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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6751077 No.6751077 [Reply] [Original]

What is everyone's favorite thread or poster on /ck/?

I think we have a pretty good community here that also doesn't move too fast compared to the other boards

also based Yan

>> No.6751088

Anonymous is really up and down

He/She might be bipolar

>> No.6751091

Any thread with actual recipe sharing or discussion is great and doesn't happen nearly often enough for a board dedicated to cooking.

Beer threads are nice; but they sort of miss out on the other types of alcohol I like though. I wish scotch/whiskey threads were more popular, but they don't get as much attention and always end up derailed by trolls and shitposting about fedora tippers. It's a shame really.

>> No.6751096

Rye Whiskey is my game friend, I would love to see a good thread that didnt turn into al/ck/

>> No.6751141

favorite threads are the crazy youtube cook people since its all so odd and favorite poster has to be borneo

>> No.6751191

I'm always afraid to share recipes or verticals I made since a few of them were met with "fuck off, this is shit"

>> No.6751274

I've really enjoyed the kitchen r8 thread. It lasted a lot longer than I thought it would and I contributed quite a bit to it.


>> No.6751278

Whoops, messed up the link.

Oh well

>> No.6751282

Some of the trip fags are idiots.
Joey's a fucking pain in the arse.

>> No.6751289
File: 143 KB, 700x721, Paul_Bearer_-_Percy_Pringles_16[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like soda threads.

>> No.6751294

I like coming here, I post pics of my breakfast quite often.
It's good because it's like having a blog.

>> No.6751297
File: 43 KB, 680x442, benG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poorfag McGee
both proof that tripfags are fucking idiots.

>> No.6751298

This is my favorite /ck/ thread of all time:

>> No.6751308
File: 186 KB, 1262x783, 1183396426709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember many years ago when some faggot would start threads with photos of his japanese mcdonalds meals and gross cup noodles every fucking day with the text "Evo is no.1"

Hated the fucker at the time but now I miss his threads.

>> No.6751340


>> No.6751356

I like the anon in beer threads with the stainless steel counter tops. They're always so nice.

>> No.6752506

favorite /ck/ lucky doller what eat now thread

good post taste food

>> No.6752550

Do we even have active tripfags? I feel like people are so hostile to trip fags here that that they all stop using their codes, even when posts are relevant to their identity.

>> No.6752556

Post some of your old verticals, they might not actually be that bad.

>> No.6752592

fuck off tripfag

>> No.6752595

>favorite poster
Non-trolls and those who don't make a habit of feeding all the shitty threads.

>> No.6752600

i come here for the memes and shitposting

favorite poster is either sceak or edgar

worst is meat minimalist

>> No.6752606

We used to, most of them were horrible human beings who brought drama and annoying spam.
The only one I liked was Progun IL, he actually posted him cooking things regularly. He was constantly attacked by this one faggot though. Dude would bitch at him for everything from poor photo lighting to how he chopped onions, it was pretty ridiculous.
Haven't seen him post in a long time.

>> No.6752694

I remember progun actually had a bbq in chicago with like 8-10 other /ck/ people but that must have been like 4-5 years ago

>> No.6752698

I'm pretty new to this board. Did something happen to kill this board's sense of community or something? Because people seem unreasonably hostile to tripfags here. I would love to go to a /ck/ meet up, but I can't see that happening for some reason.

>> No.6752701

whoroni nigaroni aka jesus candles guy is my fav

>> No.6752714

Fuck off

>> No.6752716
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>> No.6752717
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>end of thread

>> No.6752720
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>> No.6752721

Needs some sauce, I have a handy source.

>> No.6752722

Wow, this takes me back. Angie right?

>> No.6752723
File: 13 KB, 256x256, 1250611536416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, I don't think you want it unless you're into Angie's fat tits.

>> No.6752724
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>> No.6752725
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>> No.6752728
File: 80 KB, 460x300, AngieHitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, this bitch is why we're mean to tripfags.

>> No.6752731

This isn't /b/ retard. /ck/ is a slow enough board where most of us probably interact with each other regularly enough for it to make sense to have a stronger sense of community.
Honestly this board is slow enough that I'd believe it if someone told be that 90% of the anti-tripfag posts were just made by the same buttfrustrated anon.

>> No.6752732


Newfag here. Tell me about this tripfag?

>> No.6752736
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>> No.6752738
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>> No.6752743

If she slathered them in pickle juice I'd giv'er a go.

>> No.6752744

Angie was "from europe" and hated the "yankees" on /ck/. She was a horrendous shitposting bitch.

>> No.6752752

What's her deal?

