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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6662936 No.6662936 [Reply] [Original]

Baking thread!

Post your creations, ask for advice, solicit feedback!

I've tried this recently and it worked out really well

>> No.6662945

I replace the oil with mayo instead. It seems to work alright. Makes the cake taste rich and a bit denser.

>> No.6662948

Interesting. I'll have to give it a try sometime! Do you also add the extra eggs?

>> No.6662955


You can substitute milk with cottage cheese, instead of the water (the curds will cook out.)

Also, quail eggs make for an even more rich texture in your baking: 7 quail eggs = 1 chicken egg so I use about 20

>> No.6662986

Cream cheese also works great.

>> No.6663164

Never tried that. How is the consistency?

>> No.6663189

yeah, but then you gotta crack 20 quail eggs. you might as well get a job baking at that point.

>> No.6663250

>Oh no, god forbid I have to work for good food

Leave your mom's house once in a while, kid.

>> No.6664576
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>> No.6664616

>Not using duck eggs for richness

>> No.6664631

When the fuck is that sticky coming

>> No.6664660


>ever using oil to make a cake

What the actual fuck? I also find that home made cakes can often be excessively eggy in flavour and texture. I made a pretty boss Victoria sponge the other day, and the main principle was equal weight of eggs, flour, butter and sugar.

>> No.6664696

using oil is supposed to make a cake that seems more moist because butter solidifies when cooled.

tastes like shit though.

>> No.6664709


Yeah, the only time I ever use oil in a cake is when I'm making a carrot cake.

>> No.6665362

that's called a pound cake dumbfuk

>> No.6665370
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>ever using a "cake mix"

so many plebs on this board

>> No.6665649

Mate, not all of us have the time to gather and measure ingredients. I work 12 hours a day, and if I'm baking a cake I'd rather have some fuck in the third world measure the dusty stuff out for me

>> No.6665661

>nobodies in this thread knows how to bake

Why are you so pleb /ck/?

>never heard of a chiffon

>> No.6665666


HAHA it was a troll thread all along.
Sure showed you.

>> No.6665672

No it wasn't. Some of us genuinely want to learn

>> No.6665699

Not the guy you're replying to but 3 minutes?
If you have the time just portion some out in ziplock bags then. Ready to use for the next time

>> No.6665712


What do you want to learn?

>> No.6665724

Lot longer than three minutes. You have to look up a recipie and hope you can execute it, trek to the store to buy the shit, trek back with it in tow, find the utensils somefuckingwhere and finally figure out how much you want to dish out into plastic baggies

By the time I've done all that, have I saved any time at all?

>> No.6665729


Well, the going to the store part is no different than buying a box of mix, so that's out.

>>look up recipe
takes a couple mintues on google

>>hope you can execute it
Why would this even be a concern at all? Of course you can execute it. It's just following simple directions, no different than box mix.

>>figure out how much you want to dish out
How is that problem either? If you want your mix to be the same size as a box mix then just look at the weight on the box. With google image search you have your answer in less than a minute. If you want you can adjust smaller or larger by making a simple decision. Want it bigger? use twice as much. Want it smaller? Half as much.

>> No.6665730

Last week I tried making cookies. They ended up soft and spongey, even given time to cool, and tasted way too mealy.

How do I make sure this doesn't happen? I even followed the recipe as closely as I could; how do I spot a recipie that will just turn out bad

>> No.6665733


light vegetable oil was the secret to chiffon cake.

the cake's inventor didn't let the recipe out, and for some reason nobody suspected vegetable oil.

>> No.6665736

>How do I make sure this doesn't happen?

We need more information. Give us the recipe and describe exactly what you did, in detail.

>> No.6665740
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>> No.6665746


i'd maybe try this, if i could get a mayo without seasoning.

store-bought mayo always has a bit of garlic, onion, and mustard in it. nasty for a dessert.

>> No.6665755


Mayo is super easy to make. Put egg yolks in a container (or blender). Blend or whisk constantly while slowly pouring in the oil.

>> No.6665771

I got it from a book, but I'll write it down

In a bowl, mix 1 cup butter with 3/4ths cup sugar. Mix thoroughly, until all the sugar is folded into the butter and add 2 eggs and 1 tsp vanilla extract.

In a separate bowl, mix 2 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp of baking powder. Mix thoroughly.

Combine both bowls and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F

Using a spoon, dish the dough onto a baking tray. Bake for 9 minutes or until golden brown

1c butter
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla ex

>> No.6667805


The problem was possibly how you creamed the butter. You need to beat the butter and sugar it until the butter lightens significantly in color and turns fluffy. If you don't, the cookies won't inflate properly.

Moreso, you need to make sure to use room temperature eggs - to ensure you don't cool down your butter and to cause it to become solid again.

I'd never do equal amounts baking powder to soda, either. In cookies, I'd always do more baking powder and less baking soda. Lower the baking soda amount to 1/2 tsp.

It's also important that you put your flour into your creamed butter, not the other way around. Also, these cookies have, like no flavoring in them at all. Throw some vanilla extract into these motherfuckers.

>> No.6667810

>I replace the oil with mayo instead.
I hope hell exists, and you go there.

>> No.6667844

Mayo is eggs and oil.

Cakes need eggs, and oil.

There's literally nothing wrong with using Mayo as a substitute in a cake.

