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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6770660 No.6770660 [Reply] [Original]

Why in the FUCK would someone want tiny spaghetti noodles?

>> No.6770662
File: 2.12 MB, 1813x2657, IMG_20150811_233354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, forgot I have to edit pics on mobile

>> No.6770667
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i haven't owned a fork in years

it's a scam created by big utensil to make money/cause me to shock myself on outlets

mini spaghetti is the only way

>> No.6770669


>> No.6770671

cook noodle, add to chicken broth, consume.

>> No.6770684

It'd be cheaper to buy some fucking campbells?! Why even fucking bother?
Forgive me, I'm not a huge fan of soup. Seasonal foods are ridiculous.

>> No.6770694

Usually I hate when people link to youtube but you somehow found ny soft spot for minitures.

>> No.6770703

>It'd be cheaper to buy some fucking campbells?!
are you insane? you can have soup for a week for like three dollars, or you can buy a can of campbell's noodles-and-brine for the same price.
holy shit, man. how are you even alive right now? like, how did you actually get on the internet and post that without falling down or forgetting to breathe? fucking unreal.

>> No.6770714

Lmao, chicken noodle soup is one of the few things you can get at the store for under a dollar. Who the fuck wants to eat soup for a week unless they're fucking ill.

>> No.6770722

You get too many noodles and also, by the time the powder mix is done the noodles are overcooked but if you're plebby I suppose you wouldn't mind...

>> No.6770724

alright then, why don't you go practice falling down and i'll catch up later?

>> No.6770739
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>> No.6770742

Wonder what it tastes like

>> No.6770761

To be fair you guys are arguing about powdered stock chicken soup. Unless you meant using real stock, but then why not just make an actual chicken soup?

One of the things I don't understand is baby carrots. They always taste like nothing and most of the time they're kind of whitish and dry. And more expensive than normal carrots.

>> No.6770770

underrated post

>> No.6770776

>I'm not a huge fan of soup.
You've made an enemy this day.

>> No.6770917

>powder mix
I've never gotten a can of chicken noodle soup that had powder mix... wtf?

>> No.6770920

Do you eat soup during the summer? Do you enjoy sweating while you eat? You fucking enjoy drinking warm meat liquid?

Disgusting. Absolutely vile.

>> No.6770922

Shut up, grandpa.

>> No.6770923

>sweating while you eat
How fat are you?

>> No.6770928

Cans are even worse than powder mix.

>> No.6770930

I'm chubby but not anywhere near 200 lbs.

Anyway, pretty sure anyone putting hot liquids in their body is gonna sweat, it's the same reason drinking cold water cools you down. Duh.

>> No.6770931

Naw he's got a point.
Soup in Summer is the worst shit ever. That same kind of soup a few months later is top tier.

>> No.6770937
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>> No.6770941

It's fine if you've never had good soup. Don't take it out on me though.

>> No.6770946

My grandma. She always cuts her spaghetti up with a knife and fork. But she gets a pass because she's 90.

>> No.6770949
File: 218 KB, 575x431, roasted-garlic-gazpacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't into summer soups

>> No.6770956

It's fine in the winter. And yes I have. I made it myself but eating it in the summer is a fucking mistake.

>> No.6770959

Selling beer bread mix is just unbelievable, it's just fucking flour and sugar.

>> No.6771001

this post is adorable

>> No.6771006


They're called vermicelli you uncultured swine.

>> No.6771026

Then why does it say mini spaghetti on the box.

>> No.6771030

That looks like fucking salsa. If eat the out of that with some chips.
You're probably just a savage with bad teeth so you need your food to be liquidy.

>> No.6771047


>> No.6771076

No salt?

>> No.6771129
File: 94 KB, 1300x954, vermicelli-16280057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty convenient for people with really young kids that have difficulty eating proper spaghetti, who don't have the time or energy to break normal spaghetti into tiny bite size pieces.

You're the uncultured swine. Vermicelli are nothing like that.

>> No.6771170

I know right. Vermicelli are thin, long rice noodles. I just didn't know if it was bait or not.

>> No.6771179
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>big utensil

>> No.6771503

>be at store
>see something ridiculous
>take picture
>post on /ck/


>> No.6771589

straight men are unreal

>> No.6771595

>buzzfeed article
>idk i just walked around a dollar store fuck you pay me

>> No.6771632
File: 612 KB, 960x960, ChickenTikkaYorkshirePud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which is worse, this...

>> No.6771634
File: 365 KB, 1024x685, ChickenTikkaLasagne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Or this

>> No.6771637

that fucking spice rating though.

>> No.6771642


Are you retarded? Camo is a huge meme for girls

>> No.6771673

yeah, back in the fucking 90s. Where do you live that chicks still wear that?

>> No.6771680

>This is the cake you've been HUNTING for!
>...and we're NOT talking about SHOES
jesus fucking christ, do people think this is like hip and cool?
I fucking hate advertising.

>> No.6771702

>why would anyone actually make their own food when it can come prepackaged!

>> No.6771706

I wonder what makes it BAKERY QUALITY

>> No.6771723

I'd eat it. Not bad calorie wise either.

>> No.6771725

>Why in the FUCK would someone want tiny spaghetti noodles?
MUH DIETS!!! mini spaghetti -> smaller -> less calories!!! I CAN EAT ALL I WANT AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT!!!

srsly tho i know someone with a sensitive gag reflex who chokes a lot eating long pasta like spaghetti...but given the number of non-long pastas already on the shelves, i think he still wouldn't buy it.

>> No.6771729

Those mini spaghetti look like they would be great for making any type of soup with pasta in it

>> No.6771757


It looks quite alright

>> No.6771760


I want the BLUE SUEDE PREMIUM CAKE MIX. Hot damn it looks delicious. I love blue foods and drinks

>> No.6771894

>You will never serve heaping bowls of ramen to your tiny friends.
Life is a nightmare sometimes.

>> No.6771911

Basically, longer angel hair?

>> No.6771938

archive.is that shit

>> No.6771972

Not him but I've never seen anyone get so rectally ragnarok'd over soup. If all you've had is Campbell's then you don't know a lot man. If you just don't like soup then that's cool but geez give the tuff guy act a rest.

>> No.6771995

It's Bakery Quality*

*if prepared in an actual bakery

>> No.6773925

There are better things to make

>> No.6773930

Tell them to chew their food, what the hell?

>> No.6773956

Do you not see the serving suggestion on the package? You're clearly supposed to serve it to teeny tiny people.

>> No.6773967

Fucking Kentucky

>> No.6773980

also it seems to be more for the mexicans in your area since fideos is a thing in spanish cooking.

>> No.6773987

This is bat.. Rice noodles..

>> No.6773993
File: 113 KB, 500x328, bat01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is bat

>> No.6773997

Darn autocorrect

>> No.6773999

The noodles inside the box are smaller than that.

Oh you should move...

>> No.6774003
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, tc_2919_rosehl_f12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any non-metropolitan area is covered with hicks and girls who "like guys with trucks and who get dirty ;)".

pic related is what 90% of the woman in my HS used to wear on a daily basis.

>> No.6774006

>Just for you