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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 5 KB, 275x183, 1cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6741546 No.6741546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6741557

Reds, like my meat.

>> No.6741562

Parliaments lights / menthol lights here

>> No.6741564
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Virginia Slims are for old women, right?

>> No.6741571

When I used to smoke it was luckies or rollies (usually samson brand, but bugler if I was dead broke) or Anything unfiltered (nazionale when I lived in Italy)

Nowadays I only ever bum drags from my girlfriend or her friends so it's always Newports or parliaments

>> No.6741585
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>> No.6741587
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Camel filters

>> No.6741588

>literally destroying your palate
kek, enjoy cancer faggot

>> No.6741589

Jeez I used to love these things until I realize they suck..Unless you were born in the 40s and chain smoke so these are actually smoke because your insides are fucked

>> No.6741594


>> No.6741599

i only partially understood that

>> No.6741605

re-reading it makes me wonder myself.
>mfw smoking is actually distracting me

>> No.6741606

>cough cough cough, yeah fuck them normiessss.
What does food taste like?

>> No.6741619

pretty good actually

>> No.6741625
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Du Maurier Regular

>> No.6741628

all lungs look gross even healthy, try harder

>> No.6741631

>try harder

What the fuck are you talking about?

I literally used the first image from gis, sorry it had ugly pictures all canadian cig packs do. Some have a limp cigarette and say "tobacco makes you impotent" its kind of lol.

>> No.6741636

sorry. no.

>> No.6741647

>try harder
Why are smokers such idiots and passive-aggressive or just aggressive?

>> No.6741654

>passive agressive or just agressive
what a weird way to state that, dork

>> No.6741663

speaking of cigarettes
gunna go have one now

>> No.6741669

Why go anywhere? Renter and have to go outside?

>> No.6741671
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$20 dollars a carton from the indians.

If i get nice whiskey i'll buy a cigar.

>> No.6741673

I literally just painted the house I really don't want to fuck it all up until winter

>> No.6741677

since we got this thread going...and I don't want to make one ..what do you guys drink when you smoke your cigarettes

>> No.6741687

Smoking in your home is just nasty man.

>> No.6741705

Guess it depends on how many you have. I only smoke like 1 a day and the couch Is right next to a window. My parents are big-time anti-smoking and have never mentioned a smell. Fuck I think my girlfriend's cat's litterbox leaves more lingering smell and she scoops it daily.

>> No.6741708

You can always get one of those box fans and turn it around so it takes all the smoke out

>> No.6741712

American spirit mellow. I really should quit and start vaping but its just not the same

>> No.6741713

vaping sucks and probably is just as bad

>> No.6741731


Back in my day when we wanted to look cool to the other kids, we called people faggots and threw rocks at them.

Now kids just say they're "gender-queer" and live their entire lives sucking on these puff pipes like it was the tastiest cock they've ever seen.

>> No.6741734

This is neither food nor cooking. Why is it on /ck/?

>> No.6741738


>> No.6741740


>> No.6741751
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It's true. I smoke in my apartment and no amount of fans or filters will fix it. I wiped off my LCD screens today and it was pure yellow. My computer is covered with some sort of tar and dust mixture that can't be cleaned. I have a HEPA filter running full blast all the time.

Imagine what my lungs look like.

>> No.6741756


Heh heh good goy, enjoy your smooth, refreshing cancer vapors.

>> No.6741771

I don't understand this ad

>> No.6741825

Belmont king size large please :)

>> No.6741829

>its for you

>> No.6741880

No it doesnt, smoking fucks up your taste buds, when you quit smoking you enter flavourtown my friend

>> No.6741890

>being so entitled they dont tell you anything
Anon you're so used to the smell that you dont realize you're being a nuisance, please do a favour to your parents and smoke outside.

>> No.6741893

Use less buzzwords next time.

>> No.6741896

If you don't smoke why are you in this thread?
I'll smoke camel filters once in a blue moon

>> No.6741906
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>not vaping
>in the year of our lord twenty fifteen

>> No.6741908

been scientifically proven that when you stop soking none of the nerves and cells are really replaced like my for example my dads girlfriend was a smoker 2 years ago and she smokes for about 15 years not a chain smoker or anything but she has permanently damages nerves in her hands and feet causing then to be cold constantly and its painful but when you smoke and lose you sense of taste its and then gain it back after you stopped is quite rare

>> No.6741909

Marlboro black menthol 100s

>> No.6741915

Wow. You should write a thesis.

