pork is good a little pink too

well done steak is cooked like 10 minutes a side, not enough to break down proteins, but enough to evaporate all the water inside of the meat.

fuck you

>> No.6857391

I prefer my steak well done

I just hate how rare shit tastes/feels. I don't like it juicy or anything, just my personal preference.

I get and understand that it's generally 'worse' meat, but that's what i prefer.

superior autistic nerdlords seem to think i need to intentionally eat something I don't enjoy. I have had both kinds plenty and I've always preferred well to rare, with a few exceptions

you faggots are almost as bad as those insufferable cunts who whenever someone brings up how the weather is hot/cold they say without fail about how this is nothing and how much worse it was whereever they grew up, as if someone cared

>> No.6857675
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Even rare steak isn't raw you fucking retard

>> No.6857688
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>implying that rare, medium rare, and medium steak will automatically give you parasites
Grow up you fucking pussy.

>> No.6857977

Consistency mostly. It also cooks the most fat off the meat. Ever notice how most really fatty shit like prime rib is always eaten rare as fuck? I prefer leanness and doneness. If you cook really questionable cuts of meat you will prefer well done. I also eat a lot of wild game and obviously you want that stuff well done (except MAYBE venison, which still has parasites). But the real reason all the foodies hate well done steak is because the undercooked meat parasites have taken over their brain and forced them to promote undercooked meat so the parasites can survive/reproduce in well-fed human hosts instead of cows.

>> No.6858004
File: 40 KB, 500x500, People+laugh+at+this++_2a6e188589a804aa57aff03d3db969a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a soggy mush of meat in between two buns makes a good burger

>implying roast beef tastes good raw

>proving anon's point

>roast beef sandwiches for one

>proving anon's point

>2015; Eating raw chicken

>implying a little pink in pork is the same as a little pink in beef

Sod off you little bitch, only little edge lords say fuck you when ending a post

>> No.6858016

>But at least it got better when he got older and started going senile since he apparently forgot how to be an asshole and got a whole lot more reasonable.

Which pretty much means he actively went out of his was to be an asshole. That takes dedication. I can respect that.

>> No.6858027

My dad pretty much can't eat steak less than well done because his teeth aren't so good.

>> No.6858044

>Ever notice how most really fatty shit like prime rib is always eaten rare as fuck?

Since when?

The leanest and most tender cuts are fine cooked rare but you're doing it wrong if you're not cooking prime rib to at least medium rare as you're not getting the best flavor if you have cold fat in the middle of your steak.

>> No.6858056
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>cooking meat
>eating warm food

all of you get the fuck out. if you aren't eating hand cut fillets straight from the squirming bellowing body of a still living calf you clearly have no tastes and your clearly a poor vegan faggot.

>> No.6858073

Babby's first troll. Nawww.

>> No.6858091

I feel the same way about weather. I used to always insufferably pick on friends from up north when they'd come down during Fall and complain about the heat, until I went up North the first time and realized that it was unsufferably hot there in July just like it is here. And then I went again, further, and realized I can't handle their cold. I generally don't pick on people's weather preferences anymore.

>> No.6859430

The best way to make a homemade taco is taking a cut of not too expensive ribeye, freeze it, then slice them into 1/4" strips. Put it in a skillet with a little bit of oil that can handle high temps and bring it almost to smoking, and sear the shit out of it. It's thin and juicy, and awesome.

On thick cuts, medium rare.

>> No.6859511

some people don't like the slightly bloody taste you get

who the fuck seriously cares goddamnit just eat your food the way you like it

>> No.6859521

That makes no sense. Rare and medium rare are easier to chew. Well Done is the hardest to chew

>> No.6860079

>who the fuck seriously cares

Steak purists, that's who. They're more annoying that coffee snobs and cheese snobs.

>> No.6860121

and none of them can typically cook worth a shit

>> No.6860149

>and none of them can typically cook worth a shit

Except, of course, steak.

That's why they care.

>> No.6860191
File: 91 KB, 945x552, chicken medium rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nice it would be if the chickens we eat weren't all diseased.

>> No.6860199

Is more blood supposed to give it more flavor?

>> No.6860201

>chicken medium rare.jpg
That is blue rare

>> No.6860212
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It's not blood, it's myoglobin. And yes, overcooking meat destroys flavors. This is not exactly negotiable. Heat destroys things.

>> No.6860238

it also cooks things. theres a place between raw and overcooked. imo anything below a properly cooked med rare is unercooked. i think the rare thing is alot about dick wagging, especially here.

>> No.6860246

You would think, but then again when he tried medium rare with me about a few years back he choked on it very bad. Luckily not hospital visit bad, but worse than he has ever had with well done steaks.

>> No.6860247 [DELETED] 

Cooking automatically means the subject is being broken down.

>> No.6860254

Cooking automatically means the subject is being broken down.

>> No.6861311

I am more upset that that steak was pan fried and not grilled.
But really well done steak isn't bad it is just like a really good hamburger.
Best reason to eat a well done steak is that you are in the mood for steak sauce and can't bring yourself to spoil a perfectly good medium steak with sauce. Sometimes I make minute steak just so that I can use some A1

>> No.6861385

Wrong. Each piece of meat should be cooked to a different temperature based on many factors. There is no perfect temp that encompasses every piece of beef.

>> No.6861455
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>medium rare
>raw inside

Troll harder

>> No.6861468
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>eating meat

>> No.6861485

Yes, I would, thank you

>> No.6861514

No, YOU fuck off

>> No.6861557

It's true. He definitely wanted people to take his post seriously and react accordingly. How silly! Didn't he realise how unbelievable his claim was?

>> No.6862373

The real question should be:

Why would anyone eat something for the purpose of being ironic

>> No.6862374

Cooking it fully kills all the nerves, so the cow doesn't feel pain.

>> No.6862377

I have religious friends that chew me out for liking rare because the bible is against eating animal blood or whatever. They refuse to eat any meat that is even slightly pink, calling me a vampire for enjoying my steak with flavor.

I'm not a Jew so the old testament rules shouldn't apply to me anyways.

>> No.6862685

People who think the liquid in meat is blood should be shot or sterilized. Stupidity like that cannot be allowed to breed.

>> No.6862743

Spotted the faggot

>> No.6862763

You realize that's a French technique called basting right? Every high end restaurant does this with their proteins, though we also add bay leaves, thyme, and sometimes Rosemary during the basting process

Also one more thing to rustle up your jimmies

We rest our proteins in a beurre monte, which is essentially a giant bath of creamy, herby butter. Makes everything taste magical af

>> No.6862865

My dad's Mexican or Hispanic and he likes his steak medium rare

>> No.6862879

>eating food for the taste
You wanna know how I know you're obese?

>> No.6862904

Why do faggots with wrong opinions like you always post cat pictures? I feel like I can safely disregard any post with a cat picture at this point

>> No.6862908

Because I'm too scared of under cooking food and getting ecoli or something.

>> No.6862912

Fajitas are good.

>> No.6863601

To be fair many of them are black, so I give them some leeway.

>> No.6863632

People now think it's so god damn black and white

Warmed raw beef in the center surrounded by a respectably thick ring of cooked beef is entirely the best option.

>> No.6864135

you fucking meat nazis and your stupid mentality.

>> No.6864670

because my autism has me convinced that pink = under cooked, its pretty fucking annoying

but I also happen to like things a little more "done" and/or crispy than most people, no matter what it is

>> No.6866311

Let's see, kind of hard to explain but I'll try ummmm

Because fuck you, that's why.