>> No.6667890

What's the secret of making chocolate chip cookies look like how they usually look on TV?

>> No.6668196


Many brands of storebought mayo also contain savory seasonings like mustard, garlic, and other spices (listed on the label as "natural flavor" or similar). That's fine in a sandwich but usually not something that you want in a cake.

>> No.6668258

In my experience, you have to refrigerate it overnight so the ingredients could incorporate. It also helps the cookie batter not to thin out too much when it's in the oven.
A lot of technique needed is in the baking and temperature itself. A minute/degree too much or too little could change the cookies' texture, colour, and even taste. Cookies continue to cook themselves out of the oven so you have to remove it from the pan immediately after.

>> No.6668262

I'm confused. Is this a good thing or not? but it sounds really fucking disgusting.

>> No.6670363


>> No.6670412
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I made this mint chocolate cake a while back for my grandma's birthday. It was great and everyone loved it, but it put me off mint for a while.

>> No.6670452
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If your cakes are coming out dry, saran-wrap them rather than letting them cool on a rack. Good for annoyingly-crumbly brownie recipes and shitty bag mixes that taste like rubber.

Also, add a spoonful of instant coffee to a chocolate cake recipe. good shit

>> No.6670496

it sounds fucking disgusting but actually makes the cake more moist and spongy, works out really well. Just buy a mayo without seasoning or make it yourself.

>> No.6670590

Espresso powder works, too!
Did you make that? Looks awesome.

>> No.6670808
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Bumping with my chai tea muffins.

>> No.6671025


>> No.6671829

OP just changed my life. I am not good at baking and don't have the time and money to dedicate to many rounds of failures to gain practice. I hate box cake and only make it for the purpose of making marijuana edibles

But this I can do, thank you OP.

>> No.6671883

That cake looks pretty mint, Anon.
I want to make some mint brownies soon. I have a tonne of other things in mind as well, but I can only do one at a time.

>> No.6671920

>cake mix
ultimate pleb

>> No.6671946

This makes perfect sense considering mayo is basically just eggs and oil, but I feel like you'd get the same result either way.

Finding seasoning-free mayo is kind of difficult anyway.

>> No.6671972
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Pic related looks just like my ex.

>> No.6672102

The fat:sugar ratio seems a bit off, too. Try 1 cup sugar to 3/4 c butter. Agree that the sugar and butter need to be creamed until light and fluffy, preferably with a mixer.

>> No.6672107

is this a new meme?

>> No.6672129

Yeah, it was really minty. I used creme de menthe extract for the frosting, which was actually clear so I had to use food coloring. And if you want to use that extract, use it in very small amounts and keep adding until you have enough. A little goes a long way. I have almost a whole bottle I don't know what to do with now.
As for the chips, they're Andes chocolate mint chips. They're delicious.

>> No.6672246

Holy fuck amerifats, are you trying to give yourself heart disease, diabetes and cancer?

>> No.6672304

Those are the ingredients for cake, retard. And most people don't make a cake to serve themselves at once. It's made for special occasions and/or to enjoy for a period of time.

>> No.6672313

I understand those are the ingredients for cake. But you're literally taking a perfectly fine recipe and adding extra egg, replacing oil with butter and doubling the amount. Then you replace the water with milk? What the fuck is wrong with Americans... No wonder so much of the US population is obese

>> No.6672321

it isn't and we like it that way. if you want a sticky move to a more fag related board.

>> No.6672965


Sorry your cakes are made with eels and semen, yuropoor

We actually have produce to use in our food

>> No.6672979


how fucking often do you eat cake that it even matters?

the only thing to criticize is that they think you can make boxed cake mix actually taste like a good cake

>> No.6673011

Oh it fucking works. We sometimes get this mayonnaise with lime in it and one time, it came with a recipe for chocolate cake. My sister and I made it and it tested just like chocolate cake. Not even a hint of lime!
Too bad she fucked up the cake the second time we made it by using sea salt instead of granulated salt.

>> No.6673014

Dreams aren't real kid

>> No.6673078
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post ur pie fillings pls. here's a cherry one i made a little while back. i'm thinking of doing peach or apple when i have a day off

>> No.6673490
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Mango doesn't go super well with pastry cream, but the recipient didn't seem to mind

>> No.6673503
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Somehow I thought making a stencil would be faster than piping designs on. Lots of ugly ones though.

Does anyone have a gingerbread recipe they'd recommend?

>> No.6673530

I don't think mango goes well with cooking in general. The other day, I tried to make mango curd. Lemon curd, but with mango instead. Tasted pretty bad.

>> No.6673536

Sweet and sour mango is pretty good.

>> No.6673545
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Oh, that's a shame, sorry to hear. IIRC Deb Perelman took a try at mango curd, would be interested in comparing your recipes.

One more: pumpkin donuts

>> No.6673553


>baked donuts

What's the point?

>> No.6673656

I don't eat cake at all because it's fucking disgusting. There are much tastier ways to consume sugar and saturated fat.

>> No.6674123

lol ameri-fats

>> No.6674129

OP image is retarded as shit. you want to make it taste like it came from a bakery, don't use a mix and find a high ratio recipe.

>> No.6674600

Are you saying you prefer a cake made with oil to a cake made with butter. Disgusting.

>> No.6676695

>Victoria sponge
>equal weight of eggs, flour, butter and sugar.

Soooo a pound cake?