>> No.6741921

>when you smoke and lose you sense of taste its and then gain it back after you stopped is quite rare

>> No.6741923

>the wine coolers of nicotine

>> No.6741924

welcome to Marlboro county
population: all the cool kiz

>> No.6741930

vapers refuse to believe that burning something at a high temp causes carcinogenic properties to be inhaled
"trust be bro...its healthier than smoking"
"its water vapor bro, try it"
"no nicotine bro, totally safe"

>> No.6741947

That guy has tiny nipples

>> No.6741953

yet another unrealistic beauty standard for men

>> No.6741956

>steaming causes you to inhale carcinogens

>> No.6741964
File: 4 KB, 200x175, Hells_Chef_image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cigarettes are the enemy of cuisine

>> No.6741971

Every chef on earth probably smokes or has smoked at one point.

>> No.6742016

use to smoke Doral Full Flavor 100's and Camel unfiltered (smoked for about three years, half a pack or less a day)
haven't smoked for about eleven years now
alcohol is much better

>> No.6742077

I used to roll the no-name macbaren halfzware with hemp papers from OCB.

Breathing deeply when swimming was especially difficult.

>> No.6742278

>smoking makes you not drink water

the actual fuck?

>> No.6742287

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.6742288
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>using mouth fedoras
I love when people think vaping is safe. Pro-tip: it's not.

>> No.6742290

It also makes you drink more flavoured drinks.

>> No.6742291

why is it unsafe ?

>> No.6742295

There is no combustion involved in vaping.

>> No.6742303
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>> No.6742308

I don't want second hand vape. Please boil your water outside

>> No.6742313

Pall Mall 100s are the best

You can smoke one of those for 10 minutes

>> No.6742315
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Master race reporting in

>> No.6742321
File: 35 KB, 400x198, lung-cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at my unpayable medical bills ma!

Cigs are not food.
These thread belong in /b/
please take them there.

>> No.6742322

>Pink Owl
>Gold Dragon

These sound like varieties of heroin.

>> No.6742326


>> No.6742331

It would've taken less effort to just hide the thread you dummy.

>> No.6742332

hell yea
I used to smoke pall mall nons or american spirit blues, occasionally camel 100s but none of them made it through the fire-safe transition unchanged. Between the taste being fucked up and them being $10/pack I quit.

>> No.6742359
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Bear mind, that even though the low voltage readings were significantly lower in carcinogen output, most vapes run at the high voltages, some even to the point of causing just as much carcinogens to be formed as cigarettes do.

Steaming doesn't, but vaporizing glycerin and proylene glycol sure as hell does.

>> No.6742372

It makes you need to have a stronger flavoured drink to taste it compared to a non-smoker.

>> No.6742378

Most vape idiots purposefully run at higher voltages because they want to play smoke machine
I think a lot of them conflate ecig vaping with 'regular' vaporizers too, which are safe.

>> No.6742380

nicotine patches ftw (but don't leave them on over night)

>> No.6742388

Kool shorts or camel straights because I am a 55-year-old black man

>> No.6742410
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I feel your pain.. Just repainted kitchen, dining room/den washed the walls first (water turned brown) and it still took too coats of KILZ before painting. That,more than anything convinced me I need to slow down & eventually quit. Again. I had quit for 7 years, then smoked some at a party and bingo, smoking again. Meanwhile, these. Not bad at $26.50 a carton/discount store. Kinda like cowyboy killer lights. P.S I don't recommend it for anyone If you haven't started, don't. And there are no "casual" smokers.

>> No.6742421

Tube my own with either American Spirit or Pueblo, I like my tobacco additive free and not tested on aminals

>> No.6742444

American Spirits blue box. When I can find the dark blue box, I'll go with those. Pretty much down to only smoking when drinking or when I go over to a buddies house and we split a pot of coffee and bs.

Those insane dreams are the reason you leave them on at night.

