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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6631979 No.6631979 [Reply] [Original]

how and why did you learn to cook?

>> No.6631981

By cooking
I like food

>> No.6632003

I learned because of my mother, not by her but because. She would fully thaw out frozen steaks, put them in a skillet with a half a cup of oil with a press on it and cook it "until all the blood was gone"

Its turned into a passion, but it started as a way of survival

>> No.6632005

books, blogs, YouTube, webpages, practice, etc.
A bit of arrogance, really. The thought that I could do better than most people. The idea was to learn enough that I could surpass the quality of food you'd buy at a restaurant, and pay a fraction of the price.

Plus I just have that primal attraction to fire and knives and flesh.

>> No.6632006


>> No.6632010

When I was home alone, my parents would give me money to take care of myself, so I went to buy groceries and cooked. There was no particular 'how' as much as me having a general idea of what I wanted to cook. I think I probably just had enough exposure to cooking as a kid that when it came to me cooking, I just picked it up. I grew up eating home made foods at the very least.

>> No.6632025

Both of my parents worked, it was either learn to cook, or go hungry.

>> No.6632036

I wanted to eat things my parents didn't know how to cook, and I worked at it because I wanted to be a chef... then I tried working in kitchens, and regretted it.

I would probably do catering if I could get the job, and if my friend's mom decides she wants to get her food truck going, I'm all over that, but the lack of organization and constant abuse I worked through in the kitchens made me feel that learning to cook well was a huge waste of time, and that I'd be better off with canned soup and grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.6632038



Most of the family on mothers side have worked in the food industry their whole life and godfather is a professional head chef so i used work at my moms and his restaurant a lot, also i mostly was alone at home so i had to cook my own meals.


It was mostly out of necessity but i also like food and have been raised that way

>> No.6632680

YouTube, experimenting, looking through cook books

Never needed to cook much apart from times where my parents were away or in cases where I wanted to cook something that my mum never cooked, she's a really good cook and experiments with different cuisines, but never went into the things that I was super hyped about, like brisket and other such shit. Then I went vegetarian and my interest in finding the perfect meat replacements took over completely and I've been looking for the best in mock meats since

>> No.6632699

Trial and error. I taught myself
I married a Mexican. His mom always fed him, he couldn't even boil water. I realized after we got married he expected me to feed him. So I did my best.

>> No.6632704

I cooked
I wanted to keep living

>> No.6632735

If you both work and have the same responsibilities in life, he should also pitch in and start cooking

>> No.6632754
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taught myself because my mom cant cook for shit.

>> No.6632793

>be at grandma's
>be a kid
>pillsbury biscuits
>melted butter

First thing I ever made.

>> No.6632814

felt like helping mom out a few years ago. helped when someone on /ck/ rec'd foodwishes. he is very helpful.

>> No.6632817
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He's picked up a lot. I was on bed rest for my first pregnancy and he really learned a lot. He's nearly mastered breakfast. We both work, but I only work part time. I don't mind it too much. He cooks a few times a week. We have pretty good division of labor. Plus he has no issues doing dishes.

>> No.6632891

Rachel Ray and gia were my first masturbation targets I'd watch food network and masturbate to ass shots and cleavage but only season 1-3. That's how I learned.

Why? Because my mom cooked shit food and I had a knack for it.

>> No.6632975

Through YouTube, during a time when I was going nowhere in life

Wanted to keep myself busy so I don't think about how much of a NEET I am. That and my mom was getting rusty with her own cooking.

>> No.6632992

My mom always made dinner, but left it up to me to make my own lunch as soon as I was able to. Normally Mac n cheese or sandwiches and the like. My mom always made the dinners from scratch, so watching her, I learned quite a bit. When I and my brothers started going to college, she stopped cooking and now only makes frozen/packaged shit. Had to cook myself cause I couldn't stand it. I found I really enjoyed it, and love to made everything. Even fresh pasta.

>> No.6633040

/ck/, YouTube, trying random recipes I find on the interwebs
My wife left me and I got sick of eating Mac n cheese from a box and frozen pizza and fast-food

>> No.6633051

I started with omelettes, good variety and requires dexterity and skill with a pan/spat

Started because I moved from a city with great selection and great transportation, to a suburb with jack shit and no car. If I want thai, I gotta make it myself.

>> No.6633070

was a dishwasher at a restaraunt 2 years ago and moved up to cooking position after a few months of demonstrating basic competency and hung in there while learning how to numb myself to stress and anxiety. My first mentor was the grill cook who was a combat veteran and heroin addict-hilariously enough he was a good teacher because he could never remember what he had told me and would continually tell me how a task was done as if it were the first time he had told me... i never had to experience the anxiety of asking him twice. fast forward a couple years to now and i have outlasted 20 other cooks who have come and gone and now i work 14 hours a day between two restaraunts. cooking was the first skill i aquired that i could really make people happy with. its not that i have a passion for cooking or anything i was just a spoiled kid and i was desperate for people to like me

>> No.6633138

My dad worked in a restaurant for 17 years and I basically grew up there and he taught me how to cook most things I still cook. I feel a little bad because I now am better at cooking than him, but that may be because I want to be a chef.

I love trying anything new. I love intricate flavor combinations and the thing I enjoy most is eating.

>> No.6633189

practice, online, and help from dad.

I used to live in the boonies. Wasn't worth driving 10 plus miles just for fast food.

