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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6717830 No.6717830 [Reply] [Original]

I love my steak rare and I can't believe that some people like their steak well done. My mother used to make it well done and it's always been dry and chewy, only edible with lots of sauce. But more and more people seem to argue that you "just need to do it right". Some people say that a well done steak can still be juicy and tasteful. But I couldn't find any proper tips on how to do it. I wanna try it (with a cheap cut) and make a direct comparison. Is anyone experienced with this?

>> No.6717857


Chefs around the world agree, there are no redeeming qualities to a well done steak.

>> No.6717870


When people say they want a well done steak they dont really mean it.

They dont want a steak that is cooked so much that you cant see any pink in it.

Usually they just hate blood, and they want the steak cooked in a way that there is no blood in it that's visible.

But they still want the steak to be juicy.

The best thing for a person like that is a longer slower lower temp cook on the steak. So it takes longer to make it properly.

The best thing to do is get them to eat a sous vide steak, because they will l probably like it.

>> No.6717877
File: 139 KB, 700x394, pic_why8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a steak is cooked properly, you should not see alot of blood in it.

Just a pinker flesh.

>> No.6717961

it's not blood in a steak though
anyone who is afraid of 'blood' needs to not eat any animals ever

>> No.6717971 [DELETED] 

That looks really fucking good OP.

>> No.6717982 [DELETED] 

>anyone who is afraid of 'blood' needs to not eat any animals ever

>> No.6717990

because it's inherent to eating an animal
it's the same as 99% of the people who don't eat meat off the bone
if you need a disconnect between you're eating an animal, you shouldn't be eating an animal

>> No.6717992


The best thing to do when anyone mentions blood is to say "it isn't blood you fucking asshole".

>> No.6718003 [DELETED] 

>every meat on the planet is fully cooked before consumption


I can smell the new felt in your fedoras from here

>> No.6718007

Alright now. The sous vide method sounds worth a try. But aside from that nobody actually knows how to cook a well done steak without making it dry and tasteless? Is it even possible?

>> No.6718010


I think he means if they're afraid that they're going to eat blood if the meat isn't cooked through without pink.


There should be no blood in any steak that you buy. Nearly all of it is removed during slaughter. What you are seeing is myowater.

>> No.6718035

In my experience its always lib arts educated white women who won't eat steak because of "blood" just like they won't eat chicken on the bone.

They'll only eat boneless skinless chicken breasts that come frozen in a bag,

>> No.6718054

I thinks most red meat. Lamb, venison and stuff is usually cooked rare.

>> No.6718055


Worth a try ?

Sous Vide makes the best steak possible.

Its called a Reverse Seared steak and its the right way to do it.

You have been cooking steak backwards your entire life.

How have you lived so long and not tried a Sous Vide steak ?

Welcome to 2015

Do you still smoke via Combustion ?

>> No.6718111

This, I highly dislike blood in my steak.

>> No.6719514

>not hunting and eating bison raw
>not slitting a chicken's throat and watching it bleed out

>> No.6719528

Nobody is worse than niggers for getting their food well done.

>> No.6720269

Why just not let people eat what they want?

>> No.6720276

Underrated Post of the Day

>> No.6720277

No cook who isn't a complete faggot will say no. If you want dry meat, he'll give it to you.

Some meat can be cooked well done but they should in theory be fatty. Otherwise you're eating chewy, rough, tasteless shit.

>> No.6720285

Not much help here lol. I honestly like a well done steak.

I do not like the taste of beef at all lol. I like it cooked to oblivion, then I smother it with bbq sauce.

I usually have a pork chop or chicken breast while everyone has steaks. Can't stand that red meat.

>> No.6720321
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, thisthreadagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anno domini nostri iesu MMXV

plz stop bumping the bait.

>> No.6720329

You just bumped the thing, what should I make of that?

Also your image is pure bait, 1080 paint paste, so you're baiting against bait?

Whatever, meat doneness should be argued on /ck/ at all times.

>> No.6720339

just marinate the steak in something dark.

>> No.6720342

what steak sauce do you recommend?

>> No.6720350


Worcestershire, soy sauce, garlic, spices, a little mustard, whatever. I'm only saying that a marinated steak wont look pink inside even if you cook it right.

