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6762698 No.6762698 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody else hate these motherfuckers?

I get that they're more convenient than chopping fresh ones but Jesus Christ these things are horrible. Let's take the delicious fresh flavor and natural spice out of a beautiful pepper and soak it in a disgusting acidic brine instead. Then all we're left with is a sour, bitter, mushy little disk of spice.

I cannot believe restaurants outside of fast food think these are acceptable.

>> No.6762702


they're better on burgers than fresh ones tbh

>> No.6762704

pickled jalapenos are amazing

they're great on pizza

maybe you suck

>> No.6762710

Those are delicious

>> No.6762714

I love them. And the neon yellow pickled banana peppers too. I've rarely met a pickle I didn't like.

>> No.6762716

This enrages me. There is no possible situation where a fresh jalepeno is not superior to a pickled one.

>> No.6762722


except where a nice acidic bite is a plus

you just dont like pickled things, you made that clear

>> No.6762735


Greasy/Fatty foods and acidic foods pair well together. While Jalapenos are fairly sour, the extra acid helps with stuff like tacos and hamburgers. The real problem is that the disc is a HORRIBLE configuration for pickled jalapenos. You want to get STRIPS, which absorb less of the acid than the meaty portions.

>> No.6762738

i just picked some fresh jalapenos from my garden and i'm gonna pickle them and you can't stop me

>> No.6762742

Cut em in strips!

>> No.6762745

>doesn't like pickles
guess we found the real pleb here

>> No.6762754

i was gonna cut them in disks but ok i'll try that insead

>> No.6762774

In a hamburger? Ok I get it, it's not a major component and apparently most people are too stupid/have too basic tastes to notice/care.

But in a taco? It's just embarrassing at that point.

>> No.6762782


do you hate everything pickled?

it's not like liking pickled jalapenos and liking fresh ones are mutually exclusive. i prefer pickled onions on my tacos and fresh jalapenos, but on burgers they're definitely better.

it's why ketchup is so good. it cuts through the fatty/greasiness

>> No.6762785


I picked up the habit from my white friends. My family's Mexican, but we basically never use jalapenos, just serrano or petin, and always sparingly.

But it's alright in tacos. I still prefer icy cold shredded lettuce, though.

>> No.6762794
File: 54 KB, 468x467, sogwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to Subway probably like 50 times in my life, and every single time I get my sandwich with pickled jalapenos. I won't have it any other way. They are amazing.

>> No.6762804

No, I do tend to prefer the fresh version, especially with cucumbers and jalepenos, but I acknowledge that there are some situations where a pickled cucumber works much better than a fresh one. Pickled onions have their place too.

But I can't think of a single situation where a pickled jalepeno beats a fresh one.

>> No.6762810

>soak it in a disgusting acidic brine instead

im betting he isnt real fond of vinegar

>> No.6762820


>> No.6762824

One of the reasons I almost never go to subway if I can help it. I almost always want jalepenos on my sandwich but fuck me I certainly don't want those disgusting pickled ones in there. Honestly I'd probably eat there a lot more if they at least offered the option of fresh jalepenos.

Shit, in 20 year pickled green peppers will probably become the sandwich industry standard and you dumb dumbs will probably be fooled into thinking you prefer those too.

>> No.6762831


pickled jalapenos are way better on sandwiches, fag.

jalapenos just taste like spicy bell peppers. they don't stand out much when they're in with a ton of other salty/fatty ingredients.

get your palate checked you fucking scrub

>> No.6762837

>"jalapenos just taste like spicy bell peppers"
>tells me to check my palate

>> No.6762890

Easily one of my favorite foods. Gtfo pickle hater.

>> No.6763462


>> No.6763488

Pickled jalapeños are necessary if you're going to make nachos with the original recipe

>> No.6763517

What the shit?