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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 600x338, CIkHEHQUwAEBRAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6630979 No.6630979 [Reply] [Original]

Post other fast food lifehacks !

pic related

>> No.6630984

I don't get it.

>> No.6630987
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>> No.6630988

hes using a cup so he dosent have to put the pop in his hands dumb ass.

>> No.6630989

No !

>> No.6630991

Not rare, thanks for playing 'meme' though.

>> No.6630995

eat a pound of salt so you dont have to go through a whole bicmac menu

>> No.6630996


>> No.6631003

Oh shit, we got an egg head here! Smart comment friend, any other pearls of wisdom?

>> No.6631006

kill yourself so you dont have to suffer for ~80 years

>> No.6631009

bring food from home it's cheaper

>> No.6631013

If you tell the burgermonkeys you want a soda sometimes they will give you a bigger ketchup bath, and that will carry more drink

>> No.6631014

Order big mac with no big mac sauce, so you dont get charged. bring thousand island dressing

>> No.6631018

Lifehack! Epic! +1 upvote karma! Reposted to Buzzfeed!!!!

>> No.6631022

Sent ;)

>> No.6631033

we all know that a hair drier is good for drying your hairbut what is algo good for?
well you can hold it very close to your balls while masturating so it burns them sligthly, it feels amazing

>> No.6631035

but den it cost $$$

>> No.6631041
File: 119 KB, 650x727, hands free fapping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold an ice cream in each hand without them melting prematurely in the hot sun.

>> No.6631047

I imagine they'd be angrier if you did that rather than just take soda with a water cup.

>> No.6631049

When ordering subway ask for all vegetables so you get more for your money

>> No.6631050

Always touch what you eat to your chin before you put it in your mouth. It gives the illusion to the person who made the food that you ate it so face because of how good it was you made a mess.

>> No.6631055

If you grab the cashier's tits while she's serving you, you get to feel breasts and you can also get years worth of free food and accommodation

>> No.6631058

If your food's too hot just pour some milk on it to cool it down, you dumbass.

>> No.6631061

those umbrellas are not the same model

>> No.6631062

When you have diarrhoea, save it in a soup bowl and give it to the homeless. Recycling really does help the environment.

>> No.6631094

You can exchange money for food

>> No.6631104


>> No.6631113


prostate orgasms are the shit tho tbh

if you've got a sexy ass and are in shape there's literally no reason to not ride a dildo to a hands-free orgasm while watching sexually questionable pornography

>> No.6631128

why would you put soda in your hands

>> No.6631132

i laughed

>> No.6631217

You obviously don't know why the securing hook is there on the handle

>> No.6631247

Grease stains last longer if you apply some butter from time to time.

>> No.6631249

Steve brool pls go

>> No.6631255

Long Jong Silvers is stingy as fuck on the tartar sauce packets these days. Order small drink, go inside, fill cup with tartar from pump serve machine

>> No.6631303

What if I don't have sexy ass?

>> No.6631375
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>> No.6631377
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>> No.6631384
File: 54 KB, 750x545, 5a2c4b0893f8a3e810e65441b8dc84143ef81c83[1]..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this one particularly irksome and cringeworthy.

Maybe it's because it has absolutely no value, despite additional care and effort.

Clearly, we are the wrong demographic...

...something for the "wifey material" plebs to aspire to.

>> No.6631392
File: 68 KB, 720x509, 4fXioO0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there were a list of things that I would never make, this would be near the top of the list. Right below the AIDS salad.

>> No.6631395
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>> No.6631397

Why is it that like 80% of "life hacks" are either hobo tips, or just a justification for theft?

>> No.6631400
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>> No.6631405
File: 77 KB, 600x949, FjY8q5X[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is wrong on several levels:

You are turning already unhealthy / nutritionally bereft cereal into full blown Type II Diabetes confectionery.

The amount of effort this would take compared to spending an occasional dollar on a snack bar (one that you shouldn't be eating in the first place).