>> No.6720366


And if you're talking about cheap steaks specifically- that's how you make them better. You don't really gain anything by not cooking bad pieces of meat well done. That's what marinating and BBQ is all about, making lower quality pieces of meat delicious. Barbecue is what you want to get into for well cooked meat, but simple marinades are less complicated.

>> No.6720445

Some people say that a well done steak can still be juicy and tasteful. But I couldn't find any proper tips on how to do it. Really op. facts of life, like it or love, or even hate, the facts remaqin the same, yet changing, so should you and not being a prick or an a hole (notice the graqmmer,or graqndma,as slways,upto you btWould be easy to paint all Islam with a big brush. Its tough. alwqays is.but just people,like you and me. Idon't knowm but i know this, fatith,hope and love.if you lack that, you7 are truely f'ed. bad fashion.sorry, but not. Paul was right prick, maybe, butgot it right. though ispeak.. you know

>> No.6720612


>> No.6720626

same thing with chicken breast, there's a difference between well done and overcooked (inb4 faggots)

you can also lightly salt the outside of the steak and let it sit overnight, the salt seems to make it more tender.

i think rare steak is only good if you have an incredibly high quality dry aged steak, otherwise well done is actually better.

>> No.6720630

Eh, OP have you ever had a middle aged nigger cook a well done choice steak on their grill? Only time ive ever had a juicy well done steak.

Yes im dating a black girl yes she does lick my asshole.

>> No.6720657

> you don't really gain anything by not cooking bad pieces of meat well done
wrong. 36 hours at 60 celsius will turn the toughest stringiest hunk of sinewy cow into tasty goodness
I know it used to be all about confit, braising and barbeque, but get with the times, grandpa

>> No.6720662

well done steak will never be as juicy as medium, or even medium-well, because at the temps involved myofibrin contracts irreversibly, so that it squeezes water out of the piece but doesn't soak it back in no matter how long you wait. it just shrinks and stays shrunk
this being said, well-done can be a good eating experience, provided there is enough fat to substitute for the lost juices

>> No.6720687

>Yes im dating a black girl yes she does lick my asshole.
Hell yea. Black girls be nasty, I love it.

>> No.6720696

You're a terrible fake rambling guy.

>> No.6722189

>what is duck
>what is tuna

>> No.6722926

my stomach cannot deal with raw/rare met
i used to eat a lot of it but it stopped working right when i was like 15yo

some people like steak well done because they have no other choice

>> No.6724807
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the second one

>> No.6724827

Doing it with a cheap cut won't prove much. I get really nicely marbled ribeyes sometimes and I once accidentally cooked it med-well with hardly any pink at all. It was really good, I'd say better than another ribeye that I cooked too rare once. I think the fattier cuts shouldn't be too rare, the fat needs to render. When you get a shitty cut, it won't have much fat marbling and will need to be rare to taste ok.

>> No.6724856

>he thinks its blood

>> No.6724926

This pasta is stale. Stop posting it every day.

>> No.6724934
File: 83 KB, 704x960, steak_cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding for the perfect steak.
>IMO anyway.

>> No.6724940

You could slow cook it at a low temperature but you might as well use a cheap stringy cut.

>> No.6724956

I have to go to a butcher shop and order a marbled cut.
None of the grocers sell marbled steak because the vast majority of customers think fat = bad.
I rarely cook steak for that reason.

>> No.6724968

What kinda cut is that? The fibres looks like shit

>> No.6724974

ITT: People eating raw meat like cavemen who did not discover fire and pretending it tastes good.

The juiciest meat i ever had was well done in a charcoal grill. Get over it.

>> No.6724977

First one looks best

>> No.6724989
File: 114 KB, 1023x682, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks, a high end grocery store where I live has these prime ribeyes on the weekends. They are $20/lb though...

>> No.6725020

A medium rare steak is the best kind of steak.

>> No.6725025

Oh what a steak!
What a lovely steak!

>> No.6725030

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.6725034


Not even that guy, but that steak looks like hamburger meat. It's repulsive.

If it tasted good, though, then whatever.

>> No.6725083
File: 72 KB, 709x765, 1428967312343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a soft, tender steak cooked evenly thru all the way looks repulsive. ok

>> No.6725208

Agreed anon

>> No.6725230


The meat looks like it's been chewed or hacked up with a dull knife or something. See how all the fibers are broken? something is up there.

>> No.6725238

Maybe he used a meat tenderizer

>> No.6725244


Maybe he did. But regardless of what was used, it does not make for a good photograph.