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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6776321 No.6776321 [Reply] [Original]

>it's an acquired taste

>> No.6776334

Fuck off of /ck/ with this crap.

>> No.6776370

>you only dislike it because it's not loaded with sweeteners and fat

>> No.6776419

>"you just don't know whats good"

>> No.6776444

>it's an acquired shitpost

>> No.6776445

>I once had a pallate like yourself. You too may someday transcend culinary purgatory and open your mind and spirit to higher tastes. Where you taste bitterness my body shivers and salivates in pure indescribable euphoria, good sir. Let not the childlike preference of the plebien swayeth ye.

>> No.6776506

>I liked it before it became popular.

>> No.6776519

many of the best foods are acquired tastes, some examples:


the reason you have to acquire a taste is because of its extraordinary quality

>> No.6776525


>> No.6776531

As you get older your taste buds change (and die) to start liking bitter things more. When I was younger I loved chocolate peanut butter shit like ice cream. Now I can only stomach that much sweetness if I'm high off my brain. I'd much rather have something like tart lemon custard.

>> No.6776536

>you just don't GET living on the coasts

>> No.6776539

How does that explain old people and butter scotch candies?

>> No.6776541

who the fuck actually says this

>> No.6776543


more examples:

>blue cheese

>> No.6776546

it's a bit like the island of stability for creating new elements

>> No.6776547

Everyone in the flyover threads

>> No.6776550

I bet some old people secretly shove those candies up their assholes. Then while feeding the birds they chuck the shit-butterscotch candies at passersby. I can't wait to get old.

>> No.6776552
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>only plebiens use vodka and shake martinis. A gentleman makes a proper martini using gin and only gently stirring it so to not dilute the spirits with ice. I shall make you a cocktail m'lady, a proper martini is a gentleman's drink

>> No.6776558

i hope you pass before you get old enough to do that, sick fuck.

>> No.6776565
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>picture of bond in a post that says not to shake martinis

>> No.6776566

They're for their grandchildren.

>> No.6776567

>implying flyovers aren't just midwestern fucks

>> No.6776572

not Bond. He's fat and has blonde hair.

>> No.6776578

Bitches leave!

>> No.6776579

I swear he looks like the latest bond but someone photoshopped him to be fat

>> No.6776580

Triggered vodka shitter detected.

Making a Martini with vodka over gin produces an inferior product. Not to shit on vodka either but if someone's asking for a vodka Martini they probably don't like vermouth either

>> No.6776600
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>I don't drink water from the tap

>> No.6776652

>I don't want to eat your cock, it smells

>> No.6776708

Just suck on it for a while,it'll go away.

>> No.6776783
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>> No.6776849

Tap water tastes gross in some areas compared to the filtered water.

>> No.6776876
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>I'll have a steak, m'lady. But not just any steak, heh heh, no, inform the chef to prepare my steak blue rare this evening. An uncommon request, I'm sure, but I'm an uncommon sort of man in this day and age, you see, I'm a bit like Clint Eastwood, the rough cowboy type. And m'lady, no ketchup please, ketchup is for children.

>> No.6776877

>Tough meat
>Soft meat

>> No.6776895

And beer

Beer is literally an acquired taste, since you can't acquire the taste without the acquisition of beer

>> No.6776904

I was about to say that fedora is already on its way to lose all its meaning as an insult, but you know what, this really sounds like something a fedora wearer would say.
>ketchup on steak
do people seriously do this

>> No.6776916

you really sank your teeth into that one, huh

>> No.6776926

I've tried to acquire a taste for blue cheese.

Whenever I see it offered on a menu, I order it, thinking this time it'll be good.

It's never good. I give up.

>> No.6777031

I grew up in rural area where tap water was sraight from spring, now i have shit water because had i to move to city.
>tfw no good tap water

>> No.6777037
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I laughed out loud, thanks faggot.

>> No.6777045


>> No.6777132

why do you wear a fedora?

>> No.6777137

I have an uncle who believes that a martini is any white liquor served straight up. He pours vodka in a cocktail glass and calls it a martini.

