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6724879 No.6724879 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys like anchovies on your pizza?

I just made a pizza and I put some anchovies on it. I don't know why I do it. I like them and hate them at the same time. They're so salty but something about it is satisfying but also off-putting at the same time. Now I'm drinking a bunch of water because of the saltiness. Beer and anchovy pizza is really good too.

What are your thoughts on anchovies on pizza?

>> No.6724887

"It's good"

I'm not sure what you expected from this thread.

>> No.6724889

I had anchovies for the first time recently. It was on a pizza and I liked the salty kick it gave it.

>> No.6724995

Yep. With capers.

>> No.6725675

There's a bakery in my neighborhood that does a square pizza where the sauce they put on it has anchovies and onion ground and mixed into it and it's pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.6725689 [DELETED] 
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The one slice with no anchovy is triggering me.

>> No.6725696

Yes I love them, but admit it's an acquired taste

I had them with antipasta at holidays all the time at gammers

Now even if I have frozen pizza I like to buy a tin to put a few on top

>> No.6725708 [DELETED] 
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>What are your thoughts on anchovies on pizza?

>> No.6725728

>anchovies not centered down middle of slice


>> No.6725730

Only thing I don't like is the texture of the tiny bones.

>> No.6727718

It wouldn't be Primo without the anchovies.

This is a noticeable downfall, but at the same time it makes you really slow down and enjoy the flavors.

>> No.6727790

anchovies are wonderful

try them in pasta with more bitter flavours for emphasis, like puttanesca

>> No.6727817

Haven't tried anchovies, don't care to.

GOAT pizza (for me, at least)
>cubed chicken and beef
>red + green bell pepper strips
>black olives

>> No.6727833

I add them in smaller pieces so it's not as noticeably but I don't mind it anyway.

>> No.6727907
File: 72 KB, 467x688, dating-fails-dude-pizza-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I don't even bother getting pizza unless it's gonna have anchovies on it. A shame most places don't have them these days.

>> No.6727911

Anchovy + Kalamata Olives + Rocket

>> No.6730217

Try anchovy paste, it sounds unappetizing I know, but you won't have any bones to deal with. Imo it tastes even better than whole anchovies and it can be used on anything.

>> No.6730243

When i do put chovies on pizza, I like them with roasted red pepper and thin slices of garlic, preferably on a pie with a really rich, slightly sweet tomato sauce on it.

>> No.6730439
File: 23 KB, 373x287, moiti%E9%20moiti%E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them, unlike some people. Fortunatly, in my city (Marseille, France) we have delicious pizza trucks that offer a smart solution for this issue: the 'moitié-moitié' (half-half). It is half cheese, half anchovies, topings unmixed. Pic related.

God do I love this city

>> No.6730441


Also I always keep a tube of anchovy paste in the fridge, and I spread some on the dough before the sauce.

>> No.6730713
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>Those cardinal olives



>> No.6730715

It's okay.
I think I'd love bonita flakes though

>> No.6730723

artichoke is good too.

>> No.6730812

Wow perfect thread, literally came on ck to ask about anchovy pizza

I'm going to try and get my first real pizza in nyc, thinking about going to grimaldi's and getting a regular with anchovies, any other toppings or does anchovy stand alone?

>> No.6730845

They are way too overpowering. They're salty as well and there's no need for that on pizza.

On their own with a little olive oil, salt, and lemon, you're good to go.

>> No.6730853

erm minus the salt

>> No.6730865

Did you notice? I heard it's because Marseille has always been a great port city.