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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6754422 No.6754422 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, now that the dust has settled and the general consensus is that /ck/ needs a sticky lets talk more about it.
Please suggest any topics you'd like covered, perhaps you would like to contribute?
The sticky will make a huge positive difference, of that I'm sure.

>> No.6754429

I thought the general consensus was /ck/ shouldn't have a sticky and like 3 faggots disagreed

>> No.6754434

I think a sticky with links to cooking related sites and YouTube channels would be nice. Budget bites, food wishes, Jacques Pepin etc.

>> No.6754436
File: 427 KB, 1024x681, 8402345975_79280307d2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok, now that the dust has settled and I've been on your board for a few minutes
Nobody on /ck/ wants a sticky. /ck/ is for people who already know how to cook (or people who want to shitpost like you), we're not here to teach you how to cook; we're here to talk about beer and occasionally post OC live cooking threads. Piss off.

>> No.6754438


I just started living on my own:

-what's are some foods I can make on a tight budget?

-what are the most essential cookware I should get?

-what are the most essential spices and herbs I should get?

-how to preserve or pickle food?

-what's the most efficient way to store leftovers?

>> No.6754445

Good stuff anon, thanks.

>> No.6754451

I agree with this. If you can't learn to cook why should the cooking board on a malaysian folk art website teach you?

>> No.6754459

What condiments go in the fridge?

-hot sauce?
-soy sauce?
-fish sauce ?

What can I substitute X for if I don't it?

What are some good cooking youtube channels for everyday cooking?

What are some good cooking youtube channels for more advanced cooking?

What are some good food related youtube channels that are just entertaining?

What are some good websites for everyday cooking?

What are some good websites for finding new recipes (maybe based on what I have in the kitchen ) ?

What are some good ramen recipes?

What are there any /ck/ related websites or youtube channels?

>> No.6754469

Some cooking chemistry guides would help too. Specially with baking, pastry and the like.

>> No.6754479
File: 163 KB, 600x367, coon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think YouTube channels should come into it nor recipes.
Just a simple sticky covering the basics.

>> No.6754481

>What condiments go in the fridge?
Read the bottle.

That's what cookbooks are for. You know what those are, right?

>>youtube channels
entirely subjective. Watch a few and see what you like.

>> No.6754483

First for /no gf/

Also best to include a guide on cooking steak imo

>> No.6754484

>What condiments go in the fridge?
wouldn't work, there's too many.
Also it's an international site so the variety would be massive eg. Euros have a lot of condiments that the rest of the world don't have. It'd be too biased.

>> No.6754486

>The sticky will make a huge positive difference, of that I'm sure.
Just like it is on /g/?

>> No.6754495

>add something you have to minimize every single time you access the board after closing your browser

How about fuck you, good sir?

>> No.6754571

This shit's important guys.

>> No.6754609

how and why?
doesn't seem much important to me if you need to bump it

>> No.6754615

how to properly utilize bacon in a dish
how to properly utilize sriracha in a dish
how to activate your almonds
information pertaining as to whether or not beans belong in chili
stuff like this? I could see this being a spectacular resource.

>> No.6754620

That's not serious stuff, that's just /ck/ shit posting.
No one takes those sorts of threads seriously, they just detract.

>> No.6754628
File: 48 KB, 500x282, 3 pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not serious stuff
Consider this,
All your life you've been coming to 4chan for serious posts
When in reality, the majority of boards, /ck/ included, contain almost nothing but shit posts.
Now consider this, your entire life has been a lie, nothing is real, it's all just shit.
Now consider this,
Perhaps, it is time, for your life to come to an end.

>> No.6754633

I've only been on here for about a year.

>> No.6754833

And just like that, a namefag I kind of though of in a positive way becomes just another stupid namefag.

>> No.6754839

Then lurk more

>> No.6754912

nobody wants a sticky. it wont work there's too many fucking answers to every question

how are you going to tell a sudamericano to eat cheap vs a norte or a fucking Welshman or some faggot in Poland?

cooking is different everywhere and theres literally no universal answers


>> No.6754942

A handful of faggots crying about needing a sticky is far from a consensus.

Take your sticky and go back to reddit and stop making these fucking asinine threads.

>> No.6754944

The only people who want a sticky are the ones who think they'll get to write it.

>> No.6754953

Why did you feel like your opinion was important enough to share with us? You should adapt a trip too so we can add you to our filters.

>> No.6754959

>the general consensus is that /ck/ needs a sticky
Please commit sudoku

>> No.6755101


This is the only conceivable way this could work. We'll never write a guide on anything worth a damn but a bunch of links to Martin Yan and Julia Child, classic recipes and handy tutes wouldn't be prima facie terrible, but it's still not a real strong reason to have a sticky, we have enough revolving vidya threads and shit that it's easy to find

>> No.6755116

>thinking of Borneo in a positive way
plz go

>> No.6756154

>muh seekret cucking board

How would having a sticky be in any way bad? It would eliminate the countless useless threads like "wut gorcery do I buy wit $50" and "wut raymin is gud". /ck/ has devolved into the same threads everyday, and yes you can say that about any board on 4chan, but I know we can have decent discussions from time to time.

Sharing knowledge is good. Might as well say no board should have a sticky with that logic.

>> No.6756160
File: 508 KB, 720x720, Mimoristanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use extensions

>> No.6756163

>implying other stickys cater to nonamerifats

>> No.6756170

>It would eliminate the countless useless threads like "wut gorcery do I buy wit $50"

No it fucking wouldn't at all, it would just mean each and every single one of those threads would be

>haiguise I red tuh stickie but nao am confuse they don't have xyz whur am I wat do?

cooking is the mother tongue of all mankind, you shut your whore mouth not everyone lives in fucking San Jose like you, dickweed.

>> No.6756171


So you don't want people who don't know how to cook posting, but you also don't want to teach anyone anything? Eat a dick.

>> No.6756188

There should be a wiki, but not on, like, Wikia.

>> No.6756193

Is this the exact same thread from a few days ago?

>> No.6756197

There were like 3 wikias for /ck/. Quite frankly, nobody cares enough to update it.

>> No.6756200
File: 7 KB, 248x187, ck needs a sticky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6756207


I miss Angie. She could bake some fierce goods

>> No.6756211


I miss you too anon

>> No.6756215 [DELETED] 

general consensus? wut?
You only speak for yourself anon.

>> No.6757888

agree. I don't see why people wouldn't want a sticky.

>> No.6757890

Nobody who has been here for more than a year wants a sticky.