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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6826430 No.6826430 [Reply] [Original]

What sci-fi/fantasy food or drink would you like to have?

I would like to try Sapho Juice

>> No.6826438

>not picking the spice

>> No.6826445

Millsport Coffee

>> No.6826458

spice is addictive, and more of a drug than a foodstuff
what is millsport coffee?

>> No.6826461
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tastes like cinnamon m8

>> No.6826465

coffee from millsport

>> No.6826473


I cannot find where that sci-fi universe is from

>> No.6826480


>> No.6826612
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Well shit dude, why not these?

>> No.6826633
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"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."

>> No.6826634

where's the recipe?

>> No.6826642

Jelly beans from Harry potter, senzu bean from dbz

>> No.6826660
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That Harkonnen bug juice looks like it would go well with vodka.

>> No.6826667

The recipe, Atreides...

>> No.6826673

It also extends your lifespan by several hundred years and awakens latent prescience.

>> No.6826676
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>senzu bean from dbz
I remember one time in school we were supposed to come up with a drink. It was a contest and we could put whatever we wanted in it and my team made some pineapple/Cola/cherry drink and called it Senzu bean cola.

>tfw we didn't win.

>> No.6826685

Senzu beans are shown to taste no better than common raw beans, so no wonder you didn't win.

>> No.6826686


>> No.6826689
File: 242 KB, 504x336, Lexx_food_gruel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not against trying out some gruel made by The Lexx, the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes.

>> No.6826697
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>> No.6826699
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How could this post go so long without the obligatory soylent green wafers?

>> No.6826701
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A bottle of Viper.
the shit that made people melt in Street Trash

>> No.6826703

Faggots drinking synthahol or whatever those commie faggots call it. YAWN!

>> No.6826706


wow, i just had flashbacks to the early 2000s.. damn, man.

>watching lexx and farscape with dad
>don't even talk to dad anymore

man, i wasn't ready for these feels.

>> No.6826709

It's never too late to talk with your dad, he's only one you'll get. I don't claim to know the reasons but I know surface stuff can boil over and seem like a lot more than it is... I used cooking terms!

>> No.6826716

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It sounds gnarly.


>> No.6826731

According to the production team, Hasperat is just a tortilla spread with cream cheese and topped with diced peppers.

>> No.6826739
File: 704 KB, 863x526, Joey's_Colon_Blow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds as good as Colon Blow

>> No.6826742

But the Bassets all flavour beans were a real product at least during the first films release.

I remember them having a spicy one and a snot flavour.

>> No.6826747

In the box...

>> No.6826782


thanks, anon.

maybe i'll give him a call. it's just hard after and it gets harder the longer i wait.. it's easier this way but still feels bad man

>> No.6826818
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>> No.6826865


>> No.6827177
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Nothing says "Good Morning" like a big bowl of hearty Thulsa Doom stew.

>> No.6827179
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>> No.6827535

This is the best thread I have seen on /ck/
Maybe I will dig up my spice melange recipe.

>> No.6828095
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>> No.6828103
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Tea, Earl Grey, Hot

>> No.6828107

That Dune movie was awful.

>> No.6828130
File: 37 KB, 480x360, raktajino_mug_quarks_ref_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, just Klingon drinks in general, they're some really hardcore shit

>> No.6828157

it had its moments but yeah it was a little too gross

>replicated earl grey

you drink synthehol don't you?

>> No.6828192

it's probably just four loco

>> No.6828198

that reminds me of a movie where they had this green goop with stuff in it.. and I can't remember the movie.. help!

>> No.6828200

I don't think it's alcoholic though

>> No.6828208

One of the things I didn't like was that they tried to stick too closely to traditional choreography in the fight against Feyd-Rautha, so it looks kinda like a fencing match from a play, when the fight actually was very fast-paced and only appeared to take long at all because of Paul's Bene Gesserit training and mentat abilities giving him time to deduce stuff like that one of his blades was poisoned and which one was it.

>> No.6828210

Maybe the original Conan movie like in these posts >>6827177 and >>6827179? It could be that old green slime movie, then there's the original Andromeda Strain.

There's some Japanese movie I saw a long time ago where there's this green slime stuff attacking some Yakuza guys, that's pretty funny. I don't remember the name of that one, it was a decent movie, it was one of late night movies that TCM puts on from time to time during the summer.

>> No.6828217
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These are exactly how I imagined senzu beans.

>> No.6828220
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>>6828198 there was another one too, maybe two or three of them from Italy. I think the first was The Green Slime.
The chick in that went to be a James Bond hottie.

