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File: 20 KB, 450x285, starbucks-trash-can[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6704245 No.6704245 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?
Most people who drink it load it down with so much sugar and creamer that they might as well be drinking soda.
These people are the same people who guzzle down 1/2 liter containers of caffeine juice like it's nothing.
Nuance and taste is entirely lost on them, their entire concept of coffee is cheapened to a petty caffeine fix.
Then you have your fellapuchino babbies who only enjoy the idea of drinking coffee but would never drink anything that isn't a sickly sweet coffee flavored milkshake.

Even people who portray themselves as coffee purists, dabbling in home-brewing, home-grinding, home-roasting, etc, only bother with it because it makes them feel like a part of something larger, like they're one with a faceless community of coffee connoisseurs.
These people are attempting to fit into a lifestyle image that's reminiscent of other internet communities, like double-edge wet shaving and mechanical watch enthusiasts, all of which get their smug satisfaction from doing things "the old fashioned way".

Coffee is a meme.

>> No.6704251

How meme of you, what a meme post.

>> No.6704253

All coffee is shit. I'm sorry. Doesn't matter if it's sweet, bitter, home-brewed, Japanese, Marsian or whatever. It's shit.

>> No.6704256

tl;dr - I'm a fully transcended hipster

>> No.6704258

>t. 14 year old

>> No.6704259

>people do things because it's popular to do those things
Thanks for the news OP

>> No.6704262

>Coffee is a meme

Duh, why would anyone force themselves to learn to enjoy something shitty and bitter unless they thought it made them look smart or tough to drink the tea of beans roasted Arabic style

>> No.6704274

b-but i gotta have my morning fix
my morning cup of joe
gotta start the day right with a cup
need my caramel whipped cream sugar mix before i start my day

im sorry, but i prefer people who smoke over coffee drinkers.

>> No.6704278

*tips fedora*

>> No.6704284

Coffee has pretty much always been trendy. Plus, it's the most socially acceptable way for adults to get their caffeine fix.

>> No.6704286

I used to think stuff like that when I was 19, too. It's ok; in time you may start to find human behavior endearing.

>> No.6704288

drinking tea instead of coffe sounds great for me but there are so many strains and kinds of tea with different effects that all seem pretty expensive and complicated and hard to find in eastern europe, i have no idea what or how to drink so i'll just stick to my coffe.....illy ain't bad and i get it for free at work

>> No.6704290

>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?

Roughly the mid 17th century when coffee was first introduced to Europe.

>> No.6704293

> coffee is too mainstream
the post.

>> No.6704303

(You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) >>6704245
(You) (You) (You) (You)

You earned it.

>> No.6704361
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i just brew for maximum caffeine and abuse it

>> No.6704368
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People have been drinking coffee in the am since frontier times and before then.

Starbucks had the genius idea of charging over the odds for a fashionable logo on a cup that insisted a certain status.

They then understood that most of the dopes who buy Starbucks for the logo dont drink or care about real coffee, and they started serving deserts with a shot of espresso in them.

This led to the mass consumption.

>> No.6704393

>This led to the mass consumption.
*in America.

The rest of the world were drinking coffee en masse long before StarBucks was even thought of.

I don't mean to trigger an intercontinental baitfest but seeing Americans talk about their country as though it's the only country that exists is just sad. You have a global audience, dude.

Double sage.

>> No.6704401

I'm a bong, and I was talking about the west exclusively

OP was also discussing it as a western phenomena and not a global epidemic

get off of your high horse, pal

Triple sage.

>> No.6704444

> a European country didn't start drinking coffee until Starbucks
sure thing, pal.

sage emporium.

>> No.6704450

youre putting words in my mouth you stupid fuck

confirmed for superiority complex

>> No.6704462

> Starbucks is an accurate representation of western society
2001: A Sage Oddysey

>> No.6704996

>he's never had expensive coffee before

I'm talking about $100 a kilogram.

>> No.6705015

While those people surely exist, you're a huge faggot.

>> No.6705062

Am I weird for actually liking the taste of black coffee the first time I drank it? I just want something hot to drink in the morning, and coffee is cheap, and easily available, as well as conveniently tasty and full of caffeine.

>> No.6705096

>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?
When it was first popularized in Europe coffee houses were fashionable places.
>Most people who drink it load it down with so much sugar and creamer that they might as well be drinking soda.
Cream and sugar have been the standard in America for generations. Yes, the giant coffee milkshake thing is of more recent vintage, but your grandparents drank shitty perk coffee loaded with cream and sugar.
>Coffee is a meme.
I'll grant you that, but in Western culture it's a meme that's several centuries old.

>> No.6705097

People have been overroasting and burning coffee for centuries. People have also been particular about their coffee for centuries. Starbucks and Keurig may have made it more popular to drink shit coffee but there have always been cowboys running burnt ass coffee grounds through their dirty socks. It wakes people up and tastes good even if it's not prepared perfectly.You aren't special.

>> No.6705100


There is nothing wrong with drinking coffee, but you make a good point, coffee has become a fashion accessory and somewhat of a necessity for people to fit in, these days you see little girls no more than 10 walk around with starbucks cups acting like they enjoy coffee, it's just the time we live in... If you don't have a facebook,shitter,iphone and don't drink starbucks and eat chipotle you're basically an outcast.