>> No.6742504

American Spirits black pack, about a pack a day

>> No.6742521

Marlboro reds, sometimes blue Times

>> No.6742530

it's more like that I get the collywobbles if I leave it on
my dreams are insane already

>> No.6742540

nicotine patches have only

no stinky breath, no oral fixation, no short-of-breath lung problems, no disgusting-taste crumbs in your mouth, no stinky fingers, no yellow fingers, no cancer, no headache, no retarded pacifier-baby-look, no addiction, you don't have to leave your conversation partner or your meal, more time to work, and dat nice dampened-and-creative-and-focused nicotine feel.

>> No.6742543

*forgot: and you don't have to carry a lighter or matches with you

>> No.6742547

Used to smoke Kools, but that shit's over $8/pack where I live (fuck brownback) so now I'm smoking pyramids. HUGE quality difference, but almost $4 cheaper

>> No.6742549
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>what kind of cancer u want

>> No.6742560

Camel no filtered cigarettes.
It was best cigarette I knew, coudlnt stand filtered ones after got used to it.
But then I stopped smoking and its going for 2months straight now. A lot of alcohol replaced its spot.

>> No.6742561

I really really like his haircut.

>> No.6742566

But I have an oral fixation no matter what. I might as well kill two birds with one stone and smoke my nicotine.

>> No.6742575
File: 202 KB, 451x680, American-Spirit-Full-Bodied-Taste-Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to RYO, but I stopped giving a shit.
These are probably the only widely available cigarette that doesn't taste horrible to me.
I want to quit though.

>> No.6742580

Those would make cool drugs/smokes in a Shadowrun campaign.

>> No.6742586

>playing shadowrun
>not actually doing drugs

>> No.6742598
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>Mouth fedoras

>> No.6742605
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>> No.6742607

how much did you pay for those?

>> No.6742611

Just one drag of a black made me lightheaded and my hands sweat.

>> No.6742615

Damn fucking right. I'm fucking wired on nicotine at all hours of the day. Those fuckers are strong, and that's the way I need them to be.

>> No.6742616

well i live in N.J. so 10 dollars... but that's pretty close to the price of american spirits.. so not much of a premium.

>> No.6742621

anyone that's smoked a pack a day for years, and also vaped all day, can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that vaping is at least one dozen times better for you.

i managed to quit smoking for good with vapes, and then just slowly lost interest in vaping until i stopped all together.

>> No.6742625

Being a dozen times better than shit doesn't make it not shit.

>> No.6742632

Jesus fucking Christ. I can get a pack of American Spirits for $6.50 here in Denver.

>> No.6742637


>> No.6742638
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Lucky Strike Additive Free, though I don't really smoke much. I smoke at most three cigs a day unless I'm at a party or something where I might smoke more, and I don't smoke every day.

>> No.6742642
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when i go to the city and buy a pack from their store its just over 14 dollars a pack.

>> No.6742643

I really want to live in NYC, but those fucking prices...

I read somewhere that rolling tobacco doesn't have the same taxes.

>> No.6742659

If you're going for rolling tobacco, you might as well buy your own whole leaves and shred it yourself. It's ridiculously cheaper.

>> No.6742662

"pipe" tobacco isn't taxed as heavily nor is whole leaf tobacco which i what i recommend.

>> No.6742675

rolling tobacco is a lot cheaper but its also way worse for you, it's lower quality tobacco and it has a lot more nicotine in it

>> No.6742677

>smoke reds
>be outside at bar
>drunk 21 year old chick comes outside and starts hitting on me
>asks for a cig
>i warn her theyre pretty stiff
>"no isssh ok i shmoke lotsa weed i kin handle it lol"
>she takes huge drag off it as soon as i light it and starts coughing
>she starts stumbling and passes out
>im mad she wasted one of my smokes

>> No.6742683

how was the sex, though?

>> No.6742707


Her friends saw her tumble and ran outside and started screaming at me

>> No.6742712

That statement is a logical fallacy.take for instance two men. One is drowning in a pool of shit, while the other has shit on his boots. The second man says to the first, "you are drowning in feces, would you like some help?" to which the first man replies, "no, you also are shitty."

>> No.6742734

No it's more like one is drowning in 50 feet of shit and the other is 100 feet of shit. They're both shit.

