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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6644475 No.6644475 [Reply] [Original]

Big Mac

>> No.6644479

Looks about as depressing as I remember

>> No.6644481


Sounds about right, nah it's still the same

>> No.6644530


>> No.6644540
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, whopper-burger-king-e1408976918698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate two of them last night, the cheese left a taste in my mouth I didn't enjoy, next time will order with no cheese.

Also I prefer the Whopper

>> No.6644541

I love Big Macs. I look forward to the 2/$5 every year.

>> No.6644545


>> No.6644550


>> No.6644666

It is a decent sandwich along with the whopper. Been awhile since I've had either.

>> No.6644716

Hey this reminds me I have a coupon for a free whopper.
brb BK

>> No.6644832

I don't think the whopper's a bad burger. For the UK at least.
For something dependable and reasonably cheap a whopper is a good way to go.
Anything from mcdonalds tastes of nothing, is dry and expensive. The bic mac is just bun and sauce.
It's the only food I can eat which makes me feel sick and hungry an hour afterwards. It's weird.

>> No.6645393

I used to like Big Macs, but I've been down on MkyD's altogether.

I would rather have Wendy's. I like that if I don't feel like fries, I can substitute a salad or baked potato.

>> No.6645395

Big Bread

>> No.6645410

Remember when they were 2/$3?

I've never felt like as much of a disgusting fatass as the time I got really stoned and ate 4 Big Macs... and yet life was good.

>> No.6645423

Ah the ol' back of the receipt trick.

>> No.6645449
File: 33 KB, 329x399, Randy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drove 7 of the single Greasy bastards in me last time I was out drinking. Don't even remember chewing.

>> No.6645453

Mofuckas like that are definitely ON the cheeseburgers. Knowamsayin?

>> No.6645462

Frigg off Jamie. A man has gotta eat

>> No.6645784

Can I get 15 half eaten cheeseburgers to go, yaknowmsayin?

>> No.6645812


>> No.6645852

How fucking thin can a meat patty be?

>> No.6646301

whopper jr best value

>> No.6646314

Why is the Big king so unbelievably superior to the big mac?

>> No.6646318


>> No.6646326

a mans gotta eat

>> No.6646333

Because they pay you??

>> No.6646340

Flame broiled

>> No.6646935

Don't you mean fake broiled?

>> No.6646939

>work at wendys
>people always get potatoes
>"nothing on it but butter"

jesus christ

>> No.6646950

I wouldn't trust Wendy's with sour cream.

>> No.6646972
File: 26 KB, 350x250, 2626241-1396754633753[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks they aren't flame broiled

>> No.6646976

>anything at bk

>> No.6646992

Everything is better at BK but the chicken nuggets/sandwiches

>> No.6647005

Of the big three only McD's has a decent strawberry milkshake or fries.

>> No.6647011

TBH I don't notice a difference with fries. McD fries might be better if you get them fresh but that hasn't happened for me in like ten years so I really don't know, I just know BK burgers are better and the fries are usually hotter.

McDs has better toys though, I'll tell you that much...they have pretty much cornered the kids meal market, nobody else seems to ever have decent toys.

>> No.6647013

The others never really put much effort into kids meal toys and I don't know why. Once in awhile the others might produce something good but I haven't really followed that shit since the 90's.

>> No.6647017

BK ruined their fries when they tried to go with those extra crispy ones years ago. Wendy's has always had difficulty with soggy fries even after changing to their natural cut ones and when they went to sea salt or kosher salt their fries sometimes come out too salty.

>> No.6647033

Too tall, and have do not enough a tomato for civil world. Send that a broken product to hungered people of Africa, please.

>> No.6649337

>you will never be a BK Big Kid ever again

>> No.6649340

Ok ask mcdonalds for fresh fries. Tell them you will wait. I guarentee you youll realize they are the best fries in the fast food game period.

>> No.6649347
File: 552 KB, 935x1011, 2015-07-04_02-11-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger king's actually not that bad, but in the uk they're so fucking rare so nobody bothers

>> No.6649853

There used to be a BK in my town center, it's sad to see the midlands is now devoid of them entirely.

>> No.6649933

eeyup that's a big mac alright
you get your money's worth with a fries-drink combo, I suppose

>> No.6649952

Who the fuck lives on the Isle of Man? What's that territory like?