It costs you more in time and effort than it is worth and it won't taste as good, and it has no nutritional benefit.

God I am so angry about this misuse of cereal.

>> No.6631407
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>> No.6631411
File: 235 KB, 640x980, Dba5Opp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks fucking stupid but I'm intrigued.

Anyone here ever tried it?

I'd imagine it would take almost the same amount of time to pan fry a toasted cheese sandwich so I'm not really sure what the benefits of this particular "hack" are.

Also, I know it gets discussed often, but have we come up with an acceptable synonym for hack yet? Even my mother finds it embarrassing and she's not on the cutting edge of internet slang.

>> No.6631417
File: 63 KB, 971x585, total-county[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(admittedly outdated data)

>> No.6631423
File: 272 KB, 500x419, north-pole-map-jpg[1].jpg_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is the wrong thread and the wrong board, but I've always wanted to do a parody infographic showing the world and highlighting regions that usually turn up grey or blank and are labelled no data.

It would be hilarious because it would have Greenland, South Sahara (disputed territory) and Somalia in bright colours and the rest of the world would be blank.

Wait, no it wouldn't be hilarious, but I know there is a joke in there somewhere.

Any feedback appreciated, I'll share some of the uplikes when it goes viral I promise.

>> No.6631437

At which point you could buy a kilo of potatos and fry them instead.

>> No.6631440

fuck man, neither do you, asshole

>> No.6631441

Well your gay.

>> No.6631456
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>> No.6631461
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>> No.6631463
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>> No.6631468
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>> No.6631491

Spray chicken breast fillets with bug spray to kill the microbugs and then you can eat it raw. Make chicken sushi!

>> No.6631497

That sounded much better in my head. Sorry.

>> No.6631546

holy shit

and why is /ck/ such a weird board? food seems such a normal thing to talk about

>> No.6631570

Because you don't have a cup

>> No.6631575

>trying this hard to bait

>> No.6631576
File: 193 KB, 610x315, Food Hack6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6631577
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>> No.6631579
File: 217 KB, 600x414, Food Hack1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6631584
File: 64 KB, 460x682, Food Hack 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6631588
File: 126 KB, 567x960, Food Hack 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6631590
File: 44 KB, 538x706, Food Hack 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6631615

But why?

>> No.6631716
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why not just put it under hot water? lol

>> No.6631722


Ok I must admit this does seem legit, it would be a good way to help children learn to use chop sticks.

>> No.6631729

Yeah, I've tried it. It tastes like a grilled cheese, isn't bad.

>> No.6631730


First day on the Internet, friend?

>> No.6631749

You can also just microwave it for one minute.

>> No.6631763

Classic everyone loves raymond episode

>> No.6631764

I hate how this image tries to give the impression that this is not just a regular grilled cheese only in a roll form

>> No.6631796

I tried that shit once and it burned my dickhead. felt like I needed to go to the hospital

>> No.6631803

I tried that shit once and my microwave blew up

>> No.6631817

What about his gay? Finish your sentence man.

>> No.6631835

they make items just for that though, made out of safe soft plastic.

>> No.6631837 [DELETED] 

I find the correlation between urbanized areas and using the word "soda" interesting.

>> No.6631839

do people seriously coke when referring to anything but coca-cola

>> No.6631844 [DELETED] 

They're pretty fucking stupid down south.

>> No.6631880


I'm from FL, and I very rarely hear it used down here. I had a friend who grew up in Texas though, and he said that "coke" was used to refer to any type of soda, and when they asked, "what kind of coke?" people would order stuff like sprite, root beer, et cetera.

>> No.6631881

But the components are less expensive due to the rolling process.

>> No.6631886
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>> No.6631900

that just means most of the flyover states are wrong

>> No.6631902

Not necessarily. It's less filling so more may be eaten. Given that the ratio of cheese is higher, it could certainly be more expensive.

>> No.6631932

Bread is less expensive when you roll it.

