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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6752891 No.6752891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>learnt how to cook and bake to impress women
>women still avoid me like the plague

a-at least my meals are d-delicious now

>> No.6752902

kek same dude


>> No.6752904

Are you ugly as shit? Post pics OP.

>> No.6752910

Cooking I always thought as an introspective journey of yourself and what you like. Not to show off to some stupid bitch.

What's your favorite food to eat and cook, OP?

>> No.6752992


favorite thing to make is tarte tatin. I like how you do it all in one pan, and it's always a surprise when you flip it at the end.

>> No.6753019

I did it so I can enjoy my own cooking and food.

But that doesn't fix avoidance and social anxiety disorder.

>> No.6753034
File: 60 KB, 540x367, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a roomate who was making decent dinners for everything he boned.
So I started to learn cooking. Fast forward 5 years, I'm a great cook, with a great palate and knowledge of food but I just cooked for drunken bros yet.

> woah meeen what a great lasagna! what's that white sauce? I like how the cheese spreads! How come there are no peperonnis?

>> No.6753053

This is he story of every board I visit
>what car do women like /o/
>what lifts should I do for women /fit/
>what foods to cook for women /ck/

You guys are the same as women who pretend to like video games or other mostly male hobbies...

>> No.6753054
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>a dude a a year ahead of me in grade school brings cookies he baked to school one day
>he's kind of a weirdo so nobody wants any of them when he tried to share
>im like damn free cookies bring it in dude
>they're a little overdone but w/e
>he does this every week for the next 6 weeks
>each week I am the only one to eat those overdone cookies
>turns out he was trying to date me after 3 weeks of this
>kept eating his cookies and quickly ditching him after I got some in me
no regrets

>> No.6753062
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>> No.6753063

>five years to make a white sauce lasagna

well theres yer problem

>> No.6753065

Are u gril?

>> No.6753066

who would have thought.

>> No.6753072

>after i got some in me
yeah you got a lot of him in you if you know what i mean ;^)

>> No.6753090

>tfw you are a normie with no problem acquiring gf's


>> No.6753113

I bet... My market's pretty much just other autists

>> No.6753118

How does it feel being so autistic that you would do something so cruel and socially inept to a person for the sake of a sugary treat? Literally only children and retards can be motivated by cookies. I mean it seems like the guy you were fucking with was a social failure too, so I'm not surprised that you would be his type.

>> No.6753120


7/10 who can cook feels that >tfw no gf feel

Am conflicted, the robot in me wants to be happy that Chad got BTFO but iktf, buddy, iktf.

>> No.6753131

Well OP all i can tell you is this Cooking is a good start but you need other hobbies i myself when not perusing 4chan. My hobbies include reading i have a bookshelf full of books, i go to different restaurants once a week to try new things and new cusines, i enjoy working out, i travel at least once a year for a week and experience a new culture been doing this since i was 18 even while i was going to college and poor saved couple thousand dollars a year and went on 1 vacation.

Confidence is everything anon, but take my words with a grain of salt i am incapable of feeling love anyways never felt that feeling from family or girlfriends and my wife or child.

So if you find a woman attractive just go for it if she turns you down fuck it if you are a pussy go a city away and start there ( Tip i always give out) before i was married i had sex atleast 9 times a week and i finally managed to train my current wife into shit i like and she ends up enjoying (Squirter)

Dont be autistic, dont be a pussy get some hobbies cook better groom yourself even if your face isn't attractive working out, having muscles and the confidence it brings along with wearing a hat and some glasses will mask any of your ugly features anon.

Good luck.