>> No.6777167

Go buy actual blue cheese instead of thinking blue cheese dressing at Buffalo wild wings is gonna be good

>> No.6777177

It's not a fedora it's a trilby.
>OP is using shitty old memes in his pathetic reaction threads.

>> No.6777178

>not pathetic

>> No.6777292


>implying anus is an acquired taste

>> No.6777305

I put tartar sauce on salmon, so anything's possible.

>> No.6777319


Well, if he had an olive that's an extra dry vodka martini..

>> No.6777324

i like getting crumbled blue cheese on my burgers, try doing that. it cuts through the grease pretty well.

>> No.6778042

Your uncle is smart

Martinis are pretty much straight liquor, especially pretentious martini drinkers.

>> No.6778173
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>it will taste good once your tastebuds have acquired Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.6778197

happy about salad
jesus christ what

>> No.6778203

It's viable if you're eating gravy beef or blade steak or something.

>> No.6778280
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>tfw OP thinks all beer is disgusting

>> No.6779675

Got a good laugh from this.

>> No.6779686

I absolutely love kimchi. It stunk to high heaven and tasted awful when I first got to Korea. After several months of being exposed to it, I became used to it. Then I began eating it. Then I began liking cabbage kimchi more than beet kimchi. Then I started missing it when it wasn't around. Now I love it.

Acquired taste.

>> No.6779694
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>Anything above medium-rare is a waste

Would you drink beer if alcohol didn't have any effect on the human body?

>> No.6779712

I definitely would. Can't have red meat without beer.

After a surgery, I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol. So I bought non alcoholic beer when I had steak, ribs or burgers.

>> No.6779721

>foul tasting rotten grape juice is acquired taste
>foul tasting american chocolate isn't acquired taste

max kek

>> No.6779722
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>Can't have red meat without beer

>> No.6779731

Your palate will naturally expand as you get older

Certain foods and beverages can have overwhelming flavors that take a bit to acclimate your taste buds too, meaning little bits at a time to adjusting to such overwhelming flavors, not "acquiring it"

Some people grow up on certain things and are more accustomed to it than others

Some people have genetically very different tastebuds

There you go, I just made you all politically and logically correct.

>> No.6779747

Correct, you tiny, blow over foreigner.

>> No.6779795

While I agree with you that even if beer didn't get you drunk I'd still drink it, your assessment that you can't have red meat without beer is wrong because red wine and whiskey exist

>> No.6779798

I like whiskey but that's for after the meal.

>> No.6779802

what makes you think anyone gives a fuck what you want, pleb.

>> No.6779810

Fair enough, I can see that. For me it really depends on what type of red meat we're talking about. A cheeseburger requires a beer, same with ribs. However, a porterhouse steak or a leg of lamb just goes better with a bottle of red. Beer is fine too, for those, but not the best choice

>> No.6779829

>implying any of those are acquired tastes

>> No.6779850

>liking garbage

>> No.6779868

I find the usual meaning of this phrase is:
It's an acquired habit

On occasion it is accurate though.
Off the top of my head, I've began to enjoy tomatoes, olives, and salmon more.

>> No.6779875

This so much.
It's one of the few foods where I simply can't tolerate it any dish.
I actually can't think of any other ingredient like this for me.

>> No.6779948


Height, weight, and nationality. Now.

>> No.6781159


I'm fine with it for hotwings, but other than that it becomes too overpowering. Even with hotwings I can't take too many dips or I get sick of it

>> No.6782718
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>I'll have my steak rare, m'lady

>> No.6782739

fucking 11 yr olds ruining ck

>> No.6782741

You are damn right about that one. The amount of useless posts has trippled since I came to /ck/, and that hasn't been a long time.

>> No.6782752

can 4chan actually give someone w/ a brain janitor on /ck/ please; this shit is just fucked up. I want moot back.

>> No.6782761

A lot of shitposters from other boards just trying to find a way to shitpost and make this their new home

>> No.6782776


That doesn't make any sense, /ck/ is way too slow for effective shitposting. Who wants to wait two hours before anyone falls for it?

I doubt Moot really cared about /ck/. He would be any help. I would second the janitor thing (is there a janitor or mod here anyways?), even if it meant that some mid-quality threads would get the boot as well.

>> No.6782778

If I take it off, will he die?