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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 708x830, Degrees_of_steak_doneness_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6779383 No.6779383 [Reply] [Original]

This chart is ubiquitous and wrong.

Doneness isn't about how much red is left in the steak, it's about temperature. A steak can be rare in the middle and well on the outside; that's what's depicted in the left column of this chart. All of those steaks are rare inside, they were just cooked by an idiot who doesn't understand temperature control.

You're always going to have a doneness gradient in your steak, even if you're one of those souse vide assholes and it's very, very thin. Still, the goal is consistency. You want as much of your steak inside the desired temperature range as possible.

>> No.6779400
File: 31 KB, 385x200, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately this chart is everywhere, in multiple forms.

This steak is rare in the middle. And look at how much goddamn dried out well done meat there is near the surface.

I'm not going to get into what doneness is best, but I think we can all at least agree that dry gray steak is too much.

>> No.6779404
File: 55 KB, 669x375, accurate-faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more accurate chart. Unfortunately it was made by one of those souse vide faggots and is crammed with JPEG artifacts.


>> No.6779407

Uhh... everything on the internet is ubiquitous, you uneducated dunce.

>> No.6779408

The steaks on the left look like they're cooked as soon as they were pulled out of the fridge and cut without having any time to rest.

The steaks on the right are pretty much fucked.

>> No.6779412

I just d-don't like steaks, is that ok with all you anons?

>> No.6779420
File: 729 KB, 745x1073, doneness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I just ran across this chart while looking for better ones, and it made me cry tears of anger. This is from that stupid trade organization that slaps Certified Angus stickers on cow parts.

The chart STARTS at medium rare and goes up into WTF-are-you-doing territory. And all the descriptions are shifted down by one row.

FOR SHAME beef marketing consortium.

>> No.6779433

As long as your neck swings from a rope before the night is over, I'm fine with it.

>> No.6779435

That's fine but you're in a steak thread.

>> No.6779468
File: 20 KB, 280x236, 4622828177_280x236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6779473
File: 180 KB, 375x1296, lifelike texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay you beautiful pedantic bastard, the chart is popular and wrong.

Meanwhile! The best one I've found so far. Accurate temps and colors, and so much close-up detail it's almost unsettling. Kind of reminds me of that old wall-of-vaginas wallpaper from way back when.

Next time you see someone post that OP chart I want you to throw a brick at them on my behalf.

>> No.6779499


I'm a bit reluctant to post this because the dude is selling things and I ain't no shill, but the chart is good so credit where credit is due. Sauce:


>> No.6779539

While we're on the subject of not ballsing up your steak cookery, here's Cook's Illustrated once again demonstrating that the exact opposite of common sense is sometimes right.


>> No.6779549

>mentions vaginas
now all these look like fucked up vagina flesh, fuck.

>> No.6780292

any steak above medium is fucking garbage

>> No.6780631


Thanks for your input. It was constructive.

>> No.6780632
File: 134 KB, 599x415, 1355239454452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6781134

I don't get why so many people hate that I like steak well done.
I had a bad experience growing up at a friend's place. His father asked how I wanted my steak and "rare" seemed better somehow. Ever since that first bite into basically raw meat I just can't handle undercooked meat. My gag reflex is literally triggered the second I feel that texture in my mouth.

>> No.6781597

This looks like roastie meat

>> No.6781620

Idiot and weak minded

>> No.6781853

That autism tho

Just don't eat steak, you're wasting it

>> No.6782006

>tfw grew up in a family that always did their steaks VERY well done.
>tfw try a medium rare steak for the first time
>never letting my dad cook meat for me ever again
So many steaks, ruined, burnt to a crisp. An innocent steak from an innocent animal, wasted in a matter of minutes. Blackened like my raging heart.

>> No.6782017

Isn't eating anything that is not thoroughly cooked and well done risky?

>> No.6782023

Sure but so are drugs, drinking and smoking and I do all of those too. I actually like my steaks medium... I have heard that before but I don't know how much truth there is to it.

>> No.6782030


>Steak is safe to eat ‘rare’. Whole cuts of beef or lamb, steaks, cutlets and joints only have germs on the outside, so as long as the outside is cooked any potentially harmful germs that could cause food poisoning will be killed.

