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File: 53 KB, 600x355, whiskeyandcommies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6715335 No.6715335 [Reply] [Original]

Bourbon>Scotch>Candian whiskey>Japanese whiskey>shit>Irish whiskey


>> No.6715342

Serious question, I've only ever drank bourbon; how does it compare to whiskey in general taste-wise?

>> No.6715343

How large was his glass? Sounds like a fucking waste.

>> No.6715349

It's typically sweeter than Scotch whiskys, because it's mostly corn based, which is what makes it a "bourbon".

Scotch can be very different and complex, but in a good way if that's what you're into.

Either way, both have their pros and cons. But I love myself a good glass of bourbon.

>> No.6715358

just one?

>> No.6715368

>fail to complete more than half of a task
>this means alcohol is good.

>> No.6715379

>drinking just one glass of bourbon
Literally impossible. That shit is delicious.

>> No.6715386

>criticizing a USA PATRIOT
If you don't like it here go back to Kenya, stupid fucking eurofags. Feel sorry for me? I don't think of you at all.

Same for all you coastal libs, America hating kids. Get back here to the real world before sounding off about your social justice.

>> No.6715402

dont the japanese make the best whiskey now days?

>> No.6715406
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>> No.6715412

> Thinking Canadian Whiskey is above Japanese whiskey

There's no way that even the best of Canadian whiskey can stand a chance to anything Yamizaki produces. Not even being a weeb right now, I'm serious. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6715417

>Irish whiskey

I love this meme.

>> No.6715435

My personal tastes run: Scotch>Japanese>Irish>Canadian/Rye>Bourbon... but that's just me.

>> No.6715438

Name a single Irish whiskey that beats a bourbon or a Scotch

>> No.6715444

thats called being wrong

>> No.6715457


Irish is the finest tri or quad-distilled brown spirit. Mild and blonde, fair and obedient, if women came as whiskys they would be Tulamore Dew.

Canadian is the most polite brown spirit, risk-averse and shrunken from the thought of doing violence to the digestion, it puts in a full shift's work and never complains about life's inequities.

Scotch, oh, you haughty bitch. Mean as a snake and variable as women. Certainly proud to be seen about town at the window table, but take her to bed and she'll close down frigid or piss right in your mouth while you sleep. A spirit to visit on a lonely night, briefly, before a fond kiss on the cheek and away.

Nippon newcomers, looking up the steep learning curve of ancient Celt's and reaching to about the Sony Walkman stage of mastery, as of this weekend. "If you must."

Oh, Kentucky. Oh, Tennessee. That your ancestors were willing to fight to keep you sovereign buggers the credulous imagination. Just filter corn mash liquor through cotton and call it a day. Would you like some cogeners with your horse feed syrup? Then, please, have a bourbon.

>> No.6715461
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budget beer>all
Debate me ,you WILL lose

>> No.6715465

what about rye

>> No.6715473

I avoid cheap Scotch and Japanese whiskies, so maybe that has something to do with it... and I also really enjoy bourbon, but as far as the enjoyment I get from various brown liquors, that's my ranking.

>> No.6715479

Rye: The slutty bartendrix you went home with once, and now she fronts you a free dram or two with a wink and questionable intentions. She's hot, she's not as young as she once was, she's available, and on that kind of night, well. No one comes to this bar for the petite fours.

>> No.6715482
File: 34 KB, 461x439, 1437257959871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American rye whiskey>Islay scotch> POWER GAP > bourbon > highland and speyside scotch > Canadian whisky

Those that do not make the rankings:

>Japanese 'whisky'
>Irish whiskey
>flavored whiskey liqueurs
>Jack Daniels 'Tennessee whiskey'

>> No.6715486

Nah, we come for the hefty sevens!

>> No.6715496

Agree. Scotch is actually complete shit compared to the sweet nectar of the gods that is American bourbon.

>> No.6715497

>invitation to argue with a retard

Been there, done that. No thanks.

>> No.6715498

>Islay above Highland or Speyside
I've had all 3 and it's Highland>Speyside>Islay.

Islay is just shit tasting peat.