>> No.6828226
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>> No.6828231

In fact, a lot Dune's fight scenes would be very hard to translate to a screen in a way that doesn't look stupid, since when it's Paul he's usually using his prescience to look at the fight's possible outcomes or using Mentat calculation, and all Fremen or Bene Gesserit characters can move so fast that it appears like they have teleported due to the Weirding Way. Lynch realized this would look awful, especially with the special effects of the time, so he instead used the Weirding Module. And pretty much EVERYONE has seemingly superhuman strength due to being able to consciously control all of their muscles.

>> No.6828244


so you can become an even bigger autist?

>> No.6828405
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>tfw I'll never watch Farscape with my aunt ever again

>> No.6828520
File: 544 KB, 1280x800, sci-fi-helped-make-me-a-better-man-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to hijack the thread but can anyone recomend a nice sci fi movie for me?
Have not seen anything in about 4 years.

>> No.6828525

Mentats have a keen understanding of human nature, not the best, but pretty sharp, and are able to plan and connive and foresee outcomes autists lack any understanding of human interaction and nature

>> No.6828548

I can't recal a recent sci fi movie worth seeing

>> No.6828556

Its because they only make action sci fi now witch is not intellectual engaging.
No cool premise or ideas makes for dull sci fi

>> No.6828565

Lembas always looked like a type of fried bread from what I saw in the films.

>> No.6828573


>> No.6828575
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>> No.6828578

Ive seen this one but it is EXACTLY what I am looking for.

>> No.6828584
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>> No.6828590
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>> No.6828631
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>> No.6828643

That film was so shit. What was even the point?

>> No.6828648


>> No.6828658
File: 36 KB, 350x464, 1440296763077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were not enthralled with the idea of luck as a commodity ?
The underground subculture that traded and competed for it?
Do you even premise based fiction?

>> No.6828858

kek, she is getting banged by her brother

>> No.6829034

I'd like to try Skooma

>> No.6829038

be careful with that stuff

>> No.6829070
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Nuka-cola without a doubt

>> No.6830968
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>> No.6831209

just found out a market near me sells sasparilla- gonna try it out

>> No.6831218

since we're on topic, I'd like some of Ruby's casserole
I'm imagining homard a l'etouffee with a fugu tingle

>> No.6831279

no vidya pls

>> No.6831289
File: 349 KB, 567x522, SOYPACKET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may sound weird but I've always wanted to try the soy food in Deus Ex.

>> No.6831295


>> No.6831400

That was creepy as fuck. the bad acting and poor production made it even spoopier.

That scene where they watch themselves go into the storage place.... shudder.

>> No.6832005

Tried the sasparilla it was kinda like root beer but less medicinal in flavor 6/10 better than average it was main root brand

>> No.6832060

>just found out a store near me sells root-beer- gonna try it out

Jesus Christ you Bethesda drones are awful and obviously underage.

>> No.6832986


>> No.6832990

same here

>> No.6833120

Mix some cola with cream soda and mountain dew, it tastes like what you'd expect Nuka Cola to taste like

>> No.6833151



>> No.6833182
File: 40 KB, 452x372, blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lestat's blood, from Interview with the Vampire.

For obvious reasons.

>> No.6833193

Nuka Cola is actually Dr. Pepper!

>> No.6833197

A buffet of the food that makes the parents turn into pigs in Spirited Away

>> No.6833208

mah nig

>> No.6833222

was going to post this

>> No.6833324

sasparilla is not root beer

and it's obsidian pleb

>> No.6833342
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Tastes like this.

>> No.6834008
File: 405 KB, 1172x1600, Dune spice cookies recipe 2-rotated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paul's no bake spice cookies

>> No.6834012


>> No.6834022

I wonder what the stick thing Luke was eating, the one Yoda got his hands on, Luke smelled it and then threw it away.

>> No.6835885

Plus it was on sale for a dollar.

>> No.6835906
File: 27 KB, 500x243, chick-o-stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive always imagined one of these.

>> No.6836681

what is the sauce on this

>> No.6836685

I feel like it would taste like mountain dew with like an edge of actual cocaine.

>> No.6836696

Caffeine, Sacra, Amasec, Grox Steak.

>> No.6836860

>mixing a drink based entirely on fiction

Nuka could well as be coke.

>> No.6837624
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Pic related

Also weirdly always wanted to try C.M.O.T Dibbler's sausages inna bun and pies.

Addams family?
Robbin hood, men in tights?

>> No.6837685

Are you serious?

>> No.6837794

Is that why those hairy brow people have red lips?