>> No.6705137

>Even people who portray themselves as coffee purists, dabbling in home-brewing, home-grinding, home-roasting, etc, only bother with it because it makes them feel like a part of something larger, like they're one with a faceless community of coffee connoisseurs.
You could literally make this argument about any activity ever.

>> No.6705171

>be me
>have a nespresso
>too cheap jew mode to buy sugar or cream
>start drinking highest intensity coffees black
>love it

Only babbs can't drink black

>> No.6705228

i quite happily drink coffee in any form. i just really like the taste of coffee.

>Even people who portray themselves as coffee purists, dabbling in home-brewing, home-grinding, home-roasting, etc, only bother with it because it makes them feel like a part of something larger

acquiring knowledge in something popular is fun. you still come out of the process with knowledge and appreciation so i don't see what could possibly be wrong with it.

>> No.6705234
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>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?

>> No.6705236

Enjoying things is both pretentious and snobbish, you filthy yuppie. You should hate being alive like the rest of us!

>> No.6705240

>acquiring knowledge in something popular is fun
This. If you have the time, inclination and disposable income connoisseurship can be a fun rabbit hole to go down.

>> No.6705251
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>Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked.

>Short answer: none.

>Disciplined answer: Haven't touched it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their sugar and creamer inventory. It's going well. I can't stand sugarlets or creamlets. Actually cut all of my old friends off who use. Why go through all of this trouble you ask? 3 words. 2 concepts. Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why.

>> No.6705273

I drink my coffee for the thermogenic effects :)

>> No.6705281


no you aren't weird, nor are you special. do you know why people ask you if you want your coffee black or white? why the term 'black coffee' even exists? it's because people fucking drink black coffee you stupid cunt.

>> No.6705302

it's not a fashion accessory. most people are probably addicted. i know multiple people who need coffee or tea every day or they get headaches.

>> No.6705318

aren't the calories in coffee more than any thermogenic benefit?

>> No.6705322

caffeine addiction isn't a real thing
Anyone who claims otherwise has never experienced a real addiction

>> No.6705323

What's wrong with hot caffeinated sugar water, OP? I only like coffee with lots of sugar, but I like the taste of sugar coffee better than soda, and when I'm in the mood for a cold drink I just drink water.

>> No.6705330

>*in America

Nope, coffee consumption in the US peaked in 1946, 25 years before Starbucks even existed.

>> No.6705339

>people who portray themselves as coffee purists, dabbling in home-brewing, home-grinding, home-roasting, etc, only bother with it because it makes them feel like a part of something larger,

people who aren't lazy do this.

>> No.6705341

Coffee tastes like shit. I don't blame people for loading it up with stuff that actually tastes good. If I have to drink a cup, I pack it with tons of sugar and creamer.

>> No.6705342

Probably longer than that actually, anyone ever heard of the Boston tea party? Coffee is popular in north America because Britain charged too much tax to purchase tea, forcing north Americans to buy and drink cheap coffee.
And that's where the popularity comes from.
And where's the complaint on how Europeans drink over steeped creamed tea?
Perhaps we all drink coffee loaded with sugar and cream because no one knows how to brew it properly? That's why the British out cream and sugar in their tea, and have done so for quite a long time in fact.

>> No.6705347

You can have a physical addiction to caffeine. I know I get headaches if I don't drink coffee in the morning. Sure, it might not be the same as a heroine addiction, but saying you it's not addictive is dishonest.

>> No.6705349


>where's the complaint on how Europeans drink over steeped creamed tea?

nowhere, ebcause we don't do that. are you thinking about indians?

>> No.6705356

Yes this is also true regarding the avoidance of British tea during and in the run up to the revolution. Also contributing to the rise in popularity of coffee was a British ban on exporting tea to the US during the War of 1812.

>> No.6705358

>they might as well be drinking soda
You know what's funny?
A 16 oz caramel frap from Starbucks 400 calories
A 16 oz bottle of coke has 182
So you can drink 2 bottle of coke and still have calories left over

>> No.6705364

>i was addicted to something worse than caffeine so caffeine addiction isn't real

>> No.6705369

junkie pls go

>> No.6705381
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>Other people enjoying things in ways that I disagree with drives me to violent anger

>> No.6705402

Coffee isn't a meme, "I don't like X so other people only pretend to like it to look cool" is a meme.

>> No.6705498

>*tips fedora* because the guy likes coffee

Literally 14 years old....

>> No.6705512

>calories in coffee

>> No.6705548


That's the point. The thermogenic benefit is amazingly small.

>> No.6705565

Americans are such tools, you can see them in mc donalds and starbuck in Paris.

>> No.6705602

How can you tell they're Americans? Because they're white?

>> No.6705734

I used to drink coffee but then I realized it wasn't worth the digestive discomfort because I'm not used to loading my body with caffeine first thing in the morning

>> No.6705738

>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?

Back in the 1700s when Ottoman coffee imports were all the rage amongst the western upper classes sipping away in the newly opened coffee houses?