>> No.6742736

Depends on what brand you get.

American spirit rolling tobacco is of a much higher quality than say top or bugler

Also just add a cotton filter and Rollies are just about as bad for you as pre rolled cigs

>> No.6742739

So when can we have weed threads?
Alcohol gens got deleted but now they're welcome. And now I guess cigarette general is ok? What about weed? It's legal in some places now.

>> No.6742744
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>thinks tobacco induced cancers are a lie.


>> No.6742752

>cigarettes are food
>cigarettes are cooking related

>> No.6742769
File: 10 KB, 113x123, hide and seek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see you complaining in the music thread.

>> No.6742876


Nope. I'll smoke an occasional cigar or pipe but I'm never going back to cigarettes.

>> No.6742894

>muh facts
Fuck off hipster liberal faggot!

>> No.6742907

Camel lights

>> No.6743063

Damn nigga, you won't be getting your deposit back.

>> No.6743064


>> No.6743081

I did the vape thing for a long time, and bro it really is a lot less shit. The shit part is you're still totally addicted to nicotine. But as far as side effects go, vaping is so much less gross and injurious to one's health.

>> No.6743118
File: 97 KB, 800x534, filepicker%2FyUqBaFI6R92I1UzQRfve_Camel_Crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive only ever smoke one cigarette and it was one of these. are they shit tier?

>> No.6743120

vapes smell like wet dog and shit
literally a wet dog with shit on it

I'll trust shitty american tobacco companies over shitty chinese manufacturing companies

>> No.6743157

You sound like a stereotypical /pol/fag or something. I hope you don't actually believe that all vaping accessories come from China.

Do you even know how these devices work? Usually I wouldn't be eager to leap top their defense, but when you imply that tobacco companies are safer it's a pretty extreme level of stupid at work. The only harm that really comes from shit Chinese manufacture in vaping products is that you'll want to wash them thoroughly to remove machine oil residue.besides that, most of that best vaping shit is made right here in the US of A.

>> No.6743163

>The only harm that really comes from shit Chinese manufacture

...or malware that wants to steal your data when you plug in your vape to recharge it


>> No.6743182

>One anecdote
>From yahoo
>From reddit
>About a $5 Chinese vape

If you actually expect to pay $5 and get a quality product then you deserve to get a virus, doesn't matter if it's made in America, China, or anywhere else. I assumed anyway that we're talking about products that at least pretend to be reputable. You're literally retarded if you spend $5 on ebay for something that you plan to regularly inhale aerosolized chemicals from.

>> No.6743184

hahahaha camel crushes. those were the coolest thing ever when i was 18.

>> No.6743193

This post needs to be made into a banner

>> No.6743196

Marlboro 27's

but I hate myself for it and I wouldnt even smoke cigs if weed was legal here

>> No.6743202


just a step above pall malls

>> No.6743214

Marlboro 83s. Same blend as reds and a buck cheaper where I am.

>> No.6743541

my nigga

>> No.6743548

bushmills and marb reds/southerns/anything else i can bum because im a scumbag

>> No.6743553

Parliaments m8

>> No.6743654


Right now I have a Missouri meshcuram corn cob pipe. I like corn cob pipes. It adds a nice sweetness that does not interfere with other flavors. Right now Im smoking lanes limited 1q. Im going to order some Boswell products online. anyone try Boswell? I heard they have the best tasting blends.

Aslo how does dunhill fair? Is dunhil good for non aromatics.

>> No.6743693

We are already talking about cigarettes on /ck/ why wouldn't that be okay.

>> No.6743741

I only smoke Dunhill blacks, the import pack.

>> No.6743747

Reported offtopic

>> No.6743755
File: 24 KB, 283x448, dreams1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment Obama banned these was the moment I knew we no longer lived in a free country

If anyone can tell me how I can get these in the US, please let me know!!

>> No.6743780

this reminds me of those old ads for chesterfields.

"what cigarette do you smoke doctor?"

i mostly smoke cigars these days tho

>> No.6743785

>Smoke newports
>everybody gives me shit for smoking newports because I'm not black

I will admit though, I have never seen another white person smoke newports.