>> No.6633241

My cooking adventures began with a simple trio of potato, bell pepper and onion in a skillet. FOR LIKE A YEAR, without much variation at all. That was my college food beginnings. I wasn't in a dorm so I had small but normal kitchen. Breakfast, lunch or dinner - potato, bell pepper & onion, often in a flour tortilla. Made fucktons of salsa to eat with it, both green and red. Sometimes threw sausage in the skillet mix, but not often. And I would bake my own corn tortilla chips (a little butter and salt, bake until crisp). I guess that's "how" I learned to cook. After a year of that routine I decided to get creative. Started using Youtube to replicate all sorts of things on there. After a year or two of that I became fairly wise about ingredients and cooking methods whether stove top or oven, and a little bit of barbecue.

How boring was that? Why the fuck did ask.

>> No.6633246


Mom+internet+book. Still learning

We eat to live, so might as well make it enjoyable.

>> No.6633362

gardening got me into the kitchen

the kitchen got me into the restaurant.

>> No.6633487

>into the restaurant.

Bummer. I heard that if anyone actually enjoys cooking, they will stay as far away from the professional kitchen as possible.

>> No.6633719

I hated everything at school and almost ever so I decided to go to kitchens. Got my first line cook position

>> No.6633730

My father opened an Italian restaurant and then got hospitalized 4 months later. So I ran it for a while, had to cook. My uncle came out for a month and showed me how to do everything.

>> No.6633833

some places are pretty chill
most aren't

>> No.6633839

wanted some tamales that weren't shit so I made some.

end of story.

>> No.6633844

parents suck at cooking. honestly bread-baking was pretty soothing. And nobody would mind if you were making a nice loaf.

>> No.6633845

I watched my mom a lot when I was a kid, then when I got my own place I had to learn since even in the middle of NYC I could make better stuff then the fags at restaurants, plus and this is double plus good, it impresses the ladies.

>> No.6633846

have you ever had sweet tamales with lard and raisins and cinnamon? They were red-colored if I remember. Had them while visiting mexico. Miss them.

>> No.6633849

>how and why did you learn to cook?


>> No.6633887

I just took it upon myself. My dad taught me a lot about grilling and baking but never about making actual meals. When I was in highschool I just started watching videos and looking up recipes and started cooking. I still have a lot to learn, and I'd really like to get into some cooking classes.

>> No.6634150

YouTube and Google

Grew up watching and loving Food Network as a kid. Could watch cooking shows all day. Couple that with my mom making the same 4 bland meals for us every week and my dad not knowing anything outside of MEAT, you get the will to explore.

>> No.6634157

My parents taught me when I was a child so that I could reduce their burdens and be independent when I moved out.

>> No.6634160

Who said I did?

>> No.6634168

I moved out of my moms house at 17 was a vegetarian with 60 bucks on a food card

>> No.6634219

my mom taught me since I was a kid, she's been a housewife for years and she still cooks everyday, I started using cookbooks and other recipes little by little
I always loved cooking but I also think that my mom prepared me with the implication that I'd get married eventually and would have to know how to cook

>> No.6634251

My father taught me most of the things I know when I was a teenager by cooking a variety of things like rice, beans, pasta, and the occasional meat. As for why I guess it was because he knew I would need the skills without a mother and my family curse

>> No.6634309

by making the same dish everyday for a week or more

out of necessity. ex-poor fag

>> No.6634399

I'm trying, but I don't know where to start. Just moved out on my own so not really a choice.

>> No.6634404

When I moved out of the house and got tired of frozen Pizza. Spaghetti bolognese was my first dish.

>> No.6634411
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I got fired from my decent paying job (which i hated anyway) so I couldnt afford to eat out or buy pre-cooked meals every day anymore. So I learned to halve my costs by mostly eating only what I cook myself

>> No.6634419

soups. start with soups

>> No.6634430

What book is that

>> No.6634487

My mom taught me what she knew which was a lot,and the internet did the rest.

>> No.6634593

Because my mother one day said to me:"Cook or die". Now i cook because i like it.
By cooking and watching my parents cooking.

>> No.6634619

YouTube and /ck/

Having no friends gives you a lot of spare time

Still not very good tbh

>> No.6634627

You're assuming I have learned to cook. I haven't. I eat raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and sliced bread. Sometimes I forage for food by eating stuff off the ground.

>> No.6634681

i work part time at a small gourmet to go and catering service and apprentice at another upscale restaurant when I find time during the week.

it's not my main source of income, and I enjoy working at both places.

>> No.6634708

I went vegan and had to learn how to make my own shit, since I couldn't buy it premade from the store anymore.

Say what you will about vegans being limited, but I have tried hundreds of things I never would have if I didn't become one.

>> No.6634729

Error by error
I'm fucking poor

>> No.6634734


After finishing school I didn't manage to get a job so I was kind of stuck at home for a year. So I started to help my mother in the kitchen regularly.
I mean, I cooked before but I guess that's where I learned the most.

>> No.6634776

but i didnt learn to cook

>> No.6634780

I learnt to cook from my father mainly because I was Interested in and all the flavor and smells made me happy when I was 12

And the how was buy a shit load of practice and many bloody cut knuckles

>> No.6634815

Mainly because I am broke and on a budget...99 Cents Store budget to be frank. Can't have plain tasting top ramen forever.

>> No.6634891

Youtube and internet. Monkey see monkey do.
Because I wanted control of what goes into my body and the way of doing that is preparing my own food as I like it. I like organic food and its MUCH cheaper to by the individual ingredients and prep that shit or not.

>> No.6634944

Food Network, trial and error

Coping with stress when I was first learning in my early teens, and wanting good food later on- could either spend $10 on a meh plate of spaghetti, or I could cook a steak dinner and dessert in the same time frame for the same cost or less.