>> No.6631958

This would be cute for a kids lunch box, which I'm sure is what it's intended for. If you can get your kid to eat pear that's touched olive.

>> No.6632046

I think it's probably not intended for that. One pear is already a lot of food for a kid, let alone with all those grapes. It looks like some sort of party food.

>> No.6632075


>> No.6632083

Because neckbeards enjoy seeing other neckbeards' microwaves explode when they put a METAL FUCKING SPOON in there.

>> No.6632089
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>> No.6632095

>low on money
>waste food by cutting off crusts
at least you get your le ebin foodie pics for instagram

>> No.6632102


What's an AIDS salad?

>> No.6632105

I'm from MS, and I've never heard it used as a generic name for all soda.

In my experience it is either "soft drink" or "soda" that is used as the general term.

>> No.6632123

lmao bruh

>> No.6632153

What actually happens? Is it the steam or does the heat melt the duct tape?

>> No.6632193

That would be Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes (the more deadly type) is not acquired through dietary habits.
These aren't the best example but depending on what you use, cereal bars can be quite healthy, so chill my angry friend.

>> No.6632244

I have a hairy ass, can I still ride a dildo?

>> No.6632247


Spoon goes pop in your hand

>> No.6632258

Not really. How are they going to learn if they never have to do it normally?

>> No.6632268

How does that even happen? Metal doesn't explode that easily.

>> No.6632269 [DELETED] 

Have you never heard of thermal shock? Did you not pay attention in physics class in high school, or are you just not old enough to have taken it yet?

>> No.6632311

Top keks

>> No.6632324

There's no way people are so dumb that all those pictures were from the same single thread.

>> No.6632326 [DELETED] 

First day on 4chan?

>> No.6632330


sure does

>> No.6632335


Why not make a fucking regular grilled cheese sandwich? Why the childish need to have it in "roll form" or whatever?

>> No.6632336 [DELETED] 


there you go

>> No.6632344


... huh, I guess so.

>> No.6632347

> implying sprite freezes evenly

>> No.6632396

It does if you let it go flat first

>> No.6632400
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1420607331807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made this kind of stuff in art class when i was a kid.

>> No.6632547


>dat St. Louis soda trend

>> No.6632552
File: 196 KB, 1200x798, filet-o-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds aren't waterproof

>> No.6632557

This actually works with gamma rays. You can eat irradiated pork raw.

>> No.6632580


I tried this life hack out today and it worked perfectly

>> No.6632591


This actually works, the Makarov pistol makes a handy bottle opener

>> No.6632608

/fit/, the post.

>> No.6632706


>> No.6632734

>You are turning already unhealthy / nutritionally bereft cereal into full blown Type II Diabetes confectionery.
>full blown Type II Diabetes
>Type II Diabetes

>That would be Type 2 Diabetes

No shit?

>> No.6632756

This is a joke post, right? How could anyone be dumb enough to actually stick their dick in a jalapeno?

>> No.6632914

Anyone actually done this? Would luv 2 see results, tks.

>> No.6632922 [DELETED] 

>How could anyone be dumb enough to actually stick their in a jalapeno?

I don't know. How could anyone be dumb enough to shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

>> No.6632972
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>> No.6633057


>> No.6633072

For you

>> No.6633111
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x3264, 20140530_175130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instantly reminded me of these little penguin snacks I made for a house party.
Carrots, olives, and a blob of cream cheese.
Got a lot of praise and laughter.

>> No.6633163


>> No.6633199

that's adorable, thanks for the idea
also checked

>> No.6633205


>> No.6633222

try it and find out

>> No.6633242

I'm not even going to give this a pass for being 2010, these people were just idiots.

>> No.6633257
File: 163 KB, 500x280, Use in Case of Something Adorable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633300


make the graph about something stupid and meta like

"rate of lack of data" or some shit

>> No.6633311

Does that actually taste good?

>> No.6633325

Alcohol absorbs through soft membranes faster than through the stomach and stomach acid actually destroys half of the alcohol before it gets to your blood.