>> No.6705741


>> No.6705791

I just make a half pot of coffee at home and usually drink it black when I'm in need of my coffee fix.

Occasionally I'll grab an XLarge Double Double from Timmies and when I lived in Vancouver I'd occasionally treat myself to a caramel macchiato because I like caramel and enjoyed the espresso boost.

I've never really cared about being trendy with coffee.

>> No.6705822

You dumb as fuck if you think you need to spend anywhere near that to get great coffee. You're even dumber if you think that $100 dollar a kilo coffee is even good. Most shit that is sold for that much is sold to rich plebs, shit like dark roasted kopiluwak shit. Even top-tier geisha doesn't even go for that much. Damn you stupid

>> No.6705873

Those are like the trendiest drinks though

>> No.6705993
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Double Double is just the standard, I wouldn't really call Tim Horton's normal coffee trendy. Shit like the Iced Capp and their more premium coffee, sure.

The Caramel Macchiato definitely, but I only ever get it incredibly rarely and it's because I like the caramel/espresso combo - not because it's trendy. I don't ever order anything else from Starbucks.

>> No.6706053

Who caffeine pills here?
Literally 12 cents per 200 mg caffeine, no coffee stains on your teeth, no bad coffee breath, no need to walk/drive around with a cup, no need wait in line at DD, it's the easy life.
If you tell people you take caffeine pills though they flip their shit, really weird.

>> No.6706069

Most people drink coffee because they enjoy the taste, not because they need the caffeine.
You sound like a junkie, and people react as such.

>> No.6706081

I used to do caffeine pills here and there when I was still working nights and schooling in the morning.

I found they didn't work too well, though it could have just been straight up my body wanting to just sleep.

Also this - it seems like you're just cutting out the middle man. Instead of having a nice drink and getting some energy out of it, you're just taking a pill that will give you a mild cocaine-like stimulant high.

Not saying I agree with the negative stigma, just saying that's usually what it comes down to in most peoples' mind.

>> No.6706100

Well that's dumb. Why load up something with sugar, heavy cream, whipped cream, caramel, and oreos and say you like the taste of coffee? I usually drink coffee black but it took me a while to enjoy the taste.
I just like to control the exact dosage of caffeine I get, with store bought coffee you're never really sure how many cups you'll need.

>> No.6706106

>I found they didn't work too well, though it could have just been straight up my body wanting to just sleep.
Caffeine is caffeine, it might have been the sugar in the coffee or the temperature of the coffee that woke you up faster.

>> No.6706110

>Why load up something with sugar, heavy cream, whipped cream, caramel, and oreos and say you like the taste of coffee?
I never said that.

>I just like to control the exact dosage of caffeine I get
You're a junkie, plain and simple.

>> No.6706115

>You're a junkie, plain and simple.
Well I guess I'm a junkie for counting calories too.

>> No.6706120

And you're an anorexic.

>> No.6706243
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>> No.6706338

The best thing is caffeine in headache medication.

Got a morning headache (due to caffeine withdrawal). Eat some pills (with caffeine).

>> No.6706405

Women did it, it's their biggest achievement in the past decade.

(women are like children when it comes to sweets, and other things in life)

>> No.6706416

>you may start to find human behavior endearing.
Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.6706428

I think this is mostly a phenomenon in america and parts of asia where they try and emulate america

>> No.6706446

i don't enjoy the taste of coffee, so I drink tea

>> No.6706842

That's what I thought too so I don't understand why anon was saying that mass consumption didn't start until after Starbucks arrived on the scene.

In fact, given that coffee has been well established in pretty much all societies I don't understand how anybody could suggest that it's a modern hipster phenomenon. I think that anybody who does suggest that must be a young person who is just discovering coffee for themselves and is most likely shunned by their peers because what they're effectively saying is:
> all the cool kids are using said product
> I don't fit in so I'll look down on them with a false sense of superiority to justify my uncoolness

>> No.6707065

probably because of the grunge era in the 90s when coffee and cigarettes became an aesthetic...a component of heroin chic. it's a trend that never completely blew over.

>> No.6707083

the 17th century

>> No.6707133

Meh. I'm not a coffee drinker nor much of a tea drinker. My wake-up "drink" is cereal. Usually something hard like wheat nuggets which I have to chew so it wakes me up. I do occasionally drink tea in the afternoon but that's mostly masala chai with milk and sugar and I do it because it tastes complex and sates my boredom if not my appetite. I really don't get why people think tea or coffee must be pure in order to enjoy it. The dominant flavour in a tea is still that of tea and in coffee of that of coffee. just because you add sugar and milk to it doesn't mean you can't appreciate the base flavours. In most cases adding ingredients actually brings out the flavour rather than covering it. At least for tea I really believe that is the case. A bit of milk and sugar actually brings out the flavours. Of course you could drown out the flavour by adding too much bu that's true for anything you make.

>> No.6707148

Coffee tastes like absolute shit
Tea is a nice subtle flavor, coffee is a strong bitter horrible experience that people force themselves through because they're literally addicted to it after years of conditioning

>> No.6707155

No, that's shitty, over roasted, badly brewed coffee. Which is the most common sort. Try going to a place doing a proper job.

