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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6837108 No.6837108 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite frozen pizza?

As one of the less expensive brands, Red Baron tends to be slightly higher quality for the low price.

>> No.6837114
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>> No.6837117

Red Baron supreme.

>> No.6837134
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>> No.6837186

Can anyone recommend some to me?
I can't have red baron, I have a sick allergic reaction

>> No.6837206

well what is it exactly you're allergic to? if it's in one brand there's a good chance it's in the other brands as well

>> No.6837249

Uno's and then Freschetta's

>> No.6837252

It's probably the sauce. I've had other pizzas before and was fine.

>> No.6837261

You could narrow it down by comparing similar ingredients.

>> No.6837272

Apparently people who also get a sick allergic reaction have asked before me what is specifically in it.

Red Baron responds with "Secret Spices" and what not.

>> No.6837278

Red Baron Supreme Pizzas, 3 for 10, I need to pick some more up

>> No.6837320

I'm with these guys. Red Baron is good for what it is. Premium brands are usually not that much better. There's no way a frozen pizza can be anything but a frozen pizza. Red Baron in my experience is the best quality for the price.

I usually eat the whole thing though, so I only buy them when I really want to feel like a fat fuck. Along with a case of beer, because if I'm already eating that many calories, do I have any reason not to drink a case of beer?

>> No.6837338

Doesn't red baron taste exactly alike to tombstone?

>> No.6837354

frozen pizza is garbage

>> No.6837397

Little Caesars $5.00>Frozen

Frozen pizza has to be under $5.00 to be worth it.

>> No.6837407

No such place as LC here unless I venture into a ghetto.

>> No.6837411

Trader Giotto's Pizza is only 3.99 and it's better than little caesars and red baron.

>> No.6837426

>Frozen pizza has to be under $5.00 to be worth it

Well yeah, obviously. Aren't most of them around $5 or less? Stuff like digiorno's is a waste of money, you might as well get a real pizza for that price.

>> No.6837437

A real pizza costs 3x as much.

>> No.6837442
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it's good

>> No.6837456

I think that might be the one I started seeing in my supermarket. It came out of the blue and the markets have tons of them. They are flooded.

>> No.6837628

wagner steinofen pizza

>> No.6837630

Good yes, but too damn expensive for a frozen pizza.

>> No.6837684

Britfag here.
The tesco meat feast pizza for £2 is pretty fucking good tbh.

>> No.6837720

Digornos cheese stuffed crust pizza, because the crust is objectively the worst part of any pizza.

>> No.6837723

I agree here. Great for after a good smoke out.

>> No.6837750


>> No.6837759
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>> No.6838007

Too expensive.

>> No.6838009
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This is weird because the pizza looks better IRL that on the package.

>> No.6838012

I remember when Digiorno had that deep dish pepperoni pizza.
That was the ultimate shit to eat, ever.
Whatever happened to that, anyway?

Oh sweet, first post on /ck/. I hope to learn a lot from you all.

>> No.6838031
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>> No.6838039

Trader joe's. Typical supermarket brands are overpriced.

>> No.6838042

I prefer the Red Baron Brick Oven pizza to the Classic Crust.

>> No.6838043

>What's your favorite frozen pizza?

cmon. not worth eating. bake your own fucking pizza from scratch.

>> No.6838051


A lot of people can't into making their own even if they had the time/inclination.

>> No.6838070

I don't have a pizza baking stone or whatever it's called.

>> No.6838087
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>> No.6838091

>Buying vegetables
>not sewing seeds, growing and tending your own produce
>Buying pasta
>not milling your own grains for semolina and flour
>Tinned tuna
>not harpoon fishing your skipjack from the Mediterranean
I doubt you glass blow your own wine glasses either you scrub

>> No.6838095


>> No.6838102
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i like these... <$4

>> No.6838112


Pretty sure frozen pizza exists solely for times when going out isn't an attractive or feasible option.

Echoing Red Baron.

>> No.6838124
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home run inn

>> No.6838212

I've eaten a LOT of frozen pizza in my time, but I'm really picky about it. I mean if I'm drunk and hungry who cares, throw that shitty Celeste in the microwave and lets do it, but otherwise, there's only a few brands I actually enjoy. Newman's, CPK, Fruschetta (Freschetta?). I can barely even eat shit like Digiorno and Red Baron, like most frozen pizzas their sauce to cheese ratio is dogshit, and you wind up just eating sauce covered bread after half a slice. Which might be okay if the sauce wasn't shit. Is it really that hard to just throw some sugar in your sauce like every other decent pizza place on the planet? It's pizza sauce, not marinara for god's sake. Their thin crust variety is better, but still nothing special.

If the choice were up to me and money wasn't an option, California Pizza Kitchen all the way for me.

>> No.6838222

Icas egna
pleab pls

>> No.6838419
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>/ck/ being connoisseur and particular about their frozen pizzas
Good grief

>> No.6838624

heggies. god tier.

>> No.6838644
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>> No.6838651

Those are awesome. dat crispy crunch and roof of mouth burns

>> No.6838657


>> No.6838663
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Not really a fan of frozen pizza but pic related is pretty damn good

>> No.6838682

no it doesn't. you can get a large brooklyn for $9 at dominos. some places have $6 pick up specials

>> No.6838711
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>> No.6838715

I know it's subjective, but I prefer most brands of frozen pizza to Dominoes/Pizza Hut/Papa Johns

>> No.6838721

that's because you have shit taste. that's not even subjective. it's fact.

