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6836060 No.6836060 [Reply] [Original]

Is a Carbon Steel pan a good substitute for a cast iron skillet?

I moved into a new place, and my roommate has a glass-top stove like my old house. I found myself constantly scratching the last one though with my Lodge Skillet, so I went ahead and left it at home. He's kind of anal about cleanliness, so I feel like if I scratch the stove, he will have my fucking head. So I was looking into getting something that won't scratch the stove nearly as bad if you accidentally move it.

Was looking at the DeBuyer Mineral B.

>> No.6836297

Yeah they're pretty similar. Although I'm not sure they're less likely to scratch a glass cooktop compared to cast iron.

>> No.6836377

Well I sorta assumed since they are lighter and smoother in terms of finish

>> No.6836412

But they are also harder (scratch hardness)

>> No.6836437

Yep, I prefer cooking on stainless steel myself you can get just as good a sear on stainless as with cast iron.Thicker steaks may need a minute more in oven with stainless steel because cast iron has a better heat emissivity.

>> No.6836477

Parrots are Top Tier pets.

>> No.6836484

>glass-top stove
That's so horrible. Why do people do this?

>> No.6836729

Hm, interesting then. Bit of a bummer, as I usually used my cast iron for all meats and nonsticky items. I don't have anything to fry bacon in currently for my breakfast except the owner's teflon 8 incher that's kinda shit. Feels SUPER bad

How is the nonstick properties of stainless steel? I've used a few old pots but no skillets. For instance, I wouldn't want say my bacon to get stuck on it or something, but I also want it to cook as well as my cast meme skillet

birbs are always best in general

I fucking hate it. I'd rather have a normal electric or a gas stove. It's probably because so many people stopped cooking with heavier cookware (if cooking at all) and it just was easier to keep clean. It might be ceramic, but it still sucks

>> No.6836738

All steel is carbon steel.

>> No.6836781

I would try to find one with a copper bottom. Softer than glass, shouldn't scratch it

>> No.6836787

Carbon steel is a cooking term to differentiate from stainless.

>> No.6836795

Carbon steels are a subdivision of steel types called out by the word "carbon" as an adjective.

>> No.6836900

Some people use something called a heat diffuser. Be sure you buy something actually designed for a glass stove. Not sure if it works though.

>glass stove
I have one and I fucking hate it. Electric too. I just miss the gas stove back in my old home.

>> No.6836939

Stainless steel is not non-stick at all. We actually want a fond to form when using stainless. Then we deglaze to make a pan sauce.

>> No.6837419

Add a little oil and properly preheat pan and nothing really sticks if you slightly move it after a minute or so.

I use my stainless pan for spatchcocked roast chicken plenty of fond makes it into my gravy.

>> No.6837425

Because it looks like an induction stove, so you can imagine you have the best electric stove possible.

>> No.6837698

That might be good, anybody else used one and wanna comment if it cooks just as well?

>> No.6837706

As opposed to a gas powered glass stove, retard?

>> No.6837758

Does anybody know where I would find a heat diffuser for a 12 inch skillet on an electric stove? Biggest I've found is 8 inches so far

>> No.6837785

Because it's the easiest to clean.

>> No.6838152

It isn't that much easier to clean though.

>> No.6838160

Because not everyone can afford to have a top of the line chefs kitchen dickhead

>> No.6838221

Why not just normal electric stove plates rather than a glass top then?

>> No.6838233


Because a glass-top stove is super easy to clean: just a single flat surface to wipe down.

On the other hand a coil-top stove requires messing with the coils themselves, the drip pans, and the rest of the stove itself. If something boils over and gets underneath the top of the stove then there's even more crap to clean.

The glass top stoves are also more efficient as there is better insulation on the underside of the heating element.

>> No.6838293

It's pretty easy to clean m8, just scrub with baking soda daily or weekly.

>> No.6839219

I suppose that's fair. I usually just gave my shit a wipe down and that was ALWAYS more than enough fine. I feel like unless you do a fuckload of frying, it is sort of a nonissue

>> No.6839887

What's a good entry level carbon steel skillet?

>> No.6840582

DeBuyer Mineral B

Also, I assume that something like a carbon steel pan wouldn't scratch a glass stove at all since it is smoother and lighter...right?

>> No.6840795

Well it weighs the same as your average stainless still skillet doesn't it? And is a lot smoother than cast iron.

>> No.6841660
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OP here.

So I'm thinking of just using my lodge skillet on the glass top stove anyways. I think the lesson I can learn from my house is "put it down and don't fucking touch it and move it because that is what will scratch it"

Is this sound advice? Is this something that is doable? Or should I look into something else?

I cooked bacon in a nonstick skillet and it took for fucking ever and I had the heating element cranked. I can't spend that fucking long cooking meats and shit, that's a fucking nightmare. Just don't wanna scratch the stove and have the guy flip shit.

>> No.6841908

awww those birdies are so cute. do you have pet cockatoos?

>> No.6841953
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Nope just a metric fuckton of birb images

>> No.6841964
File: 271 KB, 960x1280, cute little birdy 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats pretty cool. i love birds so much

>> No.6842021

Merica runnin shit as per yuge