>> No.6707219

errrr some of us do not enjoy the earthy taste of tea

>> No.6707232

That's actually how I feel about tea. Bitter shit makes my stomach hurt when I drink it on an empty stomach. I still drink it, after a meal, but I stick to coffee on an empty stomach.

>> No.6707234

Shut up

>> No.6707240

>bad things taste bad
Huh, who would have though.

You guys are like people who don't like steak that has been well done, and burnt to a crisp on the outside and then say that steak is shit and everyone who likes it only does because they forced themselves because its cool.

Your tea and coffee tastes like shit because it's being made wrong, with shit ingredients.

>> No.6707247

Even the worst coffee is still palatable

>nice subtle flavors
Wine sommelier bullshit, funny how tea sommeliers are actually becoming a thing

>> No.6707252

Because tea actually does have a ton of flavor depth and variation. You're just a pleb who hasn't tasted enough good tea.

>> No.6707255

Paris is blacker than night nowadays

>> No.6707256

I've had nearly every snapple flavor though

>> No.6707258


I live in Starbucks Land.

Your post is fucking dead on. Nothing but fucking pretentious coffee houses on every corner from Seattle to Eugene.

>> No.6707261

It's a mild "addiction", i put that in quotes because mild physical dependencies are technically not addictions although caffeine has mild addictive qualitues

>> No.6707264

But coffee doesn't for the sake of the argument, right?

>> No.6707266

how is freshman year going friend?

>> No.6707277

I just use fine ground coffee in an aero press, and hot water.

>> No.6707281

It went well 5 years ago, hopefully in 5 years you'll be able to acquire some reading comprehension skills

Of course that's unlikely at this point as you're a fucking dumbass

>> No.6707301


>> No.6707325

Nice projection, don't forget to get mom to tuck you in.

>> No.6707687

Is this the coffee ``general''?

Why does microwaved coffee taste differently? How do I reheat coffee properly?

>> No.6707846

you don't

>> No.6708624

Reheating coffee properly to preserve taste and freshness is very easy and only requires two basic steps:
1. Pour it down the drain
2. Brew a fresh batch

>> No.6708636
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>implying the second step isn't composed of several mini-steps

>> No.6708663

> Anything that bothers me slightly is a meme

>> No.6708684

>tfw I'm wearing a mechanical watch, shave with a straight razor, write with a fountain pen, and even I know coffee is hipster shit

>> No.6708698

Ebin comeback

Literally chop off your microcock and fucking shove it up your dumb fucking ass you piece of shit

>> No.6708703
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>fountain pen

The pen is mightier than the katana...

>> No.6708709

have you ever used one?
they aren't fedora at all tbh

>> No.6708725

Sorry to ask this, but as a British person, I've never understood what Americans mean when they say "Creamer"

Do you just mean those little sachets of milk, or does coffee in the US come with something different?

>> No.6708748

Way to use the word meme completely wrong, fucking neo-posters

>> No.6708749
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Disposable containers filled with milk, cream, etc.

>> No.6708751
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>drinking something that costs that much to even taste good

>> No.6708752

I see. In the UK, we just have milk. America seems weird

>> No.6708755


It means a cream-like non-dairy product that people use in their coffee instead of normal cream from a cow. It's cheaper and doesn't require refrigeration.

>>those little satchets
if it's actual cream or milk, that's what it's called. it's only called "creamer" if it's non-dairy.

>> does coffee in the US come with something different?
Depends on where you go. If it's a cheap place you might get the non-dairy stuff. Any decent coffee shop or restaurant will have actual cream by default.

>> No.6708770
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>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?
in the late 17th century

>> No.6708774

Just curious, does anywhere use actual cream in their coffee? The closest I've ever seen is half-and-half, but I've never seen anywhere offer actual cream.

American by the way.

>> No.6708777

Most of my relatives and a few friends who all drink coffee regularly will have actual cream in the house.

I'm Canadian.

>> No.6708781

People in america love guaranteed sanitation, convenience, filling up landfills and not having to wash dishes. It's a cultural thing.

>> No.6708826

This. Would also explain the sudden popularity of Keurig machines. Making coffee normally with a normal coffee machine or a french press takes me like 10 minutes, but people still spend a fuckton of money and use up a shit ton of landfill with these shitty machines and K-cups that shave off only a few minutes of time, and if you're making coffee for a group of people, it takes close to the same amount of time.

>> No.6708854

The K-Cups aren't actually too bad if you separate the coffee in to the green bin and the plastic in to the recycling (though almost no one does), it's the Tassimo that are a fucking nightmare to the environment.

Luckily President's Choice is selling a lot of their K-Cups in biodegradable versions now.

>> No.6708856

Shieet, cleaning the coffee press thingy is such a pain in the rear.

>> No.6708860

I work at a coffee shop and the amount of people that order black coffee with cream is ridiculous.

>> No.6708868

People think that drinking coffee makes you mature.

>> No.6708873

Even though I made mention of the landfill issues, my main issue is just the fact that people buy these bulky machines that really don't save as much time as normal methods of making coffee.

