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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6680643 No.6680643 [Reply] [Original]

>using a microwave

if you use a microwave you're disgusting and a lazy piece of shit

>> No.6680658


wait...dat nigglet didn't put any water in it?

also, you can't fucking count OP.

>> No.6680659

If you don't use a microwave then you're a nigger who can't afford electricty

>> No.6680662

> never heard of microwavable steamed veg bags
Frozen on the field and fresher than most
Also good for microwaving baked beans and soup etc.

>> No.6680663
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here you go i found some food for your lazy ass

>> No.6680665

I think your fedora is on too tight.

>> No.6680668

>not just reheating this on a skillet
>being so lazy to put something in a microwave and forget about it, letting it overcook and taste like absolute shit

>> No.6680672
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>> No.6680673
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Im i a piece of shit for using a toaster oven, OP?

>> No.6680675

>melting butter
>steaming a small amount of vegetables
y'all niggaz do this any other way? pls

>> No.6680679
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gee i wonder how our ancestors did it for hundreds of years

>> No.6680683

They also used bloodletting to cure diseases, your point?

>> No.6680686


the Flintstones had a stoneage microwave

>> No.6680694
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>> No.6680700

Even for steaming fresh things like bok choy, etc, it is based. Put it in a ziploc bag with some water, seal, microwave, done.

>> No.6680705


>using a microwave necessarily entails forgetting about the thing in the microwave

nigger what

a microwave is a tool and you all sound like californian housewives.

>> No.6680709

>Forgetting about something in a microwave
That's why there's a fucking timer that beeps at you retard.

>> No.6680730

>forget about it, letting it overcook
oh right the fuccboi who does that would do a much better job with a pan and fire

>> No.6680735

Blame mothers.
Seriously, its the fault of too many smothering mothers. They should have let their kids cook for themselves. Females really shouldn't be allowed to raise children without close male supervision, they are too emotionally unstable and cook too much creating a weaker generation of lazy female dependent men.

Thus furthering the feminist agenda.

>> No.6682626


>> No.6682636

>put something in a microwave and forget about it

That's why you don't set your microwave to infinity

>tfw my microwave died after 13 years of loyal service

looks like cold food for a while.

>> No.6682654
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literally everything you can make in the microwave tastes better prepared another way. pic related, microwave shit (except the sausage) that would taste shitty af if actually microwaved

>> No.6682675

>complaining about women cooking too much
>complaining about feminists

I'm not expert on gender relations but I think you need to pick one.

>> No.6682686

>microwave shit (except the sausage)
so... potatoes and green beans?

>> No.6682696

potatoes, pea pods, and i think there were some peppers in there but not a lot

>> No.6682703



>> No.6682711

how the fuck do I reheat pasta

>> No.6682794

you're not supposed to microwave those styrofoam ramen cups you're supposed to pour hot water from a kettle in them. it even says on the package do not microwave

>> No.6682802
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>> No.6682809

Frozen microwave food =/= microwave as a cooking option.

I cook all my own food, and also work in a restaurant. We use a couple microwaves, as do better places. Get over it; it's a useful machine.

>> No.6682845
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quit being so pretentious. unless you live in a VERY remote place you have a microwave, and use it all the pretentious pricks that say otherwise can bugger off. Not saying it's the best. but...useful. particularly when you don't wanna heat the house up. Duke costs me enough, already. CP &l L was bad. then "progesss" now Duke, triple the electric bill. I dare not turn an electric oven on, lest i get a 400. buck power bill. So much for "green" energy. tis fine if you have lot's of "green" to grease pol's hands. Every time i hear there is gonna be a "green improvement" I put one hand on my wallet, the other on those I love If gonna f me, at least reach around.so there.

>> No.6682909

If actions had race then irradiating your food would be the nigger to mechanical convection's white man.

>> No.6683883

If I'm making popcorn in my kettle on the stove and need melted butter am I suppose to use another saucepan to melt butter for it? Seriously? Or a little paper bowl in the microwave and it's done in 30 seconds and no dish to wash?

>> No.6683901

Are you fat?

>> No.6683934


>> No.6683942


how does a microwave irradiate your food?

microwaves pass through the food, energizing the molecules of said food and make it hot. there's no residual radiation, dumbass.

>> No.6683949

When I make hot milo, I pour a small amount of boiling water on the powder, fill the rest with milk and the put the mug in the microwave for about a minute.

It's faster than heating the milk up on a stove. Fuck you.

>> No.6683981
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Tempering chocolate is easier in the microwave. Sure you could do it on the stovetop with the right set up. But microwave does it just fine.

>> No.6684187
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Reheated and delicious

>> No.6684196

My parents used to always make me boil hotdogs on the stove if I wanted to eat one and then I found out it takes ten seconds to heat a hotdog in the microwave.

>> No.6684265

One thing I can say is I do prefer to make the packaged ramen on the stove, not the microwave. But if you use a microwave as a tool and not a dependant, it's useful. Your entire meal obviously should not come from the microwave unless it's one of those Red Baron 5 cheese and garlic french bread pizzas for breakfast.

>> No.6684337


if microwaves 'irradiate' your food then so does a fucking charcoal grill.