>> No.6783189

where's the fda approved chart?

>> No.6783689


The USDA doesn't have anything to say about culinary matters, only safety.

They say 145 for the intact flesh of four-legged mammals and 160 for ground. So if you have AIDS or are an infant and are a coward you should avoid steaks cooked below medium.

Otherwise, fuck the man.

>> No.6784506
File: 89 KB, 642x1083, 9pzup7wf6m83qb32i1lr copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about what le government says
Kill la kill yourself

>> No.6784531

can we all agree that steak tastes the best rare, should never be cooked to well done, and anyone that doesn't order it rare isn't ordering by preference, rather the preference was governed by the paranoia that they'll get sick?

well he cooked it wrong. i'll take it your friend's dad isn't a real chef. give it another shot in a proper restaurant (not outback.)

>> No.6784583

Not risky if it hasn't been mechanically tenderized to push the E Coli into it.


>> No.6784601

Lol faggot

>> No.6784652

I don't like the texture or temperature of rare steak.

>> No.6784718


Preference is opinion, which means there's no right answer. That doesn't mean there aren't popular answers, and medium-rare is the overwhelming winner by overall popularity, followed by medium.

If you want to get all besty I think most people would agree that medium-rare offers the best combination of flavor, texture, and moisture.

Ordering a steak done well because you fear food poisoning is wrong, but ordering a steak well done because you legitimately derive more pleasure from tough, dry meat is not. It's just dumb.

>> No.6784732

I like it Pittsburgh rare, so I don't want any consistency of the sort.

>> No.6784743


Completely rare throughout with a thin crust is exactly what's depicted as "blue rare" on that stupid chart, and you can't get much more consistent than completely rare throughout.

>> No.6785265

what the hell is Pittsburgh rare. I've lived in Pittsburgh all my life and never heard this. I prefer to not have food poisoning and tape worms so I get things well done.

>> No.6785282
File: 108 KB, 571x675, Fuck you ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6785297

I usually order medium.
I prefer medium rare but almost every place I've ordered that at fucks it up.
Medium is usually the safer bet at all but the best resteraunts.
The best steak I ever had was when I went to Italy, I stayed in a villa with an Italian family (exchange program) on Sardinia for a few days, the guy who owns it lives right next door and was their friend.
The first night he made medium rare steak on the outdoor grill/oven and it was the best steak I've ever eaten.
>little bit of salt and olive oil
The Italians got that shit locked down.

>> No.6785883


Nobody asked you about your preferences, but thanks for the cool story.

>> No.6785888

Besides food poisoning, is there any reason not to eat steak raw? As in, would a sterilized raw steak be the objective best steak, and is cooking it just compromising flavor for safety?

>> No.6786351


No you tard. Cooking, in particular browning, massively increases the variety and intensity of flavors. Properly cooked meat is also easier to chew and digest. Cooking also softens fats and frees moisture from tissue making it more available to your eatin' parts.

Where the balls did you get the idea that raw meat is more flavorful? That doesn't even make sense.

People do eat various meats raw. See carpaccio, tartare. But consider that in those applications the meat is ground, pounded, or sliced super thin to make it palatable, and is often dressed in various ways.

Raw meat (particularly chicken, ugh) has a strange gelatinous crunchy texture that doesn't sit well with the western palate. Maybe if you hail from the exotic orient you'd like it, but then you probably also like the texture of jellyfish and gristle.

>> No.6786552
File: 613 KB, 1312x984, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you call this?

>> No.6786610

a well-executed medium-well

>> No.6786616

rare is too chewy for me and sometimes has a metallic tang which I dislike immensely

>> No.6786620

That doesn't sound right, but if you say so. The thicker center bits were considerably more rare.

>> No.6786622

>well done steak is dry and tough and chewy!
>my chicken breast cooked to the same temperature is moist and tender!

>> No.6786637

I go by what I see
if you have a picture of the interior, I might change my diagnosis to "badly executed medium", but that's all

>> No.6786647

Aside from the bit in the top right corner of the image, the only other bit of the inside is in low light and really doesn't show much in ways of detail or color.

>> No.6786681

>beef is the same thing as chicken!

>> No.6786684

Yes, I'm inclined to stick to my original opinion