>> No.6650338

The isles, in my experience, are basically just like rural towns.

>> No.6650345

What's the middle bread for? The fuck is the purpose

A bread sandwich?

>> No.6650390

Burger King had hits with toys back in the day. The Rugrats watches were awesome. The Pokemon stuff promoting the first movie was great for the little while they were around. Stupid ass kids ruined that though.

>> No.6650497

What the fuck i swear theres a BK in swindon and Oxford.

>> No.6652304

After my time.

>> No.6652415

For real. Two whopper jrs are cheaper than a whopper for about the same amount of food.

>> No.6652484

BK's pokemon toys were fucking great back in the day
my buddy and I were in trade school and way into pokemon and got those for lunch like every fucking day

>> No.6652645

It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't cost so much

>> No.6652646

>Also I prefer the Whopper
They don't even cook that shit right man, don't they just throw it through a conveyor belt oven? Seriously fuck burger king man, they gave me a half dollar sized burnt as fuck patty one time.

>> No.6652658

No one cooks food right. Most burger places cook on an industrial hotplate.

>> No.6652664

Ya but at least they have some control over it, only thing good about burger king is the $1.50 nuggets, even though they're just normal nuggets cut in half

>> No.6652691

Sonic is the only place I still get burgers from. Never was into nuggets but I did like mcd's chicken selects.

>> No.6652711

>Sonic is the only place I still get burgers from
Why would you subject yourself to anything but a drink from sonic

>> No.6652713


>> No.6652720

Their burgers are decent.

>> No.6652723

Next you'll tell me subway has good sandwiches

>> No.6652746

SHH! Don't wake up the plebs!

>> No.6652767

The sandwiches are edible.

>> No.6652770

The meatballs I got one time were fucking black and necrotic man

>> No.6652804

Subs aren't meant to have anything but coldcuts for meat.

>> No.6652806

>an exception to a rule conveys a rule in its own right

I don't like subway much but you're just a retard.

>> No.6652858
File: 30 KB, 408x387, 12698063791637656885.jpeg___1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two all beef patiies.. I eat one about once a year, to remind me of how bad they are. 3.2 oz pre cooked, two half slicesCVhese, , cheap thousand isle dressing wilted lettuce, straight from the bag. and I like mc Donalds. Almoast any thing else. really. even breakfast. But not the big mac.like I swallowed a cannonball. rather a double chesse burger. the extra bread is less than useless. except for attracting pigeons when discarded or homeless. Seriously, why its there, don't know.I have no problem with mcydee. maybe one other. how come a cheap fried square whitefish wit 1/2 slice amerifat is now 4 bucks. well, the recent rise, BS. I like Mcky dee, amd you cannot run loss leaders forever, but the last big mac really sucked. badly.who said that. minimum wage has little to do. except, people must live. most micky dee hire at 8.50 9.00 an hour. still like the double (no not mc double) cheese burger and small fries cooked in tallow instead of polyunsaturated soy what ever reclaimed earl,oil.. Also. the pies were better, back then. Come on, not that bad. but the pies were better.

>> No.6652873

You were born before Kurt cobain was weren't you

>> No.6652899

Why did you ask for them then?
Did you not look at the meat you were asking for?

>> No.6652908


>> No.6652953

Can't see that shit in the sauce man

>> No.6652963

>that one rambling schizophrenic with meandering posts on /ck/

>> No.6652989

yeah, I know. tough row to hoe, sometimes. and be the first to tell you. I don't approve of every thing.S/kay everything doesn't require my approval. far from it. deep shit as ever been. but I do try to help people. no ax to grind,ot offends many. that i have no axe to grind. I don't blame them. I do like music. almost any well save opera. could learn to love it/ Never understood the conflict between science and religionn they are one.anyways, do thje best you can, maybe a bit better?God loves you that's it. no _+ shipping and hanNG. Natiomal guard. wish this was over. Not for me to say. not a head case. just calm down . Oh Y?eah? sit down and lissten. I say this with all my heart. try and understand.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhat-xUQ6dw

>> No.6653307
File: 370 KB, 2894x2300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro ;_;

>> No.6653373


>> No.6654077

This is wrong. Unless it is literally just counting stand alone BK restaurants.

>> No.6654824
File: 7 KB, 188x226, travolta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they call it in France?

Le Big Mac.