>> No.6743800
File: 241 KB, 450x615, Smoking04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were never good. Flavored cigarettes are the equivalent of spiced rum. It just covers up the taste of shit ingredients. Ever notice how the packaging is designed to appeal to children too?

>implying smoking is bad for you
>Cigarette smoking has been shown to increase serum hemoglobin, increase total lung capacity and stimulate weight loss, factors that all contribute to enhanced performance in endurance sports.

Checkmate atheists

>> No.6743852

But they were absolutely delicious.

>> No.6743899

>takes all the smoke out
good luck

in my dorm there was no smoking. we all had box fans in the windows cause we couldn't control the ac individually. us smokers turned them around and smoked inside. we got inches away from the fan but it doesn't matter, the room smelled bad and so did our clothes and hair.

>> No.6743932

cigs broadcast smoke
bongs you can cap are best for controlling it

>> No.6744049

From my experience me and my friends like to have something to drink while smoking and all of them would consider drinking a glass water while smoking to be nasty as fuck and would only drink juice or iced tea

but I don't see what the issue is I fucking love me some water while smoking. Or atleast did I'm trying to quit and this damn thread is tempting me to go out and buy the cheapest pack I can find.

>> No.6744064

But anon, Nat Shermans are tasteless and bland

>> No.6744069

>packaging appeals to children
truth campaign shill leave now

>> No.6744071
File: 28 KB, 380x380, amspirits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Spirit Yellows/Lights

>> No.6744374

don't smoke cigarettes

who hookah and weed here

>> No.6744378

I feel like truth was paid for by Camel....like a loop-hole for advertising on TV.

>> No.6744432

Smoking ruins your palette.

>> No.6744469

Fellow Canada fag?
Du Mauriers were my first "go to" cigarette. I stopped smoking them after they started using the charcoal filters three or four years ago. Bought a pack the other day and they had fucking holes in the filter?! They really didn't do much for me, like breathing air

Benson and Hedges Blacks if I'm drinking
Belmonts if I'm not

>> No.6744535

Parliament 100s or American Spirit yellows.

>> No.6744578

This. I could never make it as a good cook if I ruined it by blasting it with hot smoke every day.

>> No.6744588

I quit smoking.
Now I vape.

>> No.6744592

Dunhill Reds

A bit ironic having a thread like this on flavourtwon board tho

>> No.6744610

Fuck this gay earth! I came to /ck/ to ride out a nicotine fit (24hours woot ) and get some ideas for a stew. Fuck you /ck/ fuck you really really very fucking hard. Now I want a cigarette even more.

>> No.6744613

Buy at duty free or out of state

>> No.6744618


What do you smoke anon?

>> No.6744628

Pall Mall Reds.

>> No.6744650

fucking greasy

>> No.6744677

>tfw noticed gum recession
>only 24

I don't do it terribly often, but I do it enough to be health hazard.

>> No.6745040

I like them. Four dollars a pack around here, and half normal, half menthol is kinda of nice.

>> No.6745301
File: 28 KB, 258x352, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian Classic Silver Kings

>> No.6745393

Wrong. All Nat Shermans except the ones that anon posted are bland and tasteless. Those are the Sherman kings (can't remember if that's what they call them), and they're rich and delicious. almost half way between a cigarette and a cigar in terms of flavor. This thread and this particular post made me want some Nat Sherman's, but the gas station I went to didn't have these ones and I regret getting their other kind because you're right, they have no flavor.

If you like good cigarettes with a nice flavor, try the Dunhills in the Orange (or red?) pack.Those are delicious, actually taste a little citrusy a the cigarette burns shorter.

>> No.6745591

I usually go with Peter Jackson blue regular, but for some reason 2 of the 3 places I buy smokes from don't carry it anymore.
So I'll get Macdonald blue regular instead.

>> No.6745599

>tfw cheapest cigs in Canada are 10 bucks.

>> No.6745611

Agreed on Shermans being mostly shit, although the ones in that picture aren't particularly good even though they are "full flavored"

Turkish Ovals were alright (not sure if they make them anymore) and the MCDs of course although the flavor came mostly from the paper.

When I smoked my favorite smokes were Karelias, Botschafter, Shepheard's Hotel, Turkish Special, Sweet Afton, and RYO particularly Three Castles and Stokkebye in general.