Also separating the coffee into the green bin and plastic into recycling? My office has a keurig machine and I actually do this, and every time I just think to myself
>god damnit, if this was a normal coffee machine I could just dump everything into the green bin and not have to peel this crap off

>> No.6708886

>my main issue is just the fact that people buy these bulky machines that really don't save as much time as normal methods of making coffee.

Oh, well I certainly agree with your point there.

It reminds me of Back to the Future III where Doc has this giant machine that takes up like an entire room and uses all the energy in the world and the end result is one single ice cube.

>> No.6708902

Your tastes develop as you grow up son

>> No.6708999

K Cups are largely not recyclable. They've got an initiative in the works, but it won't be until about 2020 that they're supposedly "all" going to be recyclable.

>> No.6709036

>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?
In the 90's with the proliferation of Starbucks. Same as what Subway did for the sub sandwich, which didn't used to be everywhere.

>> No.6709047

Good black coffee is delicious. I have only had blue bottle, which is probably just medium tier, and even that shit was tasty.

Damn good capuchino

>> No.6709052

He's also never had good coffee, like most people. Bitterness is generally a mark of overextraction--water is too hot and/or too pure, pressure is too high, extraction time is too long, or quite possibly all four.

>> No.6709063

No, coffee absolutely does as well. I actually work in coffee. It's not a either/or situation.

>> No.6709069

I'm not sure this misconception will ever go away coffeebro.

The sweet spot for making perfect tea is just so much easier to hit than perfect coffee, and any chain that gets large enough to impact enough people is going to completely lose the ability to make perfect coffee.

I think most of the populace is always going to be doomed to drinking mediocre to shitty coffee.

>> No.6709145

>water is too pure

What a load of bollocks. Why not blame it on the phase of the moon?

>> No.6709157

>those damn c.1600 nomadic Moroccan hipsters ruining their tea with sugar

>> No.6709185

Phase of the moon doesn't have any influence, purity of water does. That's why you use distilled water in chemistry class for some things.

If it makes you feel any better, barometer readings can also alter your extraction at a noticeable level. The sweet spot for coffee that tastes as great as it can is retardedly fine, and the very few establishments in the US that serve coffee that good are very hard to work for.

Seattle Coffee Works, for instance, has a 6 month training program. They also don't hire smokers. Bastards.

>> No.6709338

I buy my coffee from McDonald's.

>> No.6709420

>A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme.

I'd say, yes, coffee is a meme.

>> No.6709425

Yes. And so is putting a fucking tree in your living room every december.

>> No.6709431
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pic related > coffee

>> No.6709438

>Most people who drink it load it down with so much sugar and creamer that they might as well be drinking soda.

Stop right there. That's the reason. Soda is getting a reputation for being childish now, so people moving to an equally unhealthy and equally caffeinated drink equivalent like creamy "coffee" drinks makes total sense

>> No.6709447

shut up, junkie

>> No.6709610

Water is probably not going to be too hot, unless you are using espresso machines. Generally, you lose so much heat when pouring water into a vessel and room temperature coffee, that you can use water that is just off the boil.

Water purity will actually LOWER extraction. Magnesium and Calcium are responsible for a good amount of the extraction going on.

Pressure will only increase extraction to an extent, and is probably not the problem.

Extraction time does not matter much at all for immersion brews, so long as there is minimal extraction. It matters more for pour-over/espresso brews.

You missed the most important factors of extraction, though:
Particle size
Brew ratio (does not matter unless very extreme for immersion brews)

If you want to lower extraction:
Grind finer, use cooler water, less time (immersion being the exception), less water passing over the grounds.

>> No.6709635

Barometric pressure will not make a meaningful difference. This is a myth.

The reason that baristas are going to be changing their espresso grinder grind setting is because:
Coffee acts as if it is more coarsely ground when it is heated. During a busy period in a cafe, this means that the barista must make the grind finer as the burrs heat up from use. The actual particle size distribution does not change.

Blends (commonly used for espresso) contain beans of very different densities. This will lead to different grind distributions (more dense/lighter roasted beans will have a tighter distribution than dark/porous beans), as well as variation from dose to dose.

Most cafes do not weight their doses to 0.1g, which will lead to wildly differing flow rate and extractions.

Some cafes still don't use volumetrics/gravimetrics, and will as a result have large variations in beverage mass and therefore extraction.

Either way, with proper dosing and water measurements, proper bean development, and single origin espresso (or post-roast blended beans, which have been roasted to the same extractability - a very difficult thing to do) you don't really need to change grind size much at all. I find maybe one tick on a 3fe dial on an ek43 from slow to rush is enough. Or a half number on a compak K10.

The rest is black magic, and "The Eye of The Barista" tm.

>> No.6709640

seriously that's the best caffiene
cheaper than the generics

>> No.6709641

>If you want to lower extraction:
>Grind finer,

Oops, should say coarser.

And reverse those parameters if you want a higher extraction.

>> No.6709652

you can apply your coffee standpoint to literature, brand name electronics (phones, laptops, headphones),pop culture tv shows, video games, fashion, music, new cars and literally anything else nowadays

people get or do things to make others impressed with them

>> No.6711475

I agree with him. Beer is nothing more than tolerable too.