>> No.6752753

LMAO only Amerifats talk about Europe like it was some kind of monolith. If she really was from Europe she'd name a country. Either that or she's British and ashamed to not be a part of continental Europe (read: where all the quality food culture exists).

>> No.6752757

I think it's funny how everyone gets on Sceak and Edgar. Those threads are hilarious everytime they put a post in. What ever happened to Edgar anyway?

>> No.6752765

Ja/ck/ threads really make me feel like I'm not so alone in this world.

>> No.6752773

She claimed to be from the Czech Republic

>> No.6752785

I enjoy Whoremel Niggaroni's threads, aka jesus candles guy. He usually makes something decent and doesn't engage with shitposters

>> No.6752802

Ain't no thread like a ja/ck/ thread

>> No.6752857
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/ck/ lucky doller

>> No.6752860

I believe a major problem that killed the /ck/ bbq and cooking meetups were the multiple death threats and personal attacks on people constantly. Things like that do make people feel unsafe and uncomfortable about going to meetups and sharing pictures even.

>> No.6752990

It's a shame because I'd love to do a meet up with this board.

>> No.6752999
File: 108 KB, 473x750, iaintscare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down to do a Southern California meetup sometime, and have a potluck or something. This isn't /b/ so I'm not as worried about people knowing what general area I live in.

>> No.6753020


See you say that, and generally you'd be right, but some psycho from /b/ always comes wandering through to ruin it with death threats and sexual stalking and such

>> No.6753029

Would you be down though? Because I would be down. I don't expect /b/ to do anything that involves going outside anyway, their greatest hits all involve DDOSing servers with script kiddie programs.

>> No.6753092

I'm down for a norcal meet, I've been to alot of meetups before from /o/ and /cgl/a/ as well as once for /g/

People I think build up too much fear and an image of crazy people that how folks really are, I've been meeting people since 2006 off of here it's safe

>> No.6753096

I really like the Swedish guy from the beer generals. I feel like it's usually just he and I posting quality stuff in those threads.

>> No.6753396

Food pics from Japan dude seems pretty chill

>> No.6753670

I would definitely be into this but I'm in Toronto. Never been to in-n-out so I haven't even had the pleasure of eating one of those delicious looking things.

>> No.6753693

I'm from So Cal but I hit up the San Francisco bay about twice a year. I would be down to attend something if we could find a venue in Berkeley or San Jose or something.

>> No.6753778

San Jose seems logical for a norcal meetup

>> No.6753789

Do you have any San Jose friends that can host a handful of anons or know of any nice/cheap public venues?

>> No.6753812 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 453x479, nfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most of posters from your city hate each other

>> No.6754127

which city? how do you know they hate each other?

>> No.6754142
File: 15 KB, 256x256, Angie1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6754166

thanks man!

>> No.6754183

Filtered and ignored.

And I suggest everyone do the same to all tripfags they find. They do not belong here.

>> No.6754184

I think I'm pretty good. Probably one of the best in fact. Others have confirmed this multiple times.

>> No.6754265

Milk jar guy was the best.

>> No.6754271

>Well, american beer is hard beer at all. Also, yet again due backwards yank legistlation the companies can self-define the type of beer. One can literally piss in a pot, let it rot for several weeks and call it lager in yankland. But yes, american trash product and american trash legistlation go together nice. And american beer is dismal. Yes, rant on about your petty excuse of "microbreweries" but your beer is freaking terrible. And your taste in beer is equally terrible. You are a terrible yank.

>Alton Brown is the most pathetic excuse of a telly personality I've seen. Not that I own television or anything but seriously, Alton Brown is freaking totally misguided. He actually recommeds frozen products and all that.

>> No.6754286

i really enjoyed the vienna sausage thread, but mostly because op was getting blasted

>> No.6754330

>Well, Italians genuinely are not idiotic enough to held up a dish like pizza which is a cheapish sort of ragtag meal to such great esteem. But yanks love cheese and obesity and they do not understand culture or common sense when it comes to cuisine. I mean, the idea that dish such as pizza can be lunch, breakfast and all that is effing stupid and unsuitable for anyone with any reason what so ever. Still, this does not mean that pizza suddenly stopped being a part of Italian culinary tradition or that yanks somehow adopted pizza. They just eat it in wrong and retarded ways, hence what the basdardised all american "culture" does to everything. Again, american pizza is not really pizza at all but a terrible emulation and pizza should predominantly mean the real italian delicacy.

>> No.6754333

>favorite poster is borneo
>he likes fat chicks

>> No.6754336
File: 392 KB, 1332x1000, ronniesburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread was this one

Best poster is me

>> No.6754452

Best poster is rambling old guy. I hope you're not dead rambling old guy

>> No.6754477

I need to screencap that post.

