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6715665 No.6715665 [Reply] [Original]

I was told to get vodka if I hate alcohol and just want to get drunk. Should I just buy the cheapest shit like mccormicks or get something better? Are there different kinds of drunks if you get shitty vs good stuff or is it all the same?

>> No.6715667

What? Vodka is basically just water and pure ethanol. If you hate alcohol get Mikes Hard Lemonade or something.

>> No.6715669

Ideally everything would be pure ethanol and life would be good.

Some things (tequila, and cheaper rums, vodkas and whiskies) contain low levels of methanol and fusel alcohols (heads and tails), which affect your ability to absorb oxygen at different rates. They also contribute heavily to hangovers.

>> No.6715677

I'd recommend getting something kind of middle tier. The really super cheap vodka tends to smell and taste like rubbing alcohol to me. Though I guess depending on what you're mixing it with, that doesn't really matter.

>> No.6715678

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6715700

I just drink hard cider after I choke down some shots. But I would prefer to mix some vodka with orange juice or something because it seems more cost effective and less painful

>> No.6715731


I'd go rum and coke. Both are pretty cheap and it goes down pretty easily.

>> No.6715735

vodka doesn't taste any less like alcohol than other liquors

>> No.6715743

vodka mixes well with other drinks and if done right barely has a taste of anything other than the main mixer.

>> No.6715751

I like costco generic american vodka
fifteen bucks for a shitload and it goes down decent

>> No.6715862

Not the OP, but what are some good cheap Vodka brands and what drinks are good to pair them with?

>> No.6715877

Mix sugar 1-1 with water, bring to a simmer, and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool completely and store in the fridge.

This is a sugar syrup. Now add this to a Spirit & Mixer, and it will mask the Alcohol. The more sugar, the less you will taste it.

I'd say the easiest way to drink Vodka, is to freeze a big bottle of Nice (not from concentrate) orange juice, cut the bottle away from the frozen block, turn the OJ into OJ slush in a powerful blender, add sugar syrup, & 1/5 of the glass Vodka.

Cold, Sugar & acid is how it's done. This is date rape tips too i guess. Having the drink as slush makes it a lot easier to drink. Spirits like Vodka or Gin won't freeze in a conventional freezer. Having them very very cold dulls the taste.

I like Ginger beer (a strong dry one, not an overly sweet one) + sugar syrup + lemon juice + ice + whiskey + mint.

>> No.6715886
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Buy some vodka, then get some SunnyD. Take a shot, chase with the SunnyD. Shit's delicious and completely masks the flavour. Skyy is a good/cheap brand of vodka.

>> No.6715892


>> No.6716074
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if I am going for a cheaper bottle of vodka I usually lean toward Svedka or Ketel One. As for mixers, usually a citrus based juice mix very well. I also like to mix it with fruit punch energy drink for a much less shitty 4loko

>> No.6716076

op here I got some smirnoff and orange juice and just gonna mix it.

Also bought some spam so can someone tell me how to make a proper spam sandwich

>> No.6716095

nah m8 if you just wanna get drunk, get some everclear

>> No.6716103

the bottom shelf ones (that are $10/handle) taste like water if you drink it with ice after a while

literally no reason to buy anything more expensive than bottom shelf vodka

>> No.6716236
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why drink nasty slav alcohol when you could have based american rum

>> No.6716280

>white rum
>not shit
Pick one
Why the fuck even drink rum if you're going to take all the flavor out of it, you might as well just drink vodka like a fucking pleb.

>> No.6716283

Svedka is also really cheap. Does not taste very good by itself but you can always make a Sex on the Beach with orange juice, cranberry juice, and peach schnapps.

>> No.6716516

>different kinds of drunk
Bunch of horsecrap. The only thing about cheap alcohol is that the distillation and filtering may not remove some of the shittier flavors. This is why people sometimes say it tastes "like gasoline" or "paint thinner". other than that it's the same shit. Typically darker spirits and some shitty vodkas can lead to a worse hangover. Just stay hydrated and you have to worry about it less.
If you spend a few bucks more you can get quality vodka though if you know where to look. It's an easy as fuck drink to produce. Don't get ripped off by grey goose bullshit

>> No.6716601

But it gets you drunk faster, which is what OP wants.

>> No.6716606
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This will do the trick. Cheap as hell, too.