I wish I had the acquired taste.

>> No.6711965

My own clone!

>> No.6712962

Did anyone bother to consider that people just genuinely like the taste of all the special drinks that coffee shops sell? (Frappuccino's, iced capps, etc.) Alot of them have coffee in them, but would taste delicious with or without it. They are literally just tasty drinks.

>> No.6712981

i dont care

i grew up in a country that drinks coffee (and drinks it sweetened), grew up drinking it sweetened, grew up being offered it everywhere i went and people were polite, and now i continue drinking it because thats how its always been

but even i cant stand the "milk fat injected straight into your fat ass-puccino" american girls drink. thats some nasty ass shit right there

yeh, but theyre nasty fatty things. people who drink that on the reg will soon be burdening your country's healthcare systems and costing a fortune for the taxpayer

so, many reasons to find them contemptible

>> No.6713014

I like making my own coffee - it lets me try new blends, roasts, and origins, so I can tweak what I know I like into something better.

Sometimes I'm in the mood for sugarmilk with some coffee for flavour, and sometimes I drink it black. Tonight is probably a cafe cubano kind of night.

There's nobody here to judge me, and if there were, I'd probably just make them a cup too.

I just like coffee... does this mean I have to start wearing plaid and square-ish glasses with thick black rims?

>> No.6713023

>At what point did coffee become a fashion accessory?
quit trying to justify your dislike by discrediting everyone else, just be confident in your own tastes and choices

>> No.6713032

When Starbucks offered things that weren't traditional brewed cup of joe. Fraps are sweet and tasty and American loves sugar.

>> No.6713368

I read on /x/ that decaf is bad and its banned topic on ABOVETOPSECRET anyone know why/have more information?

>> No.6713698

Witnessed a pigfat order an iced caramel macchiato. Wasn't satisfied enough so she asked the barista to load it up with more caramel.

>> No.6713736

>Not buying caffeine powder

What are you, twelve?

>> No.6713744

They decaffeinate coffee with chemicals known in the state of California to cause cancer.

Basically they soak the beans in poison because the poison dissolves the caffeine the best.

However, it's debatable whether they leave a significant amount in the beans, and most studies with the chemical deal with inhaling it, not drinking it.

>> No.6713749

Thanks! I wanted to know that and you told me. :)

>> No.6713810

Post your source for proof.

>> No.6713835

What's the name of this so called 'poison' that you speak of?

>> No.6713864


CM is just an upside down vanilla latte with some caramel on top, and one less pump of vanilla. Why not just try a caramel latte?


They're never satisfied, that's why they added the caramel ribbon crunch, because it's literally just more fucking caramel. We might as well give some people the fucking bags and have them chug it straight. They would, too.

>> No.6713907
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What is the poison?

>> No.6714161
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>> No.6714268
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>that full cup of water with all the empty coffee cups

>> No.6714550
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I don't live near a Starbucks anymore, but I'll keep that in mind for next time. Thanks!

>> No.6714612

same thing with brewing beer - the water chemistry also effects what flavour compounds form, are extracted, and are left behind. The simplest way to look at it is that harder water brews a sweeter (less bitter) dark roast, and soft water brews a cleaner, slightly acidic light roast. (calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate all contribute to a water's alkalinity)

I always thought the eye of the barista was that look we gave customers I didn't want hanging around and talking random nonsense, without necessarily giving an air of rudeness.

>> No.6714663

Coffee tastes horrible. Needs lots of sugar and milk for it to taste good. Smells nice though.

>> No.6714678

All I can recommend is to try a different coffee/grind, or keep doing what you're doing.

It's not everyone's cup of... joe?

>> No.6714702

yeah, you're the only one who genuinely enjoys coffee. good job.

and using a safety razor is GOAT, you fucking faggot. if you were old enough to grow a beard you'd know this.

>> No.6714713

some anon described pretty well it on here sort of recently. these people aren't drinking starbucks to drink coffee per se. they go there for coffee /drinks/. they go there for the milkshake-type things. and they know this. all of the money that starbucks pours into research and development is focused on what are essentially milk shakes. starbucks isn't a coffee joint anymore, and it hasn't been for a long time. anyone with an ounce of lucidity knows this.

just move along and get coffee somewhere else and let fatties fat.

>> No.6714715

I used to serve a girl whose caramel fraps were more caramel than frap.

I literally gave her the bottle to do with as she pleased because she would make me overflow the cup.

"Can you add more please?"
"Not to the inside of the cup. That is as full as it's going to get. You actually have caramel above the straw hole."

>> No.6714720
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I prefer tea. You can judge a persons' personality based on which they prefer; tea or coffee.

Tea drinkers are more laid back, care-free and traditional / conservative.

Coffee drinkers are more active, anxious and progressive / trendy.

The same outlook can be applied to countries where coffee, or tea, is the preferred drink. For example the U.S. (Coffee) and Russia (Tea).

>> No.6714731

>tea vs coffee
>third world vs first world

gr8 example m80

>> No.6714750
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that is the dumbest thing I have read on /ck/, and this is /ck/ we're talking about

>> No.6715239

There are also methods of decaffeination that only use water.

