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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6738620 No.6738620 [Reply] [Original]

Guess what time it is!

>> No.6738622
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That's right, it's abomination o'clock!

>> No.6738625
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>> No.6738628
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I'd apologize for the mess, but I'm already clearly indifferent to garbage here.

>> No.6738639
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>> No.6738644


>> No.6738653
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My roommate just came in with a handful of wilty looking yard waste he got from the neighbor's clippings bin. He's about to eat it.
It might actually be better for me than this, maybe I'll ask for some.

Yeah, wing meat in my Wyngz™ would be gross.

>> No.6738656

Had one of those once, it was decent enough as comfort food

Quality wasn't priority I just wanted cheap filling food and got what I asked for

>> No.6738688
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Pizza's done

>> No.6738691


Yup, that's a DiGiorno alright. Never much cared for just-pepperoni pizza and quite frankly DiGiorno's crust is too mealy and thick for my tastes.

>> No.6738694
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Wings look edible.

>Never much cared for just-pepperoni pizza
What are you, some kind of grown up? Fuck outta my board.

But nah I only try DiGorno when they do gimicks. The top-your-own was meh.

>> No.6738696
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>> No.6738700
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ouch this looks depressing
are you really gonna eat it OP

>> No.6738710
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There's like a 3:1 crust-to-toppings ratio there. The sauce, cheese, and pepperoni would all be overpowered by that dry, bland crust alone.

Now, I just had some shitty pizza tonight. Panheads. Good god, there was literally no sauce on my slice. Cheese, sausage, these were there and the crust was decent enough (garlicy grease notwithstanding). Egregious omitting aside, at least it had an idea of proportion.

>> No.6738712
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Pizza was medocre and had too much crust. There's enough bufalo sauce left to dip it in, though.
The Wyngz™ were OK if you like em heavy breaded. Actual chunks of chicken, no nuhget mash.

3/10, would not again.

>> No.6738714


Now that looks good :)

>> No.6738721


In my defense when I would eat this it was more or less my to-go "munchies" food. When you're high enough and you give so little a fuck it's just what happens.

>> No.6738728
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Seconds. The rest will be for lunch tomorrow.

maybe it would have been 4/10 if i was more drunk

>> No.6738730
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Don't forget your creamy ranch dressing!

>> No.6738741

holy shit i regret this.
So what was the grossest thing you've eaten lately, /ck/?

4got name

>> No.6738752

gas station pizza

>> No.6738760

solidified bacon grease on whole wheat bread.

>> No.6738762

The shit-tier pizza I mentioned earlier is bar none the most recent as far as shitty goes. Not "gross", per se, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

While Publix usually does a good job with their fried chicken I got a bad batch the other night. Breading was soggy and stuck to the lining of the packaging. I don't know if the batch had just been sitting out or whatever but it was some shit.

>> No.6739181

>federation female

I see through your ruse, filthy zeek scum

>> No.6739194

That is one sparsely pepperonied pizza.

I'd eat the fuck out of this right now, though.

>> No.6739212
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Some spicy Prego sauce.


You know those bags of frozen chicken chunks that people put in salads and shit? I put a handful in there too.

There's store bought potato salad underneath that I initially was going to eat by itself before I decided to "cook" "spaghetti".

>> No.6739213

You realize they're called "Wyngz" because they're not actually allowed to call them wings? Shouldn't that alone be enough to concern you?

>> No.6739218
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Also here's a photo underneath all that spaghetti.

It wasn't unhealthy but I wish I made the chicken chunks smaller and/or added sausage (which I have). I'd probably have boiled the sausage if I used it..

There was white wine in the sauce but I didn't taste it afaik. I don't know why.

It wasn't grossly unhealthy. Should've used a bigger plate or had two separate plates.

>> No.6739221


That's the word I've been looking for to describe that crust. Sometimes I like it but most of the time it makes me feel like eating French bread pizza or something.

The entire American food industry is concerning. The fact that they think it's okay to sell that with that name. It's concerning that some people won't even read the disclaimer.

Most people would probably eat it if they're the type to buy frozen pizza like that, including me, but at least don't make me feel like an idiot.

>According to the website for Nestlé's DiGiorno brand frozen pizza and wyngz combo, the fanciful spelling is used "[b]ecause they're not wings. They're even better."

Figured their response to it wouldn't make any more sense.

I also hate how "Real" and "premium" and "fresh never frozen" are marketing terms. One company uses it and everyone hops aboard. I don't like how it's a selling point to have to call your food real.

>> No.6739281

Yer mum just got a healthy serving of spicy prego sauce if you know what I mean.

>> No.6739303


>> No.6739316

Eat up, Pleb :^)

>> No.6739824

Two pieces of bread with sweet baby ray's inbetween
>tfw poor

>> No.6739949

Well they're not actually wings, so no.

>French bread pizza or something.
Do not sully the name of good french bread pizza like that.

>> No.6740014

>no other misspellings are permitted

>> No.6740022
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>hand tossed "style"
>no actual wing meat

Just when I thought frozen pizza couldn't get any lower.

>> No.6740031

This reads like reviewbrah video. Is that you, buddy?

>> No.6740042
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>better absorb vitamins

>> No.6740966
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>not making a drunk mcdouble pizza