Holding a shot of your favourite spirit to your eye for 30 seconds will absorb all the alcohol directly to your blood stream, leaving only the junk behind. If your eyes are bloodsthot afterwards you've done it right!

Look up 'osmosis' if you don't beleive me.

>> No.6633326

Everyone knows the best way to ingest alcohol is by shooting it up your ass.

>> No.6633340

True, but that's hella gay. Plus if you're too much of an eager beaver and take too much at once you'll just shit yourself. Trust me, it's a great way to ruin a party.

>> No.6633373

Well in case you dislike olives, it's horrible.
I made a tray full of them and put them in the fridge to await for a good moment to make my guests go OOOH, so they were pretty cold and fresh.
And with different kinds of cream cheese flavours you can try to mix and experiment.

>> No.6633397



>> No.6633402


I've done that many, many times. It works.

>> No.6633405

What, did you forget you're on 4chan?

>> No.6633456
File: 1.94 MB, 310x325, 1411014444912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the grill used in this hack isn't that far away from buying a $10 hibachi

where does one even find a grill like that to use?

>> No.6633477
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>> No.6633728


> would you like a drink with your order, sir?
> yes, please, I'll have a coke
> here's your order and coke, sir
> but sir...

>> No.6633734
File: 133 KB, 679x812, McDonalds Prank Call Damages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6633743

>Bread is less expensive when you roll it.
Possibly true. Roll up a loaf of bread in the store while it's in the bag and take it to the register and show them. Mention that it appears to be 'damaged goods' but you're willing to buy it at a considerable discount.
Then take it home and use your bicycle pump to re-inflate the bread back it's original form.

>> No.6633767

>terrorism charges for prank phone calls


>> No.6633781

this seems like a good idea for cutting in general. of course the blade would need to be sharper.

>> No.6633787

because it's gay.

>> No.6633794

$5 wouldn't buy you all that shit

fucking fakeass pinterest poorfags

>> No.6633795

I've done this one before. Classic.

>> No.6633805

looks like a terrifying amusement park ride, where Ronald McDonald pops out of the water all decaying and tries to drag you under.

>> No.6633807


>> No.6633808

Purposfully causing thousands of dollars in damage to businesses is a felony offense. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Although I agree it's a stretch calling it "terrorism", it's still highly illegal, so the dumb fuck should have known he'd get thrown in the joint.

>> No.6633810

less than $1

>> No.6633811
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>Then take it home and use your bicycle pump to re-inflate the bread back it's original form.

>> No.6633814


>> No.6633816

try mango instead of carrots next time. or even cheddar.

>> No.6633818


I live in Australia where shit costs like 3x as much as the US

>store brand white bread: $0.85
>12pk kraft singles: $3.79
>store brand butter: $1.40
>store brand tomato soup: $0.89

total AUD: $6.93
convert to USD: $5.30

>> No.6633819

i live in rural aus and this would cost me $15 easily

>> No.6633824

you don't fuck with mcdonald's.

>> No.6633826

How large is the thing of butter that $1.40 buys you? I only ever see the 8 oz and 16 oz ones. The 8 oz might sell for that much if they're on sale.

Unless you mean "butter" i.e. margarine. I've seen that sell for like $.79.

>> No.6633871
File: 141 KB, 565x800, photo_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse.
>guy calls McD's and somehow convinces manager to strip search an employee which leads to rape

>> No.6633897


250g, roughly 8oz

real butter


>> No.6633900
File: 72 KB, 1198x574, oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but he's talking about actual butter. 250 grams is about 8.82 ounces.
Butter is probably cheaper at Aldi but I dunno.

>> No.6634295

>Phone rings.
>Hello, this is the police. Could you get an underage employee in your office, strip her naked, and finger her vaginally as well as annally, please?
And as if this wasn't enough :
>Then we'll make a movie about it.

>> No.6634518

yard sales.