>> No.6715345

>The simplest way to look at it is that harder water brews a sweeter (less bitter) dark roast, and soft water brews a cleaner, slightly acidic light roast. (calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate all contribute to a water's alkalinity)

Not true. Calcium bicarbonate contributes to the water's alkalinity, not calcium and magnesium. And the rest you said is not true either. Softer water will extract less, harder water may extract more, and probably has a higher alkalinity. Saying anything beyond that is wrong.

And the eye of the barista is the hand-wave-y voodoo garbage that generally leads to inferior coffee. Things like eyeballing shot volume rather than weighing or using volumetrics, or saying that barometric pressure has any meaningful influence on grind size.

>> No.6715366

What happens when a person enjoys both tea and coffee equally?

>> No.6715380
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>The tough cowboy type
fucking kek

>> No.6715395
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That loaded stuff is easily worse than a soda, heck some of those rival in calories stuff like a whopper without any nutritional benefit. You also miss out on feeling full so you go eat something later.

>> No.6715427

Calcium and magnesium are usually present in carbonate and bicarbonate forms (Ca/Mg CO3/(HCO3}2), which do contribute to the hardness and alkalinity.The presence of calcium, magnesium, and carbon dioxide in water will lead to carbonates and bicarbonates, raising the pH.

A higher pH will neutralize acidic compounds extracted out of the coffee, creating magnesium and calcium salts of these compounds in the process. Salts (sodium chloride being the most effective, but calcium salts also working somewhat) block the receptors that give the sensation of bitterness. So, while you may get a better caffeine extraction with harder water, you're also working to block the bitterness of the alkaloid. You'll definitely grab more phenols what with them there potential free radicals in your harder water and all, which will give a stronger "coffee" flavour, and bring out any underlying hints.

Softer water, lacking in these carbonate compounds, will pick up less phenolics, and will also react less with acidic compounds... so your citrusy, tart, light roast can be all it was meant to be.

So where am I wrong? That this doesn't hold true for brewing beer (It does, I work at a brewery these days)? That water chemistry effects what fresh bonds take place, and which old bonds are carried through (you've pretty much agreed to that)? That your dark roast (coffee or beer) will be less puckering when brewed with more calcium carbonate in the water? That soft water brews a nice, tart morning cuppa, given the proper roast and grind to support it?

>> No.6715471


>> No.6715475

Yes, they are.

>> No.6715484

If you can just pick one up and use it without destroying existence as we know it, you have the right to wear whatever headgear you wish.

>> No.6715516

Tea truly is the more sophisticated and intelligent drink reserved for only the truest gentlemen like ourselves. Amen brother. Tea FTW.

>> No.6715530

there are reservations on tea?... so what's the stuff in the jar that I pour hot water on when I don't feel like coffee?

>> No.6715531

>Tea drinkers are more laid back, care-free and traditional / conservative.

>Coffee drinkers are more active, anxious and progressive / trendy.

As a guy who has been a barista slash manager for 3 years, I can tell you that this is wrong. It's not as black and white is that.

There are plenty of annoying, bitchy women talking on their iPhone while wearing workout clothing for no reason other than driving around and shopping, who will purchase tea every transaction. A lot of my coffee drinkers actually are very laid-back, cool and calm... I actually have great conversations with a lot of them.

What somebody drinks doesn't necessarily reflect their personalities, at least not in the way you think it does.

>> No.6715565

what if someone drinks neither, but lots of alcohol instead?

>> No.6715568

I can not find anything anywhere that says that Mg contributes to alkalinity, only that it increases extraction. Please link me some sources.
You don't want "tart" coffee (even with a light roast).

>> No.6715574

>not having aged tastebuds
some day you'll get to an age where bitter and sour respond like sweet once did when you were a child

>> No.6715577

Distilled water doesn't mix well. You need those little minerals for shit to bind to.

>> No.6715582

>being this dumb
All you need to do is buy beans freshly roasted. If no one near you roasts coffee, buy green coffee beans and roast them yourself. That's literally 90% of the flavor, is age and quality of roast.

>> No.6715603

Mg ions (Mg+2) will bind to and extract phenols, etc. It, itself, is not necessarily basic. However...

Mg(HC03)2, much like Ca(HC03)2, is a bicarbonate salt. Dissolved in water, they are essentially a _+2 metal ion, and a bicarbonate ion. You can see where I'm going with this, right? Or do you want me to try to write you a full paper before this thread closes?

Some people do like coffee with some tartness and acidity to it - generally clean-if-slightly-bitter on the uptake, with a slightly citrusy, dry finish. A lot of specifically morning/breakfast branded light roast blends are tailored toward this particular flavour profile. It's never been my favourite, but I've had to come up with blends like this (usually with a bit of "smoke", "cocoa" or "nuttiness") for enough customers enough times to look into the how and why of it.

>> No.6715610

>people are different and act different


>> No.6715616

So what you're saying is that magnesium increases extraction and that bicarbonate contributes to alkalinity. I agree with that, which is different than saying that magnesium contributes to alkalinity.

Tart = sour = underextracted = bad
Easy as that
Acidity is only nice when balanced.

