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6689162 No.6689162 [Reply] [Original]

Would you buy curl a dog? The infomercials claim it makes hot dogs better, they say it cooks them more evenly and allows for better topping distribution


>> No.6689177

It governs a mandate of exactly 12 bites and denies me the freedom of choosing how many bites I'd prefer as well the size of my prefered bites. If you buy these then you're supporting terrorism.

>> No.6689185

it does provide more surface area to become crisp and brown. but you'd be trading juiciness.

it's a dilemma.

>> No.6689186

I don't understand why they say insert the skewer just to remove the skewer immediately. Does the hot dog just like to be fucked in the ass by the skewer since it's such a gay idea? Also, I have never ever had a "gourmet" hot dog that was spiraled like this. If it were, wouldnt that be copying them with this thing?

>> No.6689202

>believing infomercials

>> No.6689245

I have no idea

>> No.6689248

>buy 1 get 1 free

Do people still fall for this bullshit? Why would you pay 15 bucks for 2 pieces of plastic that cost about 10 cents to make? Also you can just make incisions on your hot dogs, i do it every time.

>> No.6689250

I wouldn't buy one but they're right, a sliced up sausage does roast better.

>> No.6689252
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>Gourmet Hot Dog

>> No.6689253

What's the difference between a hot dog and a sausage?

>> No.6689255

nope it's made of meat

>> No.6689268
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>no more 'report for advertising' option

>> No.6689269

One is hot, the other is saucy.

>> No.6689306
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>> No.6689312

Is a hot dog a sandwich, or something else entirely?

>> No.6689329
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>> No.6689334


>> No.6689352
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>> No.6689365

Skewer keeps the "blades" from cutting all the way though the sausage.

That said, fuck this gay shit.

First off, only cheapass artificial casings work, and there's nothing gourmets about trash like that

Second It ruins any snap and juiciness.

Might as well just put in minced pork/beef and save the hassle.

>> No.6689378

but in the commercial they cut it before inserting the skewer.

>> No.6689380

Ah, yeas saw it's a snap-type tool, not idea then, the one I know uses a rotating blade that stops on the skewer, but those aren't 'murrika-safe I

>> No.6689399

Can't you just do this with a knife?

>> No.6689402

you have to twist it I think

>> No.6690584

This is interesting. It allows you to further process one of the most processed foods known to mankind. More processing = better eating.

>> No.6691205

A hot dog is specifically what some people call frankfurts. A sausage is any meat mix siphoned into a tube of edible membrane.

Also, some people only call it a "hot dog"when it comes in a bun.

>> No.6691227
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>be American-born German
>family is originally from Frankfurt
>decide to visit extended family
>arrive at Frankfurt Airport
>go through immigration services
>they read my last name
>"So you're a Frankfurter, too?"
>go full autist
>"Yes, a hot dog"

>> No.6691296

if anything it makes me wish i had a hot dog so i wasnt as hungry as i am now with no food but half a bag of rice

>> No.6691530

Why don't you go shoplift a package of hot dog sausages

>> No.6691743

wtf ive been manually spiral cutting my dogs for years for these reasons. Had no idea it was mainstream enough to have a shitty unitasker tool made for it.

>> No.6691745

you could've made millions friend

>> No.6691757
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I predict that this will be the next big food meme.
>Cut into the dog to give it more surface area to crisp up
>nooks hold toppings
>people have known this since their grandpa taught it to them on the 4th of july when they were 9
>Some hip, magazine-worthy eatery will do it
>everyone else will copy it
>people will act like it's a revolutionary new idea and publish magazine articles on the correct angle to hold your knife and the best skwers to buy to do it
>people will come to this board and bitch ENDLESSLY about it

>> No.6691758

Hot dogs are gross detritus cylinders. PEople who eat them eat grossness.

>> No.6691765

Cutting hot dogs and sausages like that has been around for awhile.

>> No.6691769

thats what i was saying

>> No.6691790

You said it was going to be the next big food meme, yet it has been that for years.

>> No.6691948

Haven't all food memes been around for years, though?
>fucking cooking in general

>> No.6691975

The products themselves have been around, but the exploitation of them has not. I have not been to a single state fair since 2011 that has not had "curled" dogs.

>> No.6691987

Where do you live, anon?

>> No.6692073

Du bist behindert

>> No.6692135

This will become the next big food meme.

>> No.6692155

Ja, ein Frankfurter

>> No.6692243
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...I don't know

>> No.6692268
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>it makes hot dogs better
>hot dogs

>> No.6694813

just do this shit

>> No.6694828

>straight as an arrow

unlike that guy

>> No.6694847

I jumped over to this video from the same chanel.
People are honestly getting upset over someone telling them their doing shit wrong

>> No.6695415

figured it out! The skewer is so that the plastic blades do not go all the way thru which would result in just a cut up hot dog in pieces. I feel so genius and it only took me 3 days to figure this out.

>> No.6695437

there is nothing gourmet about hotdogs

>> No.6695594

well yeah. people tent to do that. if the video was called: "tips for better cookies" it would have been taken better.

>> No.6695626

>My processed throwaway animal parts stuffed with fillers will taste better if I buy another thing

>> No.6695667
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>> No.6695682

not really, you can bite multiple curls at a time and if it takes you more than 12 bites to finish a hotdog you probably don't deserve to be free for your own safety

>> No.6695954

According to the captcha, it is a type of sandwich.

>> No.6695994
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>I don't believe in the stain fighting power and latent cocaine in OxyClean.

>> No.6696008
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>Would you buy curl a dog?
No. I wouldn't even use it for free, but I would try it if they paid me to.

>> No.6696026
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Begone, shill

>> No.6696216

lol what if theyre kobe beef?

>> No.6696496


A sausage has rougher chopped meat in it while a hot dog has the liquefied mechanically separated meat pumped into it

>> No.6696717

glued together* in the case of skinless hot dogs in the US

>> No.6696811

this wtf

i bet it will be available in Walmart for $5 each

>> No.6696830

free market

>> No.6696914

couldn't you just use a knife.

>> No.6696933

some of these are good but some of them go full retard like the peanut butter and jelly one

>> No.6696940

Haven't you seen how dangerous those are?
Just watch some infomercials.

>> No.6696949

The pattern the hot dog gets cut into creeps me out a little

>> No.6697083



>> No.6698284


The skewer is to take it out easily since it's all floppy from being cut. You insert the skewer after you close the device so the hotdog has already been sliced. You just put it in that way because the dog is kept in place.

>> No.6698304

well shit. back to the drawing board for this genius.

>> No.6698310


I thought the skewer was to prevent the blade from slicing through as well since that is how it normally is done, but then I noticed they close the thing before inserting the skewer.

>> No.6698641

It's for those people that over condiment their dogs.

>> No.6699332

The real question is will these work with potatoes to make fries like that?

>> No.6699663

A burrito is a sandwich.

>> No.6699689
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