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File: 20 KB, 300x300, venison-chili-ck-780398-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6805951 No.6805951 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any good Chili recipes? Usually I just follow the Good Eats recipe, but I'd like to try something a little bit better than his basic recipe.

>> No.6806101

Lots of beans

>> No.6806118

Start with a tomato base

>> No.6806729

meat or no meat
corn or no corn
beans or no beans

lets get this all out of the way.

>> No.6806746

can somebody explain me a youropoor this "beans" or "no beans" in chili thing?

why? since when? traditional or not? links ? citations?

no shitposting, thanks

>> No.6806749

>no meat

This is how every chili should be made.

>> No.6806751

>he wants links and citations for a shitty meme

go away

>> No.6806753

It depends how you like your chili and anybody that gets upset over it is autistic

>> No.6806754

I guess autism runs rampant on 4chan though. I agree with you completely.

>> No.6806767

I make it with rice AND beans. come at me cuntlords.

no corn though because corn is nasty and sometimes if you don't chew it enough you can see it in your shit.

>> No.6806885

Heston Blumenthal has a great recipe.

>> No.6807987

tex mex still more mexican than not
rather good

>> No.6808162

Well you guys were totally useless

>> No.6808189

use butter

>> No.6808215
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>> No.6808222

came here to post your pic. that's the recipe i use, just with more chili powder. fresh ground, of course.

>> No.6808227

If you add the meat onions and garlic at the same time you will either end up with burnt onions and garlic, or meat that isn't properly caramelised. Brown the meat first yo.

>> No.6808257
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>liquid hot sauce

just because some white lady in 1950 couldn't get real ingredients at her local IGA and her husband made it into the white house doesn't mean you should slavishly follow her advice

anyone here ever heard of dried chilis?

>> No.6808269

when you make chili powder(and you should always make your own chili powder) you're just grinding up dried chilis

>> No.6808274

>chili con carne
>chili with meat

The name itself implies meat is an afterthought

>> No.6808288

chilis on their own aren't a meal you fucking mong.

chilis with meat is a meal. chilis with meat and beans is also a meal.

>> No.6808450


Some people make a big deal about it. Everyone is die hard on their stance

Texas chili cook offs don't allow beans cooked in the chili. The contest is for the meat sauce only. (meatfags never mention that it's okay to add beans afterward, just not cooked with the meat)

Beanfags enjoy the knowledge that the real cowboys (dirt poor half black/mexican fags in poverty running cattle around all day and losing fingers and legs while being burnt to fuck, not white gay porn star "cowboys") would obviously have included beans in their cheap soup

>> No.6808471


when you cook a "meat only" chili, you served it with a side like rice, pasta, beans or cornbread ? since its only a like bolognese sauce?
or you eat it like a gulash-soup ?

>> No.6808478

it's usually served with crackers, tortilla chips, or cornbread

>> No.6808594

For me it's usually something like this:

>fry some ground meat in vegetable oil
>add diced onions, garlic, salt, ground cumin, ground black pepper
>add small diced chili peppers, no seeds
>add tomato puree mixed with beef stock and wheat flour
>mix it well
>let it simmer for some minutes until thick enough
>check if there is enough tomato puree, if there isn't put more

And that's it. Add beans if you like (I can't eat those, so my recipe is beanless)

>> No.6808679

>no dried chilis/chili powder

>> No.6809894
File: 56 KB, 305x409, chiliqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6809909
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>putting beans in chili
>putting corn in chili
>putting bell peppers in chili
>using ground meat in chili
>putting beer in chili
>using tomato puree in chili
>using habaneros
>using stock cubes
>putting fucking coffee in chili


>> No.6809916

It's too bad about Kent. He was a good guy.

>> No.6809922


>> No.6809969

>heston mementhal

>> No.6809989

>no beer
>no coffee

Opinion discarded

>> No.6810424

no beans in chili.
no tomatoes in chili.

the original recipe was stewed chiles, meat and spices, but since then people have got creative and the usual additives are beans and tomatoes, since they complement the flavors and body of the dish very well.

this makes retards butthurt.

here is the original and legitimately excellent chili recipe


which matches historical recipes from the 1800's fairly well. tomatoes didn't become a staple until Wick Fowler added them in 1970 and beans were off and on after the 60's.



>> No.6810437


what a fuckin prick. brownnosed all those ruggers and then shit talked them after the fact. fuckin wanker

>> No.6810444
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>no beans in chili.
>no tomatoes in chili.

>> No.6810445

dumb frogposter

>> No.6810462

So many people argue about shit like beans and corns.

Honestly I've never been a fan of ground meat in chili. It makes the chili really thick and I almost never want to finish the last few spoonfuls. I much prefer chunks of chuck roast, chunks of/lightly shredded pork shoulder, even chunks of chicken thigh.

>> No.6810472

Sure, you are correct about "texas chili"

However, it's highly unlikely that everyone that was making chili at the time didn't use tomatoes or beans.

Also, chili pre-dates any europeans coming to the continent.

Dishes using chilies, tomatoes, various meats, and beans have been prepared in the New World for thousands of years.

When cortez was invading mexico, they were preparing pots of stewed tomatoes, chilies, and other ingredients - the meat was supposed to be cortez himself

>> No.6810477

Authentic and original doesn't mean its good. The terms only have an association with good food because of white people thinking they can substitute everything out of recipes from other countries and it'll still come out correctly. Poor people food from 200 years ago isn't going to be as good as what we have now

>> No.6810515

Implying you use a recipe with chili

>> No.6810629


read the fuckin links I posted. there is no other "original chili" other than "texas chili" that's the recipe that came from south america and it was first called chili by the late 1800s in San antonio.

everything else, including tomatoes and whatnot, is deriative

>> No.6810689
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I put a little bit of meat (like half of the recipe meat) to give favour.
I put corn if I have some, but generally no corn
I usually double the beans since I put little meat.

>> No.6810693

You're fucking stupid, your links are trash and show a blatant ignorance of culinary history of the Americas.



1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Charles C. Mann

These are both great places to start. That first link is full of great sources on this subject.

"Chili, a new world recipe, originally meant beans served in a spicy tomato sauce. This nutritionally balanced combination was known to ancient Aztec and Mayan cooks. Food historians generally agree chili con carne is an American recipe with Mexican roots. "Con carne" means with meat (Carne is the Spanish word for meat)"

>> No.6810739


>Our survey of historic newspapers suggests the original recipe was just chili (powder) and meat.
>Chili con carne is a stew that consists of meat, hot chile peppers, a liquid such as water or broth, and spices. It may or may not contain such ingredients as onions, tomatoes, or beans.
>istorians of heat can find no documented evidence of chili in Texas before 1880. Around that time in San Antonio, a municipal market--El Mercado--was operating in Military Plaza. Historian Charles Ramsdell noted that "the first rickety chili stands" were set up in this marketplace, with bols o'red sold by women who were called "chili queens."

whoa holy shit stop the fuckin presses, I was
right the whole time!!

do you even read your own links bruh?

no tomatoes
no beans

>> No.6810755

It's fucking talking about the modern dish that texans like to cling to, learn2 reading comprehension you retarded faggot

>> No.6810763


>Food historians generally agree chili con carne is an American recipe with Mexican roots.

>Today in the United States, chile con carne is usually a combination of beans, sauce and ground beef.

>> No.6810767
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is this good?

>> No.6810770

Fuck anything that douchebag makes

>> No.6812114

>minced meat
confirmed for faggot