>> No.6754482 [DELETED] 

> le edgy tripfag hate maymay xD

>> No.6754597
File: 642 KB, 1279x959, 30002c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old bread threads with FF posting in them. I'm jealous of his skills. My favorite old thread is the one of the guy who butchered a deer in his bathtub. My favorite recent thread is the kitchen utensil thread. My favorite image is this crazy fuck from a pizza box.

Captcha: Bread

>> No.6754631
File: 323 KB, 1600x900, pyewacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pye from the /ck/ cooking competition threads... I've used a few of the recipes she's posted and always fabulous! Om nom.

>> No.6754636

Also if she sees this pls post vert for that mac..

>> No.6754647

That's pretty funny since she's fat as hell.

>> No.6754655

Is uncle whoremel still around? I haven't seen him in a while.

>> No.6754881

agreed. /ck/ dollar threads are the best

>> No.6754948
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PHS guy

>> No.6755020
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I fucking loved that thread

>> No.6755599

i always thought borneo was a man

>> No.6756655
File: 261 KB, 900x900, FUCK YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfems attention whoring themselves on my /ck/


>> No.6756672

the best thread ever was when anon was asking how to rise cupcake dough with blasts of honk from an airhorn.

>> No.6756868

why didnt you sage their threads then?

>> No.6756891

I don't think sage works anymore. anytime I do it the thread just bumps like normal.

>> No.6756898
File: 2.49 MB, 4128x3096, Dorito breadcumb chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im dubious over all /ck/ recipe infographics ever since i fell for the dorito crusted chicken tendie troll
3rd biggest dissapointment in my life after Dragon Age 2 and Final Fantasy 13

>> No.6756935

are you posting a picture too? it still works for me

>> No.6756937

what in gods name....

do you have that infograpgic to post?

>> No.6756944
File: 1.56 MB, 618x2853, 1438185364837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go
Maybe it was shit because i used the red hot flavour, cheese might be ok

>> No.6756947

was it crunchy at least?

>> No.6756951

I think the only part I wouldn't do is marinate the chicken in buttermilk cause that sounds awful but the rest of it sounds fine? What didn't you like about it?

>> No.6756956

I love how 2channers aren't welcome here. Like almost no one here knows the origin of this place.

>> No.6756964

it's more how back in the day they hated us first

at least back then they only even allowed japanese IPs to post on 2chan

>> No.6756967


Other than the flavour of the burnt doritos it was the perfect tendy, crispy, tender and not deepfried so kinda healthy i guess compared to others
The closest thing to the flavour of the dorito crust i can describe is boiling beef bones until the water is all gone then leaving the pan on the heat for half hour
Really not nice at all

>> No.6756974

I wonder if she knows how popular she is?

>> No.6756975

I'd go to a portland meet up and get some grub. And booze. If there are other portland anons, I know there will be booze involved. oh and weed.

lets do this shit.

>> No.6756978

>ichibon bigger than ramyun
fucking blasphemy.

>> No.6756979

what kind of 711 is that from?

>> No.6756983

All the verticals from the challenge are on the booru under the /ck/ challenge tag.

>> No.6756984

Oh, I see. That makes sense. Maybe there's a way to put them on after they're cooked?

>> No.6756999

appears to be japan 7/11

>> No.6757025

>one can literally piss in a pot, let it rot for several weeks and call it lager in yankland
>implying that isn't how Stella is made

>> No.6757049

> m-muh origins!
Fuck off weeb. Us normies cucked your gay little website from you years ago

>> No.6757055

Ten bucks says that you clapped to yourself after clicking my the submit button.

You're probably chanting "USA!! USA!!" right now.

>> No.6757060

maybe part cook the chicken, dorito crumb it up then put it in the oven to crisp for 2 minutes so they do not taste burnt

>> No.6757065

Oh my god, just go back to /tv/ and shitpost there.

>> No.6757070

> implying i am an amerifat

>> No.6757098

It's 2015 you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6757129

> common everyday words are not allowed anymore

>> No.6757142
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>doesn't know it's origin
Haha newfag

>> No.6757634

>implying anyone watches seinfeld

barely any cooking on that show

>> No.6757715
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I fell hard for one dessert thread from January this year, mostly because I resolved to improve my baking/confectionary skills & this offered me a chance to try(I failed) & stay motivated through the Summer. I keep thinking how beautiful the real thing must look when it's done & anon seems so dexterous & sure-footed...anyway. Bread is here:

>Lucky 7's
>My time is NOW