>> No.6838727

ikr, frozen pizza is trash. only americlaps can take this shit seriously

>> No.6838737

Nah, if I'm going to order from a chain there are better ones than the big three. Happys, Jets, Hungry Howies...even Passport Pizza is better. If those were my only options I'd go Digornio

>> No.6838742

i'd rather starve than eat frozen shit. or better yet, how about you eat a fucking homemade salad for once, fattie?

>> No.6839037
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>> No.6839046

Chicago Town

>> No.6839050

enjoy your fuckin cheesepile on your pie crust

>> No.6839063

>how about you eat a fucking homemade salad for once

I had a cousin who would usually eat salad. He turned out to be a faggot.

>> No.6839073

why is it so watery? did you drop it on the floor and then washed it off in the sink?

>> No.6839078


You know you can fucking buy pizza dough @ Traded Joe's? So all you have to do is stretch it out and bake it. Does that seem impossible to you? /ck/ should have a subboard for SHIT FOOD.

>> No.6839081 [DELETED] 

wow not only do you swedecucks not remove kebab you embrace it

>> No.6839095

I would never shop at a place like Trader Joes, they're too LGBT

>> No.6839138

>real pizza

>> No.6839144

>unironically eating Walmart trash

>> No.6839148

iirc those aren't frozen but refrigerated.

>> No.6839153

>eating frozen pizza

Good Lord.

>> No.6839183
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I have no self-respect.

>> No.6839185


>> No.6839191

being a faggot must run in the family then

>> No.6839285
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These were pretty awesome. When I was in college in the East Coast they were everywhere. I moved to the Midwest after I graduated and haven't seen one in years.

Anyone know if they still make these?

>> No.6839304
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>go to store
>see 10 for $10
>oh god yes

these little fuckers were amazing. Use to eat them all the time

>> No.6839330

Definitely Jacks, they are so perfect and thin and crispy.

>> No.6839332

freschetta 4 lyfe
dat crust

>> No.6839994

I do love me the garlic crust one

>> No.6840289

Anyone else make tombstone pizzas and they end up curling and all the sauce and cheese pools in the middle and the edges get burnt?

>> No.6840299

This, without a doubt

>> No.6840319

is this bait?

>> No.6840324

>wants more sugar

how much of a disgusting shit are you?

>> No.6840329


top kek

>> No.6840334

this. have some self respect

>> No.6840368

Actually, as someone who fucking hates walmart. These are actually worth going there for.

>> No.6840380

I wouldn't trust walmart with anything refrigerated. Too many times people come away with mold on the food because of breaks in the cold chain. I wouldn't trust the frozen either.

>> No.6840409

DiGiorno literally reinvigorated the frozen pizza game with rising crust technology. Whenever I can get one on sale to tuck away in the freezer, I go for those.

>> No.6840416

I don't understand why anyone buys frozen pizza.
It is so piss easy to make from scratch, and it tastes better too.

>muh convenience
You can even freeze the dough if you're so fucking busy.

>> No.6840418

30 minutes from freezer to stomach, including oven pre-heat, for $5-10

>> No.6840422

You can do that with homemade dough for a lot less. And it won't taste like shit.

>> No.6840425

I'll give you the real reason then.


>> No.6840433

There's probably more effort put into jacking off vigorously than there is making a simple pizza dough, but maybe
that's just me.

Or maybe i've just had too many shitty frozen pizzas in my youth and i'm biased.

>> No.6840435

Nice, that covers the dough part.

I'm not arguing with you btw, just playing devil's advocate.

>> No.6840436

I know, I just can't stand frozen pizza.

>> No.6840438


Because it's much more expensive and time consuming to make it yourself, you moron.

>Why do people buy cheap, pre-made food instead of cooking it themselves?

Because I have better things to do than cooking every meal I eat with my own hands.

>> No.6840449

still tastes like shit though

>> No.6840474


>more expensive

Are you retarded? Homemade pizza dough literally costs pennies - flour is what, 60 cents a pound?

>> No.6841260

No it's not. Every single time I cooked this pizza it's always come out tasting watery and not all the way cooked.
No it's not my oven everything else is cooked normally in it, and yes I cook it for the exact amount of time. Don't get me wrong I tried 3 different kinds and really wanted to like it but its shit

>> No.6841288


The pizza is okay, but I do really like the box.

>> No.6841442


>> No.6841462

>Because it's much more expensive and time consuming to make it yourself, you moron.
No it isn't you stupid cunt.
It takes like 15 minutes to prepare a dough. If you're not an impatient fuckwit you can prepare the dough in advance and freeze it.

How fucking long do you think it takes to top a pizza? How do you think pizza shops have such a quick turnaround?

How have you not choked on your tongue yet you stupid blithering cunt?

Also, homemade is much cheaper.
I feel bad for your mother, it must be horrible changing your diaper for the last 20 years.

>> No.6841470

Mein Red Baron Niegars.

>> No.6841487

tombstone, usually throw some hot sauce, jalapenos, or other cheeses on it. Always pretty good for being garbage

>> No.6841491

I get them all the time, never had that happen

>> No.6841510

Came here to post this. Easily the best frozen pizza I've ever had. No contest.

But for the price, $8 I think, you might as well hit up your local carry out.

>> No.6841512
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What this niggaroni said.

>> No.6841792

Good pizza takes 24 hours to proof.