Utter shit tier overrated crap: Most Shermans, Dunhill in general, American Spirits (why these ever took off is beyond me)

>> No.6745631
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I normally smoke B&H Deluxe, but since I'm living in Arizona for a few months and they're not sold here (thanks, Obama), I've been smoking Parliament and Dunhill.

>> No.6745635
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, _1024px-Amber_Leaft_10g_with_free_Rolling_Papers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look through thread
>no rolling tobacco

Step it up /ck/

>> No.6745643

>I didn't read the thread and I just want to be a speshul snowflake

You want a cookie or something?

You seem like the kind of guy who can't stop posting on facebook about how he's a super genius for knowing how to drive a normal car (aka stick shift).

>> No.6745649
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1392777447481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ctrl+F "rolling"
>4 matches other than my post
>only mentions are people saying rolling is cheaper
>no one saying what brand of rolling tobacco they smoke
>no pictures of rolling tobacco
>everyone who prefers rolling tobacco must be a hipster who shits on other people's preferences

>> No.6745652

if nobody else said what brand they smoked, what are these?


>> No.6745666

They obviously didnt they have cutters choice at the shop then?

>> No.6745674

also these

>> No.6745675


I hear that quite a lot actually, and I really don't get it. If I wanted to not taste my rollies when I smoke them, I'd just buy Golden Virginia.

>> No.6745691

Amber leaf tastes just like cutters if you left the packet open for a few days.

I bet you dont even use extra slim filters do you

>> No.6745832


Does it fuck. And extra slim filters are the only way.

>> No.6745837

You know that
You arent too bad for a poverty-stricken poortherner i suppose

>> No.6745852

Does anyone eat, ingest, or cook tobacco?


>> No.6745853

My brother swallows his dip spit.

>> No.6745855

Lurk moar

Tobacco threads have always been A-OK on /ck/

>> No.6745987
File: 358 KB, 632x474, _Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 23.15.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I'm a wealthy southerner who just prefers amber leaf rollies

>> No.6746007

>pewdiepie reaction image
y'all kill y'allself now ya hear?

>> No.6746011

It's even a screenshot, so you know he had to have been watching Pewdiepie at the time.

>> No.6746017

>I quit smoking
>Now I am homosex

>> No.6746021

I could see it, I want a cigarette every time one of their gay commercials comes on

Like they make me want to smoke out of spite for their faggotry

>> No.6746041
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, muh pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the tobacco fedora.

I've had a slew of various pipes, from corn cob to calabash, over the years. Somehow or another ended up with only this Peterson system pipe.

Easy to smoke, easy to maintain and produces a good smoke.

I only smoke English blends out of it.

Don't order name brand stuff online. Go find a tobacconist and ask for their blends. If you bring a pipe, they'll usually let your sample it.

>> No.6746043

Good to know he takes after his mother then

>> No.6746104
File: 15 KB, 271x324, djarum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These, i need to cut down though

>> No.6746106

>smoking is literally sucking on fags

>> No.6746148

What kind of gun is that? Looks neat

>> No.6746153

is that a Webley Service revolver ?

>> No.6746156

Are you European or something? I've never even heard of most of these brands.

>> No.6746165

Hand rolled golden virginia with a menthol filter.
Also this is not /ck/.

>> No.6746170
File: 651 KB, 2408x1806, webleytweed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webley & Scott Mk.VI service revolver.

It's 99 years old this year :3

>> No.6746172

o wow you must be a really cool guy.

>> No.6746175

So it's OK to have anime threads here as long as we all watch anime?

>> No.6746183


>> No.6746201

Yes, I think he must be literally virtually the most awesomest person I've ever seen, femanon here. Just friggin awesome.

>> No.6746225
File: 1.18 MB, 3416x2136, catgun'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746349
File: 212 KB, 1924x1084, BigGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746462

I'm a murkin but I'm often accused of never having set foot here, when I'm on seekay discussing my awesome taste :^)

I quit smoking during Obama's first year in office, mostly coincidentally. So I have no idea if those brands are still around.

>> No.6746737

the better question is why the fuck this thread is on /ck/
cigarettes are neither food nor cooking

>> No.6746750

Because every fucking cook smokes