>> No.6753167


cooking just has to be one of your perks, bruh. Women like confident, non-assholic, happy and outgoing men that LISTEN TO THEM
>that part is important
and engage with their interests, and you use cooking skills as a hidden buff once you've got the main quest done, they don't suffice to complete the raid. Same with having hobbys, or knowing about current events or loving jazz or shit, bitches will enjoy that and it helps them once their on the hook but the fundamental hook is you, breh, you have to be (at minimum) cheerful and capable of treating them like fellow humans and finding ways to convey your attraction or whatever without coming across as a damaged unit or a supercreep

tl;dr be open, have no expectations and learn to recognize when a chick is in to you as opposed to seeing them all as wild game

>then if you can really cook she'll give up the barnhole bro

>> No.6753170

I guess that's what happens when your parents name you Shannon.

>> No.6753191

10/10 would date

Watcha cooking anon?

>> No.6753196


> 7/10

he's an 8/10 - 8.5/10...

>> No.6753201

>8/10s think they're ugly
>tfw literal 1/10

u don't know my pain

>> No.6753203

>>in grade school
>what is reading comprehension

>> No.6753209

prove it, give us all a taste of your pain

>> No.6753245

I'd really rather not, friendo

>> No.6753257
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come on man

>> No.6753258

If this is really you, eat shit. You're a handsome boy

>> No.6753270

nope I'd rather die than be seen. Just know that at the very least I'm not fat

>> No.6753280
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>> No.6753282


jesus fuck you useless piece of crap girls don't give a fuck about your looks, how have you not learned that women fuck feelings not looks
>/ck/ femanons back me up
so unless you're literally fucking quasimodo or a fat fuck STFU about your looks bastard

>> No.6753289


>> No.6753307
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only women over 25 like beta providers

>> No.6753440
File: 86 KB, 407x709, 1420249881685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at you i'd wager a guess it might be your attitude/posture.
girls will pass up handsome people if they can't act with confidence. if thats really you theres no energy in your picture, you are just sanding there hunched slightly and blank faced. if thats how you are everywhere the only girls who will like you are going to be teenagers reading twilot that think you're brooding and mysterious.

>> No.6753450
File: 21 KB, 598x383, doyouwantthisx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitpost of the year
girls don't know what they want, i dont mean that in a condescending "and that thing they didn't know they wanted is me" way. what I mean is that expecting people and most women to understand their own tastes is like asking a focus group what coffee they like. you're just going to get a bunch of answers like "rich dark roast" or whatever, when most people prefer their coffee milky thin and sweet.

>> No.6753458

fuck you anon
you're literally 8/10

>> No.6753459

>been coming to /ck/ regularly for months
>still have no idea how to cook anything, not even rice


>> No.6753465

Self improvement and knowledge are never a wasted endeavor. It has never been just for impressing others.

>> No.6753473

This. Do it for yourself OP. If you respect yourself and cultivate your skills, eventually people will begin to admire you. Just focus on improving yourself for your own sake and let other people do as they will. If you have faith in your path, it's only a matter of time before others begin to take notice of you.

>> No.6753488

>/ck/ femanons back me up

It's true. As long as you have confidence you can make us think you're the hottest guy in the world. You have to know you aren't the hottest but make it clear that you don't give a fuck. No one wants to fuck a beta unless they have emotional issues.

>> No.6753494
File: 88 KB, 554x554, 4627054-5214744194-tumbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming this is really you, I'd love to see you cosplay as one of the Robins. Jason Todd, preferably.

>> No.6753497

>reverse Google Image search
>About 54 results

>> No.6753498

Sufjan what are u doing here

>> No.6753505


>> No.6753557

Try faggot

>> No.6753584

This works on land whale midwest bitches. But average women? No, and this is why I am forever alone. I'm really ugly (and no, not a fatty).

And hey, I'm not really whining here, just how it is. I learned when I was about 12 years old that I was in for a lonely life. Hasn't kept me down.

>> No.6753593

I guess I'm a land whale then.

>but /soc/ said I was a 7/8!!,,!

>> No.6753615

nice blog post

>> No.6753722

>Don't be autistic
You're whole post is literally autism

>> No.6753724

Your* sorry

>> No.6754008

>As long as you have confidence you can make us think you're the hottest guy in the world.

gluck with your abusive asshole type