>> No.6684339

I use microwaves for leftovers basically
fuck if I know how to reheat most foods in a better way

>> No.6684354

for pasta or rice I add a tiny bit of water with it in the sauce pan and reheat on low to keep it from getting hard or dried out. Pizza I do in the oven slowly at like 200 degrees or less. But only when I have time. If I don't, into the microwave it goes and screw it. Tastes basically the same except a little more dry than original. For meats I don't eat left overs. Once it's cooked that's it. Left overs go to the dog and 8 stray cats that come up from the woods begging for food all the time.

>> No.6684361

If my house didn't come with a microwave I wouldn't have bought one. I don't ever use it.

>> No.6684376

>For meats I don't eat left overs.
Then fuck off, you're not relevant to what I was saying.

I hate bourgeoisie so much.

>> No.6684378

My popcorn comes in microwave bags.
Can't get jiffy pop or whatever it's called in Australia.

>> No.6684384

mommy gave you everything you wanted and still does now that you're 39, huh?

>> No.6684389

Are you fucking retarded? That's what I should be saying to you.

>> No.6684407

You did say "Are you fucking retarded?" to me. I don't get it home slice

>> No.6684413

You're throwing away meat. Fucking spoiled brat.

>> No.6684428

Calm down, canoe shoes.
He probably also only eats the "best" bits of meat, leaving such "disgusting monstrosities" such as the tongue, cheek, hoofs and feet, some might say the sweetest of treats.

>> No.6684438

You ever try reheating a perfectly cooked steak after a day or two? Your perfectly good steak is now well done. Congratulations. Not worth eating. It's not like I'm throwing whole cooked geese to the animals. It's left overs. We may be talking about different ideas on the terms of that. If I cook a pork loin and it's done perfectly, if I put the rest in the fridge and try to heat it later, it's not the same. It isn't good. It isn't succulent. To me it's good for the pets. It isn't anything expensive and it's left overs. As stated before, I do keep sides and pizza and veggie dishes and this and that. But not meat. Meat is only good as it gets done how you want it. Not dry and over cooked and rubbery. I don't buy prime rib and waggy tail beef. It's small change

>> No.6684440

I buy microwave meals and slowcook them.
Fuck the system.

>> No.6684444

I like you.
I make soup Popsicles.
Wanna be friends an discuss dank memes?

>> No.6684448

>You ever try reheating a perfectly cooked steak? Not worth eating.
I hate bourgeoisie

>> No.6684453

Food stamps boy. Learn the system

>> No.6684456

You can use it for a lot of things.
Melting butter and quickly heating things up to temperature.
It's also a quick and easy way to steam squash without adulterating it with other flavours.

Too bad you're only here to shitpost.

>> No.6684460
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why would anyone come here not to shitpost ...?

>> No.6684461

>ou ever try reheating a perfectly cooked steak after a day or two? Your perfectly good steak is now well done.

no. it becomes well done if you take it to a high enough temperature. you could reheat and chill a steak five hundred times and it could still be rare as long as you didn't take it past 55 degrees. when you reheat food you generally just want to make it warm, not cook it. so don't heat it past the temperature you took it to in the first place and it should, generally, be ok. but even if you aren't capable of doing that, you could eat the food cold and you wouldn't be wasting it. man up son.

>> No.6684463

Spaghetti squash in the microwave is amazing.

>> No.6684465

ITT: fags that have never tried the glory also known as microwaved bacon strips.

>> No.6684468

The few times I do save meat, I put it in a ziploc bag sealed tight and put it into hot water to gently heat it to where it's tender again and doesn't start cooking it more. So you are actually right and I agree, but I can't control a microwave and they always fuck my shit up so that's half the reason I am just replying weird responses.

>> No.6684469
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>danke memes

>> No.6684470

Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I microwave chicken tendies that are frozen but precooked.
They actually taste pretty good in a sandwich with some jarlsberg.

>> No.6686624

my nigga

>> No.6686640

kill yourself

>> No.6686670

you are inefficient and stupid if you melt butter on pan and not in some small container in the microwave. you'll be scraping the pan for all the butter that has spread across.

>> No.6686700
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>Be at uni cafeteria
>hippy bitch talking anti-microwave spiel
>says if you microwave water it kills plants while pot heated water doesn't
that being said a microwave has its uses, whoopte fucken doo if you don't use one

>> No.6686723

Microwave ovens are a punishment for being in a hurry. Nothing good to say about them.

>> No.6686726

It was the opposite for me.
My mother always used to make me heat it in the microwave, but then I started doing it on the stove.

>> No.6686751

how the fuck am I supposed to heat my leftovers then?

in the oven and wait half an hour like a faggot?

>> No.6686765


>> No.6686771

I can't afford to spend my day sitting in front of the oven and sucking cock

>> No.6686820
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using a microwave IS faggot shit you stupid shithead

it's a bitchboy pussy move that shows you're too lazy to heat your food over the fire like a real man

>> No.6686836

>needlessly dirtying up a pan for exactly same result


>> No.6687387

Fucking matriarchy

>> No.6689273

>take pan
>chop up leftover steak
>make eggs
>throw in steak
>throw in leftover rice
>throw in veggies
>add soy sauce and if you're feeling extra patriotic, some cheese

wow that was tough

>> No.6689277

He already is