>> No.6837807

>tfw never going to enjoy a nice big rat-meat pie or klatchian curry from a street-vendor in ank-morpork whilst walking the beat with Sgt Detritus.

>> No.6837823

Is that a Bodum?

you're right. I made my friends watch it and none of them could figure wtf was going on. I feel like the film is a supplement to reading the book, like an audio book supplements the book to read along to.

They smell better than they taste..

>> No.6837895
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>> No.6837958

It was some kind of sausage. Probably English Breakfast style, with just as much sawdust as nerf meat, tons of salt and preservatives that resist interstellar radiation for years.

>> No.6837970

Looked fuck all like a sausage, but you attempt to shitpost about countries in a peaceful thread gives you great credit.

>> No.6837976
File: 29 KB, 339x360, vladtheimplyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously implying that I implied that English breakfast sausages contain nerf meat and preservatives against interstellar radiation?

>> No.6837993

Take it to /pol/ you hommos

>> No.6838004

I wonder what sort of mental problems you have.

Please list the exact part of both of those posts that mentioned /pol/ or had any /pol/ related content. I'll wait.

>> No.6838033


Are you retarded? Did you miss the part where English style sausages were insinuated to contain all sorts of garbage ingredients? Insulting a specific country sure seems like /pol/ to me.

>> No.6838040

Well then you are a moron.

>> No.6838073

See, you just didn't do very good in terms of reading comprehension. Post >>6837958 asserted that what Luke had in his starfighter was just like an English breakfast sausage, BUT WITH THE DIFFERENCE THAT it contained
>just as much sawdust as nerf meat, tons of salt and preservatives that resist interstellar radiation for years.
Again, please show me the part where the post insulted English cuisine.

>> No.6838079


Nah, you just didn't explain yourself very clearly and are blaming the reader for your lack of clarity.

>> No.6838138

Racktajino is supposed to be like a cappuccino. So nothing "hardcore".

>> No.6839790

>Edameme XD

>> No.6839815
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It just looked like melted ice cream but I don't care

>> No.6840382

bad taste?

>> No.6840408

Street Trash

>> No.6840467

Man I forgot how hot tink was.

>> No.6840503

Otik's Spiced Potatoes.

Shits apparently medicinal as well.

>> No.6840506

Romulan ale

it's illegal so it has to be good

>> No.6840515

mingus dew from sealab 2021

>> No.6840579

Narcolethe from The Stainless Steel Rat.
Umpty candy from 2000AD/Judge Dredd.
The lotus from the iliad.

Holy shit I just realized I'm trying to get away from myself.

>> No.6841319

>is that a bodum
Yes, you can get the same one for like $5-10 on ebay. I have 4 because I'm a stupid nerd.

>> No.6841330

The Balamb Garden hot dogs. Just once, just to see what all the fuss was about.

Then I can brag about it to Zell.

>> No.6842478

The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

>inb4 religion =/= sci-fi

We gonna sin once again.

>> No.6842514

moloko plus tbh

>> No.6842529

underrated post

>> No.6842538


top fucking kek

>> No.6842624

I just finished woken furies and I don't recall anything special about millsport coffee. do you just want future coffee or did I miss something?

>> No.6844452
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Alto Wine

nice pick

>> No.6846847

>spice is addictive, and more of a drug than a foodstuff

And what do you think Sapho Juice is you shitlord other than a meth type drug?

Also Spice IS food for freemen.

>> No.6846850

>not being a mentat

>> No.6846889

> not being a Navigator
> not leaving humanity behind
do you even fold, bro?

>> No.6846916

>not wanting skooma
>i just need some balmora blue, man

>> No.6846926

Navigators are useless without orders.

>> No.6846977
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>> No.6846980

mother fucker, you're a fancy space trucker on fancy space trucker speed.

what purpose do you serve without being told where to drive the truck to and from?

>> No.6846989
File: 171 KB, 870x656, Mark_Zug_Dune_Card_Art_guild_entourage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah but I know where my truck will be, must be, before any of you hapless baseline monkeys even formulate a conscious thought on the matter
I chart the safest course

>> No.6846991

You chart a course towards where we tell you to go.

>> No.6846995

Came here to post this. I make it by combining a shot of limoncello, a shot of overproof rum, a quarter teaspoon of citric acid and another quarter teaspoon of malic acid before pouring over ice.

>> No.6847006

The Navigator Council leads the Guild. Not that a peon like you can understand all this anyway.

>> No.6847049

This thread makes my pathetic week.

>> No.6847053

>implying navigators aren't too fucked up on spice to make any decisions not related to folding space
Where would you be without Administrators? Fucking floating in spice popping to different parts of the universe all willy nilly.