>> No.6715618

I used to hate coffee until I was writing my Master's thesis and pulling regular all nighters. My girlfriend has a nice coffee press and grinds her own very nice coffee beans.

She made me a cup to help me stay up and type and I was surprised I enjoyed it. Since then I've learned to appreciate coffee. I prefer her coffee black she makes it so good. Doesn't need anything.

>> No.6715621

Yes, thank you for getting the message I was conveying.

>> No.6715640

certain phenols act like tannins, so overextraction, especially of lighter roasts, can also lead to tartness. Caffeine itself is bitter.

Magnesium, as I stated earlier, is generally present in tandem with carbonate/bicarbonate. So while it, by itself is not alkaline, it is indicative/symptomatic of alkalinity. This is why alkalinity and hardness are often used interchangeably when talking about tap water.

Bicarbonate, as a free radical, much like magnesium, as a free radical, help with extraction/binding. Magnesium oxide can act as a catalyst in acid-base reactions... but, to cut the same hair with the same axe you've been swinging, that isn't the same thing as an Mg+2 ion.

>> No.6715656
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I've literally never found the "sweet, fruity" coffee that coffeefags tell me exists and is how coffee is SUPPOSED to taste. All black coffee tastes exactly like the same burnt shit to me. Are they just making it up or

>> No.6715663

Try to find a light-medium roast, get it coarsely ground, and do it up in a french press with water that's about a minute or so off of the boil... about a 1:8-10 ratio of water to grinds. Let it go for 4 mins, and give that a shot.

It is almost never "sweet" per se, but if it's done right, certain flavours that aren't "burned" or "coffee" or "bitter" do become apparent.

>> No.6715728

I don't drink coffee everyday, and going to those expensive coffee shops makes me anxious, but those coffee shakes they make is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.6715736


>not appreciating the burnt taste
>being a girl

>> No.6715746

using meme incorrectly is a meme

>> No.6715780

Coffee and Caffeine are the Poor Man's Amphetamine

Git gud kiddos

>> No.6715790

False. Most people are retarded, and don't know why their bodies and brains want things.

They're simply too ignorant and dumb to realize their body craves caffeine

Or they're subhuman amerifats that put sugar or cream in their coffee and are addicted to sugar and fat

You, too, sound like a delusional, retarded, americanfat.

>> No.6715794
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Holy fuck

The autistic foodNEETs of /ck/ are easily triggered over this

>> No.6715836

I drink coffee because I'm tired. I absolutely medicate with it.

>> No.6716247

Tannins are dry rather than tart. Either way, I appreciate the info dude

>> No.6716250

Don't grind coarse for immersion brews. Especially for a light roast. If you have to do a 10:1 brew ratio to get proper strength, you are underextracting in the extreme.

>> No.6716253

You're either getting shit coffee, or brewing it wrong.

>thing tastes bad
>lol wut u don't like that, ur must be girly lol
>not like me, so manly and strong I eat litterla dogshit because so manman *grunts*

>> No.6716254

don't know, don't care. I will drink coffee out of a rusty bucket as long as it's black

>> No.6716261

Pretty much this. It's not that I don't enjoy finer coffee, I just don't need it. I'm not a snob about it. The only thing that bothers me is why the hell do people get expensive coffee and then ruin it with dairy and sugar?

>> No.6716273

>ruin it with dairy and sugar

Entirely subjective.
Some people like cream and sugar in their coffee, some just like one or the other, some like it black.

None of them are ruining anything if they enjoy it.

>> No.6716288

So if I'm sitting down to a ribeye at CUT, you don't think I'm wasting my money if I order it well done and loaded up with A-1?

>> No.6716317

except coffee should be served with cream, it pretty retarded to not add cream. It would be like eating a burger without cheese

>> No.6716323

Spotted the lonely troll.

>> No.6716330

It's your money. Do whatever you want. It has literally no impact on my life.

>> No.6716344

Still doesn't answer the question.

>> No.6716584

>Caffeine is caffeine
Nope, there's a lot of alkaloids in coffee that contribute to its stimulant properties.

>> No.6716846

I just like some iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts, I'm cheap and do not give a fuck

>> No.6716849

I forgot, french vanilla creamer with some sugar is delicious also

>> No.6716864
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>being this mad about drinking coffee.

>> No.6718375

>countries other than America are relevant in any way shape or form


>> No.6719353

Dude, it's a physical addiction (and in most cases psychological as well). Just because it doesn't make you wish you were dead when you're having withdrawals doesn't mean it's not a real thing mate.

>> No.6719511

I usually drink around 4-5 cups of cheap coffee a day, mostly black or with a dash of whole milk. I don't know if that's a lot or not.

Then again, I live in Finland where we consume absolutely retarded amounts of coffee per capita. It's coffee all day everyday, everywhere. At home, at work and at social events. I can't even remember when I started, probably back when I was 12-13 or so.

>> No.6719767

>The same outlook can be applied to countries where coffee, or tea, is the preferred drink. For example the U.S. (Coffee) and Russia (Tea).

Get this shitty Putinist propaganda out of here.

>> No.6719779

>america sends it's troops fight and to die in countries that aren't relevant

>> No.6721702

Food is a meme.