>> No.6716612

Orange soda + vanilla burnettes = orange dreamsicle

Citron/lemon vodka + grapefruit juice = ??? dunno but its delicious, u gonna get fucked up lol

>> No.6716618

Yes, but it has far less other tastes to it as well. It doesn't taste like a smokey barrel, or juniper berries, or any other taste infused with the alcohol. Things that make whiskey differ from bourbon or rum or gin or whatever. Now what the alcohol is fermented from is going to make a difference, but vodka is arguable the "cleanest" taste... the one with the least influentially noticeable origins.

So what do you do when you don't like alcohol but want to get drunk? Take a benign alcohol that is strong and easily mixed with anything. Vodka is the winner here. Alcohol is alcohol, but C2H6O isn't the only thing influencing the taste.

>> No.6716625

Jane Doe

>> No.6716626

i buy 1.75 litres of gilbeys vodka op. 12 USD, drink it straight, does the job, done and done.

>> No.6716653
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>> No.6716769

Are we /alck/ here? I just vomited into my half-full 40 oz of OE and I'm still chugging so I can feel something other than depression. I guess my question is, Hurricane, Steel Reserve, or OE?

>> No.6716829

I know you are just drinking to get drunk in the quickest and cheapest fashion but god damn those are awful drinks. Please spend a handful more dollars and upgrade to shit tier hard liqueur.
That being said I would probably go with steel Reserve cause the one time I drank one of those I didn't feel like a homeless man pissed into cup and made me drink it.

>> No.6716860
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I normally drink cheap vodka diluted with tap water but I don't even care about calories this week. I don't know of anything cheaper to get drunk on. I get my booze money from inviting people to sleep on my dumpster couch and then digging the change out of said dumpster couch.

Vodka and water is amazing by the way. It tastes like water but kind of vokda-y.

>> No.6717017
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>Cold, Sugar & acid is how it's done. This is date rape tips too i guess

>> No.6718682

>Vodka and water is amazing by the way. It tastes like water but kind of vokda-y.

who'd a guessed?

>> No.6718699

The main difference between cheap rail liquor and top shelf alcohol is most apparent in the feeling inside of your head the morning after.

>> No.6718703

If you hate alcohol then definitely dont get the cheapest vodka, het a smooth vodka like grey goose that you cannot taste

>> No.6719000

1. youre dumb
2. drink alcohol and get drunk, find out for yourself

>> No.6719078

Absolutely. I'm never going back to Sainsbury's Basics vodka or Tesco Everyday Value shit after having Stoli and tonic with lemon.

All those morning afters feeling like complete shit for no good reason.

>> No.6719156

just drink water and take a couple of Tylenol before passing out onto your bed and you should be fine even with the cheaper shit.

>> No.6720087

If you aren't or get top shelf, it takes less, and it's clean. Don't feel quite as shitty day after

>> No.6720089

Also c
Vodka is a bad choice if you hate booze. Get something like frangelico tastes like chocolate cake

>> No.6720095

Ironically Costco isn't really generic, it's just their private label. It is pretty clean of impurities Costco has good liquor and rally really bad beer

>> No.6720098


Crown Royal Black and sweet tea.

You're welcome.

>> No.6720102

Why are people even suggesting to get drunk on vodka if OP hates alcohol?
This is a troll thread right?
If OP cant stand the taste of alcohol he clearly wont be getting drunk on vodka.

Get a good gin OP, then mix it with some pure orange juice or some strong fruity or fizzy drink. You'l hardly taste the gin, after your first.

>> No.6720174

do you know which brand does the kirkland vodka? The last time I tasted it, it tasted a bit like a cheaper brand but it could just be my mixer was fucking up the taste for me.

>> No.6720180


Also I know many people that cant stand gin. I personally love the shit though.

>> No.6720204

I always took the scientific way of thinking, I am autism smart, ethanol = ethanol. I thought all liquor was the same. Until I bought a $7 Gallon of clear rum, gave myself 3rd degree burns and beat my girlfriend and dog. Now I don't buy anything cheaper than $12 a 1/5.

>> No.6720209
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I second this

or sweet tea with this

>> No.6721437

The best drinks for people that dont like the taste of alcohol that ive found are just any cheap bottom shelf tequila mixed with sprite or sierra mist.. cant even taste any sourness. Another good one is captain morgan original spiced rum mixed with real Orange juice.. though it is more expensive.