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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6815414 No.6815414 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6815417


>> No.6815418
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rare steaks are quite tasty. if you enjoy well done then i respect your decision but kindly disagree with it.

>> No.6815434

I think a good diarrhea occasionally is a good thing don't you?

>> No.6815441


>> No.6815450

Never had a steak cooked more than medium, never gotten food poisoning once.

Here's a good tip about poisoning though. You can actually eat fish bait and be totally safe, but you have to add a lot of sage.

>> No.6815536

'Possible' is a very broad term.

>> No.6815561


>> No.6815739
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OP here, why do you guys have such hatred against well done steaks? haven't you ever gone out of country and wanted to make sure that your meat is well cooked with little chance of disease? c'mon guys be reasonable.

>> No.6815772
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>> No.6815777

It also implies a possibility which non risk takers don't care for. Inb4 nerd rage

>> No.6815780

But the likelihood of getting food poisoning from a rare steak is vanishingly small.

>> No.6815783


>> No.6815787

hah, i like this one.

>> No.6815805

only country I need's murika

>> No.6815812

I know that 4chan is raciss as hell but I'm just going to through this out there

black dads on the grill can make steaks that are juicy, tender, delicious and totally well done
>because black ppl don't eat raw food life is dangerous enough

so I think there is some nuance missing here to "RED IS BETTER ALWAYS" crowd. Personally i love a medium rare steak, but there is a valid way to eat well done beef that doesn't suck.

>> No.6815830

>juicy, tender, delicious, well done
it that supposed to be an oxymoron?

>> No.6815837

>le "black people do cool stuff, stupid white people get it wrong" meme

I've heard on separate occasions that real Mexican food is really spicy and white people are pathetic, can't take the heat and so make their food bland in comparison; also that real Mexican food isn't that spicy but white people miss the point, think it's all about being as spicy as possible and so make their food needlessly spicy to the point of being unpleasant. These cannot both be true.

I think if you remove black VS white, or more generally nonwhite VS nonwhite from the equation, you can get a more accurate understanding than you can by including that element, because it inevitably turns into whatever you think white people do being bad, whatever you think nonwhite people do being good.

>> No.6815840


no it's a paradox of time and space created by the black dad grilling in his slippers. Seen it many, many times.

>> No.6815847

What is there to discuss? How stupid you are?

>> No.6815869

Indeed my black fiance's uncle and father seem to grill up a juicy well done steak I theorize they cook it medium well and coast it to well done. I've asked her uncle multiple times and all he has told me was "You gotta burn that meat and feel it when it tells you its done" visiting them always reminds me of a 1990s basketball movie.

Still this is the only time I eat well done

>> No.6815875
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>possible niger
>normal person
>normal person
>normal person

>> No.6815877
File: 77 KB, 980x350, tmp_10660-boyinplasticbubble_980_3501393277029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibility of a negative outcome
>solution: avoid it
do you live in a bubble?

>> No.6815927

Hah. Weirdly enough I have a black fiance as well and yeah her family is the same way. Except I usually do the grilling cuz I like to and people know I can cook. All that kinda goes to waste anyway cuz they will get mad if I have even a tiny bit of pink in the meat. I make the ones for myself medium/medium-rare and they say I'm gonna die. When you getting married?

>> No.6815947

I never got an answer last thread. Besides the risk of food poisoning, is there any reason NOT to eat steak raw? Why can't I use another method of sterilizing steak?

>> No.6815965

The picture is how black people see steak.
>When I say "FUBU stands for Farmers Used to Beat Us", no one bats an eye.
>When I say "why am I being ignored like a medium rare steak on a black man's plate." People thinks i am KKK.

>> No.6815978


You received multiple answers, and your question is still dumb.

>> No.6815982

Surface bacteria is killed by heat. Simple enough? You could salt and dry it until all the bacteria is dead. That's beef jerky.

>> No.6816019


>> No.6816021

No hate against well done, do what you like.

OTOH, you can get away with a med - rare steak because the germs can only attach to the surface area of the meat. Steak is solid, so you only have to sear the outside to make it safe. Ground beef is virtually nothing but surface area, so you have to cook it through to make it safe.

Tldr; you can have an rare steak but not a rare burger.

>> No.6816028

well if it's a shitty non-EU steak made with bits and meat glue, yeah it'll give you food poisioning

>> No.6816038

beef is shit anyway

>> No.6816086
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please rate

>> No.6816195

2nd to last is accurate. My mom says she likes med rare steak but always cooks her steak until it's a dry med well. She hates when it's bloody and juicy

>> No.6816258

I agree with this fella here but to put a nail in it, germs can't get through the meat because it is actually so tough. so "medium rare" to bloody is ok

>> No.6816265

you do understand that all the germs that could give you food poisoning dont penetrate the outside of the beef.

I eat my porkchops medium.. and have for the past two years.

noone on /ck/ actually cooks for a living.

>> No.6817045

how can that happen?

>> No.6817065

get the fuck out nimrod