>> No.6715501

>not the good country woman with crack shot and a hot temper
eurofag detected

>> No.6715509
File: 148 KB, 550x469, Irish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a low spirit. I'm as Murcan as modern sporting rifles and mountains of debt. The Irish have broken this code to the celestial level. Canadian is like what Pete Townshend said: It's just a fucking guitar. Scotch is fine, but she's the one with the hot temper. Bourbon and Rye are like batter fried fish - both were invented under necessity of duress and neither are the first choice if choice is available.

Plus, beyond a certain volume, triple or quadruple distillation becomes really important. This is also a fair explanation for why Bourbon drinkers tend to have a statistically unlikely frequency of facial scars and arrest records.

>> No.6715510

ok so what's the ar15 of likker

>> No.6715527

Yeah, nah... I've met some country women who fit the bill of a hefty seven (and even svelte 9 after some weight loss), but getting shot's never been high on my list of things to do.

>> No.6715529
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The Bushmaster of brown spirits.

>> No.6715534
File: 59 KB, 320x480, BetterAR15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The S&W M&P of brown spirits.

>> No.6715539

>tfw American
>tfw unironically like JB
Fuck Jack, though.

>> No.6715545

Jack Daniels gives American whiskey a bad name. Doesn't help that it costs ten bucks in marketing a handle

>> No.6715547
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The FN SCAR of brown spirits

>> No.6715551

It's fine for pouring into a cola on a hot day on a Cumberland houseboat with the girls. I just prefer something cleaner for when the sun goes down. Those people are usually armed to the teeth.

>> No.6715580

Green Spot, Yellow Spot, the various Redbreast bottlings, the Tyrconnell single malt, the Bushmills single malts are all good whiskies which beat out many Scotches and American whiskies I've tried.

>> No.6715597

It should say

>Then he failed to keep Korea a united nation and gave half to the Commies.

>> No.6715606
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1437680283729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are so utterly disgusting.

>> No.6715613

Someone's getting cranky! Isn't it time for your pills?

>> No.6715660

Fuck off.

>> No.6715691

I would like Jim beam if Evan williams wasn't cheaper and better.
>tfw you can't find old crow reserve in your area anymore
That truly is the king of cheap bourbon

>> No.6716178

Are American patriots this pathetic?

>> No.6716234

Would you care to recommend a good bourbon to someone who's exclusively a Scotch drinker? I'm partial towards Talisker and Lagavulin, if that helps you any.
I rarely get the chance to buy liquor, so price isn't really a big deal.

>> No.6716251
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Wrong but nice try

Scotch>>>>>>>>Japanese Whisky>>>>>>Bourbon>>>American Whisky>Irish Whisky>Canadian Whisky>Everything else

>> No.6717030

Pretty sure Australians make the best whisky. Sullivans cove is amber of the gods

>> No.6717085

Don't forget Bill Larks

>> No.6717171

Calm down fatty, you'll have a heart attack

>> No.6717195

Elijah Craig, Blantons and Old Grand Dad are great

>> No.6717204

Over priced shit tier trio selection.

>> No.6717206

The irish invented whiskey

>> No.6718763

>Elijah Craig
>shit tier

It's easily one of the best bourbons out there. And for the quality I'd say the price is fine.

>> No.6718788
File: 11 KB, 244x206, itrulysee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to exclusively drink bourbon
>started out with babby's first Jack like 99% of Americans
>gradually branched out and tried lots of different bourbons trying to find which ones I like best
>always hesitant to try Scotch because I tried it once and thought it was terrible
>finally give it another try
>only want to drink delicious Scotch now

Don't knock it till you've really given it a chance. I love it now.

>> No.6719040

you should get more tampons for your bleeding vagina, it looks like you need some

>> No.6719074

Scotch>>>Jap whisky>Canadian whiskey>Irish whisky>>>>>>Bourbon

I tasted a yamazaki whisky couple weeks ago.
I still prefer my Oban but fuck was it good.

>> No.6719121

For me Scotch > Rye > Bourbon > Irish > Tennessee, haven't had any Japanese or Canadian whiskys of note yet.